* * *JOi *3»lE * “ "“* W < ,11 ml *» >,v IC*t*• CL SI B \ C-1 fuelling glut SPORTS ??? WASHINGTON, D. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 —,W, - Hi 1 S ViwliifllßUi^H-- ¦HHHI _„ i 1 «ESjPByWBWp IWB^^BBMIj^MBBBB Repeat of 'SO-51 Thrillers ijk r%! ¦-. i9 -SiW i infi IF hp ißi «B. '« W%, "Jw BBH g&MMf 1&B& Looked for in Pros' Playoff i WIN BOOSTS MARK TO 8 AND 4 Ronnie Waller New York Bans Sparks Rams to No Stand-Pat Policy Title Game Spot Ring Managers' By the Associated Press Likely for Redskins Itwill be the Cleveland Browns vs. the Los Angeles Rams again By LEWIS F. ATCHISON for the National Football League ¦ past .r" i GuildasMenace put “help- title December 26. and if The Redskins a STATISTICS playoff records mean anything, NEW YORK, Dec. 12 (£>).— wanted” sign In the window to-' Stctleri Rcdikliu 'it should thriller. Tint downs 10 18 be a Commission, • & The State Athletic ( day after closing their most suc- Ruthlnc ynrduo 68 218 ; Otto Graham Co. haven’t declaring the Boxing Guild of Pauinc yardage 114 87 the playoff the cessful season since 1945 with • Passes attempted 32 15 i met Rams in a in a “continuing ] 13 New York is men- 1 Paaaea completed _ 7 . to the integrity of boxing.” : 28-17 victory over the Pittsburgh Paaiet Intercepted by.. 2 J ace Puntaj » 11 4 today any Steelers Griffith Stadium Punting average 38 29 1 ruled that licensee i at be- Fumblesj lost 1 4 j who is a member of the guild; 20,547 shivering Tarda ptnaUttd 70 20 j as next January fore fans. of 15 will have as his license revoked or suspended. It means that much as he’s a good passer, good bail] The commission made its find- 1 Coach Joe Kuharich prizes this handler and he’s experienced."! ings after a general inquiry into 1955 squad, which confounded Ralph Guglielmi, a little boxing that started May 6. by 1 the experts winning eight of puzzled and a bit disillusioned m Continued operation of the ¦RHp¦ .Mtmk guild would reduce the com- 12 games, he doesn’t intend to by the fact that he got into the mission to an empty shell sub- stand pat next season. Even if game for only a few minutes on servient to the whim, caprice and; all 33 players were returning, defense yesterday, won’t be back of guild,” Julius dictates the changes would be next year. The Notre Dame Helfand, commission chairman, In order. But 28-17, possibly rookie is scheduled to enter mill-! Wfa&M Ml MONACHINO ON THE MOVE—Jim Monachino, to Dale Atkeson, and went on to win, said. ,at least one. and several tary February. others, are military service in takes offon a 34-yard spurt that carried to the Steel- Easslonachino had his best day with the Redskins, pick- The guild is composed mainly 1 ticketed for But the Redskins’ potential. 16-yard ing yards by of boxing managers. Membership 'service. boy er’s line and sec up a touchdown in the third up 104 in 15 carries.—Star Staff Photo “Every boy out today No. 3 of '56, Southpaw Fred will be considered an act detri-; there Wyant of Virginia, in; period yesterday at GriffithStadium. The Redskins Gus Chinn. earned an training West was mental to the best interests ofj invitation to the coach's office after the game. !L scored four plays later Eddie Leßaron’s 5-yard an' on _ boxing generally under camp,” Kuharich said, “but if Wyant may in Dorow's we somebody be shoes amendment to the State boxing find who can do<Inext year, ready, willing and] ' code which will go into effect the job better we’ll take him. We waiting to play quarterback, but Wednesday, Helfand said. hope to improve those positions) seldom used. When the Moun- RONNIE WALLER ARB Purdue Picks i day !' Terps Looking Only Two on Commission j where we’re a little weak and U j taineer was picked in the third ... (rest with Rams a a The chairman explained the new man can beat out vet- round of the abbreviated draft WIN, LOSE OR Mollenkopf as keep last three years, but the Cleve- amendment would be adopted eran we’ll him and let the ; meeting at Philadelphia two 1 go.” - Angeles battles of 1950 Wednesday because Bob Chris- old| one weeks ago, the Redskins an- land-Los 1 tipped and 1951 had |he fans gasping. Coach For Answer to tenberry, the other member of Kuharich his hand on,;inounced he could be used on Jnf By FRANCIS STANN Head one phase of his 1956 planning : ! defense, and probably would be. The Browns, completing their DRAW the commission, could not be LAFAYETTE, Ind., j ] by triumphant switch from the All- Dec. 12 present until then. The three- starting A1 Dorow at quarter-1 They1 said the same of Guglielmi " i/P).—Kenneth (Jack) back and playing him after claiming as their America Conference to the NFL, Mollen-j man commission hasn’t a third 1 on offense him No. time, University Kentucky currently only throughout the first half, which 1 choice a year ago, and it al- won the first 30-28. on Lou two kopf. Purdue line Loss member but 1 16-yard goal way. Groza’s with 28 coach, was elevated to head are needed to act. j ended with Pittsburgh leading. : most turned out that The Ancient Ones Kentucky, which visits Mary- 1 Redskins seconds to play. The Rams today to ’ Helfand said Christenberry 14-7. After the game he an- The have a raft of football coach suc- land Thursday night, know highly regarded evened the count the next year, THE LAST TWO TIMES Bobo Olson appeared before a Holcomb, will ' support nounced that A1 will be one of his 1 players due ceed Stu new athletic more tonight’s game has assured him of his 1 military 24-17, winning touch- reasonably large group—such as 40 or 50 millions of people—- ! after with any required. quarterbacks next season. 1 back from service next with the director at Northwestern Uni- it is overrated, 1 on measures 1 autumn, including down a 73-yard pass play from he gave the distinct impression of a fighter with a Steuben versity DePaul whether Members of the guild include “Dorow won’t be just a good | End Steve or whether Saturday night’s de- quarterback,” added, : Meillnger of Kentucky, their Norm Van Brocklin to Tom jaw. The first time Archie tagged Bobo he ker- [ managers of world champions Joe “but a Moore went Frederick L. Hovde, Purdue feat at the hands of Temple was Fears. ’ and most leading fighters of the great one. He knows the moves. Continued on Page C-3, Col. 1 plunk and remained horizontal. Ditto the first time Sugar president, announced the selec-i in the class of the Georgia Tech Van Brocklin was pitching at Ray Robinson clocked last week. tion of Mollenkopf, whose 1 State. the old stand yesterday him i shocker of last year. Charley Johnston, of same as powerful lines have featured president 1 the Rams clinched the Western Yet seven months ago, while training for Moore, there I Maryland has done its part : International Guild, parent ; Boilermakers tdam since he the Division title with a 31-17 vic- was serious talk of Olson as a contender for Rocky Marciano’s i about taking an unbeaten record I body of the New York group and College Fives Face ' Top tory Bay. came here with Holcomb in 1947. into the Kentucky game, over Green But it was heavyweight title. Probably the match would have been Mollenkopf, a football and I a member of the New Yorkchap- , Ronnie Waller, rookie from the i end the Wildcats appeared a : manages Moore, light- a made, too, if Moore had not pricked the balloon. Both Bobo and baseball catcher at Bowling lock ter, Archie University of Maryland, who to do the same after beating : heavyweight champion; Sandy and his manager, Sid Flaherty, seemed favorably inclined Green (Ohio) University, had an Week of Important Tests brought the cheers from the Louisiana Rouge Saddler, featherweight outstanding high school State at Baton i cham- crowd of 90.535 in Los Angeles' toward the venture when the subject was brought up. coach- opening game. pion, Ar- By the ing graduation in their and Eduardo Lausse of AeeocUted Press ning up 13-point : crowd, career after his gentina, middleweight a halftime lead, Memorial Coliseum. The For all they or anybody else knew, Olson could have But Temple became the second -1 contender. bowed to Missouri, 74-73. incidentally, was the biggest of in 1931. He has never been Kentucky This will be a week of Im- been another Bob Fitzsimmons, or at least a Mickey Walker. head coach of a college team. team to beat at home Weill Also Member portant] tests for many of the> Third-ranked N. C. State the professional season, although Now everybody knows better. They should have known better since 1943 with its 73-61 victory’ 1 A1 Weill, manager of Rocky j leading college I downed Eastern Kentucky, 83-74, that figure probably will be He was head coach at Waite at Lexington on Saturday Nation’s basket- long before the Moore fight, or when a feather-duster like i High School in Toledo for 11 ! To-' Marciano, is a member, as are ball| teams seeking to escape the»for its fourth in a row and 16th topped in the playoff on the night’s game also is at Lex- Ray straight victory a two-year Rocky Castellanl decked a title fight in August, 1954, years before Holcomb brought several of Robinson's “brain fate| of high-ranking Kentucky j over same field.
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