2010 MASSACHUSETTS JCL CERTAMEN ADVANCED DIVISION – ROUND I 1. TU: What wife did Paris abandon when he decided to marry Helen? OENONE B1: Who saved Paris from being killed by Menelaüs in single combat? APHRODITE / VENUS B2: What mortal gave Paris the wound that caused his death? PHILOCTETES 2. TU: Please give a synonym of cunctus. T B1: Please give a synonym of subsidium. AUXILIUM B2: Please give a synonym of . 3. TU: What Latin author, born at Arpinum in 106 BC, was the author of speeches such as , and ? (MARCUS TULLIUS) CICERO B1: In which of the speeches listed in the toss-up did Cicero advocate for Pompey's command of Roman forces in the East? B2: Which of the speeches listed in the toss-up was delivered first? 4. TU: Please give the singular, present imperatives of . UNGUE, UNGUERE B1: Change the forms ungue and unguere to the plural. B2: Give the singular and plural imperatives of sum. ES, ESTE 5. TU: Give the Latin root and its meaning from which “menagerie” is derived. – TO STAY B1: Give the Latin root and its meaning from which “quarantine” is derived. - FORTY (or QUATTUOR – FOUR) B2: Give the Latin root and its meaning from which “menu” is derived. PARVUS – SMALL (accept MINUO – TO MAKE SMALLER, LESSEN, DIMINISH) 6. TU: Who was proclaimed emperor of Rome after the premature news of the death of Marcus Aurelius in 175 AD? AVIDIUS CASSIUS B1: Who was said to have encouraged Avidius Cassius’ claim to the throne because she believed Marcus Aurelius was on his deathbed and her son Commodus was too young to rule? FAUSTINA THE YOUNGER B2: Whom had Avidius Cassius succeeded earlier in 172 AD as commander of the forces in the East? LUCIUS VERUS 2010 MASSACHUSETTS JCL CERTAMEN ADVANCED DIVISION – ROUND I 7. TU: ? THE WORLD B1: potius quam? RATHER THAN B2: ? TO START OUT 8. TU: binding on patricians as well as plebeians? B1: What law of 80 years earlier admitted plebeians to the consulship? -SEXTIA B2: What law of 300 BC admitted plebeians to the priestly colleges? 9. TU: Please translate: Serv THE FRIGHTENED SLAVE BELIEVED THAT HE WOULD BE PUNISHED BY HIS MASTER B1: …: THE MASTER THINKS THAT THE SLAVE MUST BE PUNISHED B2: …: WE ALL HOPE THAT THE SLAVES WILL AVOID THE MASTER’S ANGER/WRATH 10. TU: What comic playwright wrote possibly as many as 130 plays, 21 of which survive to our day, including Persa, Casina, and riosus? (TITUS MACCIUS) PLAUTUS B1: Which Plautine play revolves around a hidden pot of gold? B2: Which Plautine play revoles around two twin brothers separated in their youth? 11. TU: What is the name for the portion of the small intestine, starting from the lower end of the stomach, that derives its name from the Latin distributive number for twelve each? DUODENUM B1: What name for the middle portion of the small intestine is derived from the Latin word that means “empty or barren”? JEJUNUM B2: What name for the large blind pouch forming the beginning of the large intestine derives its name from the Latin word that means “devoid of light”? CECUM 12. TU: Name the Greek warrior who not only killed Phegeus, Astynous, Echemmon, Chromius, and Pandarus, but also managed to wound Aphrodite in Book V of Homer’s Iliad. DIOMEDES B1: Name the charioteer of Diomedes, the son of Capaneus and Evadne. STHENELUS B2: In Book V of the Iliad, Diomedes would have killed Aeneas had Aphrodite not intervened. After Diomedes wounded the goddess, which Olympian “gathered [Aeneas] up in an indigo cloud?” APOLLO 2010 MASSACHUSETTS JCL CERTAMEN ADVANCED DIVISION – ROUND II 1. TU: Who sang his own praises while disguised as an old woman, winning the hand of a maiden? VETUMNUS B1: Who was this impressionable young woman? POMONA B2: Who was unmoved by the death of Iphis, who hanged himself at her doorstep? ANAXARETE 2. TU: Differentiate in meaning between victor and . VICTOR = WINNER UNTER B1: Differentiate in meaning between perditus and praeditus. PERDITUS = LOST, DESTROYED PRAEDITUS = ENDOWED WITH B2: Differentiate in meaning between item and . ITEM = LIKEWISE 3. TU: Who secured a command against Mithridates when he reached the consulship in 74 BC? LUCULLUS B1: Lucullus carried the war into Armenia by driving Mithridates from his own kingdom of Pontus. What foreign monarch gave aid to Mithridates? TIGRANES B2: What capital of Armenia did Lucullus occupy in 69 BC? TIGRANOCERTA 4. TU: Give the Latin root and its meaning from which “puny” is derived. NASCOR – TO BE BORN B1: Give the Latin root and its meaning from which “fester” is derived. FISTULA – PIPE B2: Give the Latin root and its meaning from which “demur” is derived. – DELAY – TO DELAY) 5. TU: Which work in dactylic hexameter opens with an invocation to Venus? B1: In how any books was it written? SIX B2: Who was the literary patron of Lucretius, the author of ? (C.) MEMMIUS 6. TU: What use of the independent subjunctive can be found in the following sentence: quid faciam? DELIBERATIVE B1: …: ? OPTATIVE B2: Using a subjunctive, say in Latin: If only I had not done that! SEM 2010 MASSACHUSETTS JCL CERTAMEN ADVANCED DIVISION – ROUND II 7. TU: Give an antonym of . B1: Give an antonym of . B2: Give an antonym of . 8. TU: Whose murder in 59 AD was made an occasion for public rejoicing? AGRIPPINA THE YOUNGER B1: What coastal city near Naples was the site for the famous naval assassination attempt against Agrippina the Younger? BAIAE B2: According to Tacitus’ account of this naval assassination attempt, what confidant of Agrippina the Younger was beaten to death by oars after she had shouted that she was Agrippina the Younger in an attempt to save her own life? ACERONIA 9. TU: Which of the following, if any, is NOT derived from the same Latin root as the others: mortuary, moribund, murrain, commorient, mortar? MORTAR B1: Which of the following, if any, is NOT derived from the same Latin root as the others: inoculate, ocular, antler, inveigle, ocellar? ALL FROM THE SAME ROOT B2: Which of the following, if any, is NOT derived from the same Latin root as the others: dispute, puteal, account, amputation, deputy? PUTEAL 10. TU: What is the name of the novel in which a lavish banquet hosted by Trimalchio is described? SATYRICON B1: Who is the author of the Satyricon? PETRONIUS B2: In what capacity did Petronius serve in the court of Nero? ARBITER ELEGANTIAE 11. TU: Please translate into English: THE GIRL IS AFRAID THAT HER FRIEND HAS MARRIED THE SENATOR’S DAUGHTER B1: …: t pontifex maximus sacrificium faciat. THE FRIEND FEARS THAT THE CHIEF PRIEST IS NOT MAKING THE SACRIFICE B2: …: WE FEAR THAT A PLAN HAS BEEN FORMED BY THE WICKED FREEDMAN 12. TU: Who forced visitors to work in his vineyard and was killed by Heracles? SYLEUS B1: Who compelled all visitors to compete with him in a reaping contest, and was killed by Heracles? LITYERSES B2: Who was rescued from Lityerses by Heracles as he was about to enter this reaping contest and surely would have been killed? DAPHNIS 2010 MASSACHUSETTS JCL CERTAMEN ADVANCED DIVISION – ROUND III 1. TU: Quid Angliccervus? STAG, DEER B1: caterva? CROWD, THRONG B2: celeber? CROWDED, FAMOUS 2. TU: After the Battle of Pharsalus, what champion of the Roman Republic became the figurehead of the continuing resistance against Julius Caesar? CATO THE YOUNGER / UTICENSIS B1: Under what commander of Pompeian forces did Cato the Younger serve in Africa after Pharsalus? (Q. CAECILIUS) METELLUS SCIPIO B2: Where in Africa did Caesar defeat the Pompeian forces in 46 BC? THAPSUS 3. TU: Whose prayers to Zeus to send him a new race of people because his had died from a plague were answered by ants turning into men? AEACUS B1: Who was the mother of Aeacus? AEGINA B2: What was the name of this race of men? MYRMIDONS 4. TU: Please translate into English: IF CAESAR SHOULD SEND SOLDIERS INTO BATTLE, THE ENEMY(-IES) WOULD BE CRUSHED B1: …: IF CAESAR HAD SENT SOLDIERS INTO BATTLE, THE ENEMY (-IES) WOULD HAVE BEEN CRUSHED B2: …: IF CAESAR WERE TO SEND SOLDIERS INTO BATTLE, THE ENEMY (-IES) WOULD BE CRUSHED 5. TU: What author of Hedyphagetica, Thyestes, and is considered the father of Latin Literature? (QUINTUS) ENNIUS B1: One of Ennius' major contributions to Latin literature was the use of a new meter that became the standard for epic poetry. What is this meter? DACTYLIC HEXAMETER B2: What native Italian meter was used for epic poetry previous to this? SATURNIAN 6. TU: Give the Latin verb and its meaning from which “appoint” is derived. – TO PIERCE, MARK B1: Give the Latin verb and its meaning from which “surreptitious” is derived. – TO SEIZE, SNATCH B2: Give the Latin verb and its meaning from which “ensue” is derived. SEQUOR – TO FOLLOW 2010 MASSACHUSETTS JCL CERTAMEN ADVANCED DIVISION – ROUND III 7. TU: Which Roman poet, along with Vergil, died in 19 BC? (ALBIUS) TIBULLUS B1: Much like Catullus, Tibullus wrote many poems to his mistress. By what name does he refer to her? DELIA B2: Which goddess is also a favorite subject of Tibullus, one with which he threatens faithless lovers? NEMESIS 8. TU: Name the son of Heracles and Auge who was wounded by Achilles when the Greeks mistakenly landed at Mysia instead of Troy. TELEPHUS B1: Name the son Polyneices and Argeia, who was unfortunate enough to be the only Greek captain killed in this encounter. THERSANDER B2: Name the son of Telephus and Astyoche who would have avoided the Trojan War had Priam not bribed his mother with the golden vine wrought by Hephaestus for Tros.
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