#09i Columbia 4PS24-3 LIGHTING 2' x 4' Specification Grade Static Troffer /1 or 3-lamp T5, T5HO, T8 PROJiCf INFORMATION CmJogNo. Date CONSTRUCTION SHIELDING Howing IS (omtru<ttd of htavy gJugt rtrrl, die Shndatd lens is. 100% prislmtic virgin pattern 12. OfITI!dfor extra gldlty, SUnihrd !lush door Othtr sh tiding may be sped!led, If deskd Also"""lable with ~ or 6 lamps. Is fOrrTlfd sterl WitII litre comers. Doornre shielding media is notsnown In ordtl'ing guid~ rmined by amirtio Iatdt6, ill tiSily rtntO¥l (omact your [oal Hubbtl Uqhtlnq represtnlativt. FEATURES without tooh, and bing! from titlIefstd!. R!91rm oll1lJ111alumlllUm deon; witJImitere (It1l1m are CEILING COMPATIBILITY 4\4" detllfluoremllt troffer etiminatts leas shadowin g, aIs.oilwilibk End calK are flingM and m!W! to ll-...s1gntd for rmssed Insullatlnn In standard lamp-to-leM spadng is o~er 1" tile ousIog for 8tI1 rflJi i1y. founlC:tgralT-birr . yerted tee grid ceilings(G),rKmfd nstajgt 011 in Contoured !lOIIf 9 maximi2ts p otomfirlc pelfonnallCt dip5 are located in e md aps. WIr!Waya(assIJ e Irudcelli !IS(Gwitt!fK a((tsSory], SurfaCl' IIlOWIt with uniform lens brtg mess from btlow fill lIIJ9Ii.dts t11i1i fna cr.. nCl'f gplal1e(SM) Ot able mountsusperuio beIaw CI' Ing plane (eM). For compatibi Itywllh Mltftd (orner5 0 door prestJIta ~a un- mupttd BALLAST ••ELECTRlCAL sp«ffI( a1lin'l5 contact yourHubbelllghtlrtq appnran<t All~~ires iff corr.,ltttfy . ell with 11m "P: rrpres!ntatM. Rolled edge lIIIusingon aIItoorsidn II1iIkes the1lxture t mrulyp-ottctcd,rest1:1 g. Pf~jOll. Slferaftd eilS efta bindle rnfil A..umplleldm ire I1If WIth.posl- C,ERTlFlCATION Heavy duty dnrfr31T1! enbinCts aP9taraDcr from rye tiVPrrte .OILfumistled . i i<cmptate:. m Allh.minalres tit built to UL1598 standards and OM rrel1lllm bur appropriitr Ul a Ii<iil MlSA iabtk. Damp lewl loa II ~bdllgIsstandard. Emerge (J-t ipptd 51MJ doertlt dmloms bt Ifan FlNtSH IImJru Ub!1M Ul924. Recessed. SUlUce or able mou AllmdllJl'lrts prlC!mWftil i rrMtkUge pllos. UllIsttd 1598 phitrbCIn glrntmtnta 4fi ime a igb A.vdablrWTth u.:kJ~ UB8 ted! oIogyprtinstllltd eIIemllUba cI.· ee MldFonpostpalnttcl us! linishwtlil aWoq IIUI1!btr - PM_ - Peer to petr, self-llea g . tifSSmPSIInetwGrt -lntelJlilltl1 CDIItJoI S~l foro-llMlC or)ttjl dktuuil1g, orOnlOlf OROE,RING INFORMATION E PU 4PS14-332G-FSA12-EU-SLL 4PS 24- ODTIO~, S 6 Irrmted Hlar (sI1J AU ~f'rilml8( F073Sl5I:7SOtT8l¥11lS f 1mr1ap~~" Pamln U ~ MIOI fiImR Mqtl) 115 AayIicI'rismiIk: FIIl5 l5I:1lOCRI18 Umps M '-inAcnge(4W Pnrn15 Installed O'Ie'iIIftxut h~t) 119 Aayllcl'rillr.ati fSI3S l5K1lOCRI r5~ SM SurfaaMotnt Pallem 19 InSTdlled fl~LlAST CM ubi! Mount' 1'(1 WxlfxW IiI.Jl fast Blow Fust SpeoWSiIYer E Btarofi{ T8.lnsuJlI EL Emergexy BattfIY Padc ~!IltLOU'M Slolft as Emer9'!l1CY8.attetyPad, PO I~"x 1Y(xl" ElW HampEla1rollid8, T5OflSliO 14 2'x4' 2B 4', TS:lB Watt FS Rush~ ~arStm OJ7 8al1;astF')(IOl', PIF PailltMterfab!lc.nlocr 31 4',T8:32.JO,lB fA Fklln AlIJntnum PdynyTtnf I.OIMI lowwat1aqe.lmlant 01 15 WaU RA Rlgr~ SIaIl su. SpIIng Loaded I.ztdles 54 4', T5HO:54or AUninum 3E Hall'.p Eltaroni< T8, MS9 MasterlSatelite Par 51WaU SF.. giver flush Instant Slirt w(9'Hdmell Aluminum 3ElW 3-Lamp EleruonicT8, NYC NYC(omp!ian1 SRA Sil'lel ileqlessed 0.77 Balian faC1Of, HYCU NYCCompliant, Union Aluminum lowWattage.lnst.ln1 label Start WlH wiHU88 EnabJedIJ EP Berooric is 01 TB, Programmed SUrt £OR End of!low (SM or (1.4 MUSSORIE5 (ORDER SEPARATElV) only)' l£P Hamp 8ec1rofli< CM4IY2SOF·KIT 48"CableMountKil f0l2' WideCM tNT Intermediate (51.4or CM cellinq !Yilt,3W'r!feed (Old T5OOorT8, '0100 hangtr acrnSOfi~~arl1!jy. Programmed Start only)' 'Ho( miliOlewith lurftct Mount CcifinqT,pn. For spedfk bailasl vendOf, 'In-fixlUf~Mod,ltAnl",". iddsl"loo •••~1 fill,,, htight~ powtffeed io<:itiOll show as option, 'PrQYrc!ts.ndw'ing~!Ss fIlr<OntiooousfOW rtIOIIntinq. ( ••\lac! Ixi00yfor]~p (Onli'l'Jli~onS, Page 1/2 Rev.07nOl13 LENSED TROFFERS f 41'524-2, 4PSl4-3 01013 Columbia UgMng, a division of Hubbell Ughting, Inc. Beouse of continuing produce improvemem programs, Colvmbia Lighting feS<!M!S the right to change specifKaeions without notice. 701 Millennium Blvd Greenville,5C 29607 fT~I864.678.1000 I Wl!bsl~ w_,columblallghllng,com -_leD-•... #09j PREMIUM LED WALL PACK - SMALL -C()/ iol! (r/J { 38-WATT LED (? ,-. (E-WPl L SERIES) Applications: Security. pathway and perimeter lighting; ideal for entryways and other applications where cootrol of spill light is important. Typical Mounting HeIght: 8 to 15 feet Typical Spacing: 1 to 2 times the mounting ilefght CREE. --1.£0. I ·('1"- , " - I f ~f-- '., - - - T IL-- '" E-WP1L03CZ : 38W lED COotwhile 12W-'ZT1V 2IJOO I..unMIN 5700K 73 50.000 Hours 11bs 7f1NPSM-I e-.WPtL03NZ 38W LED Neulral whha 12OV-UlV 2000 l.urnen8 4100K 74 50.000 tic)tn 71» 7f1NPSMH • 50,000 hotr& of rnat'rt8nanc!IH operation Ie L70 at 25"C • Univena YOIIBge (12OV 1hroug1 V7Vl • Non-dlmmable • MinimumICaJting~e; ~ F • Low copper. cii&Qst alumlnlm housing and lena frame • HAt liBIipIIfing fits • Dark bronze poIye6ter powdeI'-coat IIniah • ConcNit entries on d aides d the fbdure • FIxed cutoff glare INeid to redUce figtrtpolutlon • Two knocIfooIs prcMded on back fof IlOOduiI or .Hxlx mounting • Tempered gIasa lens.1hermal ah.ock and Impact resistant • RoHS compliant • Patented lens deeIgn dellven true IES Type III distribution • Ulllsted for wet locations • Mounts over rllClJUed Junc:tlon box or with conduit • 0,.,.,- LEOs Inside • DI&-C&St detachable back box for BUY mounting • 3-1881 warranty • 75"C minimum suppty wire required Photocell II field InSIBIIed. CAT.', E-.ACP1 (120 vollS) Drilling of the back bex In the Held Is required. CAT.': ~ACP2 (2081'2401277 votte) 1501 96'· Strut sturtevant, Wisconsin 53177 I (888)243-9445 I Fax (282)504-5409 I wW'III.e-conollght.com #10a Rubber Corn Cord & Cornset Pradud ConatructIon: Conductora: • 1811rotJ9h 10 AWG filly mnNIed $IIWIdId !lind coppIIJ I!II' MnoI 8-17~ hwuIMIon: ·P~~.~I lC1&'C EPOM • E\IIopean cob cada: s. chart bebw Jecil1tlt: • SIIpIt"Vu-Tron-~. y8Jaw "T~tangIt; ~".l~QICSA • ~1IIdI1g: 300 web T••••SJOOIIV 1!OOW!bT'IP SOCW -- MIrIdng.: • CMDl~W-TlDI'~ pzEJ·~l~~WATER P£!a5!:.tfrr t\.J:XlIW{OR SCICMICM ~ FT-1 - P-l1;1-1QC1 USHA (VOLTS) RaHS IoWlE IN USA AppIIc:dons: .u.an ••• ••I'tIVNr IQaII TYPE 101M' - •• vau·1RJCIA • DodIafe ~ lI4AAIIos • MOlar •••• _- r :r-"~ ---. ,- - ~ ~-?f""'j • PoItIItII,..,..., . , I • 1, • •.em.. 1" " , . - ," I . 1 t.. ,'_ . _ . _. ~__ . __' ./1 •.~~WI-. __ t-sn IatIqUhd • S-eIlMUi.,_tttlBANRO~1II FeftlNc • EIaIInlIPlblllJ Id:I~ •lata b1gwr h 1PJlIIaiIb ••~ N ~ •.'_"R'"o-.aIdgtrt ~ N ~ • UL u.ted lind CS4 CMIIIad for ""*- ond m.ti:lor~ ·Wiar~ ••~ ldJI~bity yrIIow jIcI'IIt • HIgIII'IiUftnd IIiJme AI:IIIIInc:e • RI*Wit III &11igI'1t, 011, IOIdIIIId ctitmaJbi • E'la:dInt aIltuion and cut ~ • T~.-qwrIIIiII ~ nwridng • TinnIId copperQDf1~ - C«I'OSIon/ ~t Induny AppnmIs: • UI" Ad. CcmI • LJLSOOjact 82 • CSA FIuiIIe Cord - C12.2~g • MSHAApp~ • OSHA kcIiipUbIe ••JC680 ••• R ••RoHS Compliant .•. ,UI-_at ••It ---~Hf Packaging: .an •••m. • Z5O' (75.2 m). SOD'(tS2.~ m), 1000' CJI)4.8III) .I•••••••••••••••••••••I~ .f.~~"-- • other put-ups .....nable an tpeclal Old•• ..,.....--ULMCI!D" QGenari Cable 9 #10b Electr!cal Drop Cords The cable drop shall be TVpe SOwl'th J-lZ AWG 90 Decree C wires HeavV Duty Type. The ~ shall be a 20A Hylon{LeDn Straight blade mnale connector similar Hubbell HBL6334CCN. The SVpportsrjD!shlD be Hubbell Heavy Duty Uftlve1'Sa1 Eye. Cfosed Mesh Mufti We.aveSc.Ipport Grip er equaJ ppropriate ,rip. PnwideSgew Hooks slm r to Hubbell·12O!-03-OO1 or other types of support devices as needed. Ptv:duct JrWi nidan SQpport Gtfp Supporting G,. PravIc:fI!I p~ ~ Oflmld. And long Run. Of v.rItaI And HOI1ZOnIaICebIea. 20303001 - S-Hook LEVITON Plug,5-20P,20A,I25V - Straight Blade Plugs - IPKN618315-PLC - Grainger L. Page 1 of 3 ,GRAI.N'G£R",'m: _ ( #10c Plug, 5-20P I 20A, 125V LEVITON Pnce: $35.30 I eech • 0tIiYwt "". _ only uto-Raanler Every 1 7 Item#1PKN6 Mfro Model fl8315-P\.C UNSPSC 1139121402 Calalog Page • 610 Shipping "'Jeioh! 0.111 eouCl!ly of Origin UnltR Stites Of ArruIttcaCountr of Oligo is subject to change. Technical Specs 2 1 ,.us to 8.100'" 125VAC UI...ICSMIOM ~JHEIIA WQ..IIANSI c..n Compliance and Restrictions http://www.grainger.com/productJlPKN6?gclid=CM3smay707wCFUYOOgoddgsAlg&c...l 129/20 14 #10d PIGTAILS FOR ELECTRICAL DROP CORDS \>~\,·~o" The PIGTAilshall be 3' feet in length, ofT ype SO with 3-12 Awf Degree C wire Heavy Duty Type. On one end shall be a 20A Nylon/lexan Straight Blade male connector or similar Hubbell HBl5366C. On the other end a 20A Nylon/Lexan female connector similar Hubbell HBl6334CCN_ ·"After Installation Drop Cord should not come in contact with the floor***' #0 to •.~ r<..Li H~"I\' ~ st..o"lb- ~ \- be.. lo~ tA\.a",\. to pl<l't ~[(.cH~( ,.,J-... V'e~'d(.. P., ~~\ sL,...1I1l- ~O" h<Jcl ~ f{oo\ Wall Switch Sensors #11a WSD FEATURES • No neutral required I no minimum load (even for dual technology) • Mounting strap provides redundant grounding • Reversible line and load connections [Impossible to wire backwards) • All-digital push-button programming; settings include Time Delay, Auto 00 or Manual On or EnablelDisable Switch • Adjust aU WSD series settings without removing wall plate or using tools • WSD Series: 8OOW/1200tNat 120/277 VAC detects hand motions to 20 ft c:@a una ORDERING INFORMATION SraH,_ c."", I"8fht Ic.rta ...". urc QI): WSOWM 14!ImiIIO!JJ14 17Z!- ~ 74Sf151l 1m WSD'lPWII l45S7SIO!I!Ja1 rna WSD PI7T21' WIt 1-459758111086 tna WSDrw 7-459T58OtII64 U2I WSOPDTN 7459151109998 Wall Swikh D.cormr SIII$OI" OueIT~ (pm Ivory 1726 WSD2P~ 7elSD17C 1121 WSOPOT'lPN 745915110024 Wall Switch Oec_tvr StII$O( • Duel TeehnolooY (POn, 2-Pol.: Ivory 1728 DIMENSIONS WSD 1.50""0o[ ~ 4.20·H o_j 1_80nWJ 114 l~chl www:sensorswttch.com #11b TYPICAL APPLICAnONS WSD-PDT-LV Series • Private Offices where occupant Programmable Edition! 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