VOL. LVI. WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS, MARCH 18, 1948 No. 17 Stage-Struck Girl Stirs Stephen Spender Will Discuss Wo.rks Staid Family in Comedy Joan Youmans Depicts Actress in "Years Ago"; Sophomores Will ftt Katherine Lee Bates Poet's Reading Winkler Cat F eaiured English Poet Is Also "Oh Radcliffe . .. they're all Learn of Maiors Professor and Critic; suffragettes!" cries the hero~ne 1 At So·ciety Teas Leads "New Movement" of Years Ago, the comedy which Barn will presen t March 19 at "This is the great chance for Stephen Spender, young Eng­ 8:30 p.m. and March 20 at 8:00 s9phomores to explore the possi­ lish poet and critic, wql read p.m. Joan Youmans '49 will bilities for a major next year," and discuss his poetry at t:he have the leading role as Ruth, declared Aileen Margolis '48, a Katherine Lee Bates Poetry the stage-struck daughter of a member of the Student Educa­ Reading to be held in Pendleton, strict Massachusetts family. tion Committee who !s heading Hall Friday, March 19, at 4 :40 Ruth's father, Albert Woll of the teas to be held Monday, p.m. "This will be the last Wellesley Hills, is convinced that I!Vfarch 22 ~rom 3 :30 to 6 :00 p.m. chance for m embers of the col· she should become a P hysical m the Soc1_ety_ house~. lege community to hear Mr. Education, instructor. But under- Future Juniors will have a Spender · before he returns to standing Mama, played by Joan c~ance to progress ~II along so­ E ngland n ext year," said Mrs. Zell '50 is not so sure that she c1ety row, depending on the George Curran, of the Depart­ wants ~thletes ·instead of actres- frelds that most interest them. ment of English. ses in the family. In Z. A. they. will _find Music Mr. Spender, together with W . Art, and English. If they pro­ H . Auden, Christopher Isherwood, Dr. Kin&ey Will Observe? ceed to Phi Sig, they will hear Louis McNeice, and C. Day Other members of the cast in­ a Babel of all foreign languages. Lewis, has been one of the lead­ clude Milton Grubbs as the Majors in Economics, Political ers of the "new" English poetry Crimson rooter; Phyl Pi .per '51 Science, and Sociology will oc­ movement , of the 30's, and is · a fugitive from Sargent School; cupy . Agora. Historians and rated by many as one of the Sus.i Espenett and Nancy Tufel philosophers will hold the floor foremost poets of our time. '50 as Ruth's friends, and Her­ at A. K. X. Facts and figures Has Had Varied Career bert Ellison and Donald Vose. will be the subject at T. Z. E. Born in. London in 1909, Mr. Dr. Kinsey may be sitting in where Psychology, Mathematics, Spender attended University Col­ Alum to observe the remark­ and Physics will be at work. lege at Oxford, and has traveled able cat which swaps sex. Wil­ Oth'er scientists can absorb cul­ considerably on the Continent. h€lmina, the feline of director ture by osmosis while talking He was present at the Interna- . A. Eldon Winkler, becomes .a to astronomers, botanists, zo­ tional Writers' Co.nference in, tom-cat called "Punk" when ologists, ahemists, geologists, and Spain in 1937 during that coun­ she rolls along the Alum stage. geographers in, Shakespeare. try's civil war, and was one of Declared Ann Robinson '48 66 Seniors Participate the chief translators of Spanish president of Barn, "Wilhelmina Though the suggestion has Loyalist poetry. From 1939-1941 he was an editor of Ho1 ·izon, an ~s our biggest worry. We can't come up before to have sopho­ seem to make her scr atch at the mores meet with s•eniors to dis­ Englis h magazine of in.ternation­ right moment or be under the cuss the advantages of t heir al fame. F r om 1941-1944, he buffet at the proper time." department, this is ·the fi r st served as an auxiliary fireman year that anyone has really in England. H e has recently Paint Cans P redominate worked out the idea. Aileen ex­ been teaching a nd lecturing in Strains of "Sailing, sailing, plained that Miss Ella Keats this count r y, a nd is now a mem­ over the bounding main . " Whiting, Dean of . Instruction, ber of the s taff of Sarah Law­ come from back stage, where had supported the plan and as­ r en.ce· College. H e pla ns to re­ paint cans and step ladders pre­ sisted her in every way possible. turn to Engla nd n ext year. dominate, as rehearsals for the "Since this is an experiment, r t's Spender has produced a vast play reach . a close. Colored the success of the teas depends amoun,t of wor k- fiction, crit i­ and kleig lights are r eady for as much on the interest and co­ cism, and dra ma as well as use this w eek end, and the head oper ation of t he sophomores as Kinsey Re port poetry. His work oft€Q reflects of light ing, somewhat befuddled, on th e ability 'Of t h e seniors in Contestants Try Dear E ditor, the political views which h e holds was' h ea rd t elling a n aide to an_wer ing questions," said Ai­ There is obviously a mis­ in common wit h ot her m embers "stroke t he f urnace." leen. T here is no set program. Float Designingr- understanding con cernin g the of his "radical" gr oup of writ ers. Years A go will feature styles T h e sen iors, sixty-six st rong, responsibility of the College As L ouis Untermeyer says of of the early l~OO ' s a la Wollas­ and from two to five in each I maginations a nd pa int brush­ in t he case of the sale of him, however, "It is not Spend­ ton, Mass. Ru th and her two department, w ill sit under signs, es rriay run w ild in, design ing th e Kinsey R eport at Hath a­ er's choice of opinion w hich .. lContinued on page 7, col. 5) .. labeling them· by · departments. th e floa ts for F loat Night, which way House Bookshop. It was mak es his work exciting; it is Selected by the chair m en of will tak e place Friday, May 14 only after t he article had ap­ th e integrity of his aim accom­ their major fields for the variety a t 8 :00 p.m. The · story T he peared in T ime that the man­ panied by charge and highly of courses they have covered, Arabian Nights has been chosen ager of the Bookshop report­ suggestive phrases, the thru t Stately Seniors their ability, and their interest, as the theme for Float Night, ed the situation to a College of his vision." they will stand ready to face the disclosed Odette I;Iatch '49, official. Thus it 'is plain that Spender Writes Prolifical1y Strain Sobriety crossfire of questions. chairman of Float Night. no administrative officer of Among his principle poetic "No holds barred," continued Contest for designing fl.oats the College has any responsi­ works arc: Nine Entertainments for Prom Plans Aileen.: "These girls will try to and programs covers are being bility for the formulation of (1928), Twenty Poems (1930), answer anything but the prob­ held. "Anyone can submit her the policy of the Bookshop Poems (1933), Vienna (1935), Stately seniors will throw lem of who ·will win the Repub­ version of .Never -ever Land," which was protested in last The Still CenUe (1939), and Re- their cares to the winds, April lican nomiha tion this year, d€clared Odette. "Individuals, week's News. turn to Vienna (1947). Also fam .. 17, when the sky of Alumnae though preferably about their groups, or even. a whole house Perhaps a reminder is in, can submit a design. Often ous is his critical treatise, The Hall will be blue from 8 :00 (Continued on ?age 6, Col. 1) order that Wellesley College until 12 :00 p.m. regardless of such a large scaled undertaking does not own the Hathaway Destructive Element r1935), Trial the weather, and galaxies of is done best by a group work­ House Bookshop. of a Judge (1938) a tragedy of stars will shower from every ing toge ·her." Assurances are now given Nazi terror, and The Biirning Designing Contest Opens column upon the merry dancers Sportswomen Get that all• restrictions · on the Cactus (1936), a collection of of Senior Prom. Designs for both floats and sale and examination of the program covers must be given report at the Bookshop have short stories. Picnics, Society parties and Wellesley Prizes to Phyllis Sleeper '49, pageant general merry-making will be- been removed. The Poets' Reading Committee chairman, by April 8th. The Sincerely yours, includes Mrs. George Curran, gin on Friday evening With men Results of Interdorm Sports' float designs are to be drawn ensnared from Yale, Dartmouth, Day events: Lucy Wilson Miss Evelyn Wells, Miss Kath­ on a scale of eight by twelve Dean of Students Harvard, MIT, Princeton, and First Place: Team VII Beebe- erine C. Balderston, and Miss surrounding states to join the Cazenove 92.5 points (Continued on P age 4, Col. 3) fun. Saturday classes should Second Place: Team I V Nor­ Eleanor Prentiss, all of the De­ overflow \Vith unfamiliar voices umbega - Little - Crofton - Wis­ partment of English.
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