TUESDAT, SEFTEMBER 24.1940 rWELVB Average Dally Circulation flattrbrsinr Eohtfna XmDk For Um Moath of Aagaot, 1B4B plla h «v « been discovered wbo The iRmbiem Ghib Will hold a Emergency Doctors 6331 Music Lessons otherwise might not have been. public bridge at t^ .E lk a home in Plaao Olaeees Board Studies Membor of Uw Audit - iU>out Town RMkville tomorrow a^moon at Physicians of the Manchester In connection with instrumental HALE'S SELF SERVE Buieaa of OIrenlatloaa 2:30. Mra J. R. Morin^Mr8. Al­ Medical Assoctatlon who will instruction, many pupila have in­ bert Heller, Mrs. Harry Dowdlng, -respond to emergency calls to­ Again Planned quired as to the possibility of AnnualReport The Orijdnfil In New England! Mmiehstfsp—A Ctfy of VtUago Chwrnt piliM Emma Lou Kehl«r, daugh- Mra. Anna Wllleke, Mrs. Jepnle morrow afternoon are Dm. having piano classes formed in the K Mr. and Mm. T. B. Kehler Burke, Mra. W. Burke are the George Lundberg and Alfred ■ sch(X>ls. If any local teacher is in­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEBIBER 25,1940 ^ B o U d atreet h u returned to Rockville members on the commit'*^ Sundqulst. ____* Sixty-fiveTupHs Are En­ terested in teaching piano classes AudHor^s Suggestions AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LIX., NO. 304 (ClaaoMod AdvorttMug oa Pago 14) kaca College for the second year tee, and Mrs. John Wilson, Man- In the acbpola, he may apply in her dramatic studies. During . Chester. rolled Already in the writing to Mr. Pearson, ataU ^ hla Are Presented; Other '^tba summer Miss Kehler has been Parents of cnlldrer attending the Sunday school of the Kmanuel Elementary Grades. training, experience and any in­ Matters Reviewed. ;Stud3diig'the ballet under Miss Hillstown Grange will sponsor a formation relative to special piano Wed. Morning Specials ' Dolores Guidone of Hartford, and Lutheran church have been invited safety program Thursday evening to attend the monthly meeting of class training. Local teachers will voice with Mrs. Philip Nelson of at nine o'clock which will be open For the third succemlve year, be given first preference and their The annual report of Town Au­ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Ei- Delmont street. the Sunday school teachem and to the public. Inspector Frank officers tonight at 8 o’clock. Vari­ instrumental Instruction will be applications will be acted upon by ditor H. N. Alexander waa offi­ Chameroy of the State Police De­ ous phases of the work of Chrlatlan provided for pupils in the elemen­ the proper school authorities. cially presented to the Board of The County meeting of the partment will show motion pic­ In order to stimulate interest in education wUl be discussed during tary grades of the public schools Selectmen last night as the meet­ Legion auxiliary will be tures and give a lecture on the the local teaching profession, _____________ Can 2 1 c Ixermans; the session and a large attendance Armour's Treat Anti-Aircraft Fire Sunday, September 29 at 3:15 ing adjourned. It appear* that subject, and a social time with re­ ia hoped for. Refreshments will hero (Jurlng the 1940-41 year. teachers of all types of instru­ Legion home in Newington, freshments will follow. ^ Starting today, sixty-five pupils ments, Including piano, are Invited members will study the report le'cbairmen are reminded to pre- be served and a social time will be are to enroll In classes Ifi violin, to send their names, addresses and privately, with the Board’s water 10-Lb. ^ t h Bag thelr reports. held. clarinet, comet, trombone and Sugar 49c Two bakery trucks were In an telephone numbers to Mr. Pearson committee supposed to take spe­ accident yesterday afternoon on All candidates for nomination in cello. to be posted la all the schools. The plan was Inaugurated three cial note of recommendations af­ Charter Oak street, caused. It was the recent primaries must by law Any FfaiTor! years ago and has proven highly claimed by one driver, John. B. file statements of their campaign fecting the towm water depart­ Pkgs. successful. For the benefit of par­ JelUO~ Hannigan of 194 Hamilton street, expenses, it was noted today by Scholarship Given ment. A t the next Board session, TOM'S ents who are hot acquainted with Reports Circulate Haitford. wheh he swerved to Town Clerk Samuel J. Turkington. discussion of recommendations Large Family Size Can this program of musical education. avoid hitting a bicyclist. Oscar The deadline for such filing is to­ Robert O’Malley may occur. morrow, and those failing to make G. Albert Pearson, director of mu­ Legioa’a FsUtloa Package Store Cafro, 15. of 131 Charter Oak sic In the public schools, explains Cana street. The Hannigan tnick collid­ returns by that date are subject to Friend's Beans 2 25c 41 OAK STREET the plan In detail. The Board voted to issue calls ed with the parked truck of Frank penalty. So far only four candi- New York. Sept. 24.— (Special.) T dldate.s of all who sought nomina­ Details of Plan shortly for the holding of public Texaco, Good Gulf, Tydol or Khcll British, French Battle in West Africa C. Morawa, .190 East street. New - - Robert O’Malley, of Manchester, hearings on a proposal of Dil- ■ Open for Business “ In the past three years, the In­ 1 Britain. The vehicle.^ were slightly tions, have filed. a graduate of Tr1nl*y College and worth-Oomell Post, American Le­ ♦ strumental Fund of the local l^dilwaukee Picked Cross Channel Blasts damaged. now a student at the Columbia gion, that eldewalka be built on Tomorrow .Morning schools, through donations frbhi Motor Oil 2 qi,. 31c William Oswald, who has con- University School o f Medicine here, the south side of Leonard' atreet, d\icted three food stores In Man­ Manchester residents and through Fancy Bleached Highest Grade Liquors '— Edward Ooddard. no address, has been awarded a scholarship In and the residents of Om pfleld chester. one on Spruce street, an­ concerts, has been able to pur­ the medical school, according to road. In another petition, be called Wines and Bees will appear in town court tomor­ other on ( ’enter and a third on 'For Legion Meet; chase $2,500 worth of Instruments. an announcement Yesterday by to express their views on sewer In- Large Stock .\lways row on a charge of Tntoxirntlon. He Cooper street, today sold the Coo­ These Instruments are loaned to Celery Bunch 9c WiiM picked up on .Mam street ye.s- Dean Willard C. Rappleye. The •stallatlon on that atreet. Bids for Signal Raid Renewal; On Hand per street store to Frank Jones intcres'tod and deserving pupils for award la valued at $500. this Job wlU be asked. terdny at 1:1.5 p. rn. of 75 Fairfield Street. Mr. Jones one year. During that year, pupils Srhniarahips totaling $36,675 to I t . waa voted to order W P A has been the manager of the Coo-- take class les.sons from experi­ outstanding graduates of 42 col­ Alien Check Urged projects for the Installation of per street store since it was pur- enced local teachers In their par­ leges and universities were an­ White Turnips Lbs. cha.sed by Mr Oswald six years ticular schools during one noon walks on Hall court and Pine nounced at the same time. They street and for Hartford road from PINEHllRST — DIAL 4151 ago and before It was. purchased hour a week. The cost of the les­ were based on superior academic w.as employed in the .same store Main street to the red bridge near Program Adopted in Ef-1 OfTiciala Asks For Fine; Store closes at noon sons Is 75 cents weekly. standing, personality and extra­ the Cheney office. Wednes<la,v . please shop by a former owner. The papers A t End of Year curricular activities, and the prom­ HEALTH MARKET feet Declares ‘War’ on Driving Without License Wednes«lay morning. transferring the ownership were “ During the course or the year, ise of future achievement. The signed today. ANOTHER the instructor advises whether or winners come from 26 states. All Subversive Activi­ East Orange, N. J., Sept. 25. No Certainty Whether f l l r w ^ German Planes Roar not he thinks the pupil Is particu­ —(/P)—Meet the man who PRE.MIUM OFFER . Grand Chancellor Geofge S. ALICE CO FRAN Lb. ties; Kansas City Con­ larly talented, and nbtlfles the (Known .As QueMi Alice) Slice of Ham 37c praised the patrolman wbo City Is Still Holding OV^er I^ndon to Be Mrt Proctor & Gamble Just Brookes of Rockville will make Cook In milk, broil nr bake with fruit. r—■- raosTttf parents as to the pupil's pil>gxeM. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM gave him a ticket and asked shipped riO very attractive his official visit to Linne lodge. When the year ends, the pareritS cedes Defeat Before for a fine when the court was Out or Expeditionary Berlin H eart Heavy Barrage; Ex- METAL SEK\ ING TP \Y.S No. 72, Knights of Pythias, at its PEACHES Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son are adrised by the instructor ready to suspend sentence. riRDS EYE ■ — 9 in. wide, 14 in. long; col­ regular meeting tomorrow night Bom With a VeU. The Roll Call Ends. Force Has Gained Foot- , TXT* i * plosions Heard Across whether or not he thinks the pupil He Is Police Recorder Thom- or: blue with pale yellow at 8 o'clock at Orange Hall and a Readings Dally 9 A. M. to B P. M. Lb. is talented enough for the parent to FOR C\\NING Strip Bacon 18c { as J.
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