LYLE COMMUNITI SPORTS AND SORTS HISTORY 1870 1995 http://lyle.mn http://lyle.mn INTRODUCTION The Lyle Community Sports and Sorts Booklet, represents a community and Alumni effort in gathering information for this publication. The concept of this booklet originated in the Lyle Kopper Kettle Cafe, by the morning coffee group. Sports questions were being asked in this group and they reluctantly admitted they didn't know everything. Thus the creation of the Lyle Community Sports and Sorts History Booklet becomes available to all of you sports enthusiasts. Contributors of this booklet are Charles Ekle, Tip Taylor, Donald Patterson, Dave Young, Harland Balgeman, John Moeller, Otto Nelson and Wayne Helgeson. Realizing sports information was being lost or forgotten, a sports information research plan was initiated. A communication network was established, producing a wealth of information and interesting stories. The responses and cooperation in putting together this booklet has been overwhelming. We are lacking information, therefore, as you read this booklet, please write down the additional information and send it to Randy Krulish, 801 Hollerud Avenue, Lyle, Minnesota 55933. Lyle sports history coordinators are Randy Krolish, Harold Rohne and Rod Golberg. http://lyle.mn TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Dedication Information and Publication Contributors Lyle Community Sports and Sorts History 1870-1919 1920-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959 1960-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1995 Sports and Sorts Information Scorebook Closure http://lyle.mn The Lyle Community Sports and Sorts History Booklet is dedicated to the memory of "Chico" who had the most influence on Lyle sports history. 19208 - 1980s Lloyd "Chico" Olson Player Manager Coach Custodian Friend Chico loved sports and reserved the time to share his knowledge and riendship with so many Lyle Lions.f The Ly le Sports Community http://lyle.mn INFORMATION AND PUBLICATION CONTRIBUTORS Lavern Austinson Warren Austinson Melvin Rohne Oris Golberg Duane Enerson Devere Austinson Glenn Dahl Katherine Howard Bob Nelson Loren Denisen Shirll Nelson Gary Meyer Kenneth Meyer Idore Larson Bill Bell Olaf Golberg GeneMyhre Jerry Fossey Lorraine Kilgore HarveyGolberg Ron Reuter Neil Fedson Rod Golberg Marty Olson Sam Koopal O.C. Huff Ralph Schroeder Ron Peters RichardHollerud Charles Truckenmiller Roger Nelson Harold Rohne Robert Rohne John Kohnke LavernLeidall Arleigh Austinson Stu Skov Kevin Enerson Debbie Golberg Marsha Sola Rod & Connie Williamson Dan Williamson RichieWillia mson Randy Fett Neal& SherryKenyon Brad Nelson Chet Nelson Carol Ekle Lloyd "Chico" Olson Bill Haney John Perkins RandyKrulis h Bob Helfritz Russell Sampson Bill Koopal Tom Knudson Spencer Morgan Brad Walters Tom Nelson Elroy Penning CliffSc hroeder Daryl Steinbrink Art Hollerud Loren SpinIer KennethHollerud WayneDeBoer Coach Steve Bauman Coach Mark Buntje JerryReuter Wayne Skov Doug Chaffee EmeryPrice David Taylor Derby Olson Eldon Larson John Fossey Kent Lenz Paul Wilson Bill Lonergan Donny Carroll DonnaBarclay Wayne Skov http://lyle.mn 1870 - 1919 The fo unding of Lyle in 1870 created a unique community of hardworking industrious people, who eagerly established homesteads, built homes, and created a city. In horse and buggy days, Lyle developed into a progressive business community. A network offamilies and neighbors enjoyed social gatherings when work was done. In 1876, Lyle celebrated the nation's 100th anniversaryby building its first public school which opened in 1877. Railroads established a link with other communities to market products made in Lyle, transport passengers, and communicate via wireless telegraph. A strong sportstradi tion evolved next, generated in the desire to succeed, and the determination to achieve a new way of life. In 1881, the Lyle City Park was developed to later include July 4th celebrations. The city park added its Walk of Pride in 1989. Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839 in Coopertown, Massachusetts. The first known organized sport in Lyle was in 1896. A baseball team was fo rmed, to begin organized sports. In 1891, another sportwas invented by Dr. JameNaismith in Springfield, Massachusettes. Thisgame was basketball, whichattracted Lyle ladies at the tum of the century. Several teams were organized due to highinterest . An indoor facility was needed to play, so City Hall was built in 1906, with the upper floorbecoming the gym. The first 30 years of Lyle's history anchored its foundation and developm�nt. The willingnessto try new things, and the determinationto develop skillswith abilities to perform, were intense. Access to horseshoes provided the game of horseshoe pitching, a popular family and social gathering event. It has prevailed. Horseshoe pitching was invented in 150 AD. by the Roman Soldiers. Baseball and basketball teams flourished in the early 1900's. Athletic coordination was awkward at first, but skills and techniques in the game made progress through continued practice and playing games. 1870 - 1919 Who was the first Mayor of Lyle in 1870? L.W. Sherman What year was the first Lyle Public School built? 1877 Who was the first teacher? S. AnnaMcCune http://lyle.mn When was the second Lyle Public School built without a gym? 1906 cost $15,000 When was Lyle's first City Hall built with the second floorus ed as the community's gym fo r events such as basketball? 1906 Name the baseball players of the Lyle summer baseball team in 1897. Albert Ahrens Ted Myhre Mort Kelsey George Eastlee George Stanley Julius Fischer Oscar Wilson The baseball players of the Lyle summer baseball team in 1905 were: mens: Gilbert Martin Newell Nelson Alva Gregg Bert Larson George Richardson Cris Larson Gust Richardson Name of the Otter Creek basketball team. ladies: Wilma Evenson Florence Meyer Lulu Gregg Della Richardson Clara Larson Cora Swenson Name the baseball player who was on the 1905 baseball teamas a young player and continued the spirit of Lyle baseball fo r 60.years as a player and coach. Alva Gregg How did the 1906 independent girls basketball teams divide into threeteams? "CmCKS" - younger players "PUL LETS" - middleaged players "HENS" - marriedplayers Name the players that played in City Hall in 1906. Bertha Anderson Palma Lee Ida Anderson Mrs. Miller Sadie Bisbee HarrettaPeterson MinnieBrix Mrs. Art Rockafellow Ethel Cobb Mavde Stanley Mrs. W.L. Cole Josephine Thompson Agnes Cronan Millie T ofton Lulu Eastlee Mrs. A.B. Wilder Lulu Fischer Anna Williams Mrs. Hanson http://lyle.mn Namethe 1909 Independent Girls Basketball teams and players. BUSTERS TEAM BLOOMERS TEAM Jasie Ashley CornBis bee Myrtle Bisbee Nora Enerson Josie Jacobson Cora Lernd Clara Monstad Alma Morstad Cora Nelson Mabel Nelson Billina Sampson Sophia Nelson LorimerNel son; a local businessman whose mother was on the Busters Team. Name her. Billina Sampson Whatloca l business was he the proprietor of'? Nelson's Texaco Name the captain of the 1917 boys basketball team andthe players. Captain: Jay Mortenson Players: JohnBe ach Jay Mortenson Lester Buthum Ome Paulmer Lester Hughes Ray Volstad Coach: Robert Grant Who was the 1957 boys basketball captain who married the 1917 captain, Jay Mortenson's daughter, Lois? RichardHollerud What Six Mile Grove girls basketballplayer had perfect attendance at Lyle High School in 1912? Hazel Nelson AKA Mrs. HarveyGolberg Lyle High School has the certificate. The year of 1914 earmarked the entryof Babe Ruth into Major LeagueBaseball. He was born in 1895 and at age 19 started his maj or league career as a pitcher. The Babe's first love was hitting and over the 22 years of his major leaguecareer, hit 714 home runs. Babe Ruth introduced the long ball hitting tradition in baseball. http://lyle.mn JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Lyle Community Activities July 4, 1896 1:00 pm Afternoon Sports Horse Racing Race #1 - Trotting 1st Place $10.00 2nd Place $ 5.00 Race #2 - Running 1st Place $10.00 2nd Place $ 5.00 *No blooded or mained horses admitted 100 Yard Foot Race - All 1st Place $ 3.00 2nd Place $ 2.00 50 Yard Fat Man Race 1st Place $ 2.00 (No less than 200 pounds) 2nd Place $ 1.00 Wheelbarrow Race $ 2.00 Sack Race $ 2.00 Egg Race $ 2.00 Barrel Race $ 2.00 Hurdle Race - 3 Feet High $ 2.00 Bicycle Race Medal 1st Place $ 2.00 Medal 2nd Place $ 1.00 Greased Pole $ 2.00 4:00 pm Baseball Game - Lyle vs Cedar City $20.00 http://lyle.mn LYLE SCHOOL BUILT IN 1877 Later converted to the Culvert Factory. Lyle Public School The first schoolhouse in the vi lIage of Lyle was con­ structed in 1873, the same year school District 90 was organized, formed mostly from the eastern part of District 15, or Minnereka. A 16 x 26 foot school was constructed on lots 11 and 12 in block 4. The lots were a gift from the owner. Decks extended around three sides, attached to the walls with benches for seats. S. Anna McCune, Austin, was the first teacher. LYLE SCHOOL BUILT IN 1906 http://lyle.mn BASEBAll TEAM 1905 - Back row, left to right: Bert larson, George Richardson, Cris larson, Gilbert Martin, Alva Gregg, Newell Nelson, Gust Enerson, George Petersen, Gust Richardson; front row: Cora Swenson, Florence Meyer, lulu Gregg, Wilma Evenson, Della Richardson, Clara larson (Meyer). 1917 Lyle High School Basketball team. Left to right, John Beach, Orrie Palmer, Jay Mortenson, captain, Ray Volstad, Lester Both­ urn, Robert Grant, coach, and Lester Hughes. http://lyle.mn Main street looking north. Before autos came to Lyle. The smoke stack near the water tower is part of building that housed Lyle's Power Plant. .. "' �:,,:>�� .. �l , ,- Lyle ball team, 1897 or 1898. Top row, left to right, Albert Ah­ rens, Doctor of Medicine, St. Paul; Mort Kelsey, retired Great Northern Railroad conductor, Fargo, N. D.; George Stanley, de­ ceased; Julius Fischer, deceased. Middle row, Oscar Wilson, the man wtth mustache; other three were country boys, but could not be identified.
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