WEDXKSDA V K V K V I X funur nq Manas Miir.li 10. vnr,. Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" SALEM, OBEOON, BT amount- PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, House of Commons, that the British losses to date TMSONTHRIFT ed to 104,000 men. constant How They Got Ahead. Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. In the past two months there has been almost "Capital made only by the process fighting, but no figures for the appalling losses are forth- of earning and saving." Albert V. Atwood. coming. Some of our renders hnve asked us to The losses at sea have hardly been noted, but really publish more stories of the nctunl suc- SUBSCRIPTION BATES Following are Per month... 45e war cess of thrifty persons. Dailr by carrier, per year 5.0(J more ships have been destroyed than in any previous three new ones that have come to our Ar- Bu jUe since the battle of Lepanto was fought and the great knowledge: Weekly by mail, per year mntl" A st. I.uuis police sergeant, during mada was shattered. .'!5 years on the foree, with a salary FULL I.EA8EP AVI BE TELEGRAPH REPORT When the war closes Europe will be as was Egypt, on never more than $115 a month, saved $20,000, and invested in renl estate '" carrier boy. ar. Instruct! to put tie papera on the on which not a house in The Capital Journal the that dreadful mornine there was which yielded him an income of $15.'l a carrier do, not do UiU, mlaae. you, or neglect, getting orch. U tie U only which was not one dead. month, enough to retire on nnj grow on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as thla the there tou following Instruction.. old gracefully. wT. ea detemln. whether or not the carrier, ar. It is enough to make bankrupt all the principal nations. Phone Main 81. In this last fact seems to lie the only hope of peace. Dennis and Daniel Sullivan, Irish It at the same time is an incentive to more and more twin brothers, worked for two years MAKING as bell boy and doorman, respectively, THE INSTINCT OF MONEY desperate efforts on the part of all the belligerents. at the Hotel St. Regis, Fifth Avenue, To look over the whole field is to awaken the feeling New York, nnd saved enough from their that civilization is dead and anarchy has builded for itself wages and tips to buy a couple of taxi-cab- s g a man has nnd go into business for them- ""Desire for money-makin- is like appetite. If and he will find the a throne. selves. a big appetite he will be a heavy eater "We have several other brothers," Ipring Millinery of food he wants just as naturally and easily said Denny, "home in Ireland, and as big amount Same old story is coming from San Francisco that goes soon as we can make the money we'll his smaller meals. The man who as the lighter eater finds out from almost every exposition city. Rates in hotels, have the whole lot of them working' g make money with us in partnership. Sure, an' there has the big appetite for money-makin- will rooming houses and eating places are said to have been is one family of Irish brothers who 1915 at whatever he turns his hand to. started restaurants over here the way rail- raised very materially because of the influx of visitors to Gould did not wait to become a financier and we intend to stint in the automobile We have opened our 1915 Spring Millinery Depart- Jay see the big show. Portland, during the Lewis and Clarke and they made money we making money. He had not been business, if road builder before exposition, was nearly normal in prices than any can." ment. Ladies' and girls' hats country, with only ?l.uO in his more that are pretty. A big landed three days in this other city on similar occasions, while the trouble was not maps, and he made ?i lot ot Mrs. Annie Buxeley, of Southern Cal- assortment. to pocket, before he was selling y Hats trimmed order. We have marked during the Seattle world fair because of the over-suppl- ifornia, though she started out poor, ex- it, too, before he got in other business. her check for a very inoney at of accommodations. San Francisco, however, has can now write pert trimmers. Everything right up to date. The first Vanderbilt had this appetite for making large amount as she has become almost Hats until he had a reputation for making the most of its opportunities, a millionaire from her huge chicken money, and he rowed a rented ferry boat farm. She began in a very modest way. are lower in price this year. Quality has not to especially if they come in the guise of strangers within its been money enough to buy it, and then until he had enough living in a little cottage on n single' pates, and this time the proclivity is being indulged to acre of ground. At a poultry show in sacrificed to obtain a low price. Come and sail-boa- on making money response see for buy a t, and he kept in I. os Angeles she bought a rooster and and a na- such an extent that the board of supervisors is attempting to this appetite until he owned a fleet of ships half a dozen liens of the best breed. yourself. , .j ., to curb the rapacity of the hotel and apartment house This investment of her savings ciime net-wor- k of railroads. tional owners. If they do not desist, it is hinted, their valuations high but is was worth while as Mrs. had this appetite so keen that out ol men; Raselev's subsequent success amply Russell Sage may be increased on the assessment rolls. would seem loaning to people other people s It proved. nothing that is, by that such drastic action would be unnecessary, and that profit to himself he piled up a hundred money at interest there should be enough civic pride among the landlords of The motto of millions of thrifty, in- dustrious, happy citizens of the I'nited ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM millions. San Francisco properly would his earliest youth when he that, appealed to, result in States is. "Live respectnblv and save Rockefeller had it from 240-24- abandonment of the alleged program to hold up fair visit- a little." 6 Commercial Street account of every penny and later got to This is an excellent rule, nnd if you kept strictest book ers. A highwayman policy will injure the fair and the account of the minutest fractions of pennies and can save a good deal, so much the bet- taking city and every landlord and other business man in it. ter. .naking them pay him tribute to the uttermost; and men T. D. MacGregor. and desire prosecution get with all may results 'eept in a country, Then) who know his personal habits will say that today, THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER. It would seem as though the number of prisoners re- by simply notifying him. Jlost every nun uruuxm io rins onice lustsiibti of millions, he is just as careful is willing to admit fol his uncounted hundreds jone the practice lemon picked from a small tree at tit ported captured by both sides in the European war is out lowed in the past has proven unsntis home of Mrs. E. X. of the penny and the fraction of the penny as ever. How dear to our heart is the steady Hunttr, south of nothing but grit of proportion to the losses in killed and wounded. Pos- subscriber .factory us well as expensive. .Corvallis, that tipped the scalentsj Wanamaker started in life with Inctly one nnd one-hal- f John sibly the excellent treatment of the as given Who pays in advance nt the birth of pounds, It m captured, out Grants Pass Courier: Alexander va for making money; at 15 he was earning each year. liiciics arounu tne waist and H and an appetite O'Laughlin, nn on by the government statements from Berlin, St. Peters- Who lays down the money and does it aged man employed inches t 'other way. This is the ttinf a week, and went right on making money. ;thc farm of Mrs. Mary Leonard be- picked $1.50 burg, London and Paris, has convinced the soldiers in the quite gladly, ,one this winter, and there m Andrew Carnegie started to earning money at 12, and And casts round the office a halo of tween Kerby and Holland, wbb killed seven more oil the tree. ranks living off the is eat- hy a vicious Jersey bull Friday. The he so much he preferred to be- that enemy's bounty better than cheer. kept making it until had He never says: cannot af- bull was in the corral at the barn and ing cold grub when they get "Stop if, I Eoseburg Review:' Viot.iJ, A Sort- can and sleeping in Leon-jnrd- it the mud ford it, O'Laughlin wns seen by Ruphael , gin giving it away in huge sums. er, of Corvallis. has iuit fiiwM mm. and waters ot the trenches. Patriotism is a strong nation I'm getting more papers than now who wns in a field nearby, to well-know- n experiences show that there was, (piling the facts about the life ol Mi All these I can read. ' ' climb upon a fence nnd prod the bull al instinct but it is apt to give way in face of long con rather, Llias Kurark Homer, a notei bent toward making money But always says: our with a pitchfork.
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