• / ! '. T V ■■ / f P - : J ^ V . I I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST T, IM I Daily NoiFnmi] a i B i T w n m r IBs WMf a s M ■ u g m t o B , 1MB Merchants Leave in Disgust 13,621 A b o u t T o w n '■ ■ J i jU a v M ik llalM rt W . tU b ts to k , M m ekttur A City of VMoge Charm wm ^ 1* . and Jobn Hibar* Board Delays Action ■mm. m . McKm at, l* pw«|ei^- iiw !■ an tvlM BmUt m iO t* m , Pra« M ain Sttodt edd Rdor o f Stoto P iw B ^ i V O L IX X X IL WO. MB M ANcnsna. ciHfw, t h u r s d a t * a u g u s t s , i9 6 t » In w n w a t ooraraMMl m m relm to 643^123 CM ito, Ifarlfi CrntMam. and On Parking Leases a a n OaraBna. M vata Balnr>- M i la a ladto u p tn to r to Haad- iilllililiiifiiiiH ii ffistory’s Boldest^ Biggest ' ^ ■f f * — Battaty of Hie Mth Ar- Town merchants walked out of a board of directors meet­ UtanTa Snd aawttaer BattaUon at Port M B. OBto. ing in disgust last night, after town directors voted 6-2 to Haitians Claim put off deliberations on an oft-proposed expenditure for lease ■Madbara of K in a D avid liodga, and improvement of three parking lots until after a public save on aH your linen closet D^p Cruia: NcgTO VicW tO .< XFn w ffl m eat tonlgbt at 7 :S 0 hearing and deciri<Mi on the pro-^ British Train Robbery at th a Tlntoiai B^toetal Hotne, 400 poaed special partdng taxing dia- M ain a t. to m teiilr m toaota to penditure be tabled untU the first t r i c t . regular meeting after the board Invasion Fails, tha Bala M ark Hofanea, w bo w aa a august H ie propoeed leases cam e up et ha^ acted on the special taxing CHEDDINGTON, Engiande Th* bendiu uUypp*A the trrihe The gaiqr snloaded B m r e g i s ­ piMt ncMa a ***^ Hia lodae. needs at stock-up prices for^ the hoezd’s July meeting, and district. 'about S a.m . at a rural oroosing tered m ail bags on a bridge over seem ed to be ceitaln for approval. Republicans broke ranks on the (A P )—A gang of 20 to SO 40 mllea northwest of London. a narrow country road and M n aan of tba liaadiieatar M iaytr Francis M Uwneiy was ah- They covered the green signal dropped them to cars waiting on Oanatonniigr ^ y a e a w ill m eat to- issue. Directors Turkington and muakrd moi held up the Glas- serit, how ever, and in deference to DellaFera wondering together at the crossing W ith a riove and the road IS feet below. Then U m t n i g B i a t 7 M B at tlie Ehiknaa Fu> his interest in Ihe m erchants’ gow-L(»don nmO train today m ade their getaw ay. why the appropriation had not this great annual event lighted the red signal. They alao Rebels Say No n a M i , M ato B t, to pay tbeir 400 probleniB the tbem was tabled. been moved long ago. and Direc­ and the post office said the cut railw ay teleiAto^e''w irOe. The alarm was i^ven by a pos­ r a v *^ to toa lata M arie Hohnea, It was dkKussed again at an in- tor Harlan Taylor supporting W hen engineer Jack M ills, 57, tal w orker w ho ran to Cheddlngton w ka waa a diaitar m em bar. toim al m eeting, hut had to anvait Powell. k as may exceed a $2.8 minion. stopp^ the train, some of the station about a mile from the action at a form al session. To Republican suggestions that he handita m ade off w ith m ore gang attacked M m and his assist­ s c e n e . PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (AP> Flviiiifcwd R a ae r o Du- MM b Jkw M a Kem eaily, 21 W U - Last night "the beet laid plans" some of the $35,500 be applied to O w n 100 tiaga of registered m all ant whUe others sm ashed windows Police arrived with tracker valier’s government rtaiwia iawaiiato mC Hama by Haitiaa tatd R d , vaoentiy ^lent her vaca­ seemed to hava gone adtray, os of the first two m ail coaches and dogs. Roadblocks were set up. the North End, Democratic Direc­ to n . hiitod to it was a krge quan­ «xilee has been crushed, bvt aa3e aanoea iBBtot ttoe aLsadaa tion to Batm nda. She travried on M ayer Mtahoney’a feiUo>w Dem o- tor David Barry suggested that t i t y v t aaed hut valid (nnreneyj clim bed aboard. They tied up the Both the engineer and his as­ tlM fW tiiMB Im uey Uner *^ 13. («at Director Theodore Powell Bke to ha an hich was befaig ratnraed to ba^ four m ail sorters. sistant w ere taken to a hospital in are advancing. the $32,000 asked could be loaned Here to the a UK. Q iM n of BaRBnda.” found hhnself "reluctant to vote to the administrators of the spe­ The gang then uncoupled the nearby Aylesbury. M ills was de­ Information Minister George J. Flgaiw wmM a to « iaiiiiiiinii- v i e w U m a a i d these sum s not know ing w hat the •’T to e n ii’* raid U m poat ahlce, two coaches from the rem aining tained w ith head injuries. His cial taxing district when approved, tattoos w M ch h que that Duvalier’s troops had aztoriaed ika ■etoHoe ^ te r fidure financial sttuiutinn (for used to supply revenue imtll a **to' Bkely to be very heavy and 10 on the train, which had about sistant waa discharged aftw : treat­ parkingVw ouU be if the propoeed a year a( tach m e n t . several hours of fighting in aacth HBtta M aday. fie < Minrd bond sale is authorized, then re­ m . f e r a B a r i a n y w ril run into aaveo figinws.” SO postal workers aboard. The en­ taxing d Slrict ehould not pass.” a q M c l a l gineer and his assistant were The m ail train carries no pas­ Cbitoad toM kai naie hiali! turned to the parking meter fund A riiiiHneht o t dtamoods atoo the rebels, led by Gen, Leon Cantaiy, a fagaMr dkirf af 17 Ih * directora have before them O B t b a ' forced to drive the engine and the sengers. It leaves Glasgow every yon aato m enay for oonege, for use in other sectiems o f town. was believed kw L had been driven into the nali^l iiMkig Ikatotoacato Eegtojfc. a propoeed expenditure of $ 32,000 first tw o ooachea a m ile torther evening with overnight m all lor let danneottoat Bank and Truot What the directors eventually R was tin W ggari and boldest The eommunlqus of the apprxdm ately $ i n L o n d o n . niMy iiy help you provide for 38,500 decide must wait now at least un­ teato robbecy to Rrittah blstoay. s o u t h . of good order prevails" torsugh- the p a rki^ m eter flind. oidtoaa airwM iiii w ith a knr-ooat til Sept. 3, at the next regular *Poigy and o u t H a m . The money would be spent to business meeting. pBni tbat ipreada the repaym ent U h a r e a q u a Adrien Raymond. Foreign oCfioe S E C F in d s lease for varying lengths of tim e, The directors will then have had undersecretary, told newenea (w ar a rin year period. Yo u are in- and to hnprove, three downtown a hearing on the proposed taxing famous some rebel* were killed or ag>j 'vltad to BweeUgaite the aid and parking areas: district—scheduled for Aug. 27— I tured, but he acknowledged Ihrit anriatanoa aaaitoble to you at 893 . F o r a a year lease of a I F l e l d h « . 1 $1 and may have had time to act on Cantave was not among them. N o C u lp rit M rin, IB Nccth Main and the of the Ham * tract at M ain and Forest 3 t s . , f o r it. If not, it will be put off for at as m any as five years but w ith an Charleston, S j C: The government placed file aiae least another month, well beyond sale SPRING-MAID I of the invading force at about 100. eaoape clause riiould the owners An ottktol t t B the merchants peak fall sales pe­ I *.r ciaticn for the or one fifth of what the refbris w ish to build on tha property. The riod when the spacee would be cost of toiprovem ents would be Colored FMfla. claimed. moet welcome. Private sources to »*ort au In *62 D ip $ 9 , 000, and about 100 spaces w ould faimsSIf on hitag a Prince claimed Cantave was rifll; be provided. sheets and be m™** ay on Haitian soil {weesing Us firhw' 3 .
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