THE NA n AIMG *.*iowr -&j5coara.Bx If^vrdjfJLnMm aJacoi,t3rx>x»r» wei O^jnsAt bm 40th YEAE TORiTO PARALYZED BY TOWN wra OFF CUMBMD m eras MIUMS DDIN STORM. MAP BY FIRE in .... HELD UP FOUM ' T*oite^^ Tiid ete^i: JOetore*,- -«nt:, J-ly l.- ___________________________________________________ ___ ___________ —■ M. _ nteht betw^ ^“*0* Bay and Cum-'the fl^ng cleri, UWed breath- --------------- . Ifnlon a»j, tl»e deriu ara always , . /. _ » transminion Um. to the aajne town. ^iHragettos ara ' Dr C H OUUmt. ,™t down .ron. Ca^Ucrtond ones Barrwtt ha. _______ _____, eharjln* and taattatM t‘,r.r:r“rrwr- ^l^-fn-andltochanll^-tn^ todro.arp«tor„tnpon«. ru.:^r."^^^^ jthe Ore that the UnionSOCU^Ja<^ which w..;-^o» rtoUm who amnuaUy m1 la^ the altorno^^as^iwo ol the ^ tumborland. acre held up at Trent Power of tb. Toronto Electric 0«ht - j waved over the HtUs lojr hoipital a«aia for the purpew nf tooa- EXPLOSIVES I.V HABBOa caught on ike. An orderly elimhad,*^ ^ ««ddeatroyiiiK the r.'i:"hUer eon^udi^ the |'to'l'^l^h^ rr^;e„:“toV r.uatj on the buUdinc and ■nnthnrril the lam pa. bu»ine«i at Union Bay, they reached ,3,500. rtra« plant w.e bumeTont ITent river bridge, about flve-ma«. I Two Sw«le«, who - . - Wrtn* was tecMmat lor hown ■». ter ssidiiight with from Cumberland. when they were have-------- been located on the Spit wi keeping or storage of eny 1 ol whi* datane are wt upon by a band of foreigners, j Union Bay. They cannot get away ble or wxploelve materials wlthli.__ who at the point ol their guns, rob- with the tide so high and are sur- llfflita of any harbor, wharf or pier bed th«n af all the bank^ cash. round«I hy pbllce to gasoline Uunch- without consent from the harbor man muehikatsoum Ksmsns ter. The a ilty lor vlo- The robbenMmvlng cut the tele-jca. and by now are probably ryj-.«rSLrr:si“-»~ - ~ - phone llnea, rwul«r«lcommunleaOon j «l. - lation of the- r „ ____ in »100. U thto took plan to vlrtnal dsrkiwm. The hoM-ups an armed shall be li the of the bar- WELUffiTQN 1 and Union Bay automatic pistols. WTHWlWDim such material. —«r« ,:ns It In suted that at South WoDiag- Mhrttol »•* besB proutoi«sa.|*^J2^„^ _ . July 4.— Chas. ton that the mine is working with U h»d th, dtT to mro qntot. Attooo. JrwJi~^"r Donnelly, who shot himseU to the and a full oomptanent of «h- f«rUtor firing was andlbto mto at the Togo pool rooms, ______ as a renuU ol" whkfc SO to dtissw. .1^ —___ ...__ . ■■■* tae 100 tons ol eool M being hrtmgtft to « sworn in,an special mono K MSI who hovered between life and death ENMAWED MU the eurtece each day. Pnrthsrmoro, for nearly two week., was nmoved weareinloi The riot started when an attampt to the hospital for the that fifty n of the strikere to hidd a ■ Tuesday afternoon. ANIHONYfNIILiy worksre. this being tog was Irnstrated and tlto IN DECISIVE MniE Donnelly the moment until thsro modatlon. the dispersed by the poUce.' PaUent in the eyea of the local me­ snwUle having given notke to the Vienna. JUy 6.—De an important position, losses on dieal world that baa hit ihntti parta for many moona. Land of the ThUUe this morning per the Patricia, was rotertei^ last rordmg U t n c»>rrca- TURKEY NEUTRAL waa foimd by the police on BOY SCOUTS RETURN MAraMOBSOQ ..................... t MoAa the Bulgan re- night at the IVrnla Boarding April 28. lying to a pool of blood fsdneri the Servian southern wini July A..^t is a .fohn In the pool rooms. In a letter he lag ton The fTrst Troop. ] with heavy loaeea. The Bulgars ex- offlelally that Turhe>- has agreed refereed the Scouts, who have been enjoying... tte {■ect to occupy Vcllea shortly and a had written It was shown that he In­ tich there w t rojoyal^ LIFE IF mo remain neutral in return for n co Hae-up of music eelvee at Departure Bay great liatlle Is extending along nseeion made Bulgaria to eonaeetk tended to do away with himaeU by turn........................ front of 50 miles, being fought north with the war indemnity. jthe nvolver route and just why the Newport. MX, July fc->Den * “o^S.* “vVh^ the FleWn are Wnlte'^^***^^^ of Haloniki. I shot bsck of the ear did not take a Eighty thousand Oraska an oppos- BITLOARS BEATEN fatal effect is yet a mystery to the onto l^^SSSmt t^t^ss^ riav^ 'a.: A riot on Mawport, 1.______________________ liHT 100.000 Biilgars and the mult Is expected to be the ileciding (ac- Beach tost night whe>« J*- Um magMfimM mit of «n. a • of the Omek-Uulgar campaign. wasjwnovrfjp the TV-.I looking aftsr Um boys. Through the tag Irm. a aeUnr he ha* . u Recitation, ‘•.tdieu to Antonio- rfT^wss dlscovored the bmh. shot mto kOtod h lSBU.. ‘g,^ ^ btoosT^!*! a . en haa i e «rw*s t re driven from fortlflcd poeitione ... vearote W , don several forUOe Wire shrunk from loan of ! 'Song. ‘ "Denr Old Home'W. Gold. on the left banks of the river at lire- Biologtcnl Station. The Renr. Mr. galinitsa and Shelcnllvn. —Tb*- 8erv‘ ”. bloo^. -nur wero filled m.d .too. * ----- ■ night boys .too viehssl tf GREEKS EFEECT C.VPTUREians took a large number of pWann. tim h.a .> I _ ’ ' ' Utter being tnUetded as _ ers. The Bulgur attack pernlyicd down one ride. The"‘1 Bom Bom Bay. ”—______J.. HnmUton. nucleus of a con« to pt fotnad at char waa repulaed after a 1 Northfleld. wan In good enough nhnpe on' 8 ““«> Lomond"- —I. Phllll Sion ol the negro. Ctolr.by o*n hjm into «ha_grf Memories WiU the waUw np to his neck. bspsasM.ttto the police ambulance, whldi took ssp%'"ths vl*tt''c*.tts Mm to, the naylom. W "MMly'IS^-iljS^rOvlo,- the croerd, did the to thsto watoa JgJt — ATIEMPBTO BAilTS ESCAPE ON FARM LABORERS ON Song, "Hundred np«f‘—J. Atg- “^ng. "By the OW Mili ^ tlCWfluto «H an* afUw hol^TT thsf^J*“‘ ® ENGINE AFIER HOLD-UP SMINBRITl W. Lightfoot. ------- snob for a tims nuhed him Into a thm &'c!^’o?d ^fJLww.1 *• ^ to Zinle ^tl^ folloJS?^ U- Padllo ’«- -tartod to pnU th. a.. July S.— An aH- day aearch ol the Tallahatchie river.'turn! laborern. tired ol waiting Highland FIlng.-A. McNulty. ;itoilroad to bn aa attesnpt to wieck *® Wtofiown wen bi Senators won by a 7-4 ____ _______, Song, "Two Eyts of Grey." (by a Unto was dtocoveied at _ ,«>Uadn ripped e«and bottom in the vicinity of UateeviUoAhe milUmium promised by tbe poU- ‘^ todayw,. when Jamea appeared .»tjcal— ---irequest)---—1--- —— crowd forced their way into there wltog Omen. a. Jaiy -W. about 10 o ’clock last night, when and l^>po. .• Miaa„ Uiltd to dlsclowf , llclaoa, an nvertlng to the trades „n the strc^rvVt With his right band Thn proceedings were woua on account of a smashed ‘he party singing "For He’s ler was hdd. «ae Cnmby, 18 ymmrm oM. a< tklifii. nay trace ol the two> bandlta,bandits, who union agitaliun,agitation, and great etrikee bnmlagrf InatanUy kflle* whew he toB miiblle fin sr. The iniury. which was O‘'od Fellow." od acroon the track shortly bafon ytaterday held np and robbed the are now to progress in varioua parte ' teat from hin balloon mhOn ■igMSt 'S-, freight unto was due. The track is lUlnoto Centnl southbound paaeen- of the counuj ’. ««P<*billy in Lan- nrst. will urobably keep him out I -------------- ----------- ]----- •nenrion hefinss SSOfi peeMls nA on the Pacific divUloa and to jotoUy tbe Wood Oomriy Snnter Mwsl As. need by the Northern Paclflc. Otant soetotiuB pbnie today. OMiy tsM •gton Vancouver. July^.-'T ^ y Id^ LIGHWT This to the of the immensity of throe ttems In got his togs mw th* ,3,5<H)l <‘»y. Ddl pay for overtime, and re- tor attempt on this division within Ul I went into■ tbe■ InteriSr^oo_____ my cnmrtiar of Ms traims. and ItnsMF Tbe train usnaily carries large a- cognition of the union, first Archlepiriiopal to«r.— • ■ «0d his a week. ohstrucUoan bnvtog I losthishoM. mounts of money for amnU banks .a-| The strikers are picketing ttoicoun grace Archbishop Casey to Tim Sun CRICKEIERAND STOPPED IN MFTH I placed on the track .anr Anbnin toot night. "It was a revslnfto n to long the line, but hecauae of the hoi- Uyslde and to some parts are vio- j few days sga. Iday the customary shlpmenU we.'ejlently preventing farm supplies being' Lon Angeles, July 5—Lemii Gross. oua beritaga which <«paasene In this not made. The mall car.-which was sent to market. Farmem. while j pourmoiES SOME CANOE TRIP. ____ the New York lightweight, flnt.tuui province, and also of the crodtt also rifled, carried but few register- willing to consider the question of j which U due to the pioneere who are •Bud Anderson, of Oregon, snesteritoy John H. Sullivan, ol VMparatoo, rd psekages. adamantine over rccog- w^l^ ou^^ to^ of - July 5.- The Rt. Hon. m tbe iweUth round of what waa tod., is In the near future to start were not disturbed. nUtng the Agricultural Union. ! 1 and in the Val- Alfred LytOcton. member ol the canted to be a twroty-rouad battle, u, a 16-foot canoe from Albany N eys of the Kootenay. STM.vins'ttrjs Uouri, ol Oommons for St.
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