Stations in the U.S. Minnesota P. 0. Box 20696 American Media Services villv LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (843) 881 -4436 light contemp, sports. Target aud: 25-49. Spec prog: Area sports 6 hrs (507) 723-5604. (507) 359 -4520. Licensee: Clear Channel 'KNTN(FM)- Dec 13, 1991: 102.7 mhz; 100 kw. 538 h. TL: N47 58 wkly. Steve Nestor. pres; Jeff Thornton, opns dir. Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel 38 W96 36 32. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. c/o KCCM, 901 S. 8th St., Communications Inc. (acq 9- 25-00; grpsl) Nel: Westwood One. Moorhead (56562). (218) 299 -3666. Fax: (218) 299-3418. Web Site: Sauk Rapids Format: Country. Target aud: 18-54. *Jim Bartles, gen mgr; Chris www.mpr.org. Licensee: Minnesota Public Radio Inc. *Net: NPR, PRI: mgr: Filzen, Gatzlaff, opns Mart Frederickson, sls dir; Brian progmg Minn. Pub. Format: News. News staff: 2. Target aud: General. mgr. WBHR(AM)- Aug 3, 1963: 660 khz; 10 kw -D, 250 w -N, DA -2. TL: *William H. Kling, pres; Vern Goodin. gen mgr; Julia McCollum, dev N45 36 18 W94 08 21. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WHMH -FM Sauk dir; Dan Gunderson. news dir; A.J. Fridgen, chief of engrg. Rapids 98% Box 366, 1010 2nd St. N. (56379). (320) 252 -6200. (320) Staples 251 -7747. Fax: (320) 252 -9367. Web Site: www.660wbhr.com. KOMN(FM)- Nov 26, 1990: 91.5 mhz; 100 kw. 449 ft. TL: N47 58 Licensee: Td -County Broadcasting Inc. *Net: Radio Disney. Rep: KNSP(AM)- June 3, 1982: 1430 khz; 1 kw -D. 199 w -N. TL: N46 21 38 W96 36 32. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KSJN(FM) O'Malley. Format: Disney radio. Target aud: Children; kids & their 34 W94 46 55. Box 551, 201 1/2 S. Jefferson, Wadena (56482). (218) Minneapolis 100% 901 S. 8th St., Concordia College, Moorhead families. Herb M. Hoppe, pres & gen mgr; Gary E. Hoppe, opns mgr 894 -3441. Fax: (218) 631-4557. E -mail: kwadkkws @arvig.net. (56562). (218) 299-3666. Fax: (218) 299-3418. Licensee: Minnesota & chief of engrg; Doug Kurtz, gen sls mgr; Charlene Hopela, progmg Licensee: Bob Kommerstad. (acq 4 -96) Net: UPI. Format: Country. Public Radio. Format: Class mus, cultural progmg. Uern Goodin, dir. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. .Bob Kommerstad. pres. gen mgr. WHMH- FM-Co-owned with WBHR. Oct 31, 1975: 101.7 mhz; 50 kw. KSKK(FM)- Aug 1, 1994: 94.7 mhz; 50 kw. 469 ft. TL: N46 33 08 KSNR(FM) -Licensed to Thief River Falls. See East Grand Forks 423 ft. TL: N45 35 48 W94 09 25. Stereo. Hm eon: 24. Web Site: W94 39 03. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5:30 AM- midnight. 11 S.E. Bryant Ave.. www.rockin101.com. Format: AOR, active rock. Wadena (56482). Box 49, Hwy. 34 E., Park Rapids (56482). (218) KSRR(FM)- Nov 15, 1971: 90.1 mhz; 24 kw. 338 ft. TL: N48 01 19 631 -3441. (218) 732 -3306. Fax (218) 631 -3414. (218) 732 -3307. Web WVAL(AM)- Mar 1, 1999: 800 khz; 2.6 kw -D, 850 w -N, DA -2. TL: W96 22 12. Stereo. Hm opn: 5 AM -11 PM. 1101 Hwy. 1 E. (56701). Site: www.dbcradio.com. Licensee: NorMin Broadcasting Co. *Net: N45 36 18 W94 08 21. Box 366 (56379). 1010 2nd St. N. (56379). (218) 681 -0770. (800) 959-6282. Fax: (218) 681 -0774. E-mail: CBS; Linder Farm. Format: Soft hits, adult contemp. News progmg 20 (320) 252 -6200. Fax: (320) 252 -9367. E -mail: original0800wval.cam. [email protected]. Web Site: www.northland.cc.mn.us. hrs wkly. Target aud: 30 plus. e David J. De LaHunt, CEO, chmn, pres, Web Site: www.800wval.com. Licensee: Tri-County Broadcasting Inc. Licensee: Northland Community & Technical College. (acq 5- 29 -92) CFO & chief of engrg; Gene Marie Kanten, stn mgr & gen sls mgr; Format: Classic, country. *Herb M. Hoppe, gen mgr. e Net: CNN. Format: AOR, country. News progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target Chad Hultgren. progmg VP & news dir. aud: 12-30. Spec prog: Christian rock 6 hrs, Sp 2 hrs wkly. Orley Shakopee Gunderson, pres; Mark Johnson, gen mgr: Stan Mueller, chief of Starbuck engrg. KSMM(AM)- Oct 6, 1963: 1530 khz; 8.6 kw-D, 10 w -N. TL: N44 48 26 W93 33 25. Hrs opn: 24. 1107 Hazeltine Blvd., Suite 520, Chaska KRVY- FM-Not on air, target date: unknown: 97.3 mhz; 50 kw. 492 ft. KTRF(AM)- Jan 30. 1947: 1230 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N48 07 47 W96 11 (55318). (952) 556 -5683. Fax: (952) 361 -5529. Licensee: North Star TL: N45 31 48 W95 33 00. Tom Ingstad Broadcasting Group. 5038 11. Hrs opn: 24. Box 40, Hwy. 32 N. (56701). (218) 681 -1230. Fax: Broadcasting Ltd. (acq 12- 31 -94; $305,208) Format: Sp. Target aud: Holiday Rd., Minnetonka (55345). (612) 938-0575. Licensee: Digital (218) 681.3717. Licensee: Iowa City Broadcasting Co. (acq 9- 30-97; 25-54; young adults. Spec prog: Relg 3 wkly. Robert Chevalier, pres Broadcasting Co. L.L.C. Group owner: Tom Ingstad Broadcasting with KSNR(FM) Thief River Falls) Net: CBS; MNN. Wash atty: Haley, & gen mgr; Miguel Sanchez, opns mgr & progmg dir; Louise Krohn, Group (acq 7-19-99; $200,000 for stock) *Tom Ingstad, gen mgr. Bader & Potts. Format: MOR, news. News staff: 2; news progmg 35 dev mgr; Noemi Sanchez. sls dir; Dan Zimmermann, chief of engrg. hrs wkly. Target aud: General; 25 plus. Spec prog: Farm 12 hrs wkly. Rates: $20; 20; 20; na.. Stewartville Jon Praska, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr. Slayton KYBA(FM)- Feb 1, 1993: 105.3 mhz: 50 kw. 492 ft. TL: N43 40 23 Tracy W92 41 54. Box 154 (55976). 1901 First Ave. N.E. (55976). (507) KJOE(FM)- 1993: 106.1 mhz; 13 kw. 971 ft. TL: N43 53 52 W95 56 533 -4082. Fax: (507) 533 -4083. Licensee: Southern Minnesota 50. Hm opn: 24. 2660 Broadway Ave. (56172). (507) 836-6125. (507) KARL(FM)- July 19, 1994: 105.1 mhz; 45 kw. 390 ft. TL: N44 19 32 Broadcasting Co. (group owner; acq 7 -1 -93: FTR: 7- 29-96) *Net: 825 -4282. Fax: (507) 836 -6537. Licensee: Wallace Christensen. 19. Hrs opn: 24. Box KMHL Broadcasting Co., ABC. Rep: Allied Radio Partners: Hyett/Ramsland. Format: Adult W95 52 Stereo. 61, Format: Country. *Collin Christensen, gen mgr. 1414 E. College Dr., Marshall (56258). Box 218. 3rd St. (56175). (507) contemn. Target aud: 25-54. Greg Gentling, pres; Sue Daily, gen 629-3355. (507) 532 -2282. Fax: (507) 532-3739. Web Site: mgr. Rates: $26; 26; 26: 22. Sleepy Eye www.marshallradio.net. Licensee: KMHL Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Linder Broadcasting Group (acq 12-17-92; $22,100; FTR: Stillwater 1- 11 -93) Net: ABC; Under Farm. Rep: Katz. Format: Hot country. KNUJ -FM- June 1, 1995: 107.3 mhz; 1.9 kw. 400 ft. TL: N44 1938 News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. e Donald Linder, pres; W94 43 42. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KNUJ(AM) New Ulm Brad Strootman, gen mgr; Sharon Fenske, rgnl sls mgr. Rates: 70% Box 368, New Ulm (56073). (507) 359 -2921. Fax: (507) WEZU(AM)- Mar 13, 1949: 1220 khz; 5 kw -D, 254 w -N. TL: N45 03 $9.25; 9.25; 9.25: 6.50. 359 -4520. Web Site: www.radioneminnesota.com. Licensee: Clear 15 W92 49 42. Hrs opn: 24. Go Smith Broadcasting Co., 125 E. 3rd Channel Broadcasting Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel St., New Richmond, WI (54017). 104 N. Main St. (55082). (715) Communications Inc. (acq 9-25-00; grpsl) Format: Adult contemn, 246 -2254. (651) 439 -5006. Fax: (715) 246 -7090. (651) 439 -5015. news. News staff: one; news progmg 20 hm wkly. Target aud: 18-49; Licensee: Endurance Broadcasting LLC (acq 7-5-01). *Net: ABC. Two Harbors slightly more females than males. *Man Fredrickson, gen mgr; Wash any: Miller & Miller, P.C.. Format: Nostalgia. News staff: one. Dennis Cummiskey, cons mgr; Mari Frederickson, sls dir: Brian Filzen, Target aud: 35-64. Bob Smith. CEO: Daniel Smith, pres. VP, gen KZIO(FM)- September 1995: 104.3 mhz; 50 kw. 233 ft. TL: N46 55 progmg dir; Greg Brandt. chief of engrg. mgr, opns VP & sls dir; Jeff Petersen, news dir; Dick Tyner, chief of 48 W91 53 01. Stereo. 501 Lake Ave. S., Suite 200A, Duluth (55802). engrg. Rates: $14; 11; 14; 10. (218) 722-0921. Fax: (218) 723 -1499. Licensee: Red Rock Radio Spring Grove Corp. (group owner; acq 1- 10-00: grpsi). Format: Adult contemp. jazz. Sunburg Sean Skramstad, gen mgr. KOYB(FM)- Aug 2, 1980: 98.3 mhz; 33 kw. 607 ft. TL: N43 40 53 45 Hwy. 44 W. (55974 W91 28. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 308, -0308). KLFN(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 106.5 mhz; 2.3 kw. Ant Virginia (507) 498-5720. (507) 498 -5772. Fax: (507) 498-5766. E -mail: 525 ff. TL: N45 22 25 W95 08 23. Box 838, Willmar (56201). (320) [email protected]. Licensee: Family Radio Inc. Group owner: 235 -3535. Licensee: Lakeland Broadcasting Co. (acq 10.5-01). The Mid -West Family Broadcast Group (acq 7 -19-01; grpsl). *Net: WEEP(AM)- Oct 12, 1936: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N47 30 33 W92 ABC/SMN. Format: Hot country. News staff: one; news progmg one hr 32 31. (CP: TL: 1447 30 09 W92 33 44).
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