THE MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE ACTION PLANS AT SELECTED NATURE-BASED ATTRACTIONS IN BOTSWANA. By THEMBELIHLE NYAMANDI Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF COMMERCE in the subject TOURISM MANAGEMENT at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: PROF MARIOS SOTIRIADIS CO-SUPERVISOR: PROF CINA VAN ZYL JANUARY 2019 Declaration Name: Thembelihle Nyamandi Student number: 53288734 Degree: Master in Commerce (Tourism Management) Exact wording of the title of the dissertation as appearing on the copies submitted for examination: THE MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE ACTION PLANS AT SELECTED NATURE-BASED ATTRACTIONS IN BOTSWANA. I declare that the above dissertation is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. ___ _____________________ 7 JANUARY 2019 SIGNATURE DATE i Abstract Tourism generates foreign currency and employment, and proper planning and management benefits the community and environment upon which tourism depends. The study investigated the management of sustainable action plans at selected nature-based attractions in Botswana, namely; Gaborone Game Reserve, Khutse Game Reserves, and Mokolodi Nature Reserve. Purposive, convenience and snowball sampling yielded 25 respondents for semi-structured interviews. Findings highlighted that sustainable action plans, like recycling and engaging local labour, were managed and implemented to a small extent. The conclusions were that the full potential of sustainable action plans management needed to be fully explored. The study recommends government enforcement of policies, master plans and strategies for management of sustainable action plans in nature-based attractions; and decentralisation of public nature-based attractions to allow managers full management of sustainable action plans. Government and private sector should fund management of all nine sustainable action plans, and implement a holistic tourism strategy to retain the quality of tourists’ experiences. Key Words: Botswana, Community, Government, Management, Nature-based attractions, Sustainable action plans, Sustainable tourism, Sustainable tourism development, Tourist, Tourism. ii OKUCATSHANGIWE UKUPHATHWA KWEZINHLELO ZOKUSEBENZA EZISIMEME EZIKHETHIWE ZOKUKHANGISWA KWEMVELO EBOTSWANA Ezokuvakasha zidala imali yangaphandle kanye nomsebenzi, nokuhlelwa kahle nokuphathwa kahle komphakathi kanye nemvelo lapho ezokuvakasha zincike khona. Ucwaningo lucwaninge ukuphathwa kwezinhlelo zokusebenza ezisimeme ezikhethiwe zokukhangiswa kwemvelo e- Botswana, okuyiSiqiwi iGaborone, iSiqiwi iKhutse, nokuGcinwa kweMvelo iMokolodi. Imibonakaliso ekhethwe ngokusekelwe ezilinganisweni zabantu kanye nenhloso yocwaningo (purposive sampling), indlela yokubala nokudweba idatha emele ngokukhetha abantu ngenxa yokukhululeka kokuzithandela kwabo (convenience sampling) kanye nabacwaningi bezokucwaninga abathatha abanye abahlanganyeli ukuze banze ucwaningo (snowball sampling) inikeza abaphenduli abangu-25 ngemibuzo ehleliwe. Okutholakele kubonise ukuthi izinhlelo zokusebenza ezisimeme, njengokuvuselela kabusha nokubandakanya abasebenzi basekhaya, zaphathwa futhi zenziwa ngendlela encane. Isiphetho sasiwukuthi amandla aphelele okuphathwa ezinhlelo zokusebenza ezisimeme kufanele ahlolwe. Ucwaningo luphakamisa ukuqiniswa kwezinqubomgomo kuhulumeni, izinhlelo ezinhle kanye namasu okuphathwa kwezinhlelo zokusebenza ezisimeme ezikhethiwe zokukhangiswa kwemvelo; kanye nokwabiwa kwamandla okukhangayo okusekelwe emphakathini ukuvumela abaphathi ukuphatha ngokugcwele kwalezi zinhlelo. Uhulumeni kanye nezimboni ezizimele kufanele baxhase ukuphathwa kwazo zonke izinhlelo zokusebenza ezisimeme eziyisishiyagalolunye, futhi basebenzise uhlelo lwezokuvakasha oluphelele ukugcina isipiliyoni sabavakashi sisezingeni. Amagama asemqoka: Botswana: iBotswana Community: umphakathi Government: uhulumeni Management: iii DIE BESTUUR VAN VOLHOUBARE AKSIEPLANNE BY GESELEKTEERDE NATUURGEBASEERDE BESIENSWAARDIGHEDE IN BOTSWANA (THEMBELIHLE NYAMANDI) Abstrak Toerisme genereer buitelandse valuta en werkverskaffing, en behoorlike beplanning en bestuur is tot voordeel van die gemeenskap en omgewing waarop toerisme staatmaak. Die studie het die bestuur van volhoubare aksieplanne by geselekteerde natuurgebaseerde besienswaardighede in Botswana, naamlik die Gaborone, Khutse en Mokolodi Natuurreservate, ondersoek. Doelbewuste, gerief- en sneeubalsteekproefneming het 25 respondente vir semigestruktureerde onderhoude opgelewer. Volgens die bevindings, is volhoubare aksieplanne soos herwinning en die gebruik van plaaslike arbeid, tot ’n mate bestuur en geïmplementeer. Die gevolgtrekking was dat die volle potensiaal van volhoubare aksieplanbestuur verken moet word. Die studie het regeringstoepassing van beleide, meesterplanne en strategieë aanbeveel vir die bestuur van volhoubare aksieplanne in natuurgebaseerde besienswaardighede; en die desentralisasie van openbare natuurgebaseerde besienswaardighede om bestuurders toe te laat om hierdie planne ten volle te bestuur. Die regering en die privaat sektor behoort die bestuur van al nege die volhoubare aksieplanne te befonds, en 'n holistiese toerismestrategie te implementeer om die gehalte van toeriste-ervarings te behou. Sleutelwoorde: Botswana, gemeenskap, regering, bestuur, natuurgebaseerde besienswaardighede, volhoubare aksieplanne, volhoubare toerisme, volhoubare toerismeontwikkeling, toeris, toerisme. iv Acknowledgements A distinct credit is due to management and workers of Gaborone Game Reserve, Khutse Game Reserve and Mokolodi Nature Reserve for their assistance in the data collection stage of this study. I am also grateful for the direction and support I got from my supervisors Prof Marios Sotiriadis and Prof Cina van Zyl. I would like to also thank my husband Moris for his encouragement throughout the studies and my family for their moral support. I am thankful to all these people who helped me while I was doing this research but are not listed above. I could not have succeeded without your various contributions. May the Lord guide you through all your endeavours. Finally, my greatest appreciation goes to the Almighty for the health, wisdom and guidance throughout this project. v List of acronyms and abbreviations BECS Botswana Eco-Certification System BTDP Botswana Tourism Development Policy BTO Botswana Tourism Organisation DWNP Department of Wildlife and National Park EI Environmental Impacts EMS Environmental Management Systems EPI Environment Performance Indicators GSTC Global Sustainable Tourism Council GDP Gross Domestic Product IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature KGR Khutse Game Reserve MNR Mokolodi Nature Reserve NBAs Nature-Based Attractions ONS Office for National Statistics SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SAPs Sustainable Action Plans STM Sustainable Tourism Management UNISA University of South Africa TBL Triple Bottom Line TIES The International Eco-Tourism Society UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organisation WTTC World Travel and Tourism Council vi Table of Contents Declaration........................................................................................................................................ i Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................... iii List of acronyms and abbreviations ................................................................................................ vi List of tables ................................................................................................................................... xi List of figures ............................................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................. 1 1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Research problem ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Research purpose and objective ................................................................................................ 7 1.4.1 The purpose of the study .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.4.2 The research questions ............................................................................................................................. 7 1.4.3 The objectives of the study ...................................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Research design ......................................................................................................................... 8 1.5.1 Primary research ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1.5.1 Secondary research .................................................................................................................................. 9 1.6 Definition of key terms ...........................................................................................................
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