COMMENTTHE COLLEGE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO 144 | DECEMBER 2002 DOMINIC TURNER Queen opens King’s Maughan Library er Majesty The Queen, library and information services Lucas and the Chairman of Continued on page 2 Patron of King’s College centre for King’s makes it the Council, Baroness Rawlings. HLondon, officially opened largest new university library Baroness Rawlings then presented the College’s new Maughan facility in Britain since World Sir Deryck and Lady Maughan, in Library on 14 November. War II. whose honour the Library has This magnificent building, The Queen and His Royal been named in recognition of formerly the Public Record Highness The Duke of Edinburgh their generous donation to its Office, is widely regarded as a were met by The Rt Hon the restoration, and their daughter, masterpiece of neo-gothic archi- Lord Mayor of the City of Chelsea Maughan. Mrs Vivien tecture. It is believed that its London, Alderman Gavyn Arthur, Robertson, Site Services Manager transformation into a modern the Principal, Professor Arthur for the Library, was also presented. 2 Queen’s Anniversary Prize | 3 Tom Ridge | 4 25 years of Nursing | 5 Russian Deputy Minister of Justice | 6 DNA at King’s | 8 & 9 The Royal Visit in pictures | 13 Flashback: Nobel Laureates | 15 Student news | 16 Art exhibitions News those at Shrivenham) and a which has so far been spectacu- Letter from the King’s wins turnover of £2 million. larly successful. War Studies is one of only Chairman of Council My fellow Council members Queen’s prize two such departments in the and senior officers await with country to be consistently The highlight of this term for me great interest new Government ing’s has been awarded a awarded the highest rating over was the opening of the Maughan plans for higher education which prestigious Queen’s Anni- the last three RAEs, and in 2001 Library by HM The Queen and are due to be unveiled in Jan- versary Prize for Higher and both the Departments of War HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. uary. It is no secret that every K Further Education. The award is Studies and Defence Studies This was a truly memorable university in the country has in in recognition of the achieve- were also awarded the highest occasion enjoyed by a large num- recent years been under consid- ments of the War Studies Group possible mark of 24 by the QAA ber of staff and students, and one erable financial pressure. We can as a whole, as exemplified by the for the quality of their teaching. that signified the final stage in only hope that these plans fully Defence Studies Department’s Members of the War Studies the long process of transforming address the problem, without work at the Joint Services Com- Group play an important national this wonderful building into a compromising academic inte- mand and Staff College (JSCSC) and international role in the modern library. grity or the potential of young over the past six years. development of defence and Other distinguished visitors to people, from all backgrounds, to Since the Cold War, the security policy, working with the College continue to under- study at university. requirement for command and governments, international organ- line the esteem in which it is Best wishes for a very Happy defence decision-making has isations and NGOs. Its remit cov- held. In recent weeks we have Christmas and a successful New undergone considerable change, ers studies supporting the ‘New welcomed the new Archbishop Year. necessitating a new approach to Chapter’ of the Ministry of of Canterbury, key US Presiden- military education that has been Defence’s Strategic Defence tial adviser Tom Ridge and met through an academic-mili- Review, advising countries in Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney, tary partnership at the JSCSC, Africa and Asia seeking to assert the latter delivering a fascinating whose mission is to ‘provide civilian control over their military lecture as part of the College’s The Baroness Rawlings command and staff training at establishments, and offering Year of Humanities 2002-3, Chairman of Council junior, advanced and higher comment and analysis to the EDE & RAVENSCROFT levels for all three Services to a world’s media. world-class standard’. Education King’s also won the Prize in and training at the JSCSC is pro- 1996 in recognition of the work vided by 40 academics from of the Centre of Medical Law & King’s who are now based in Ethics. a new purpose-built facility Principal Professor Arthur at Shrivenham, in addition to Lucas commented: ‘It is a tremen- military staff who are appointed dous honour for the College to for a term of duty. receive the Queen’s Anniversary The War Studies Group (com- Prize, and this is in recognition of prising the Department of War how our staff in the War Studies Studies, the Defence Studies Group have so rapidly, and so Department at JSCSC and the confidently, become a vital part Baroness Rawlings and Principal Professor Lucas with Lord Rothschild, who was International Policy Institute) has of the academic training of the made an Honorary Fellow of King’s earlier this year and was recently awarded the over 80 academic staff (including British armed forces.’ Order of Merit by The Queen Continued from page 1 nity to speak to The Queen and The Duke. over 100 guests in the Weston Room, formerly The tour progressed to the Foyle Special the Rolls Chapel and renamed following a The Royal Party then spent nearly an hour Collections Library where the College’s donation from the Garfield Weston Founda- touring the building, seeing significant fea- Special Collections and Rare Books are tion. Members of the Library Appeal Board, tures of the £35 million, two-year creation of located in a purpose-designed facility. This donors and supporters, staff, the project a state-of-the-art library and meeting stu- was named in recognition of a grant from the team, contractors and current and former dents, staff and donors. Foyle Foundation and members of the Foyle members of College Council were presented The project architects, Gaunt Francis family and Trustees of the Foyle Foundation during the reception. Before she left, The Associates, gave a short presentation on the were introduced. Queen unveiled the plaque to officially open refurbishment and restoration of the build- The Royal party was then shown a spec- the building. ing. The Queen and Prince Philip toured the tacular panel of stained glass depicting the The Queen last visited King’s in 1978 law and history libraries and met Royal Arms of King George IV, originally in when she opened the Strand Building. students from those disciplines, together the east window of the Rolls Chapel. Its with library assistants and current sabbatical restoration was funded by the Crown Estate officers from the Students’ Union and many and it now hangs by the staff entrance. Turn to page 8 for more pictures of the Royal others who enjoyed an unexpected opportu- The visit concluded with a reception for visit. 2|COMMENT | December 2002 News Top Bush aide gives major speech at King’s MOHAMED PANCHBAYA om Ridge, Assistant to the President consequences. Our public safety and health for Homeland Security, gave a keynote infrastructures can be quickly overwhelmed, T speech at King’s Strand Campus on producing casualties in the thousands or tens 7 November. In it he warned that America of thousands. This is the inescapable reality and its allies faced the threat of terrorism ‘for of the 21st century.’ the foreseeable future’ adding that al-Qaeda During the lengthy question and answer ‘remains our most immediate and serious session afterwards, impressionist and King’s threat’. alumnus Rory Bremner asked the Governor The lecture, entitled Protecting against the about his country’s ‘catastrophic failure’ to Global Threat: Strategies from American Home- avoid the September 11 hijacks. land Security, was Governor Ridge’s only The lecture was covered by national and major speech on this, his first official visit to international media and afterwards David the UK. He was sworn in as the first Assis- Frost interviewed Governor Ridge at King’s tant to the President for Homeland Security for his Breakfast with Frost programme. on 8 October 2001 – a post established fol- lowing the tragic events of September 11. He also said: ‘Our transportation networks, Presidential power generating plants and industries can Assistant: Tom Ridge be attacked with potentially catastrophic outlines his strategies for homeland security ensuring that prison manage- ment operates within an ethical context is by measuring it against Ministers launch King’s the wide range of human rights covenants and standards relating to imprisonment. This is exactly Prison Handbook what this new Handbook sets out to do. I believe it will meet a frequently expressed need in ack Straw, the Secretary ment in November. The book The FCO will be sending two many countries and hope that it of State for Foreign and translates universally agreed stan- copies to every UK embassy and will become a standard text for JCommonwealth Affairs, and dards on prison reform into prac- high commission while ICPS will training prison staff all around the Hilary Benn, Prisons Minister, tical guidance for prison staff. distribute the handbook to prison world.’ together launched a major new Written by Dr Andrew Coyle, services around the world as well handbook on prison manage- Director of the International as to international bodies such Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS) as the UNHCR, the Council Hope that it will become a PATRICK TSU at King’s and funded by the of Europe, ICRC and WHO. standard text for training FCO’s Human Rights Project It is currently being translated prison staff all around the Fund, it is entitled A Human into Arabic, French, Russian, world Rights Approach to Prison Man- Spanish and Turkish and the vari- agement.
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