3156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 24, matter by telegraph; also for the bill to raise the age of protection beverages in all Government buildings-to the Committee on for girls to 18 years in the District of Cobu:nbia and the Territo­ Public Buildings and Grounds. ries, and to protect State anti-cigarette laws-to the Committee Also, petition of M. J. Balen and 39 citizens of Peru, Ind., and on the Judiciary. J. T. Elliot and 40 others, of Logansport, Ind., favoring the pas­ Also, petitions of the Woman's Christian Temperance unions of sage of the anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on Inter tate and Wray and Eaton, Colo., and the Congregational Church and Foreign Commerce. Woman's Club of Eaton, Colo., urging the passage of a bill to pro· Also, petitions of the Sims Methodist Episcopal Church Sway· hibit the sale of liquors in Government buildings-to the Commit­ zee charge, North Indiana conference, praying for the enactment tee on Public Buildings and Grounds. of legislation to protect State anti-cigarette laws, to raise the age Also, five petitions of citizens of Colorado Springs, Colo., favor· of protection for girls, and forbid the transmission of lottery mes­ ing the passage of the anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on In­ sages by telegraph, etc.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. terstate and Foreign Commerce. Also, petition of the Sims Methodist Episcopal Church, Sway· By Mr. SHERMAN: Petitions of Grand Army of the Republic, zee charge, North Indiana conference, favoring the pa age of a Department of New Hampshire; New England Metal Association, bill prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in the Capitol of Boston; American Baptist Home MiEsion Society, of Philadel­ building and grounds-to the Committee on Public Buildings and phia; Revs. H. E. Reever, 0. B. McCurdy, J. B . .Mann, J. David Grounds. Miller, J. M. Guss. John W. Owen, of Duncannon. Pa., in favor By Mr. STEWART of New Jersey: Petition of the Young Men's of the passage of House bill No. 7130 and Senate bill No; 1575, re· Christian Association of Little Falls, N. J., to raise the age of lating to ticket brokerage-to the Committee on Interstate and protection for girls, to forbid the interstate transmission of lottery Foreign Commerce. messages by telegraph, and in favor of a bill to protect State anti­ Also, petition of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of cigarette laws-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Poland, N.Y., praying for the enactment of legislation prohibit­ Also, petition of the Young Mens Christian Association of ing interstate gambling by telegraph, telephone, or otherwise-to Little Falls, N.J.. praying for the enactment of legislation pro­ the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. hibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in all Government build· By 1\fr. SMITH of Arizona (by request): Petition of the Woman's ings-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Ground . Christian Temperance Union and Congregational Church of By Mr. WILLIAM A. STONE: Petition of James T. Sprout and Tempe, Maricopa County, Ariz., praying for the enactment of others, of Imperial, Allegheny County, Pa., and vicinity, in favor legislation to protect State anti-cigarette laws, to raise the age of of legislation to more effectually restrict immigration and -prevent protection for girls, and to forbid the transmission of lottery mes­ the admission of illiterate, pauper, and criminal classes to the sages by telegraph, etc.-to the Committee on the Judiciary. United States-to the Committee on Immigration and N aturaliza. Also (by request), petition of the Congregational Church of tion. Tempe, Ariz., to prohibit the sale of intoxicating beverages in all By Mr. STURTEVANT: ResolutionsofLodgeNo. 259, Brother­ Government buildings-to the Committee on Public Buildings hood of Railway Trainmen, of Conneaut, Ohio, in favor of legis­ and Grounds. lation abolishing ticket brokerage-to the Committee on Interstate By Mr. SPALDING: Petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ and Foreign Commerce. perance Union and Methodist Episcopal Sunday school of Ridge· By Mr. SUTHERLAND: Papers to accompany Honse bill for way, Mich., praying for the enactment of legislation to protect the relief of W. E. Jackson-to the Committee on Invalid Pen· State anti-cigarette laws by providing that cigarettes imported in sions. original packages on entering any State shall become subject to By Mr. VINCENT: Petition of citizens of Abilene, Kans., ask· its laws-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ing for the passage of a bill to pre ent the adulteration of flour­ By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of the Baptist Church of Deep River, to the Committee on Ways and Means. Conn., for the passage of a bill to forbid interstate transmission By Mr. WADSWORTH: Petition of the Woman's Christian of lottery and other gambling matter by telegraph-to the Com­ Temperance Union of Wyoming County, N.Y., favoring the en­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. actment of legislation to protect State anti-cigarette laws by pro· Also, petitions of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of viding ~bat cigarettes imported in original packages on entering Waterbury, Conn., and Baptist Church of Deep River, Conn. ask­ any State shall become subject to its laws-to the Committee on ing for the passage of the bill to raise the age of protection fOl' Interstate and Foreign Commerce. girls to 18 years in the District of Columbia-to the Committee on By Mr. WHITE of Illinois: Petition of Arthur Hammond and the Judiciary. · 152 citizens of Chicago, Ill., for the passage of a bill to prevent Also, petitions of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of the admission of illiterate, pauper, and criminal classes to the Waterbury, Conn., and Baptist Church of Deep River! Conn., United States-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturali· praying for the enactment of legislation prohibiting the sale of zation. intoxicating liquors in all Government buildings-to the Com­ Also, petitions of certain labor organizations and citizens of the mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds. State of Illinois, in opposition to the so-called anti-scalping bill or By Mr. S9UTHARD: Resolutions of the American Railway any similar measure-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Loyal League, in favor of the passage of the so-called anti-scalp· Commerce. • ing bill-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. STARK: Petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ ance Union of Tamora, Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, and SENATE. · United Evangelical churches of Blue Springs, Nebr., and the Woman's Club of Lincoln, Nebr., for the enactment of legislation THuRsDAY, March 24, 1898. to protect State anti-cigarette laws, also to forbid interstate trans­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBUR~, D. D. mission of lottery messages by telegraph-to the Committee on The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro· Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. BERRY, and by unanimous con· Also, petitions of the First Congregational Church of Fairmont sent, the further reading was dispensed with. and the Woman'sChristi:m Temperance Union of Tamora,Nebr., FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. for the bill to raise the age of protection for girls to 18 years in the District of Columbia n.nd the Territories-to the Committee on The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ tion from the Court of Claims, transmitting the conclu ~ ions of the District of Columbia. fact and of law under the act of January 20, 1 85, to provide for Also, petitions of the United Evangelical, Presbyterian, and the ascer.tainment of claims of American citizens for spoliations Methodist Episcopal churches of Blue Springs, Colo., and the committed by the French prior to the 31st day of July, 1801, in Woman s Christian Temperance Union of Tamora, Nebr., m;king the matter of the bark Matilda, Ira Canfield, master; Andrew E. for the passage of a bill to forbid the sale of intoxicating bever­ Warner, administrator de bonis non of the e tate of Jonathan ages in all Government buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Warner, deceased, and Charles N. Cady, administrator of the Liquor Traffic. estate of Gideon Leet, deceased; which, with the accompanying Also, petition of J. W. Ball and 161 citizens of Wahoo, Nebr., papers, was refelTed to the Committee on Claims, and orcered to favoring the passage of the anti-scalping bill-to the Committee be printed. on Interstate and Forejgn Commerce. By Mr. STEELE: Petitions of F. Sullivan and 39 others, J. W. APARTMENT HOUSES IN THE DISTU.ICT OF COLUMBIA. Kurtz and 3~ others John J. Miner and 39 others, and J. C. Mehan The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ and 39 others, all citizens of Peru, Ind .. and Huntington Division, tion from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, trans· No. 221, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, in favor of the mitting, in response to a resolution of the 17th ultimo, a report of passage of the so-called anti-scalping bill-to the Committee on the Acting Engineer Commissioner relative to the number and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. · location of apartment houses, etc., in the District of Columbia; Also, petition of tile Young People's Society ·of Christian En­ which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Com· deavor of Huntiugton, Ind., to prohibit the sale of intoxicating mittee on the District of Columbia, and ordered to be printed. 1898. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3157 ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the interstate trans­ mission of lottery messages and other gambling matter by tele­ A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr.
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