Radio Times, August 14th, 1925. GOOD NIGHT—IN THE GRAND STYLE. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE BBC Vol. 8. No. 99.LakaTate) ~EVERYFRIDAY. Two Pence. ——————— ——— a OFFICIAL ‘The Broadcast. News Service. PROGRAMMES By S. CAREY CLEMENTS. for the week commencing (Mr. 5. Carey Clements is the Director and discrimination SUNDAY, August 16th. Manager of Reuters, Ltd., under whose adminis- He has to hsten tration the broadcast News Service is conducted, to whatever Our readers will recall that under its licence the B.B.C. is required to take its news as specially comes through MAIN STATIONS. epincll by the Press Agencies.| and dare net LONDON, CARDIFF, ABERDEEN, GLAS- (SR of the principal difficulties that place lis recerver GOW. BIRMINGHAM, MANCHESTER, presented itsell to the British asitle for- fear of BOURNEMOUTH NEWCASTLE, Broadcasting Campanyin organizing their Missing ay tem BELFAST. programme was to gange the tastes and that may come later. HIGH-POWER STATION. requirements of the British public, These requirements could only be discovered at There is. a (Daventry.) first by intelligent anticipation, supple- subtle difference RELAY STATIONS. mented later by experience. One of the between hews SHEFFIELD, PLYMOUTH, EDINBURGH, items that comes very near the top in pointed in the Mr. &, CAREY GL LIVERPOOL, LEEDS—BRADFORD, general esteem is the News Service. paper and news Nirector and. Alanaier HULL, NOTTINGHAM, STOKE-ON- * * * read inte the ears Reivterr, Ded. TRENT, DUNDEE, SWANSEA. The great British public, or that im- of listeners, and as 9 general rule it portant and enlightened section of it that is more shocking to hear of some disas- listens daily to the programmes of the ter or crime than to read of it. While SPECIAL CONTENTS. B.B.C., is composed of people of every certain people positively pevel in highly sensational news, there is another class HOLIDAY WEATHER PROPHETS. possible variation of mentality, tempera- of person, Very sensitive to this sort of By Joseph H. Elgie. ment, and occupation, with the if “CFDS quent result that ther tastes m the news, who regards it with aversion, and WHOIS “THE AVERAGE MAN"? matter of the news they would like to it is the difficult task of the compiler of By George Blake. hear, are exceedingly varied and cover the News Bulletins to strike a, middle ~ the preatest diversity of subjects. But note and avoid if possible causing dis- A FAMOUS SONG OF TOIL. umiortunately the B.B.C, has only one appomtment to-the-one and dissatisfac- By A. B. Cooper. voice by which it tan communicate, and tion to the other. the public has, so to say, but one car, and - 8 # ih * OFFICIAL NEWS AND VIEWS. it is impossible to convey, at the same ‘Lsop, in his fables written many years time, by means of this single channel, ago and mankind has not altered much PEOPLE YOU WILL HEAR THIS WEEK. the night sort of news to soit every smice these days—shewed the -impossi- requirement bility of pleasing everyone and that those # ab h 2 who seek to accomplish this tmpossible IMPORTANT TO READERS. The position of the newspapers is quite task generally end in. pleasing nobody. Street,The addvessStrand,ofLonden,"The RadioW.C.2Times “ ia 8-11, Soutba miter ditierent; The reader of the newspaper Consequently, the unfortunate editor, ean select from the pages of his journal being unable to expect the approval of The addres of the British Brvadeasting Company, Lid., is 2, Savoy Hill, Strand, Londen, W.C.2. the iteme of news which he wishes to read, all. has to be content if the dissatisfaction RATES OF SUSSCRIPTION ta “The Radio Times " whereas the wireless listener 16 not oe expressed by one class of listener equals Cone wd postage! : Twelve Months (Foreign), Ifa, Bd, : Twelre Montha (British!, 1d. fd, mitted te exercise any such selectiv: ( Continged owerloal rfl coloma a3) i [Avever Idra, jopn. = The Broadcast News Service. A Famous Song of Toil. (Continued from the previews page, ) the objections raised by the other class, and so “The Village Blacksmith.” By A. B. Cooper. he conéoloa himself with the conviction that he has held the balance even. Fetween tha 1? & poot's literary rank were to be determined Blacksmith " to. the music to which it has two oxtremes—sensationaliam on the ono side by the popular vote, instead of by the been sung ever since, simply because the niakie and. sobriety, approaching to dullness, on the sUffrages- of the “ fit ond few," Henry Wads- ideally fits the words, he offered it to a firm of other—the editor has to steer a middle course, worth Longfellow would be. near the head of music publishers for five pounds, Phey refused and listeners who may prefer to have other the poll. Whore the “man in the street“ it; wherenpon Weiss published if on his own iteme Of news recorded than thothey hear, would be at his. wit's end even to name a porm account, with the result that for wpwards of must, ina charitable moeod. remember that by, say, Keate, Sholley, or Browning, he could forty years it provided him, and his family after there art others who would prefer to hear probably recite “ Excelsior,” and “The Wreck him, with a considernble anwunl income. something else. of the Herperus”' anil, as likely as not, at least * * = ‘i EL» PotiilfpiJee ef [a] make a bold attempt to sing “The Villoge 1 Ag a role it ia found that génsational news Bluckemith,” which is probably the best-known UxDER « spreading chestnut tree on must be avondedd, atid all hia rowing, sordid, mick workaday poem in the language, The: village amrthy ‘sturuis ; distressing details that would ‘be likely to play Lengiellow’a great-crandfather waa actually Phe amith, a mighty oman bs be, pon the umagination or in any way be incon: a blackemith in the New Encland town of With Taree and einewsy hanes 3 2iatent with healthy thoughts must he omitted. And the muscles. of lis brawny arms Newbury, 30 that one can imagine the enltured ao In thie category of news fall chronivley of peot being especially attracted to “ the flaming Are Erber pr AB ipcunh haticle. een murders.-suicides, and sensational cases in the forge and the roar of the bellows. ig His heir is crap, and black, wel long ; [hvorce Courts, #0 very interesting for many, Hie fies is like the tan; ee brut repugnant to another and large section of From a Living Model. sels His brew ia wet with honedt sweat, pe the commumty. But when cases of this eur Oppomite the port's childhood home at fan He earna whate'er le can, prominently engage public attention, the resuli And looks the whoke word i the {mee, Gorton stood a amithy, where the child aften yen is invariably announced, , i For he owes not PEELL. Edm lavet, and watched ‘* the burning sparks,” as “ * i a he describes: the echool-children doing in his Week in, week ont, from morn till night <p The public, in the evening time, when the poem, You can hear hie bellows blow ; In writing to his father about thia- lyric, he You can hear him swing his heavy: sledge News Bulletins aro given out, i4# generally Peto engaged in some form of relaxation from the alludes to it ae“ a kind of ballad on a black- With measured beat ond slow, a Like the sexton ringing the village bell, day's occupation, and objects to have ite enjoy- smith, which you may consider, if you picaas, When the evening sun is low. ment. or equanimity of mind disturbed by a A song in praise of your ancestor at New- a bury.” Nevertheless, it is true that the port's And. children coming home from echool recital of harrowing information, Therefore blackamith was drawn straight from the living Look in of the open deor ; accidents have to be referred te with preat a They love to se the flaming forpe, fiscrimination, and when it ie impossible to model, ag every line of his terse desoription— And hear the bellows roar, avoid mentioning them, the names of the “His hair is crisp, and black, and Jong; His face And cateh the luring sparks that ‘fly eifferers in the accident may not be given. It is like the tan *—would lead us to pues. Like chaff from oa threshing-foor. is not considered desirable that relatives and Thia eplentid song of labour and ite dignity, =pnirefahep= He goes on Sunday to the church, friends should receive through the News Rulletin of the brawny arm and “honest sweat,” firet And site among lie hoy ; the first intimation of the death or maiming of saw the light in “ Ballada and Other Poems,” inseminated nhs He hears the parson pray and preach, their loved ones, published in 1841. The “village sotthy™ He hears lis daughter's vowe den Perf The wtmost care haa to be exercised in Singing in the village choir, — ttoed in Erattle Street, Cambrinige,, Massa. dealing with items which are of a political chosetts, where the poet lived so long, and * the And it mnkes lia feart repose, nature or may be obnaidered to have a political spreading chestnut tree" stom) in front of it, Tt sounds to him like her mother’s voice pci jee bearing, A careful healance haa to be held in providing ft with weleome shade. Bineprinige im Paraclise ! ce reporting the speeches of the different political He needa must think of her ones. more, The “ Good Grey Poet,”’ How: in the prave she hes; parties, because the broadcast service has, above There came o time, many years later, when the eee And with hia hard, rough hand he wipes all things, to be sbeolutely impartial, and great poet had grown old, that the tree waa cul down, A tear out of his eyes.
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