THE All RPO ST JOURNAL Alf Mtift ,·,,.......iwoP• ..,,}Mw,_di.U . C..~1- . lb~'" Llttfl<11••· Atlli:ll(Jff _f,, h•J'PCllW ul• i!;.':~~,. ,-.• -. Sout:h Africa's Empire Exhibition Air-Post-Cards were sent: t:o any part: of t:he world by Airmail for a halfpenny ' 1937 Revised Edition 520 Pages '2000 Illustrations Lists and erices Official and Semi-Official Airpost Stamps of the World Cloth Bound • • • • prepaid $2.00 / DeLuxe Edition • • thumb index $4.00 OUR NEW ISSUE SERVICE Brings you all of the new stamps at their proper prices ' Nicolas Sanabria, Inc. 17 l;ast 42nd St:reet + ~ New York Cit:y CABLE ADDRESS: NICSAN, NEW YORK ' .fl ..fl.m.~ 'PLarw, 'P~ ~ COMPLETE AIRMAIL CATALOG by WALTER J. CONRATH urged to accept the position of editor-in­ chief of the proposed catalog. Being President A.A.M.S. widely experienced in the several special­ Albion, Pa. ties of airposts and outstandingly quali• fied, Mr. Angers' choice was enthusiastic· ally received by the officers and direc­ Catalog Survey Committee Report tors, as it will be welcomed by aero­ Approved by Officers and philatelists everywhere. The editor-in­ Directors chief will be assisted by the catalog FTER SEVERAL YEARS during committee in completing the organiza­ tion. This group has been designated to which there has been no available form the board responsible for the pub­ A comnlete airmail catalog, it now lication and will later name editors or seems an almost assured fact a new and editorial boards for the individual sec­ more comprehensive volume soon will be tions. in the process of preparation under the sponsorship of the American Air Mail Content a.nd Scope Society. The committee meeting discussion was At a meeting of members of the con­ of the opinion that the proposed catalog vention-appointed Catalog Survey Com­ should be all inclusive of airmail items mittee including L. B. Gatchell, F. W. which do n·ot now have a current list­ Kessler, the writer, 'and several of the ing. The impossibility of naming the officers . and directors of the A.A.M.S., exact scope of the book without advance held several weeks ago at Cleveland, the knowledge of the finances -available was, matter of the proposed publication of a however, admitted. complete airmail catalog was thoroughly It was the opinion of the committee discussed. As the group was perhaps the that the book must be representative first most representative which could be as­ of American Airmails, which would in­ sembled before another convention, fur­ clude the Canadian flights. Also brought ther phns for the organization and out was the point that collectors of in­ financing of the book were also con­ dividual groups or specialties should do sidered. The findings and recommenda­ their share to help finance the listing tions of the committee were later offered of those sections in order that they be for the approval of the balance of the adequately included. officers and directors. At this writing a sufficient number have reported their In that it is reported that several hearty endorsement and desire that the exisiting catalogs and handbooks of Society go ahead with plans for the world airposts would probably not ap­ publication, which was the initial pear in the future, the committee was of recommendation of the survey com­ the opinion that the proposed book mittee. would be greatly strengthened by the inclusion of pioneer aero-philatelic items George W. Angers Named and rarities of the world. There is also Editor-in-Chief reported to be increasing interest in these covers in America. The second unanimous recommendation of the catalog committee was that Adequate Financing Essential George W. Angers, present secretary and Incorporated in the report of the sur­ president emeritus of the A.A.M.S., be vey committee, it was pointed out suf- e OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE e AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY THi= AIRPOST JOURNAL • DECEMBER, 1936. VOL. VIII, NO. 3 • ISSUE 80 10c PER COPY 3 THE Al RPOST JOURNAL ficient finances must be raised through Finance Committee voluntary contributions, subscriptions Mr. L. B. Gatchell, 10 Birch Brook and orders to assure the. underwriting Road, Bronxville, N. Y., widely known of the catalog before work of publica­ aero-philatelist, past president of the tion is inaugurated. As the Society dues A.A.M.S. and editor-in-chief of the are currently intended only for the op­ Society's Contract Air Mail handbook eration of the various departments, it is (published 1935), and the writer will impossible for the treasury to assume serve as co-chairmen of the catalog any additional obligation. A separate finance committee. Additional members cata!Og fund is being established and of the committee in various sections of contributions and subscriptions will first this country and abroad will be named be received. A complete list of all in the near future. subscriptions received will be published in subsequent issues of the AIRPOST Contributions will be received im­ JOURNAL, and reprinted for the finance mediately and should be made payable committee. In the event that sufficient to "The American Air Mail Society, advance contributions are not subscribed Cahlog Fund" and forwarded to either by sponsors or purchasers of special chairman. Acknowledgement of receipt editions, all funds will be returned to will be made and we hope to be able to the original donors. If and when an present a substantial listing of the initial arbitrary sum is subscribed, together subscribers in the next issue of The with an estimate of funds from future JOURNAL. sales, with which it is determined the desired complete airmail catalog can be published, individual 'advance orders for THE COVER the book will be accepted. • Illustrated on the cover this month is Three Editions Planned one of the special air mail postal cards recently issued at the Empire Exhibition It was the concensus of opinion of the of South Africa. These cards were mail­ survey committee that three individual :able to any address VIA AIRMAIL at the editions or bindings be designated and rate of one half penny, when posted at prepared. The sponsors' edition would an exhibition postoffice. be artistically bound and stamped with the best available materials •8nd would It is interesting to note this low rate be presented to those contributors who for air service as it will undoubtedly be subscribe the more substanial amounts, adopted by various nations for postal thereby assuring the publication of the card correspondence in the near future. complete airmail catalog. At the com­ Much interest has also been aroused throughout the world by the special mittee meeting several aero-philatelist~ were mentioned as being willing to con­ souvenir phibtelic panes of stamps is­ tribute one hundred doH•rs to assure sued for South Africa's "JIPEX". The the appearance of a complete book to be stamps were produced in blocks of six published under the direction of the with descriptive overprints at the sides Society. A half dozen or more patrons and six miniature ·advertising labels on willing to subscribe this sum would cer­ the top and bottom. Two values, the tainly prove the soundness of our hobby half penny and the one penny, were and at the same time assist greatly by issued in the bi-colors of the regular insuring the future of aero-philately current issue. through the publication of a more de­ We are indebted to our good friend sirable and comprehensive catalog. and correspondent, Mr. Park Smith, The Strand, C. P., for this information and A second edition of the proposed cata­ the interesting airpostcards illustrated. log would be termed "DeLuxe". This would be prepared specially for those LOOSE LEAF BINDERS airmail colletcors who subscribed a for the AIRPOST JOURNAL minimum amount of ten dollars toward Keep your file of back numbers in the publication. It is planned to have good condition. Bound in black water­ both of the contributors' editions auto­ proof fabricoid, stamped with gold. graphed by the board of editors ·and the Will hold 24 issues. Window on back foi: volume numbers. Each, post­ list of subscribers who make the publica­ paid, $2.00. tion possible would be listed in all three AIRPOST JOURNAL - Albion, Pa. editions. 4 CONTRACT AIRMAILS by WM. R. C. ALLEY 'New York City In. the field of U. S. 1st Flight covers, the designations-"Pioneers" and "Gov­ ernmentals" or "Experimentals" clearly and aptly define these two stages in the development of the Air Mail. My objection is to the name used to classify the third and fill'al division­ "The Contract Air Mails", or C.A.M.s. • CACHET of first flight In fact, this appellation is a decided of U.S. airmail by contract draw-back to the spread of interest in these historical as well as official 1st Seattle to Bakersfield was the most Flight covers and a decided handicap. difficult covers to obtain. Next in order Mention them under this title to a were (1) Portland to San Francisco, (2) group of stamp collectors and none are Medford to Sacramento, (3) San Francisco interested. Speak, however, of Official to Fresno, ( 4) Bakersfield to Medford and U. S. 1st Flight covers and several will (5) Los Angeles to Medford. promptly start asking questions. VARIETIES Chas. G. Riess in the last Dworak cat­ The Hartford varieties on Route 1 are alog, called this group "Domestic Air scarce. On Route 9-Milwaukee 9E40 is Mail Routes" but in my opinion this also as scarce as Grand Rapids. Route 11-· does not tell the . story nor does it carry llSlf appears to be distributed in the the appeal to interest found in the East and llSlfa in the West.
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