2011_11_28UPCl_cover61404-postal.qxd 11/8/2011 7:41 PM Page 1 November 28, 2011 $4.99 Violence & OWS Keynes vs. Hayek Is Foreign Aid Worth It? —Anthony Daniels —Tyler Cowen —Elliott Abrams NNeeiitthheerr PPooppuulliissttss NNoorr TTeecchhnnooccrraattss The Case for the Constitution $4.99 48 YUVAL LEVIN 0 74820 08155 6 www.nationalreview.com base_milliken-mar 22.qxd 11/8/2011 11:52 AM Page 2 base_milliken-mar 22.qxd 11/8/2011 11:53 AM Page 3 Logistics & Training Life-Cycle Support Services Supply Chain Management Systems Integration Maintenance & Modifications www.boeing.com/support TODAYTOMORROWBEYOND D CYAN BLK : 2400 9 45˚ 105˚ 75˚ G toc_QXP-1127940144.qxp 11/9/2011 2:28 PM Page 4 Contents NOVEMBER 28, 2011 | VOLUME LXIII, NO. 22 | www.nationalreview.com James Rosen on Joe Frazier COVER STORY Page 30 p. 28 What Is Constitutional Conservatism? BOOKS, ARTS The Left’s simultaneous support for & MANNERS government by expert panel and for the 43 THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE Tyler Cowen reviews Keynes unkempt carpers occupying Wall Street Hayek: The Clash That is not a contradiction—it is a coherent Defined Modern Economics, by Nicholas Wapshott. error. And the Right’s response should 45 MID-CENTURY MIND be coherent too. Yuval Levin Richard Brookhiser reviews Masscult and Midcult: Essays COVER: POODLESROCK/CORBIS Against the American Grain, by Dwight Macdonald. ARTICLES 46 THE QUEST FOR RULES 18 THE CHURCH OF GRIEVANCE by Anthony Daniels Joseph Tartakovsky reviews Design Occupy Wall Street’s dangerous creed. for Liberty: Private Property, Public Administration, and the 20 CRISTINA’S WHIRL by Andrew Stuttaford Rule of Law, by Richard A. Epstein. Argentina heads into troubled waters. 48 RELIGIOUS RIGHTS Jacob Mchangama reviews Silenced: WHAT’S NEW IN BAKU? by David Pryce-Jones 22 How Apostasy and Blasphemy Alas, not much. Codes Are Choking Freedom Worldwide, by Paul Marshall and A HERO OF US ALL 26 by Jay Nordlinger Nina Shea. Chen Guangcheng, China’s blind and brutalized lawyer. 50 FILM: THE FALL 28 THE GREAT, TRAGIC JOE FRAZIER by James Rosen Ross Douthat reviews Margin Call. A boxing legend, dead at 67. 51 THE STRAGGLER: THE PROPER STUDY FEATURES To Mann, or not to Mann? John Derbyshire responds. 30 WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATISM? by Yuval Levin Neither a populist nor a technocrat be. SECTIONS 33 THE FREELOADER MYTH by Ramesh Ponnuru Fear not the 47 percent. 4 Letters to the Editor 6 The Week 35 SO YOU WANT DEBT RELIEF? by Kevin D. Williamson 40 Athwart . James Lileks Let’s stop lending money to OWS. 41 The Bent Pin . Florence King 42 The Long View . Rob Long 37 CONSERVATIVE FOREIGN AID by Elliott Abrams 47 Poetry . Jennifer Reeser There is such a thing, but the GOP presidential candidates haven’t defined it. 52 Happy Warrior . Mark Steyn NATiONAL RevieW (iSSN: 0028-0038) is published bi-weekly, except for the first issue in January, by NATiONAL RevieW, inc., at 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. © National Review, inc., 2011. Address all editorial mail, manuscripts, letters to the editor, etc., to editorial Dept., NATiONAL RevieW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Address all subscription mail orders, changes of address, undeliverable copies, etc., to NATiONAL RevieW, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015; phone, 386-246-0118, Monday–Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. eastern time. Adjustment requests should be accompanied by a current mailing label or facsimile. Direct classified advertising inquiries to: Classifieds Dept., NATiONAL RevieW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 or call 212-679- 7330. POSTMASTeR: Send address changes to NATiONAL RevieW, Circulation Dept., P. O. 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But I think it was Milton Friedman who noted that Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones Managing Editor Jason Lee Steorts the final consumer pays all costs: The fees were already being paid by con- Literary Editor Michael Potemra sumers. I own a retail store. When you raise credit- or debit-card fees, I raise my Executive Editor Christopher McEvoy National Correspondent John J. Miller prices. (And incidentally, Bank of America has since killed the $5 fee.) Political Reporter Robert Costa Art Director Luba Kolomytseva The piece also calls the measure “a special favor to retailers” that Durbin Deputy Managing Editors inserted “having been lobbied by one of the nation’s biggest retailers, Wal - Fred Schwarz / Kevin D. Williamson Associate Editors greens.” However, the law is a boon for retailers of all sizes, and rightly so: Helen Rittelmeyer / Robert VerBruggen Previously, according to the contracts they had to sign to accept cards, retailers Research Director Katherine Connell Executive Secretary Frances Bronson often had to socialize the cost of interchange fees, raising prices for everyone Assistant to the Editor Christeleny Frangos regardless of how they paid. Now, under a Durbin-amendment provision your Contributing Editors Robert H. Bork / Shannen Coffin / John Derbyshire piece doesn’t mention, businesses may offer a discount for customers who pay Ross Douthat / Rod Dreher / David Frum in cash—charging each customer for the services he uses. I believe you will see Roman Genn / Jim Geraghty / Jonah Goldberg Florence King / Lawrence Kudlow / Mark R. Levin many small businesses doing so in the new year. Yuval Levin / Rob Long / Jim Manzi Andrew C. McCarthy / Kate O’Beirne David B. Rivkin Jr. George Ackerman NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Newport News, Va. Editor-at-Large Kathryn Jean Lopez Managing Editor Edward John Craig News Editor Daniel Foster THE EDITOrs rEPly: How much power businesses have to pass on costs to con- Editorial Associates sumers is the subject of some dispute among economists. Extra costs can raise Brian Bolduc / Charles C. W. Cooke Brian Stewart / Katrina Trinko prices; they can also reduce profits, reduce quality, reduce choices, or reduce Web Developer Gareth du Plooy Technical Services Russell Jenkins wages, depending on the particulars of the market in question. Why anybody would think that senator Durbin is better positioned to manage relations EDITORS- AT- L A RG E between merchants and service providers than are the merchants and service Linda Bridges / John O’Sullivan Contributors providers themselves suggests at the very least an unfamiliarity with the career Hadley Arkes / Baloo / Tom Bethell of Dick Durbin. James Bowman / Priscilla L. Buckley Eliot A. Cohen / Brian Crozier Dinesh D’Souza / M. Stanton Evans Chester E. Finn Jr. / Neal B. Freeman Beyond Art History James Gardner / David Gelernter George Gilder / Jeffrey Hart Kudos to Andrew Kelly for his excellent piece extolling the virtues of voca- Kevin A. Hassett / Charles R. Kesler David Klinghoffer / Anthony Lejeune tional training (“Beyond Home Ec,” October 31). For the past half century, and D. Keith Mano / Michael Novak Alan Reynolds / Tracy Lee Simmons much to our eventual disadvantage, America’s educational cadre has sniffed at Terry Teachout / Taki Theodoracopulos the nation’s tool and die makers to concentrate on baccalaureate-seeking theo- Vin Weber rists. skilled workers in the utilities and manufacturing trades now command a Chief Financial Officer James X. Kilbridge Accounting Manager Galina Veygman fairly healthy salary owing to this bias and their relatively low numbers. Accountant Zofia Baraniak The “taxi driver with a master’s degree in art history” conundrum that leads Business Services Alex Batey / Elena Reut / Lucy Zepeda the article requires no explanation for those with a basic knowledge of supply Circulation Manager Jason Ng and demand. Almost irrespective of where we are in the business cycle, engi- WORLD WIDE WEB www.nationalreview.com MAIN NUMBER 212-679-7330 neers and other such applied-science-trained individuals generally suffer few SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES 386-246-0118 WASHINGTON OFFICE 202-543-9226 disappointments in seeking employment. so while I would not advocate a math- ADVERTISING SALES 212-679-7330 and-science diet for all collegians, I would suggest that all research their post- Executive Publisher Scott F. Budd Advertising Director Jim Fowler graduation employment prospects. At least that way, should they still press on Advertising Manager Kevin Longstreet for a doctorate in art history, they will do so with full knowledge that the cor- ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Paul Olivett porate world regards their discipline as essentially without value. PUBLISHER Jack Fowler K. O. Randel CHAIRMANEMERITUS Thomas L. Rhodes Via e-mail FOUNDER William F. Buckley Jr. Letters may be sub mitted by e-mail to [email protected]. 4 | www.nationalreview.com NOVEMBER 2 8 , 2 0 1 1 base_milliken-mar 22.qxd 11/7/2011 2:17 PM Page 1 The History of the English Language, 2nd Edition Taught by Professor Seth Lerer TIME ED O IT FF E IM R 1. Introduction to the Study of Language L 2.
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