Annual Conference of the Austrian Studies Associa on austrianstudies.org “Crossing Borders — Blurring Borders” March 2628, 2015 University of MichiganDearborn Guest Ar sts: Maja Haderlap Ursula Hübner Karl Markovics Invited Speaker: Diane Shooman “Crossing Borders — Blurring Borders,” the theme of the Austrian Studies Associa on’s March 2628, 2015 conference, is conceived to promote discussions within Austrian Studies from the widest variety of disciplinary as well as mul and interdisciplinary perspec ves. Special Events Thursday, March 26 7:00 p.m. Mardigian Library, Alfred Berkowitz Gallery Reading: Maja Haderlap Maja Haderlap has long been an important voice from and for the Slovenian community in Austria. This role increased ten fold when she was awarded the IngeborgBachmannPreis in July 2011 with her debut as an author of German prose at the Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur. The prizewinning novel, Engel des Vergessens , published in 2011 by Wallstein Press, was subsequently awarded the BrunoKreiskyPreis for the best poli cal book and the Rauriser Literaturpreis in 2012. Friday, March 27 8:409:20 a.m. 1030 CASL Building Featured morning talk Diane Shooman: “Dance in the Circular City” Diane Shooman, who will speak on the dance scene in Austria, received her PhD in Compara ve Literature from Brown Uni versity in 1987, and taught at Oberlin College, Clark University and Skidmore College before moving to Vienna in 1990. She has been teaching the interdisciplinary seminar “Vergleiche künstlerischer Disziplinen” at the University of Art in Linz since 1998, and Humani es at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien since 1999. She was a Core Adjunct Faculty member of the Hollins University/ American Dance Fes val MFA Program in Dance from Summer 2008 – Summer 2010. She writes book and catalogue texts on the visual arts, and authored the Q&A dance column “Fragen Sie Dr Shooman” for the Falter Zeitschri , where she regularly publishes guest essays on dance. She has been a vocalist in the band “Chrono Popp und die Sorry Babies” since 2010, and debuted as a singer/songwriter in Spring 2014. 1 Friday, March 27 5:007:00 p.m. Mardigian Library, Alfred Berkowitz Gallery Early evening recep on and talk Ursula Hübner: “Bodily Obsessions: The History of Austrian Pain ng via Egon Schiele, Maria Lassnig, Ursula Hübner, and other Affi ni es” Ursula Hübner studied stage design at the Mozarteum and pain ng at the Hochschule für angewandte Kunst in Vienna, where she was a student of Maria Lassnig. She has been a Professor für Malerei und Grafi k at the Kunstuniversität in Linz since 1998. Her extensive oeuvre includes pain ngs, installa ons, and graphic design. She has also designed stage se ngs for plays by Wolfgang Bauer, Alan Benne , Flann O’Brian, Gustave Flaubert as well as fi lm sets for Kurt Palm. One of her most visible installa ons was the Triumphbogen der Kunst as part of the Triennale in Linz in 2010. She was been awarded numerous prizes, including the Preis für Bildende Kunst der Stadt Wien (2008) and the Interna onaler Preis für Kunst und Kultur des Kulturfonds der Stadt Salzburg (2010). Saturday, March 28 1:302:10 p.m. 1030 CASL Building Roundtable discussion with guest ar sts (in German): Maja Haderlap, Ursula Hübner, Karl Markovics [per Skype] Saturday, March 28 7:00 p.m. 1500 Social Sciences Building Film: Franz Fuchs. Ein Patriot (Franz Fuchs. A Patriot ): Introduc on and discussion with the actor/director Karl Markovics [per Skype] In his professional life Karl Markovics has crossed many borders. He is a talented stage and television actor as well as a screen actor. He is perhaps best known to American audiences as Salomon “Sally” Sorowitsch in the Oscarwinning fi lm The Conterfeiters (2007). In addi on to the many Austrian movies he has starred in, he played a German physician in the Hollywood movie Unknown (2011) and a prisoner in The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014). In 2012, he debuted as a director with the award winning fi lm Atmen (Breathing), which deals with a young man in a correc onal facility struggling with many internal and external borders. His second fi lm, Superwelt, in which a supermarket employee meets God, was recently screened at the Berlinale. 2 Thursday, March 26 Maja Haderlap 7:00 p.m. Mardigian Library, Alfred Berkowitz Gallery Reading in German, Slovenian, and English Friday, March 27 Welcome 8:308:40 a.m. 1030 CASL Building Marty Hershock, Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, and Le er Jacqueline Vansant, Professor of German, UMDearborn Featured speaker: Diane Shooman 8:409:20 a.m. 1030 CASL Building “Dance in the Circular City” Coff ee, tea and snacks will be available in 3065 CASL Building, our Café Kochoff , on Friday from 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. except during lunch. Session 1: Friday 9:3010:45 a.m. 1083 CASL Building The Garden, the Field, and the Home: Places for Scien fi c Refl ec on in Modern Austria and Germany Moderator: Jonathan Smith, University of MichiganDearborn “Wilhelmine von Hillern and Evolu onary Theory” Lisabeth Hock, Wayne State University “Crossing Educa onal and Occupa onal Borders: Austrian Women’s Employment in the Life Sciences in the Early Twen eth Century” Marsha Richmond, Wayne State University “From Agricultural Prac ce to Gene c Theory: The Career of Erich Tschermak (1871–1962)” Sander Gliboff , Indiana University 3 Session 1: Friday 9:3010:45 a.m. (con nued) 1084 CASL Building Transla ons and Transla ng over Borders and Iden es Moderator: Sofi a CalzadaOrihuela, University of MichiganDearborn “Recep on of Maja Haderlap’s novel Engel des Vergessens (2011) in Slovenian Cultural Circles” Monika Zagar, University of Minnesota “Genres of Transla on” Jennifer Gülly, College of William and Mary “Polytonality as Linguis c Border Crossing in Milena Michicko Flašar’s Novels” Edward Muston, Dickinson College 1085 CASL Building Transla ng Poli cs in Filmic Gestures Moderator: James Gilmore, University of MichiganDearborn “Crossing Borders: The Case of Fritz Lang and the Biopoli cal Order in Early Film Noir” Margaret Ozierski, Virginia Commonwealth University “The Anschluss as Film Noir and the Deconstruc on of ‘Topos Vienna’: Reading Leo Perutz’s Novel Fragment Mainacht in Wien (1938) as Cinema c Text” Robert Dassanowsky, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs “Writers as Actors: Elfriede Jelinek and Marlene Streeruwitz in Iconic Film Roles” Dagmar Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago 1088 CASL Building New Literary Geographies in Jelinek and Bernhard Moderator: MariaRegina Kecht, Webster Vienna Private University “Stories without Borders: Narra ves of Branding in Contemporary Austrian Literature” William Christopher Burwick, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis “bruit parasite? Überlegungen zur Erzeugung des Dazwischen durch Elfriede Jelineks Konzept des Sekundärdramas” Teresa Kovacs, Universität Wien “Thomas Bernhard’s Geography of the Page: A Report on Archival Expedi ons and Analysis of Bernhard’s Typescripts of the 1980s” Fred Yaniga, Hillsdale College 4 Session 1: Friday 9:3010:45 a.m. (con nued) 1089 CASL Building Liminality in Austrian Waters and Dreamworlds Moderator: Tija Spitsberg, University of MichiganDearborn “Water as a Transcendent Border in Five Austrian Novels and Tales” Pamela S. Saur, Lamar University “Crossing the Danube Limes: The Case of Angeschwemmt” Katherine Arens, University of Texas at Aus n “Sleepwalking through Vienna: On Malina’s Dreams” Kathryn E. McEwen, Michigan State University Session 2: Friday 11:00 a.m.12:15 p.m. 1084 CASL Building Changing States in Hofmannsthal, Ka a, and Broch Moderator: Thomas Fiore, University of MichiganDearborn “Between Human and Animal: Der Knecht in Hofmannsthal’s Andreas” Alexander Mathas, University of Oregon “Crossing the Animal/Human Divide: Franz Ka a’s Concentra onary Universe” Eva Revesz, Denison University “Trangressing the Empirical: Hermann Broch’s Der Tod des Vergil and the ‘StreamofDeath’ Technique” Jacobs van der Kolk, Penn State University 1086 CASL Building Historical Circumstances and Women Crossing Borders in Fact and Fic on Moderator: Anna Muller, University of MichiganDearborn “Blurring Borders of Iden ty: Mela Hartwig’s Female Figures” Sarah Painitz, Butler University “‘The Evil That Surrounds Me’: The Wri ngs of Erma Becker-Kohen, 1937-1963” Mar na Cucchiara, Blu on University “‘Wenn ich die Wahl zwischen zwei Stühlen habe, nehme ich das Nagelbre ’: On Heimat and Border Crossings in Spaltkopf und Die Erdfresserin ” Chris na Eiko Guenther, Bowling Green State University 5 Session 2: Friday 11:00 a.m.12:15 p.m. (con nued) 1087 CASL Building The Borders of Language and Concepts Moderator: Kathleen Wider, University of MichiganDearborn “How the Limits of My Language Create New Possibili es for Meaning” Maureen Linker, University of MichiganDearborn “On the trail of Wi genstein and Musil in the work of Ingeborg Bachmann” Sharon Weiner, University of Illinois, Chicago “Ka a’s Insubordinate Par culars” Lorraine Marko c, University of Calgary 1088 CASL Building Refugees, Migrants, and Exiles: Experiences Crossing Borders Moderator: Julia Daniel Walkuski, University of MichiganDearborn “‘Tear Down the Walls of Fortress Europe’: Protest Movement and the Case of Somali Refugees in Austria” Verena Stern, Universität Wien Reimagining Mul Lingualism in Austrian Migrant Educa on Aaron Carpenter, Boise State University “Borderless, Boundaryless and Barrierless: The Life and Career of Austrian Exile Gina Kaus” Regina C. Range, Concordia University, Montreal 1089 CASL Building CrossCultural Ties in Film Music, Math, and Art Moderator: Margret Hö , University of MichiganDearborn “Arthur Kleiner: An Austrian in New York” Anna Katharina Windisch, Universität Wien “Border Crossings: Emil Ar n in Austria, Germany, and America” Della Dumbaugh, University of Richmond “Austrian Modernism in New York: The Life and Work of Erika Giovanna Klien (19001957): A Female Ar st Crossing Borders” Birgit Kirchmayr, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz Lunch Break: Friday 12:152:00 p.m. 6 Session 3: Friday 2:003:15 p.m.
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