PARTNERS IN SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Every day Silversea ships navigate the world's oceans to connect people with distant lands and cultures. Along the way, the company hopes its guests make new friends and collect memories of unique experiences and spectacular sceneries that will promote a deeper understanding of the planet. As a global corporate ci@zen, Silversea recognises the importance of suppor@ng communi@es and protec@ng the earth's natural and cultural treasures. By working with like-minded tour operators, Silversea strives to offer a variety of op@onal shore experiences that educate and promote interest in the welfare of local cultures and indigenous species. For instance, guests can visit and learn about endangered animals in their natural habitats, such as African elephants at the Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary in Kenya, and Madagascar's black lemurs at their sanctuary on the island of Nosy Komba. With a profound apprecia@on of the cruise line’s special dependence on the health of the world's seas, Silversea is devoted to ensuring the safe opera@on of all vessels, maintaining full compliance with interna@onal environmental regula@ons, and developing plans for preven@ng pollu@on. Some of the steps taken include: • Employing the latest diesel-electric propulsion design on Silver Spirit that allows much of the engine power to shut down when power demand is less, reducing fuel usage and air emissions; • Equipping Silver Spirit, Silver Whisper and Silver Shadow with state-of-the-art naviga@on systems that feature a speed pilot mechanism for automa@c op@mal control of speed in varying sea condi@ons, thereby achieving greater fuel conserva@on; • Maximising the use of LED illumina@on on Silver Spirit to reduce energy consumpon; • Using TBT-free, non-toxic hull coa@ngs, such as silicone-based paints, to lessen fric@onal resistance and reduce fuel usage and emissions; • Implemen@ng a stringent waste management plan on all ships with crew members specially trained and responsible for sor@ng, processing, storing, recycling and disposing of rubbish; • Using environmentally friendly cleaning products on all ships; • Placing "Conserve Water and Energy" instruc@on cards in all suites enabling guests to no@fy their suite aWendant when bed linens and towels need to be replaced, reducing the need for daily washings; • Encouraging guests to keep their veranda doors closed to conserve energy; • Providing waste bins on open decks and informing guests of our strict policy against throwing any rubbish overboard; • Dona@ng unneeded beds, furniture and linens to charitable organisa@ons to avoid crea@ng more waste, while also extending a helping hand to those in need. Silversea Cruises has received Port Metro Vancouver’s Blue Circle Award three @mes (2012, 2010 & 2009) for efforts to reduce air emissions. Moreover, Silversea is a member of the Associa@on of Arc@c Expedi@on Cruise Operators (AECO), dedicated to managing respectable, environmentally friendly and safe expedi@on cruising in the Arc@c. The company has also joined the Interna@onal Associa@on of Antarc@c Tour Operators (IAATO). This important organisa@on promotes and prac@ces safe and environmentally responsible travel to Antarc@ca. Silversea is also a member of the Interna@onal Galápagos Tour Operators Associa@on (IGTOA), which works to preserve and protect the Galápagos Islands by promo@ng responsible, well-regulated, low-impact travel in the archipelago and by suppor@ng cri@cal conserva@on ini@a@ves and scien@fic research in the area. Silversea takes its social responsibility further by partnering with groups that share its commitment to serving the public good. Through a variety of joint programmes and fundraising efforts, Silversea is proud to support the following organisa@ons: Prince Albert II of Monaco Founda?on In 2006, following in the environmentally friendly footsteps of his forefathers, H.S.H. Prince Albert II created the Prince Albert II of Monaco Founda@on, which is dedicated to the protec@on of the global environment. Its focus is on three major challenges: climate change and developing renewable energies; the loss of biodiversity; and improving universal access to clean water and figh@ng deser@fica@on. Silversea's expedi@on ship, Silver Explorer, was once known as the M/V Prince Albert II, named in tribute to the Prince's legacy of explora@on and environmental conserva@on. It is Silversea’s hope that by educa@ng and connec@ng people with distant cultures and wildlife, Silver Explorer can open eyes and foster respect and greater care for the planet and its inhabitants. In collabora@on with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Founda@on, the ship's carbon emissions are offset. For more informa@on on the Founda@on, visit www.PA2F.org. FAI -- Fondo Per L'ambiente Italiano (The Na?onal Trust For Italy) In 1975, FAI -- Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano (the Na@onal Trust for Italy) was founded using the Na@onal Trust in England as its model. Its main goal is to conserve, care for and protect the irreplaceable ar@s@c and natural heritage of Italy. Aher receiving proper@es via dona@on or legacy, FAI restores and manages them and opens them to the public for people to enjoy. Its proper@es range from ancient castles, villas and a monastery, to gardens, stretches of unspoilt countryside and coastline, and even an art deco barbershop. Through Silversea's exclusive partnership with FAI, the cruise line is pleased to offer its guests op@onal shore excursions and land programmes to visit FAI proper@es, such as the magnificent Villa del Balbianello. Situated on picturesque Lake Como, it was once the home of the explorer Guido Mozino, and its vast collec@ons include Chinese, African and pre-Colombian art, 18th-century English and French furniture, and a museum with documents and mementoes of his expedi@ons. For more informa@on on FAI, visit www.fondoambiente.it Maruzza Lefebvre D'Ovidio Founda?on The Maruzza Lefebvre D’Ovidio Founda@on is an independent, family-run charity, established by Antonio and Eugenia Lefebvre D’Ovidio following the loss of Maruzza, their eldest daughter, in 1989. Antonio and Eugenia passionately took up the voca@on to aid people suffering the same fate as their daughter. Her vision became their deepest desire -- to provide assistance and care for incurable pa@ents, with considera@on and respect for their moral principles, dignity and quality of life -- bringing light to Maruzza’s dream. Silversea is proud to support the dedicated efforts of this non-profit organisa@on and to honour the memory of Maruzza, the beloved sister of Silversea’s Chairman, Manfredi Lefebvre D’Ovidio. Under the leadership of Silvia Lefebvre D’Ovidio, Maruzza’s sister, the founda@on works together with local government organisa@ons assembling specialised networks to promote excellence and equity in the provision of pallia@ve care and support for persons affected by life-threatening or life-limi@ng condi@ons and their families, regardless of age, cultural, social and economic background. Today, a major part of the founda@on’s energy and resources is dedicated to the diffusion of pallia@ve care for children, babies and adolescents affected by incurable illness. For these young pa@ents in par@cular, it is essen@al that they spend their days in familiar surroundings where all their physical, emo@onal, social and spiritual needs can be properly addressed, able to live their lives free from unnecessary pain and suffering. Silversea has established a fundraising programme that promotes awareness of this important cause and allows Silversea guests to share in the Maruzza Founda@on’s mission. For more informa@on, please visit www.maruzza.org or email founda@[email protected]. Media Contact Siren Communicaons Olivia BruWo 416-351-0777 olivia@[email protected] .
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