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It was a moment that that was what we were aim- marked the pair’s first taste ing at—a podium skate.” of international success, “We thought, ‘Let’s focus and an achievement that ourselves and see what we showed that the pair has can do,’ “ says Swiegers. reached a new level. “Top four, that was “It’s big,” says Patti Hole, quoted in the papers,” says who coaches Lawrence and Hole. “I expected them in Sweigers from Virden, Man- the top four. itoba, where the pair spend “I felt like it was time. most of their time training We’re always going to com- and teaching. “Any time petitions and going for the you medal at anything, it experience and to see how always just takes you into we’ll do, and I thought ‘It’s the limelight a bit more, time to go and pull our and people are paying a bit socks up—and let’s go.’ ” more attention to what they The short program that are doing now.” the pair skated was fun Lawrence and Swiegers and upbeat, while the long caught not only they eyes program was intense and of the judges at the Skate serious. Both Lawrence Canada International com- and Sweigers said it was petition, but the eyes of the wonderful skating for their media. Several major news- fellow Canadians and com- papers referred to them as peting in their home coun- “crowd favorites,” and a try. cheeky, smiling Paige Law- “We wanted to go out rence rides on the back of there and play it up to the a grinning Rudi Swiegers crowds and be aesthetically in a large color photo pub- pleasing to watch,” says lished of the pair skating Sweigers. their short program in the “We were really excited Globe and Mail on Saturday, about it being our first-ever Oct. 30. international medal. It was “It has opened doors, a great feeling. But it was and now the phone calls multiplied a hundredfold are coming, the interviews because it was done in our are wanted,” says Hole, home country, in front of who adds that the pair our home crowd.” have been chosen to skate “I’m very thankful for in a winter on ice show out- how the crowd responded side of Toronto. “When you and reacted to our pro- get medals, things start to grams,” says Lawrence. happen.” “We got a lot of reaction to This was only Lawrence our short program. It’s an and Swieger’s second time entertaining program and skating at a senior inter- it’s nice to be on the ice and national Grand Prix event. hear the audience react- Last year the pair skated in ing with laughter and ap- Japan, and admit they were Paige Lawrence from Kennedy, Sask. and Rudi Swiegers from Kipling, Sask. skating at Skate plause, and I think it helps distracted by sharing the that Rudi and I both have a ice with Olympians. Canada International where the pair won a bronze medal—their first-ever medal at the interna- lot of personality.” This year, they knew tional level. The pair will be competing in the international Cup of Russia next week, and are aim- their mindset would have ing for the winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia in 2014. Continued on page 3 ☞ See our location in the Brandon CREASY HOT TUBS, BILLIARDS & PIANOS Shopper’s Mall from now until Christmas Think Christmas, think Chreasy’s! T Game tables Heintzman new and used pianos T Pool uprights and grands of all sizes! T Billiards T Foosball End of Year Clearance on all Jacuzzi hot tubs. T Dome Hockey Tons of tubs in stock! T Poker Tables 2500 Park Ave, Brandon, MB. T Home Style Bars Toll Free: 1-877-241-9580 Phone: 204-729-8827 www.creasys.ca 2 Plain and Valley November 2010 *, Ê 1 -ÊÊ** Ê, / -Ê/"Ê ,]Êf£]xääÊ"9/9ÊEÊ 1 ,Ê, / ° 2010Ê 6," /Ê/,6 ,- 2010Ê 6," /Ê/,6 ,- 2010Ê 1 Ê ,"-- 2010Ê 6," /Ê 1 2010Ê 1 Ê ,"-- NEW 2010 Ê ,"1/ /Ó]Ê7 ]ÊÇÊ«>Ãð] /Ó]Ê7 ]Ê>`i`] ÕÝÕÀÞÊ«>V>}i]Ê /]Ê ÕÝÕÀÞÊ«>V>}i] Ài>ÀÊ 6 i>Ì iÀ 7 «>ÌÕÊi`Ì 7 -,*Êf{]Çnx -,*ÊfxÎ]Çä -,*Êf{£]nÇx -,*ÊfÓÈ]Èä 7 Ê-,*ÊfÎ]ÎÇä CLEAROUT CLEAROUT CLEAROUT CLEAROUT CLEAROUT fÎn]xä f{Ó]ÎÇä fÎx]ÎÇx fÓÎ]Èä fÓ]Çä 1.9% - 48 mo. 1.9% - 48 mo. 0% - 36 mo. 0% - 72 mo. 0% - 36 mo. 2010Ê >`>VÊ ÃV>>`i 2010ÊÀ`Ê-«ÀÌÊ/À>V 2010Ê iÛÀiÌÊ«>> 2010ÊÀVÌVÊ >Ì 2009Ê Ê-iÀÀ> 2009Ê Ê-iÀÀ> Luxury, 7 pass., navigation, Adrenaline, leather, 12,000 kms LT, leather, sunroof, 20,000 kms 250 miles, 1,000 CC Denali, leather, AWD, 58,000 kms SLT, leather, 90,000 kms DVD, 20,500 kms SASK. PST PAID SASK. PST PAID SASK. PST PAID SASK. 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PST PAID f£Ó]ä fn]ä fn]ä fn]ä ->iÃÊ i«Ì°ÊÕÀÃ\Ê MONDAY - FRIDAY 8 AM - 5:30 PM SATURDAY 9 AM - 4PM “We Want To Satisfy You” £nääÓä{ÈÓn CONTACT ONE OF OUR HELPFUL SALES PERSONEL ÕÀÀ>ÞÊÀ>Þ ................................................{ÎxäÈÓ ivvÊV}> .............................................{Î{Ç£ Ê À>`iÞ .................................................{ÎxÇ{ÎÇ www.bradleygm.com ,LÊ À>`iÞ .................................................{ÎxÈnÇ November 2010 Plain and Valley 3 Lawrence, Swiegers aiming for Olympics ☞ Continued from front Swiegers and Lawrence “He came to Skate Can- “Both Paige and I are “I really felt this was are heading to Russia next ada with us and he will go really humbled and really huge for us getting Skate week where they will com- “For now, our goal is this sea- to the Canadian champion- glad for the support from Canada,” says Hole. “Peo- pete in their second inter- son, but come 2014, Sochi is ships with us,” she says. the local communities,” ple love them in Canada, national Grand Prix event, “I’m not scared to bring says Swiegers. “With- and just to have the crowd the Cup of Russia from going to be the goal for us.” in people to help these two out them we wouldn’t be behind them and the sup- Nov. 19-21. be their best.” where we are. port, I thought it was a Skaters competing in the Lawrence and Swiegers “At a competition some- very positive thing for us.” Grand Prix circuit are as- —Rudi Swiegers may be reaching new lev- one will be asking for The bronze medal at signed to only two Grand els as athletes, but they are your autograph and you’ll Skate Canada Internation- Prix international compe- both humble about who have a guy following you al marks a significant step titions a year, where they Lawrence and Swiegers Virden on a regular basis they really are.
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