SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE ECONOMÍA, MINISTERIO SECRETARÍA GENERAL DE POLÍTICA ECONÓMICA DE ECONOMÍA Y ECONOMÍA INTERNACIONAL Y HACIENDA SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ECONOMÍA INTERNACIONAL CUADERNO DE DOCUMENTACION Número 91º ANEXO XI Alvaro Espina Vocal Asesor 6 de Septiembre de 2010 BACKGROUND0BU PAPERS: 1. A1B Keynesian success story, Spiegel On Line…7 2. The2B Economist as policitcal philosopher, Economicprincipals.com by David Warsh…13 3. What3B Germany knows about debt, The New York Times by Tyler Cowen…15 4. Germany’s4B super competitiveness: a helping hand from eastern Europe, Vox by Dalia Marin…17 5. Krugman5B on Cowen and Germany, Marginal Revolution, by Paul Krugman…19 6. What’s6B Germany’s secret?, The Economist, by Tyler Cowen…21 7. A7B generation of overoptimistic equity analysts, McKinsey Quarterly…23 8. Equity8B analysts: Still too bullish, Mckinsey&Company by Marc Goedhart, Rishi Raj and Abhishek Saxena…24 9. Bundesbank9B says Ireland will destroy eurozone, Eurointelligence…28 10. Senate10B set to end stalemate and extend jobless aid, The New York Times by Carl Hulse…31 11. Euro1B back at $1.30, Eurointelligence…34 12. Part12B 5A. What happens if things go really badly? $15 trillion of sovereign debt in default, Calculated Risk …37 13. The13B pundit delusion, The New York Times by Paul Krugman…40 14. Why14B I worry, The Conscience of a Liberal by Goldman Sachs…41 15. Whay15B the battle is joined over tightening, Ft.com by Martin Wolf…51 16. The16B great austerity debate, Ft.com …53 17. It17B is far too soon to end expansion by Brad Delong…55 18. Today’s18B Keynesians have learnt nothing, Ft.com by Niall Ferguson…57 19. Can’t19B anybody here play this game?, Fiscal Policy Edition, http://www.businessectator.comH H by Niall Ferguson…59 20. Critique20B of Niall Ferguson, Ft.com …60 21. 193921B and all that, Ft.com by Niall Ferguson…61 22. America’s2B sensible stance on recovery, Ft.com by Lawrence Summers…62 23. Global23B economic recovery slower than anticipated despite Asian/Latin Amerian gains, Nielsen wire …64 24. Greece24B makes ‘strong start on reforms, Ft.com by Kerin Hope…68 25. Fasten25B seatbelts for a double dip, Today by Nouriel Roubini…69 26. DeLong26B on deficits, Mises Daily by Robert P Murphy…72 27. Investors27B set record buying US Treasury securities, The Washington Post by Bloomberg News…77 28. The28B low-interest-rate trap, Vox by Francesco Giavazzi and Alberto Giovannini…78 29. Risk29B panics: when markets crash for no apparent reason, Vox by Philippe Bachetta, Cedric Tille and Eric Van Wincoop…80 30. Calling30B recessions in real time, Vox by James D Hamilton…86 1 31. Chinese31B foreign direct investment: what’s happening behing the headlines?, Vox by Lucian Cernat and Kay Parplies…92 32. Whay32B Germany should not listen to the US, Vox by Hans-Werner Sinn…97 33. Double-Dip3B days, Roubini Global Economics, by Nouriel Roubini…99 34. Cambio34B de reglas en Wall Street, El País de Sandro Pozzi…102 35. Cómo35B llenar la hucha, El País de Fiona Maharg-Bravo …107 36. Objetivo:36B las agencias de calificación, El País de Miguel A Noceda…108 37. La37B tercera España, 74 años después, El País de José Juan Toharia…110 38. Europa38B empieza a escribirse a sí misma, El País de Xavier Vidal-Folch…112 39. El39B estilo de los historiadores, El País de Carlos García Gual…116 40. Angela40B Merkel pide en Pekín más acceso para las empresas alemanas, El País …118 41. El41B CIS otorga a Zapatero la victoria frnete a Rajoy en el debate sobre el estado de la nación, El País de Agencias…120 42. La42B presión sobre la deuda española se reduce con fuerza, El País…120 43. El43B precio de la vivienda solo cae un 12% desde máximos, El País de MV Gómez…121 44. La4B caída de la prima de riesgo española se acentúa, El País …122 45. Movistar45B dará Internet de 100 megas en otoño, El País de EP…123 46. Griñan46B sobre Cajasur: No es una buena noticia, pero se ha cumplido la ley, El País de EFE…124 47. Ordóñez47B entrega Cajasur a la BBK, El País de I de barrón y L Lucio…125 48. El48B Banco de España fuerza a la dirección de CAM a aceptar la fusión, El País de R Biot y I de barrón…127 49. El49B presidente ruso y Angela Merkel intensifican las relaciones económicas, El País de Pilar Bonet…129 50. Wonkbook:assessing50B finreg; Goldman suit settled; oil gusher stopped, The Washington Post …131 51. The51B future of finance: The LSE report…134 52. La52B fuerte demanda extranjera se consolida en la subasta a 15 años, Cinco Días…135 53. Economist53B Split over financial overhaul, The Wall Street Journal…137 54. Redo54B that voodoo, The New York Times by Paul Krugman…138 55. Return5B of the bond maket vigilantes, The Wall Street Journal by MarketBeat Staff…145 56. Fed56B sees slower growth, The Wall Street Journal by Jon Hilsenrath…150 57. Boston57B fed’s rosengren: growth slowing, deflation is emergins risk, The Wall Street Journal by Jon Hilsenrath…152 58. Companies58B pile up cash but remain hesitant to add jobs, The Washington Post by Jia Lynn Yang…155 59. Financial59B overhaul signals shift on deregulation, The New York Times by Binyamin Appelbaum and David M Herszenhorn…157 60. Slovakia60B abandons resistance to EFSF, Eurointelligence…160 2 61. Fixing61B Spain’s savings banks mean paying workers to play golf, Bloomberg by Charles Panty…162 62. Sondeo62B tras el debate sobre el estado de la nación…165 63. Medvédev63B ve en Alemania el socio clave para la modernización de Rusia, El País de Pilar Bonet…166 64. Le64B déficit à 3% du PIB en 2013: ni posible, ni réalistem selon Marini, Les Echos…168 65. EU65B takes control of VAT refunds, FT.com by Nikki Tait …169 66. How6B and when to fsoc it to the hedge funds, Ft.com by Sebastian Mallbay…170 67. Bail67B in will save the taxpayer from the bail-out, Ft.com by Gillian Tett…171 68. Demand68B for financing leads flobal economic recovery toward vall of debt, The Washington Post by Howard Schneider…172 69. Allies69B may fret but Obama understands America’s role, Ft.com by Philip Stephens…175 70. The70B pain of Cameron’s 40 percent savings plan, Spiegel On Line by Marco Evers…177 71. The71B self-defeat of the Keynesian cross, Ludwig vonMises Institute by Pedrag Rajsic…181 72. Treasury72B deputi secretary neal wolin. Keynote address at the securities industry and financialmarkets association’s regulatory reform summit. Press Room…187 73. Wonkbook:finreg73B to pass; fed to sit; reid’sclimate deal;dems lose rec, The Washington Post …191 74. The74B CEA’s impossible job, Greg Mankiw’s blog…194 75. Greetings75B from RGE, Roubini Global Economics…196 76. Dodd76B implies fed must act at hearing for governor nominees, Political Economy by Neil Irwin…198 77. What7B Bernanke and the Fed won’t be doing to stimulate economic growth, Political Economy by Neil Irwin…200 78. Are78B democrats painting themselves as the leser of the evils?, The Washington Post by Dana Milbank…202 79. After79B crisis, show of power from JP Morgan, The New York Times by Eric Dash…204 80. Fed80B leaders show division over deflation, The New York Times by Sewell Chan …207 81. Economics81B behaving badly, The New York Times by George Loewentein and Peter Ubel…210 82. Reader82B question: is behavioaral economics behaving badly?, Economists do it with model…212 83. 83BZapatero warns of more budget cuts, Eurointelligence…215 84. Lex84B dis-membering the euro, Financial Times…218 85. Even85B eurozone optimists are not optimistic, Ft.com by Wolfgang Münchau…219 86. Committee86B on Europen affairs report on EMU, The Irish Economy by Karl Whelan…221 3 87. The87B China capital surge, The Wall Street Journal by Michal Pettis…224 88. The8B capital tsunami is a bigger threat than the nuclear option, China Financial Markets by Michael Pettis…224 89. What89B might history tell us about the Greek crisis? By Michale Pettis…235 90. La90B revaluación del dinero chino:un pequeño paso con un gran impacto, Finanzas e Inversión …239 91. La91B tasa bancaria y los tests de estrés: momentos de nuevos desacuerdos y de intranquilidad, Finanzas e Inversión…243 92. Ecofin92B edges towards compromise on financial regulation, Eurointelligence…248 93. Ending93B the scourge of dual labour markets in Europe, Vox by Samuel Bentolila, Tito Boeri and Pierre Cahuc…251 94. Stressing94B Spanish banks out, with fitch, Financial Times by Joseph Cotterill…253 95. Financial95B reform bill tlips toward vote, The New York Times by David Herszenhorn…255 96. Financial96B bill to close regulator of fading industry, The New York Times by Binyamin Appelbaum…257 97. Daddy97B are we rich?, and other tough questions, The New York Times by Ron Lieber…259 98. Obama98B nominates lew to head office of management and budget, The Washington Post by Anne E Kornblut and Ed O’Keefe…262 99. China9B hopes social safety net will push its citizens to consume more, save less, The Washington Post by Keith B Richburg…264 100. Government10B gest a jump on preparing for regulatory overhaul, The Washington Post by Brady Dennis…267 101. Ambassadors10B of a New Germany, Spiegel On Line…269 102. Mentirillas102B y disparates fiscales, Project Syndicate by barry Eichengreen…274 103. Topics:103B the 5 best things about the flash crash, JP Morgan …276 104. ECB’s104B bond purchase programme has effectively ended, Eurointelligence…281 105. Debt105B shuffling will be a self-defeating exercise, Ft.com by Satyajit Das…285 106.
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