Ihlou0nlhG ln This Issue: GPSHoliday Potluck the club for us to enjoy. o Maria Ksiser Holiclay Pofluck p.1 The CPS Holiday Party this year Creative Prtnt will be held on Friday, December12, starting MemberExhibitions Night p.1 at 6:30 PlvI, in the Clubroom.As noted in last Someof SueTelecky's work is on Mqnber month's issue,we're planaing a Potluck exhibition at the Beck Centerin Lakewoo4 Exhibitions p,I rather than a cateredmeal. The evoring's (17801Detroit Ave.) through Dec. 28. These Coming Even6 p.1 agendawill include a social hour with hors are color prints from Guatemalaand past Exhibitions d'oeuvres,commancing at 6:30; the potluck CPScompetitions. They are in the side at Clevdanct dinner at 7:30, and finally the Robber'sGift gallery by the garden.Hoursare noon-6PM, Museum Exchange.($4 to $5 gifts are appropriate.) Wed.-Sat.and during play performances. of Att p.2 hesident Jan Holkenborgis coordinatingthe For firther info, call Sueat 421-6346. Competifon event, And ss mentionedin the lastissue, Resutfs and For tbe potluck, the club will provide Jerry Penca'so<hibit of50 B&w prints StF,ndings p.3 honey-bakedham, smokedturk€y b,reast, opensat the DobamaTheatre Gallery on Busy Bees p.4 breads,beverages and somevery basic chips Dec. 5 and runs through Dec. 28. Don't for- Happy and dips. There will be a $5 per person get the rec€ptionon Sunday,Dec. 7, 4-6 PM Shooting! chargefor theseitems, payablein advance. at the Dobama.Any questions,call Jerry at t Ed Willis Each couple shouldbring their own place 622-0666. settingsand either a hot side dish, a salador o Ed Willis a dessert enoughfor about6 people.@on't Coming Events forget the condinurts ifthey're needed.)The hot sides,such as potato, rice December.1997 or pastadishes, baked beans or greenveggies should accountfor halfor two all TeleckyExhibition (seeabove) thirds ofwhat's brought. Ifyou have a frvorite hors d'oeuvre or other spe- 5 PictorialSlides. cialty, by all meansbring someofthat as well. (Thosewho don't do much PencaExhibition opens(se€ cooking might prefer to bring an equivalentpurchased item.) We will have above) sornemicrowaves set up in the club'room.We will also needseveral warm- 7 PencaExhibition Reception. ing trays and extensioncords, including somelong, heavy-dutyones. Not to 8 BoardMeeting'. mention, volunteensto help and up afterwards! set up clean 12 HolidsyPrrty/Potluck. It's wrke-up time on this one, folks! To date (l l/26), barely a 19 Judging SymposiumW Charlie dozenpeople have signedup, and you can hardly expectJan to buy a larger Cervenek. quantity ofham, turkey, etc. basedon s?eculation.This is an out-of-pocket (Continued page expenseuntil paymentis received.We sincerelyhope you will join us for on 2) this fim and fellowship event,but ifyou intend to do it you should get your palarent to Jan no later than Monday, Decembo 8. Otherwise,it's'No Tic- kee, No Washee". Ed Wiuis GreativePrint Night As you are all aware, CreativeNight at th€ Club is not constrained byjudges or scores,rules or regulations.It is an opportunity for club mern- bersto let their imaginationsfly free! It is a tim€ when they can explorenew ideasusing different tools, colors and ways ofproc€ssinga print. Friday, October24, was an unusuallyproductive and int€restingev€ning. Critiquers Chris Stevens,a photographerrvith the Plain Dealer, and Charlie Caseau,a judge familiar to us all, discussedeach print. The club "artists" explained how theseprints were madeand why, while the audienceparticipated with questions,zuggestions and observ-ations.Be thinking aheadto January23d when we will have Creative Slide night. Do b'ring your imaginativework to Through the DARKROOMDOOR Throughthe DARKROOMDOOR 2. PeopleWorking: Photographs by Lee Friedlan- der. the official publication of the Cleveland Photographic Galleries109-110, Nov. 16- Mfi.1. "A great American photographershoots Cleveland." This title ; with Clubrooms at 1549 Superior Avenue, 44114.Phone: (216) 781-1533. is a truthful enoughdescripion ofthe photos,but it is mislead- ing when taken out of context.They are not really a definition or a representationof 'Cleveland" or ifs working people,and €mail (text only) edwillis@junocom werenever intsndedas suchby the photographer.Lee Fried- lander, email w/ binary file rttachment basedin New York, was hired by the GeorgeGund Foundation photographs [email protected] to do for it's annualreport. He came to Clevelandand photographedfor two weeks.Some ofthe results are shownhere, and are a dec€ntselection ofwhat would be very usablephotographs for an annual report. Most ofthe pictures from Lori Fundak (330)334-1889 are University Hospitalsand GeneralMo- tors. The b€stofthe group was the one picture done at Cleve- land Hopkins peal< ADDRESS : CPS, PO Box 606294,1950 E Airport. It capturesa action moment in 01s( Cleveland,OH 44106. baggagehandling, with a dramatic angle of view. While the exhibition includes somepretty goodphotography, one might wonder FOR NEXT ISSIJE: 21stofthe month. vhy the museumcurators found it significant enough to hang. It either needsto be expanded,to be a more compre- hensiveview of peopleworking in Cleveland,or narrowedto 26 NO MTG. ( ChdstmasWeekend ). depict peopleworking in one industry or cornpany.CPS mem- bersparticipating in the "Three Team Competition" may find Janurry, l99E: that it offers somehelpful pointers in photographingthe sub ject 2 NO MTG ( New Year's Weekend) "Blue Collar Worker". 9 Pictorial Prints 3. Lazy Daysof Summer:Photographs from the per- 12 BoardMeeting+. manentcollection. Se.ondfloor, next to the Contemporary 16 NatureSlides area.This displayhangs together very well and offers the view- 23 Ureanve slldes ers somegenuine feelings to explorewith the photographers.A 30 Photojoumalism refreshing image is the very unusualcomposition of-Boys, a hand coloredprint by Lisa Klausner.This depiction ofthree + Board Me€tings fie opento all CPSmembers in bolt enjoying a day at the uater is so different, it's worth the good standingbut not to the generalpublic. trip to help you get out ofthat old rut. Good Stufl! 4. Industry rnd Photography: Selectionsfrom the Exhibitionsat Cleveland PermanentCollection, Galleries l1 l-112 Nov 16- Mar. 1. Theseare imagesofa cultural revolution. This large display Museumof Art includesimages of landscapes,the environment,workers, Four photogrrpby exhibitions are now on display (Contimtedon page 3) at The ClevelandMuseum ofArt: 1. Catberine Wagner Photographs: Investigrt- ing Mrtter Gallery105, Novl - Jan8. Theseare enigrnaticphotographs ofscientific research.The photographerhas chmen a numberoflaboratory specimens and related items for subjects.using adequatelighting, good arrangem€nt,good printing, and someunique presen- tation techniqu€s,she has attemptedto showthese normally dry and static items in vays that may be interestingand possiblyrecognized as art. The highlight ofthe exhibit is the anangementofnine photographs,ofvarious versionsof the samebasic item, calld SequentialMolecules. T\e threr, colunn by three row arrangemsntfoms an interestingpat- tern and could be consideredas the "grand finale" ofthe show as it is usesall the bestfeatures and techniquess€en in the other photographs.Howwer, the question"Is this art?" keepsbeing askedwhile viewing the resl. The answer: "It's on the verse and needsa boost". Through the DARKROOMDOOR transportation,and machines.As a group, they are signifi- cant in that they show someofthe things createdand/or changedby the developmentof industry. While many of the imageswere probablynot intendedto do this, and can stand alone on their own excellence,the collection doesaccom- plish its apparentpurpose. There are as many waysto view the categoriesas there are different photographersrepre- sentedhere. Take them as a group or absorbyour favoritesas individuals. The pick in this comer is Meudonby Andre Kertesz.This photographis comprisedofpeople walking along a street,with a steamlocomotive oossing a bridge in the background.The people'sdress and the old steamengine offer a senseofthe time in history when this scenemight have occurred.But the real impact ofthe picture comesfrom the directionsand the actionstaking place.A man is sross- ing the street,walking toward the right ofthe frame, carry- ing a packageand looking towardsthe camera.A wornanis walking up the street.Other peopleare walking down the street.The train is going to the left ofthe frame asrossthe b,ridge.Everyone has different things to dq different places GompetitionResults and Standings to gq all in different directions.Really Good Stufi! 'oPictorial SlideNight - 1ll7/97 o the StealthCrilic (aka GuessWho) - Fred Wolfe, Larry Lambert,Ed Saus [Editor's Note:l I crn't let this go by withouta Jan Holkenborg few comments.To start with, Who the heck is GuessWho? Bob Burns Is it a him or a her? One or two people(or more)?A CPS Bill Gance judge? jumping memberor an outsider?A former A monlcey Ruth Morrison or the keyboard?Your guessis as good as anybodyelse's, Ruth lvlon'ison but you might be surprised.I know, but I'm not telling! To Ted Boynton liven up the dull winter months, let's seewho can figure this Bill Cance out (or ifanybody can.) Sendme your votesand I will pub HM Terminal Tower from Flats Jan Holkenborg lish the resultswhenevgr a consensusdevelops. Meanwhile, Chss B: here is a fust clue to heh things get staned.Obviously, I st Effigy Ken Esry GuessWho hsd to be in the Clevelandarea within the I st Rocky Mountain High Jim I-Iackett past 2 or 3 weeks. (Or else, en lccomplice had to be feed- Jim t{ackett ing him/her
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