RjEVOlUTiONAKY Voice of the WORf<BR Revolutionary Communist Party, USA No. 72(1 (Vol. 15, No.28) November 14, 1993 Editions in English and Spanish published weekly $1.00 Yf ^ f. inl: Death Penalty Constitution Coverage Starts Page 3 Chairmnn Gonzalo, leader of the Communist Party of Peru.The New Peruvian conslilulioii includes restoration of the death penalty v;hlch Fujimori has said would be used against Chairman Gonzalo. /ouMMAL amncii ,'jtisrin nvt s cfmtwtii L.A.:2 iMals, 2 Standards, 2 Much . Celebralct the lOOfh Anniversary of Mao's Birth 12 The Fight for Palestine: A Picture History (/ Page 2—Revolutionary Worker—November 14,1993 A NEW VIDEOS AND PAMPHLETS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO DEFEND THE LIFE OF CHAIRMAN GONZALO! Video: September 24,1992 "Speech from the Pamphlet: Speeches from the Founding Cage" by Abimael Guzman (Chairman Gonzalo) Conference of the lEC in color, English subtitles $12 English/Spanish $4 To Defend Video; Heriberto Ocasio, national spokesperson for the Committee to Support the Revolution in Pamphlet: Fujimori and the Drug Trade, the Life of Peru, speaks on the campaign of the International by JK Marga Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of English/Spanish $1 Dr. Abimael Guzman Pamphlet: Refuting the Big Lies, by JK Marga Or English/Spanish $10 English/Spanish $1 Abimael Pamphlet; The International Campaign to Pamphlet: A Reply to P. Archard (head of Amnesty Defend the Life of Dr. Abimael Guzman International), byJK Marga 36 pages, 40 photos English/Spanish $3 Guzman English $1 Order from: lEC-US,244016th St #217, San Francisco, CA 94103, Phone:(415) 252-5786 Fax:(415) 252-7414 Add 15% to the total cost of your order for postage and handling. 2) Many different groups will protest and rebel This Party has the vision, the program, the against things this system does, and these leadership, and the organizational principles to Three Main Points protests and rebellions should be supported and unite those who must be united and enable Ihe.m strengthened. Yet it is only those with nothing to to do what must be done. There-is a challenge for by Bob Avakian lose but their chains who can be the backbone of all those who would like to see such a revolution, Chairman of the RCP.USA a struggle to actually overthrow this system and those with a burning desire to see a drastic What do we in the Revolutionary Communist Party create a new system that will put an end to change lor the better, all those who dare to dream want people to learn from all that is exposed and exploitation and help pave the way to a whole and to act to bring about a completely new and revealed in this newspaper? Mainly, three things: new world. better world: Support this Party, join this Party, spread its message and its organized strength, 1) The whole system we now live under is based 3J Such a revolutionary struggle Is possible. and prepare the ground for a revolutionary rising on exploitation— here and all over the world. It is There is a political Party that can lead such a that has a solid basis and a real chance of completely worthless and no basic change for the struggle, a political Party that speaks and acts for winning. better can come about until this system is those with nothing to lose but their chains: The overthrown. Revolutionary Communist Party. USA. GET THIS ISSUE OF THE RWOiJT TO THE PEOPLE! To order bundles, contact the RCP Publications Public Relations Office This office provides a coordinating and organizing center that assists in expanding and .To send clippings or reports about signficant struggles, national conferences, and giving more nationai prominence to key fronts of the Revolutionary Communist Partys other developments in your area. We encourage people to contact us about the work and promotion. You should contact this office; overall battle against repression and against legal and political attacks on the RCP. • To arrange a radio or TV interview or a public appearance with one of the RCP • To arrange to contact an correspondent. Publications natiorial spokespeopie. • To volunteer to assist with the office's activities, including media work, literature • To order copies of the RewXulionary Worker or other RCP Publications literature for promotion and distribution, the Prisoners' Revolutionary Literature Fund, Spanish distribution. translation, and the design and production oTmaterials. RCP Publications Public Relations Office, P.O. Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654 Phone:(312) 227-4066 FAX:(312) 227-4497 MUCH MONEY IS NEEDED NOW TO STEP UP flWCOVERAGE,DISTRIBUTION AND THE WORK OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE Send checks or money order marked for" flW Reporters Emergency Travel Fund" or "RCP Publications Public Relations." 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Please send me Information on the 4ih week ol July, by RCP Publlcallons, 3449 N, Shetlleld. Chicago, IL 60657, Second Class poslage paid at Chlcaoo. IL, Subscrbllons and address ctianges, or correspondence regarding subscripllcn problems, Mn bulk rates. I would like to receive copies per week. be mailed to RCP Publlcallons, Altonllon Central Circulation, P.O, Box 3466, Chicago, IL 60654, or phoned In to Ol2t 227-4168. Subscriptions are S40 a year, Si 2 for 3 months In the U.S., Canada, and Mexico ($52 tor Write to: Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654 ln8t«ution9).Tho Revolutionary the right to prtnt aJI or part ot any correspondence sent to It, Send inquiries regarding international rates c/o RCP Publications, to the above unless the authors ol the correspondence apeelilcally requosl olhemlso. address. Postmaster; Send all changes ol address to Revolutionary Worker, P.O, Box 3486, Chicago, IL 60654. < _i Novetrtier 14,1993—Revolutionary Worker—Page^ Death Penalty Constiluliaii There is a county in the world today where millions of oppressed people—the "nobodies" on the bottom with nothing to lose but their chains—are rising up in righteous amied struggle to take power into their hands. That country is Peru. The peasants and workers there are waging a people's war led by the Maoist Communist Party of Peru, often called the Sendero Luminoso or Shining Path in the press. They are knocking the old rule of the exploiters and oppressors to the ground. And they are building a new power to fight against ALL oppression. The people's war in Peru is our struggle—it belongs to the proletariat and oppressed of the world. This is the most important and precious revolutionary struggle in the world today. And what makes it even more crucial for us here in this country to support the sisters and brothers in Peru is that we share a common enemy—the U.S. government and the imperialist system it fronts for. The U.S. is the big backer of the vicious regime in Peru which is trying to crush the people's war with reactionary violence. Proletarians and oppressed in the U.S. have special responsibility to expose and oppose the murderous moves of the U.S. system against the revolution in Peru. We have special responsibility to stand with our people who are tufning the world upside down in the countryside and shantytowns of Peru. Peru's Fujimori regime held a referen ments (states) around Peru. The lima dum on October 31 on the new Constitution newspaper El Comercio reported that the which puts even more power in the hands of voter abstention rate was 21A percent and the dictator and bis military generals. The that 9 percent of the ballots were turned in Constitution was drawn up by the rubber- blank or spoiled. The regime suffered big stamp Congress dominated by President losses in the central and sou them highlands Fujimori's henchmen.
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