Saint Gertrude Parish A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 303 Franklin Ave • Vandergrift, Pennsylvania 15690 August 13, 2017 The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. James Loew, O.S.B. Pastor, (724) 568-2331 Fax: (724) 568-2030 Sr. Mercy Francis, S.M.I., Margaret Yucas Pastoral Ministers Mr. James Peterman Coordinator of Religious Formation (724) 568-2331 or (724) 845-8191. Katie Tylinski (724) 212-6740 Youth Minister Coordinator [email protected] Cardinal Maida Academy Mrs. Patricia Visnick, Principal School Phone (724) 568-3304 School Fax (724) 567-1900 Patti Donghia-Albert Music Director Baptisms By appointment. Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call for classes Marriage Arrangements must be made at least 8 months in advance. No mar- riage dates will be given until meeting with the priest and all preparation is ready. Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Pastoral Council Mission Statement Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. We, the partnered parish communities of St. Gertrude and Christ the King, are faith-filled Catholics who have been called by our Baptism and empowered by Weekday Mass Schedule the Good News of Jesus Christ to be Church for all. Although made up of multi- cultural faith communities we are ever united by our common faith. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Wednesday 9:15 a.m. School Mass We are committed to “building up the Body of Christ” through Word, Worship, Holy Day Mass Schedule Evangelization, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, and Fellowship. Dedicated to deepening our love of Christ and one another, together we strive to become a Holy Day ~ 9:00 am, 6:00 pm living reflection of Christ for our region. We willingly accept our obligation to be the “Light of the World” for others and Office Hours in that spirit we promise to use our resources to practice gospel justice, to heal Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 divisive wounds among God’s People and to join with all people of good will in Friday– Closed addressing the spiritual and physical needs of all. Confessions Saturday ~ 3:15-3:45 pm or by appointment ST. GERTRUDE PARISH Treasures From Our Tradition Today’s Readings Nothing to Fear The Roman Canon, called Eu- First Reading -- Elijah waits on A rabbi was asked why God sends charistic Prayer I, is probably the mountain for the LORD to trials and troubles into human seldom heard in your parish. pass by (1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a). lives. "Because God gets lonely Some priests will choose it for Psalm -- Lord, let us see your for his people" was the reply. at least one of the Masses of kindness, and grant us your salva- There is some resonance with this tion (Psalm 85). Christmas, or the Easter Vigil. wisdom in today's Gospel, as Je- Second Reading -- From the Isra- sus makes his disciples get into a Such sparing use of this prayer elites, with their law and the boat without him and goes off seems strange, especially prophets, comes the Christ alone while they venture into since it was the only Eucharis- (Romans 9:1-5). stormy waters. Of course, neither tic Prayer in the Latin Rite for Gospel -- As Jesus walked on the Jews nor Christians believe that many centuries, from as long sea, the disciples were terrified the Almighty plays this sort of ago as 500 right up to 1970. (Matthew 14:22-33). whimsical game with them, but In 1965, the vernacular lan- there is some truth in the state- guage was approved for the Readings for the Week ment that we don't turn to God canon of the Mass. Almost im- for saving help until we're in a mediately, some experimental Monday: Dt 10:12-22; Ps 147:12- bind. Peter's role today, as it is 15, 19-20; Mt 17:22-27 texts began to surface in the throughout the New Testament, is Tuesday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15- to be a sign or to represent each Netherlands, and priests began 16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, member of the church and the to use new Dutch texts with- 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk whole church. Our story is the out permission. By 1966, Pope 11:27-28 tale told about Peter's faith to- Paul VI had set up a commit- Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; day. What can bolster our faith is tee to consider whether or not Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; that even when Christ calls us to it was time to approve such Lk 1:39-56 face bravely the tempests of life, experimentation and extend it Wednesday: Dt 34:1-2; Ps 66:1- if we are walking through them to non-Dutch churches. No 3a, 5, 8, 16-17; Mt 18:15-20 with our eyes fixed on him in sooner had the committee Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13- faith, we have nothing to fear. been formed than other indi- 17; Ps 114:1-6; Mt 18:21 -- 19:1 Even when we falter or sink, Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Ps 136:1-3, viduals copied the Dutch by simply crying "Lord, save me!" is 16-18, 21-22, 24;Mt 19:3-12 enough to help us know the just plunging on ahead. The Saturday: Jos 24:14-29; Ps 16:1- steady grasp of God's hand. Then, Dutch bishops had approved 2a, 5, 7-8, 11; Mt 19:13-15 sheltered inside the walls of the use of the new prayers na- Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7; Ps 67:2-3, faith, the storms we endure lose tionwide in 1968, and Flemish 5, 6, 8; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt their power over us. bishops in Belgium quickly 15:21-28 agreed. By then, German translations of the Dutch pray- Spaghetti Dinner ers were in wide use, and be- fore long nearly one hundred Ministries to provide dessert and/ Eucharistic Prayers, all unap- or work in August: August 10, Men’s Club, Finance, Lectors. proved, were in circulation in With the joy of Baptism we August 24, St. Vincent de Paul, France. The Vatican heard the welcome into the family of Choir, Mercy Lunch. God: widespread desire for more variety in Eucharistic Prayer Please note new prices in effect forms, and, with the pope's as of August 10: Large dinner Jaxon Vaughn Penska, son of approval, the process of creat- $8.00; Small dinner $6.00; Meat- Timothy Penska & Shauna ing new official prayers began. ball Hoagie $4.00. Stripling. We offer our love and best wishes to this child and his family. The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 13, 2017 of conception until natural Please bring a side dish or a death. A powerful response dessert. We are looking for to this call is prayer. All are readers, altar servers, ushers Memorial Candle invited to join together for and greeters in 6th-12th Louis Cocco the Holy Mass every first grades. We need volunteers by Don Cocco Wednesday of the month in for the upcoming AMPs. support of God’s great gift of Please sign up through the life. Youth Ministry Office. If you provide the food we will re- Knights of Columbus imburse you. Please note August 19th & 20th that there was a typo and the Knights of Columbus Annual Youth Masses are held at St. 4:00p.m. ~ Casey & Renee Family Picnic will be held at James. Tomiczek Kunkle Park on August 16. The price for attendance is Thank you to everyone who 8:00a.m. ~Joey & Nicholas $6.00. $3.00 for children. has supported FUSED 4 Youth DiFilippio Children under 12 are Free. Ministry’s mission to help the Please RSVP to Jeffrey Stew- poor of Nigeria. Anyone who 10:30a.m. ~ Ashley & Brianna art at (412) 736-7769. is still looking to support our Scanga mission to the poor of Nigeria Christ the King Bake Sale please forward to the Youth Collection July 29 & 30 Ministry Office Attn: Katie. Christ the King Church, is It’s not too late to donate. holding a “Summer Bake Envelopes ~ $5,867.00 Sale” on Saturday, August Christ Life Loose ~ $321.00 26th from 9 AM to 5 PM in the Utilities ~ $33.00 Is your heart restless? Are you Church Restoration ~ $181.00 parish hall. Delicious home- baked fruit pastries, cinna- searching for meaning in your life? Join us for the 8 week St. Gertrude School Reunion mon rolls, bread sticks, buns and cookies will be available series of Discovering Christ. Good food and fellowship be- for purchase! The Saint Gertrude school re- ginning on October 1st and it’s union committee will be hold- FREE! Registration forms in Cardinal Maida Academy ing a meeting on August 16, the vestibule. 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bari Social hall. If you are inter- Now accepting new students ested in helping plan the please call the school (724) Ministry to the Homebound event please attend. 568-3304 for information. For those homebound parish- Respect Life Mass Fused 4 Youth Ministry ioners who are unable to at- tend Mass due to illness, inju- St. James the Greater Church People of all ages are wel- ry, or transportation prob- Apollo. A Respect Life Mass come to attend our Youth lems, one of our volunteer th will be offered every first Mass on Sunday, August 27 ministers can bring the com- Wednesday of the month at 7 at 5:00 PM at St.
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