LLindainda CClarklark Volume 60 Number 39 | September 28 , 2015 LLookingooking ttoo bbuyuy oorr ssell?ell? MMakeake yyourour mmoveove wwithith LLinda!inda! 15% newspaper.comnewsppaappeerr..com Military MARPAC NEWS CCFBFB Esquimalt,Esquimalt, VVictoria,ictoria, B.C.B.C Discount [email protected]@shaw.ca • 2250-213-719450-213-7194 250•381•8725 878 Viewfi eld Rd. ssmartmovevictoria.commartmovevictoria.com www.upakstorage.com VeteransVeterans andand CadetsCadets markmark BattleBattle ofof BritainBritain 75th75th Capt Cheryl Major from the Fraser Blues Air several veterans, thanking pilots were killed in action Image by Capt Cheryl Major RCSU (Pac) Demonstration Team and them for their service. during the Battle of Britain Reviewing Officer a special visit from two The Battle of Britain was and it is marked as a time Never in the Brigadier-General Blaise More than 1,000 air Royal Canadian Air Force the first major campaign that Canadian pilots dis- field of human Frawley speaks with vet- cadets paraded at Boundary F-18s. during the Second World tinguished themselves erans along with cadet Bay Airport on Sunday, The Reviewing Officer War to be fought entirely among the allied forces. conflict was so parade commander Sept. 20 to commemorate for the parade was BGen by air forces. In 1940, the The Battle of Britain much owed WO2 Katie Lee during th the 75 Anniversary of the Blaise Frawley, Deputy allied forces maintained inspired Winston the 75th Anniversary Commander of 1 Canadian air superiority over the Churchill’s famous quote, by so many Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain The parade began with a Air Division in Winnipeg. German Luftwaffe and “Never in the field of to so few. Commemorative Parade fly-past of a Harvard from Before beginning his prevented them from human conflict was so the Canadian Museum of inspection of the cadets, invading the British coast. much owed by so many to Winston Churchill at Boundary Bay Airport Flight, a demonstration he visited and inspected Twenty-three Canadian so few.” on Sunday, Sept. 20. Keith Johnson Account Manager “ Mobile: 250.516.1457 Fax: 250.384.2800 Your supply Email: [email protected] connection! 2015 Government Street, Victoria, BC V8T 4N9 2 • LOOKOUT September 28, 2015 DIAMOND OPTICAL CFMETR celebrates 50 years with the public DD RX Forms Deanne Gillespie a unit of this size to under- and Sound Ranging Vessel Visitors also had the Accepted CFMETR take such an event is indeed CFAV Stikine, on which opportunity to get “hands- Administration Officer amazing.” crew explained its mobile on” with an 81mm mor- Every two years, and stationary target tar at the 5th B.C. Field Dark clouds and rainy CFMETR invites the pub- launching capabilities. The Regiment’s display, shoot a skies couldn’t dampen lic for an in-depth look at United States Navy con- fire hose with the CFMETR the spirits of the near- the assets and operations of tributed two support ves- Fire Detachment and go on ly 2,400 visitors to the this unique, jointly-operat- sels to the day: a Torpedo a rip around the harbour in Canadian Forces Maritime ed Canada/U.S. facility. Weapon Recovery (TWR) a rigid-hull inflatable boat. Experimental and Test The “star” attraction this vessel, which showed off its The Naden Band’s Ranges’ (CFMETR) Open year was the unique oppor- torpedo recovery capabili- Dixieland Group and the House in Nanoose Bay, B.C. tunity to tour submarine ties, and the Yard Torpedo Qualicum Legion Pipe HMCS Chicoutimi. More Tender (YTT) Discovery Band, provided entertain- ES on Sept. 19. L FRAM The clouds eventually than 300 lucky visitors Bay, which featured its tor- ment while guests learned OFF AL 550%0% OFF ALL FRAMES parted and the sun shone descended into the belly pedo launching tubes and about CFMETR’s Range down on the record- of the Victoria-class sub- remotely-operated vessel Operating Centre on VICTORIA $ BESTBEST $ marine, which was com- for underwater exploration. Winchelsea Island, Area CONTACT LENS breaking crowd attending RON BOYCE the event celebrating 50 missioned on Sept. 3. Line- Interest wasn’t dedicated Whisky Golf, sonobuoy 1320 Douglas St. PRICE IN TOWN years of operating the joint ups to see the vessel were to just the naval resourc- testing and Sea King sonar 250-380-6919 EYE EXAMS U.S./Canadian Underwater constant from the moment es – the Canadian Armed repair and overhaul. Tracking Range. CFMETR’s gates opened Forces airborne assets made Cdr Rich thanked “all the Victoria • Oak Bay • Nanaimo • Duncan “Many of the people I until the very end of the an appearance as well. A people of the mid-Island www.diamondeyecare.ca spoke to mentioned that event. Thrilled at this once- CH-124 Sea King heli- region who came out, and they had no idea of the in-a-lifetime-opportunity, copter from Patricia Bay’s who were not discouraged wide range of activities several guests exclaimed 443 Maritime Helicopter by the weather, to gain a How can you support that we undertake here at that the wait was well Squadron was there for better understanding of just CFMETR” said CFMETR’s worth the chance to tour visitors to explore, as was what their Canadian Armed Commanding Officer, Cdr this elusive, stealthy mem- the civilian helicopter that Forces and Department of Habitat for Darren Rich. “I wish to ber of the Royal Canadian is used to recover launched National Defence person- thank all those who partici- Navy’s fleet. torpedoes and patrol the nel – and our American pated in the planning and Guests could also tour range. Its display included brethren who work along- execution of this event. For smaller vessels, includ- a retrieval net, complete side of us at CFMETR - do Humanity ing the Canadian Torpedo with a MK 54 torpedo. day in and day out.” Victoria? • SHOP at the ReStore - New and gently used materi- als for a fraction of retail price • DONATE home improvement, building materials and appliances - Drop off or arrange for a free pickup • VOLUNTEER at the ReStore and the construction sites in our community - contact us for more details. 849 Orono Avenue, Langford 250-386-7867 • [email protected] 331H Oak Street, Victoria (250) 386-7867 • [email protected] Visitors line up to see the inside of a Sea King helicopter. Military Rate! Dr. Joseph King One of Canada’s most trusted surgeons with over 100,000 procedures and 15 years experience. If you want to experience freedom VICTORIA • SURREY from glasses and contact lenses, now is the time! Minutes from Base at #201-3550 Saanich Road Individual results may vary. September 28, 2015 LOOKOUT • 3 Fitness instructor keeps HMCS Winnipeg crew fit at sea Rachel Lallouz and space for physical fit- day, fitting meal times in Staff Writer ness can be difficult at between classes. times. But with the moti- One of the perks of Personnel Support vation of the crew to stay being deployed with the Programs Fitness healthy and active, my job ship has been exploring Instructors normally is so enjoyable.” the different European spend their days keep- Due to limited open ports the ship has visited. ing military members space on the ship, Verrier “The port visits are fit on dry land, but has had to be creative in amazing and viewing all CFB Esquimalt’s Sylvan the planning of his classes of the variety in culture Verrier is spending six and activities. and history is a once-in- months keeping sailors fit “Before boarding, I a-lifetime experience,” he at sea. researched lots of fitness says. Verrier has joined the ideas and varieties of class So far, he has visited crew of HMCS Winnipeg styles,” he says. Palma de Mallorca and on Operation Reassurance, When the ship is at sea, Ferrol in Spain, Aksaz in Canada’s contribution he makes use of space- Turkey, London in the to NATO assurance efficient kettlebells, United Kingdom and measures in Europe. dumbbells, boxing gear, Porto in Portugal. He was posted to and skipping ropes in In his down time at sea, Winnipeg in mid-July as his classes, depending on Verrier helps members the Fitness Sports and when members are avail- with their tasks or walks Recreation Coordinator able and what the weather around the ship, learn- with the task of helping is like. ing about what members the ship’s crew stay in “Days at sea are ever must do for their indi- top physical form until changing,” says Verrier. “It vidual positions. they return home in early is quite rare to have a day “At the base, I get to 2016. go exactly as planned.” see how hard so many “Improving the health When the ship pulls members of the CAF and wellness of the crew alongside in foreign ports, work every day. But the is my goal,” says Verrier. Verrier organizes extra appreciation I have for “The majority of the crew running time, fitness those same members has wants to improve their classes and sports with only increased based on overall fitness and some the additional space. He’s my experience on board want more specific train- organized five kilometre so far. They have to spend ing to reach their goals.” fleet runs at several ports, so much time away from Through personal fit- and when the ship docked home, work extremely ness programs, group fit- in Turkey he helped facil- long hours and deal with ness classes, sports and itate soccer games with stressful situations.” recreational activities, and local military teams. Verrier says his expe- dissemination of health During a typical day, rience seeing firsthand promotion material, Verrier rises at 5:30 a.m.
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