Spermatophyta timetree, accelerated base substitution rates at mid-Cretaceous and the Recent Soichi Osozawa1, Cunio Nackejima2, and john Wakabayashi3 1KawaOso Molecular Bio-Geology Institute 2Japanese Society for Plant Systematics 3California State University, Fresno September 11, 2020 Abstract We constructed a whole of Spermatophyta timetree by employing BEAST v1. X applying the nuclear ribosomal ITS, and chloroplastic matK and rbcL. Robust multipoint calibrations were done by applying fossil ages up to the Jurassic for 20 genera and a Quaternary geological event age of 1.55 Ma for 6 genera. The resultant topology was concordant to the APG system, and we successfully and precisely dated the phylogeny. Through the BEAST analyses, we discovered the exponential increase in base substitution rate in recent geologic time, and suggested that a potential cause was generation of C4 plants and the triggered Quaternary climatic change. The raised rate might have resulted in the increasing of Spermatophyta diversity including endemic Asarum and Viola species. Another rise of base substitution rate was found around 120 Ma, reflecting the order level radiation and diversification of Angiospermae at the middle Cretaceous time. Introduction A goal of botany may be the correlation of botanical evolutionary events with the timeline of Earth history (Wilf & Escapa, 2015). We prepared a Bayesian inference (BI) tree constructed using the latest and the most advanced version of BEAST (v1. X; Suchard et al ., 2018), because a credible timetree of Spermatophyta have not been constructed to date probably by employing the old version and by the unpractical use of functions (Smith et al ., 2010; Beulieu et al ., 2015). The protocol of calibration is simply to input the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) of ingroup species in the associate software BEAUti, and both the fossil and geological event calibrations for multiple points can be simultaneously apply to run in the main software BEAST. Combined gene analysis is recommended to build a reliable tree, and the concatenation of sequence data and the related complex treatment of partitioning, which was yet found in Magallon et al . (2015), are not needed for this simultaneous combined gene analysis in BEAST v1. X. We selected the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and the chloroplastic maturase K (matK) and the ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) in our BEAST analyses. The high resolution ITS data is not included in analyses such as in Soltis et al . (2011) and APG IV (2016), and the ITS sequence data for Amborella trichopoda , considered as the oldest species in Angiospermae in every study, could not find or constrain from whole genome in DDBJ / GenBank. For Gymnospermae, we include Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgoidae), and representative species of Pinales (conifers) and Cycadales. For Angiospermae, we include dicots as well as monocots. Whole order of paleodicots and representative order of eudicots with older lineages in APG system are included. If the sequence data are not available in DDBJ / GenBank, we ourselves analyzed for representative Angiospermae species including Amborella trichopoda , and will newly upload totally 91 specimens (Table 1). The topology of the resulting timetree was controlled by the calibration point and date set and the selection Posted on Authorea 11 Sep 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159986856.60354858 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. 1 of ingroup species in BEAUti, and prior age (input) and posterior age (output) shown in Figure 3 must be coincident. Paleodicots, eudicots, and monocots must be monophyletic as checked in BEAUti and the crown age of the paleodicots must be older than eudicots and monocots, following the established topology of the APG system. This means that the BEAST v.1.X calibration is an \active" one, in contrast to other software that employs a \passive" calibration. If the timetree has unreasonable topology different from the APG system and mismatched input and output ages, we reset the calibration and repeatedly run BEAST until to get reasonable one. Figure 3 shows the input ages of A to Q as well as the output data. We surveyed literatures including fossil calibration reviews such as by Smith et al. (2010), and employed chronologically reliable calibration dates as shown in Methods bellow. Some are based on radio-isotopic dating the fossil-bearing strata, whereas others are based on biostratigraphy assigned to an age/stage on the geologic time scale, for which absolute age ranges are generally based on radio-isotopic dates of asso- ciated strata in key global localities (Wilf & Escapa, 2015). This time scale has been standardized by the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) (www.stratigraphy.org) and the most recent version of the time scale is available at http://www.stratigraphy.org; as of this writing the most recent version available is v v2020/03, and the explanatory paper related to the generation of the time scale is Cohenet al . (2013). FigTree v1.4.2 draws the consequent BI tree, and has a function to show posterior probability, posterior age, mean base substitution rate, and others at each node. This function was not fully used in any previous paper, and we found in this paper the inconsistent rates through the time as suspected by the relaxed clock model of BEAST (Drummond et al ., 2012). Angiosperm was diversified in Cretaceous time, and the adaptive radiation may increase the base substitution rate (Magallon et al ., 2015). They also predicts that while substantial amounts of angiosperm morphological and functional diversity have deep evolutionary roots, extant species richness was probably acquired later (= Quaternary). Ho et al . (2005), developers of BEAST v.1.3 (Drummond et al ., 2006), noted higher mutation rate after 1 to 2 Ma (Quaternary) compared to the prior lower rates, although they considered the accelerated rates a systematic overestimation. To revisit the issue of accelerated mutation rates requires calibration with younger ages such as those of Quaternary age. Genus Asarum , section Heterotropa is suitable for a Quaternary calibration. Heterotropa is diversified in the Japan, Ryukyu, and Taiwan islands (Figs. 1 and 2; Sugawara, 2006), and this radiation is expected to have been triggered by isolation of these islands that began at 1.55 ± 0.15 Ma (Osozawa et al ., 2012). Whereas Takahashi & Setoguchi (2017) suggested the diversification was due to distribution range fragmentation by dispersal from China, a suitable land bridge did not exist at that time (Osozawa et al ., 2012). The time of the MRCA of Heterotropa endemic species in these islands was input as 1.55 ± 0.15 Ma for a geological event calibration, and using this we can evaluate the base substitution rate for all of Spermatophyta in relatively recent time. Duchene & Bromham (2013) showed that higher substitution rates correlate with species-richness and diversification in the Proteaceae (our analyses include tree species of Proteales, eudicots), and our study also evaluates this in the case of Heterotropa . Matsuda et al . (2017) also pointed out that the Asarum radiation is in progress in the Amami islands, a part of the Ryukyu islands. We additionally included Viola , Lilium , and Pinus for the Quaternary calibration, because the endemic species are known also from the Japan, Ryukyu, and Taiwan islands. This paper includes phylogenetic analyses especially ofHeterotropa wild gingers collected from the Japan, Ryukyu, and Taiwan islands, under the newly built robust timetree of whole Spermatophyta as a main subject (Fig. 3), and also attempts to assess the details of their endemism and radiation relative to the base substitution rate (Fig. 3 inset). There are no previous botanical studies of this type in this island region of East Asia, possibly because a straightforward evolutionary model cannot assume a simple dispersal and colonization process as supposed by Takahashi & Setoguchi (2017) and Nakamura et al . (2010). Materials and Methods Taxon sampling (Table 1) Posted on Authorea 11 Sep 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159986856.60354858 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. 2 Amborella trichopoda , New Caledonia origin, was offered by the Koishikawa Botanical Garden, the University of Tokyo. Some Angiospermae specimens unavailable in DDBJ / GenBank were collected from Experimental Station for Medical Plant Studies, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University (Table 1). Endemic Viola and others were collected (Table 1), collaborated the Asarum sampling below. The genus Asarum consists of three sections of Heterotropa(evergreen, main section), Euasarum (deciduous, stolon; 16 species in Kelly, 1998; previous Asarum ; renamed by Sinn et al ., 2015b), and Asiasarum (deci- duous; not known from the Ryukyu and Taiwan islands; two species). The phylogenetic relationship of these sections, focused on section Euasarum, was studied by Kelly (1998), Sugawara et al . (2005), and Sinn et al . (2015ab). The phylogeny of section Asiasarum , distributed in East Asia, including the Japan islands, was studied and subdivided into species by Yamaji et al . (2007). Section Heterotropa has not been analyzed over the entirety of
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