18_285602-bindex.qxp 9/16/08 9:08 AM Page 325 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX West Maui, 104–120 Aloha Festivals, 23, 55 Honokowai, Kahana and Lanai, 315 Napili, 114, 116–119 Aloha Festivals Hoolaulea Access Aloha Travel, 70 Kaanapali, 110–114 (Lahaina), 57 Access America, 319 Kapalua, 120 Aloha Friday Farmers Accommodations, 79–84, Lahaina, 104, 106–110 Market, 56 103–141. See also Bed & what’s new in, 2 Aloha Lahaina Dentists breakfasts; Accommodations Activities & Attractions (Lahaina), 316 Index Association of Hawaii Aloha Toy Store (Lahaina), 63 best bed and breakfasts, Gold Card, 77 Aloha wear, 243, 244, 246, 248, 14–16 Activities desks, 76–77 252–254 best luxury hotels and resorts, Adventure vacations Altitude sickness, 65–66 12–13 best, 8–10 Amberjack, 35 best moderately priced suggested itinerary, 97–99 American Airlines Vacations, 74 accommodations, 13–14 Aeo, 33 American Express, 316 best resort spas, 16 African tulip, 30 American Plan (AP), 83–84 Central Maui, 103–104 Agricultural screening at the America the Beautiful— East Maui, 135–137 airport, 59–60 National Parks and Federal efficiency, 84 Ahi, 44 Recreational Lands Pass— frequent-guest programs, 84 Ahihi-Kinau Natural Preserve, Access Pass, 70 Haiku, 135–136 11, 185 America the Beautiful— Hana, 137–141 AIDSinfo, 320 National Parks and Federal Huelo/Wailua, 137 AIG Travel Guard, 319 Recreational Lands Pass— Kuau, 135 Air tours. See also Helicopter Senior Pass, 70–71 Kula, 134–135 rides Angelfish, 34 Lanai, 299–301 Kalaupapa (Molokai), 287 Angel’s trumpets (nana- landing the best room, 84 Air travel, 58–61 honua), 30 Makawao, Olinda and bankrupt airlines, 64 Animal-rights issues, 74 Haliimaile, 132, 134 deep vein thrombosis, 67 Anthuriums, 30 meal plans, 83–84 jet lag, 61 Antiques, Wailuku, 244, 245 Molokai, 269–273 package deals, 74 Aquarium, Maui Ocean Center nickel-and-dime charges at toll-free numbers and web- (Maalaea), 204, 220 high-priced hotels, 80 sites for airlines, 322–324 Area codes, 316 package deals, 75 Aku, 44 Art galleries saving on, 82 Alala, 33 Hana, 254–255 South Maui, 121–165 Alalou, 24 Kaanapali, 248 Kihei,COPYRIGHTED 121–129 Alameida, Roy Kakulu, 38MATERIALKapalua, 250 Makena, 131–132 Alexander & Baldwin, 29 Lahaina, 247, 248 Wailea, 129–131 Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Lanai, 313, 314 toll-free numbers and Museum (Puunene), 205 Makawao, 251–253 websites for major Alford, John, 200 Molokai, 291 chains, 324 Alii Cab Co., 63 Wailuku, 245 Twin Falls, 136–137 Alii Fish Pond (Molokai), 289 Art Night (Lahaina), 246 types of, 79–81 Alii Kula Lavender, 227 Art School at Kapalua, 249 Upcountry Maui, 132–135 Aloha Airlines, 1 Ashley’s South Shore Café, 79 Web surfing for, 81–82 Aloha Bead Co. (Paia), 254 Association of Independent Tour Operators (AITO), 73 18_285602-bindex.qxp 9/16/08 9:08 AM Page 326 326 INDEX ATA Airlines, 1 Biasa Rose Boutique (Paia), 254 By Wind, By Wave: An Intro- Atlantis Adventures, 5, 187, Big Beach (Oneloa Beach), 178 duction to Hawaii’s Natural 204–205 bodysurfing and boogie History (Eyre), 38 ATMs (automated-teller boarding, 181 machines), 63–64 Big Wind Kite Factory Au (kajiki), 44 (Molokai), 285 Cabins, Haleakala National Australia Big Wind Kite Factory & Planta- Park, 193 customs regulations, 50 tion Gallery (Molokai), 293 Café Marc Aurel (Wailuku), 263 embassy and consulates, 317 Biking, 200–201 Calendar of events, 52–58 passports, 320 Lanai, 309 Camping, 190–193, 195, 196 visas, 322 Molokai, 281 Hulopoe Beach Park (Lanai), Azeka Place Shopping Center Billfish, 34–35 308 (Kihei), 250 Bird of Paradise (film), 39 Molokai, 281 Bird of Paradise Unique safety tips, 190 Antiques (Wailuku), 244 Canada Baby’s Away, 71 Birds and bird-watching, 33 customs regulations, 50 Bailey House Museum books about, 37–38 embassy and consulates, 317 (Wailuku), 206 Kealia Pond National Wildlife health insurance, 318 Bailey House Museum Shop Preserve (Kihei), 220 passports, 320 (Wailuku), 244 Birds-of-paradise, 30 Canal (Lahaina), 215 Baldwin, Harry, 296 B.J.’s Chicago Pizzeria Canoeing, outrigger Baldwin Beach, bodysurfing, (Lahaina), 258 International Festival of 181 Black Rock, 10, 176 Canoes (West Maui), 54 Baldwin Home (Lahaina), 214 Blennies, 34 Molokai Hoe (Molokai to Baldwin Home Museum Blue Hawaii (film), 41 Oahu), 57 (Lahaina), 209–210 Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, 203 Na Wahine O Ke Kai shop, 246 Blu’s Hanging (Yamanaka), 36 (Molokai), 57 Baldwin Park, 178 Boating and sailing, 180 Outrigger Canoe Season, 53 Bamboo forest, 194, 232 Lanai, 306 Capischi (Wailea), 261 Bamboo Pantry (Molokai), 291 Boat tours and cruises. See Capt. Steve’s Rafting Excur- Banana Wind (Lahaina), 246 also Ferries; Whale-watching sions, 185, 188–189 Bank of Hawaii, Molokai, 269 Lanai, 180–181 Carbonfund, 72 Bankrupt airlines, 64 Molokai, 180 Car rentals, 62 Banyan Tree (Lahaina), 56, Bocalino (Kihei), 261 Hana Airport, 234 210, 215 Body boarding (boogie board- Lanai, 298 Lighting of, 58 ing) & bodysurfing, 181 Molokai, 269 Banyan Tree Birthday Party Bon Dance & Lantern Cere- toll-free numbers and (Lahaina), 53 mony (Lahaina), 55 websites, 324 Banyan trees, 30 Bonefish, 35 Carthaginian (brig), former site Beaches, 173–179. See also Books, recommended, 36–39 of (Lahaina), 214 specific beaches Boss Frog’s Dive and Surf Car travel, 61–62 best, 4–5 Shops, 180, 185 driving safety, 69 East Maui, 178–179 Botanical Garden, Kula, 227 Casanova (Makawao), 262–263 Hana area, 238–239 Botanic Garden, Iao Valley, 207 Castle Resorts & Hotels, 75 Lanai, 304–306 Bougainvillea, 30 Cathedrals I and II (Lanai), 306 Molokai, 276–277, 281 Box jellyfish, 68 Cavendish Golf Course (Lanai), for snorkeling, 185 Breadfruit trees, 30 308 South Maui, 177–178 Brewer, C., 235 Caving, 202 West Maui, 173–177 Brick Palace (Lahaina), 214 Celebration of the Arts Bed & Breakfast Hawaii, 81 Broke da Mouth Cookies, 149 (Kapalua Resort), 53 Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), 80 Bromeliads, 31 Cellphones, 78 best, 14–16 Bronte, Emory B., 289 Centipedes, 65 booking agents for, 81 Brown-Kobayashi (Wailuku), Central Bakery (Lanai), etiquette at, 82, 106 244–245 312–313 regulation of, 83 Buddha Day (Lahaina), 53 Central Maui saving on, 82 Buddhist Church (Lahaina), 217 accommodations, 103–104 Bell-shaped stone (mile marker Budding (Maliko) Gulch, 229 brief description of, 87–88 16), 219 Business hours, 316 golf, 197–198 Bento, 43–44 Butterflyfish, 34 nightlife, 263 18_285602-bindex.qxp 9/16/08 9:08 AM Page 327 GENERAL INDEX 327 restaurants, 142–146 for public pay phones, 77–78 West Maui, 146–159 shopping, 242–245 Cuisine and food, 42–45 Honokowai, Kahana and sights and attractions, Kapalua Wine & Food Napili, 156–157 205–207 Festival, 54 Kaanapali, 153–156 The Challenge at Manele Maui Onion Festival Lahaina, 146–153 (Lanai), 11–12, 308 (Kaanapali), 55 shops and galleries, 246–250 Charley’s Restaurant (Paia), live A Taste of Lahaina, 55 sights and attractions, music at, 263 Cultural renaissance, Hawaiian, 207–219 Cheeseburger in Paradise 22–23 what’s new in, 2 (Lahaina), sunset viewing at, Customs regulations, 49–50 Disabilities, travelers with, 70 258 Cuts, in the marine environ- Dis ‘N Dat (Lanai), 313 Children, families with ment, 68 Diving, 184 information and resources, 71 Cyber Buzz Coffee Store, 79 best places for, 10–11, Lanai, 310 CY Maui (Wailea), 250 182–183 Molokai, 285 Lanai, 306 sights and attractions, 204 Doctors, 316 suggested itinerary, 95–97 D. T. Fleming Beach Park, 4, Dole, Jim, 296 Chinese New Year (Lahaina), 52 173, 176 Dole, Sanford, 28 Christianity, 25 Da Kine Classic Windsurfing Dolphin Dream Weddings, 86 Christmas Festival (Lanai), 315 Event (Kahului), 54 Dolphins, 189 Christmas Light Parade Damien, Father (Joseph de Donovan’s Reef (film), 39 (Molokai), 58 Veuster), 286 Down to Earth Natural Foods Cinder Desert Hike, 192 David Lee Galleries (Lahaina), Kahului, 244 Cinemas, 256–257 247 Makawao, 253 Climate, 50–51 David Malo Day (Lahaina), 53 A Dream Wedding: Maui Coastal highway (Molokai), David Malo’s Home (Lahaina), Style, 86 266 217 Drinking laws, 316 Coffee, 31 Daylight saving time, 53, 321 Driving rules, 62–63 Coffees of Hawaii (Molokai), Debit cards, 64 Driving safety, 69 284 Deep vein thrombosis, 67 Duck Soup (Kahului), 243 Coffees of Hawaii Plantation Delta Vacations, 74 Store and Espresso Bar Dentists, 316 (Molokai), 292 Lanai, 298 Earth Day (Kahului and Coffman, Tom, 38 Destination Resorts Hawaii, Maalaea), 53 Collections (Makawao), 251 129 EA Sports Maui Invitational Combo Tour (Kula), 227 The Devil at Four O’Clock Basketball Tournament Compadres Taqueria (Lahaina), (film), 39 (Lahaina), 57 246 Dim sum, 44 The East End (Molokai), Condominium Rentals Hawaii, Dining, 142–172. See also Food 288, 293 121 and cuisine; Restaurant Index accommodations, 272–273 Condos, 80, 82 best, 18–20 beaches, 277 Conger eels, 34 Central Maui, 142–146 brief description of, 268 Connection kit, 79 East Maui, 168–171 restaurant, 276 Consulates, 317 Haiku, 170 East Maui, 91–92 Continental Airlines Haliimaile, 165 accommodations, 135–137 Vacations, 74 Hana, 172 beaches, 178–179 Continental Plan (CP), 83 Kahului, 142–144 restaurants, 168–171 Cook, Capt. James, 24–25 Kula, 166, 168 shops and galleries, 254–255 Cool Cat Café (Lahaina), 258 Lanai, 301–304 East Maui Taro Festival CoolClimate, 72 Makawao and Pukalani, 166 (Hana), 53 Coral, 33 Molokai, 273–276 Ecosystem problems, 35–36 Coral Miracle Church (Wailua), Paia, 168–170 Eco-tours, 205 233 South Maui, 159–165 Ecotravel.com, 73 Cost Less Imports (Kahului), Kihei/Maalaea, 159–163 Edibles. See also Farmer’s mar-
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