vv7E. L. C OME: HOM RALLY F'OR OUR OWN BERGE"-1 FREEDOM RIDERS Barbara Kay, Byron Baer, Rabbi Herm n TIME: SPO~SORS - (Partial List) • . SAT. OCT. 21, 8 P.M. Charles c. Parlin Sr., Chairman Father Gabriel Ashle, Englewood Rev. G.L. Blackewll, Hackensack ~l,ACf,;: . Rabbi Irwin M. Blank, Tenafly UNITARIAN Arnold Brown, Englewood · CHVR~H ~ev. Harry E. Chase, Englewood 156 Forest Avenue, Rev. John Dexheimer, Hillsdale Paramus, near Rt. 4 Monroe Dowling, Exec. Plr.Orban League Fred Ferber, Mahwah · ' Rev. c. D. Follansbee, Demarest Augustus Harrison, ~res.Berg. Co. PROGRAM: Rev. George Howard, faramus Rev. James A. Mitchell, ~nglewood *MEET AND HEAR THE Rev. Charies Post. Leonia FREEDOM RIDERS The Promethians, Englewood · *SPEAKERS Howard R~dest, Fairlawn *ENTERTAINMENT ilabbt Selig Salkowitzt Fairl$wn *SONGS FROM PRISON Rabbi Louts Sletel, Teatlec~ llev. Mshlon ·"· ~mlth,Jr·.. , l.>ai.-amus ~ev. Walter Taylor, Englewood ~a\:>bi ¥tdr~ Qngar, Westwoo~ kabbl Judah Washer. teaneck jADf1ISSl0N fREE~ Women·'s ~n\•~ ~a~ue foi;- t>eac~ & .Freedom [ ,l vJE. L. C OME: HOM RALLY FOR OUR OWN BERGE~f . FREEDOM RIDERS. Barbara Kay, Byron Baer, TIME: SPOJ.'..JSORS - (Partial List) • . · SAT.OCT. 2 t 8 P.M. Charles c. Parlin Sr., Chairman Father Gabriel Ashie, Englewood .Rev. G.L. Blackewll, Hackensack ~l,,ACE: . Rabbi Irwin M. Blank, Tenafly UNlTARlAN Arnold Brown, Englew~od . CHVR~H Rev. Harry E. C~ase, Englewood John Dexheimer, Hillsdale 156 Forest Avenue, Rev. Monroe Dowling, Exec. Olr.Vrban League Paramus, near Rt. 4 Fred Ferber, Mahwah · ' Rev. c. D. Follansbee, Demarest Augustus Harri~o~, ~res.Berg. Co. Rev. George Howard, faramus . PROGRAM: Rev. Jame~ A, Mitchell, Englewood *MEET AND HEAR THE Rev. Charles Post, Leonia The Promethians, Englewood : FREEDOM RIDERS *SPEAKERS Howard Rpdest, ~alrlawn *ENTERTAINMENT Rabbt Selig Salkowitz. Fairlawn *SONGS FROM PRISON Rabbi Louts S1etel, Teailec)t . Rev. Mahlon H. Smith,Jr·,., PaX"amus ~ev. Walter Taylor, En~leWQod ~a'l;>b* 4t1dr~ Qngar, \.kstwooc;l kabbl Judah Washer, teane~k IADf11SSION fREE~ Women·'s Int •t League for l>eac~ & ,X,eedorn ' . ' ....~~· __.__;._· -----~ [ 21 Byron, I don~t fe~l t his is a s good as the orig i nal,but I'm a fra id it's he et I can o •• from memory. I hope you'll find it s a tisfactory for 9-S es . ~our fellow rider, David 'WE SHALL OVERCOME" a national org;n,zation with affjliated .-loc"i1:groups working , :·: ;... - ,.,._ = ~,,., '. "'~""'" !~ ab_ol~~by direct, nonviolent methods 38 PARK ROW NEW YORK 38, NEW YORK Cortlandt 7-0035 Carl Rachlin, Esq . general counsel ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ralph Abernathy James Baldwin Roger N. Ba ldwin Algernon D. Black James B. Carey Allan Knight Chalmers We hive cor..if~:o.'f,cl~ ~,itfi, "t'&nmQ,,. Grenville Clark can h-ec].p ~ U : 'l<>u r110yl.it r1r il John Cogley Earl B. Dickerson art& a·~k ~em · '.~ v( st:~. ~ opt' Eugene E. Frazier -the priso1;1e;rs i.'f ·he is, at4 _ Harold Gibbons Roland B. Gittelsohn to one pf tfie rninl.ste,i, s, Sidney Hollander As i:i t:esult of paren,ts, wr George M. Houser E. Stanley Jones mi tted to, enter P~fr.c;hman,, Bishop F. D. Jordan clergy.men -that yoo co.ntac Martin Luther King Douglas Levin allowed to visit. Please David Livingston man who :ls of yout- faith. Will Maslow A. J. Muste the prisoners, they will Dorothy Norman A. Philip Randolph Ira DeA. Reid He have receive~ inquirtes from .. you cancernin:g communications Walter P. Reuther with Fr.eedom Riders during their stay in Jackson. CORE tries to main­ Jackie Robinson Arnold M. Rose tain constant contact with them. Thls is done through the attorney, Lillian Smith in coming anc releas·ed Freedom Riders, and through the ministers. Gardner Taylor Howard Thurman CORE stands ready to post bond money as requested by the prisoners. Goodwin Watson Once out, we supply money for transportation home. Jerry Wurf Charles S. Zimmerman OFFICERS Unfortunately, while your child is in Parchman he may only write two Charles R. Oldham lett.en Weekly. Oftentimes the mail you send him arrives 14 to 17 d~ys chairman Henry Hodge late, many times it never reaches him. CORE has devised a system vice chairman Riders memorize important personal messages for Anna Holden whereby new Freedom secretary those already in Parchman. This form of conmrunication will help to Lula A. Farmer treasurer maintain a high level of morale for those in jail. James Peck CORE!ator editor regional representatives Again, let me urge you to contact the men on the enclosed list. Please Gladys Harrington let us know of any progress made by those you asked to contact your child. Walter Hayes William Larkins Evelyn J. Rich Sincerely yours, Frank Robinson Sterling Stuckey Earl L. Walter ~~::'9~ 1? (-~7 STAFF Gordon R. Carey Thomas Gaither Field Director Richard Haley Genevieve Hughes James T. McCain P.S. If th~ minister or rabbi finds that your son or daughter is in Joseph P. Perkins, Jr. field secretaries need of some of the basic necessities (towels, toothpaste, toilet Gordon R. Carey CORE Field Secretary, field director paper-no books) ask him to contack Tom Gaither, Marvin Rich at &dward Lee Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi who will supply him with community relations director James R. Robinson these articles to take into the jail. membership director James Farmer national director GRC:jk THE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 2881 COLDWATER CANYON BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA CRESTVIEW 1-8210 November 11, 1961 Mr. Byron Baer 135 Belmont Englewood, New Jersey Dear Mr. Baer: Just been t alking with Bob Singleton about r ai s ing bail bond money, etc. I have a project started and he suggested that you could help m e. I'm collecting t apes of speeches by I':ing, Abernathy, Shut­ tlesvw rth, etc. in an attempt to make an L.P. r ecord for na­ tional distribution. I'd like to include songs written and sung by the sit-ins, Freedom Riders, etc. Bob says you have such a col lection. Do you and vrill you lend it to me? I td like to see anything and everything . We'd be glad to stand any ex­ penses it would cos t you for paper, mailing, t apes or typing,i The project i s just get t ing organi zed, so I can 't promi s e any­ thing further in r esults y et, but I'm r eally eager. Bob says you are a genius at invention. I'll be in New York the last part of November on through December helping to get a m usical play entitled Fly Blackbird together for off-Broad­ way. It deals vdth the kids involved in the movement. If you're in New York, look me up. I'd like to talk with you. My partner's address is: C. B. Jackson 706 Herkime r Street Brooklyn 33 Phone : SLocum 6-3449 Please let me .know s oon about the s ongs a t t he California address on the front of the e nvelope. Altina Car ey for James Hatch P.O. Box X Misenheimer, North Carolina May 25, 196'+ Dear Freedom Rider: Two year& ago, . I began a· study :of "The Freedom Riders. 11 The follow­ ing 1s a summary of the findings of that study. May I express my appreciation for your assistance in the project? I trust that ~his summary will repay, in some meas~, your labor in completing the questionnaires which you received. f J.. The questionnaires were mailed to 301 "Freedom Riders" ·(FRB). Included .in the, total of 301 were those FRs whose names were on file in the New York City office 6f CORE during the period of May 1-4, 1962, and who were arrested in connection with the Freedom Rides which focused on the inter-state transportation fac1'lit1es in Jackson, Mississippi; and those persons who were a part of ·. the Freedom Ride which left Washington, D.C., on May 4, 1961. I . 2. • ·. This report focuses up.on 260 of the above noted 301. (Forty-one ' FRs are excluded from -~his report. Included in the 41 are the 33 FRs whose permanent address at the time of the Freedom Rides was Jackson, Miss., and 8 FRs who did not receive the .questionnaires which had been mailed to them.) · , · 3. The distribution of the 260 FRs, in terms of geographic division, ' . age, sex and race may be seen in the following table ... Geographic AGE bivision* Under 20 20-24 25-34 35 & Older Total Negro West 2 14 8 2 26 Males North 3 15 8 4 30 {N=93) South 12 14 6 -2 37 ~ ~ 22 , 11 93 Negro ' west 3 2 2 0 ,, ' 7 I Females North 2 4 l 0 7 (N=33) ·south 9 ~ 0 0 19 (S., 1, , 14 15 - 0 age unknown) 3 33 Caucasian West 3 15 10 37 Males North 9 22 14 7 52 - (N=90) South 1 o. 0 0 1 n 37 23 -17 90 Caucasian West 4 \. 5 4 16 · ~males North 6 8 ~ 4 26 (N=44) South 2 0 0 0 2 -12 -13 -11 8 44 * In this study, the geographic divisions were defined as 'follows: ,South, the 11 states which were united in. tbe Confederacy; North, tfie District of Columbia,· and the states to the north of Texas, Arkansas., Tennessee, and Virginia; and to the east of Oklahoma,Kan­ sas, Nebraska, s. Dakota and N, Dakota; west, the relll8.1n1ng states. t"":""t - . Llt:~J ,•- As these fi~ures.
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