r r > • • > FTITDAY, N0VEMBEB^I^,>'197P ^Q B ^TWENlY-FOtlR . ^ 1 lixiinitt^ Hi^ralb -Avera^ Daily Prate ; The'Weather A T m mw C dA - r ' Nevember 14,18H Clear, cool tonight; low about A l_ a Ansis lOtrevfcs of .83 ^ 30. Toxaorrow milder, becoming / % 140 1 1 1 X O ^ V ll Richard Rd., mother of Iveta cloudy in afternoon; high 60 to Hi Kiolliy — Shop Horo and Lot Poro's Malco Mltrevlps, a student at Pine 1 6 , 4 ^ 66. Monday partly cloudy, cold­ Yow Holiddy Cempleto! Mr.’ eaul M rs. D avid Donovan Manor Junior OoUege, recently GREATER er. o i 86 AXpn St. .have been vaca­ Manchester— A City o f Vittage Charm OBOHAitn ISE Sn; Macs, Corttands, Red, Golden DeUc- attended the. Mother's Weekend tioning in the West Indies held at the college. ^ - tons, Rosaete,. and Baldwin Apples; also Bose Pears and aboard the cruise ship lyi. V. n s A Cider. ----- VOL.-NO, 46 (SIXTEEN PAOESt^ ^ SBCTION-^ABDOID) MANCHESTER, CONNj, S A tU ^ I^ Y , ^OVEBfBER 21 (CToariflwl Advemsiag on ftno M) PRICE TEN CENTS nUB9Bi Sptnacli,. Green, Yellow B m u s , Watercress, Green,' Buropa. ' Members of. Efnanuel Lather- ^ YeOsw Squash, Shalots, lieeks, Belgian Endive, Boston, an Church will bring canned p r &H o l id A y Remaine Lettuce, Yellow Globe, Purple Top Turnips, Anise, A group of high school seniors foods- for needy area families White Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Artichokes, Broccoli, from Em^uel ' Lutheran to the Simdaiy worship services. ^ Red Onions, Hubbard Squash, Eggplant, <^m, Hot, Peppers, Church will visit Wagner Ool- <)nince, and Pickling Onions. ' . They will be collected and dedi- lee In Staten Isla n d ,- Jlew cated during bout services. Monologue FRUIT: Cantaloupes, Honeydews.^^Go(M)nut8, Grapefruit, York, tomorrow. .Actlomp^ed Sedl IJ.S. Bombers Hit Positions Red, White, Blue Grapes, Tangerines, Tangelos, D’AdJoo —- P ears and Imported Oiestnuts! by Bruce Evans<^, intern, and . 'fhe Manchester deanery of “ OCR PRODjDCaS IS NOT PRE-PAOKAGED» five counselors, they will tour the Marriage and Family Apos- ^ Presented For Peking the campus and attend the foot­ tolate of the Archdiocese of V^KEND SPECIAL, ball game between Wagner and Hartford will have a Cana con­ Deep Inside North Vietnam ICEBERG LETTUCE ........ .. head Valpariso. ference for husbands and wives .• '■ ByMauson Seen in ’ 77 CUCUMBERS .................... A . 3 for 2 3 ^ Sunday from 8 to 10:80 p.m. at By GEORGE E8PEB- allel and 86 miles inland from traordlnary • • security precau- U. S. A ir F6rce Sgt. C lifford By UNDA DEUT80H By TOM HOGE Haiitomg. tidns. They were either particl- YELLOW SQUASH ...... 2 lbs. 3 9 « Blessed Sacrament Church, Associated Press Writer Associated Press Writer Associated .,Pi«aa Writer EMPEROR GRAPES .............. lb. 2 9 ^ W. Hilton, whose wife, Pauline, Cambridge Dr., East Hartford. North Vietnam made Its pating in the raids or helping MAC APPLES ... .VrT?.............. 4 qt. bag Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The Rev. Charles Johnson will UM ANGEUES (AP). — 'Tve u n t t e d n a t i o n s , n .y . SAIGON fAPJ—Waves charges in radio broadcasts supress North Vietnamese an- ALL-PURPOSE CBEAM ...................... pint 4 9 ^ Lucien Tardltt of LlynWood Dr., be the principal speaker at .-J killed no one and I’ve ordered (AP) ■ — Hie majority vote In of TT S fiirhtor-hombers nionitored In Hong Kong and tiaircraft fire during rescue Bolton, has arrived for duty at this open meeting. His topic: no one kiUed,” Charles Manson the U.N. General Assembly to diftl Tokyo, The broadcasts said at missions for, downed American We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald pounded missile ^ d anti- Amerlcah planes pilots, sources said. Peterson Field, Oolo. "Communicating In the Chris- declared in a dramatic, unex­ give Comihunlst China a* seat COMPLETE UNE OF SUNDAY PAPERS Aircraft ^un positions m ^^ye shot down and that a prls- Da Nang la the northernmost tlan Community.” Later, there pected monolcgue that wound ^ ^ speculation that Pe- North Vietnam today in g^er of war camp “was hit by btoe in South Vietnam and the Omar Shrine Club meets at will be table ' discussions and / ' up testimony in the Sharon T^te may be admitted to the buUeU from the planes and a home of the T a ctica l "TH E K IN G Willie’s Steak House tonight at refreshments. Those wishing ' murder trial. / world- body as early as next the deepest raids since the SSeth bombing halt of the North number of American captive pi- Fighter i^Tng, which particlpat- 6:30. Officers for 1971 will be more Information may contact Out of hearing of the Jury, and OF tots were injured,” ed in the bombing of North Vlet- elected. The speaker will be Dr. Mrs. Roger L«in®lln. Teresa over his attorney’s objectlaaB, Them were also forecasts by more than two years ago. U.8. officials said the raids, in They also said a considerable nam for several years prior to P R O D U C E l" Phillip Jones, past grand mas­ Rd. the Uiort, darit-balred clan lead- !!*“ **’® «*pporteiu that the PERO ter of Masons in Connecticut, er talked for about two hours U“**«<* wuld not succeed retaliation for recent attacks on number of North Vietnamese cl- the halt In November 1968.~ VI* OAKLAND S T ., MANCHESTER — 643-6384 unarmed reconnaissance planes vlllans had been killed. Hie American strike fo rce ap- whose topic will be "Masonry The Golden Age Club will Friday. He emotionally ex- employing the parlla- in General.” flying over the North, would be The location of the POW camp parently was enlarged by planes have its annual Christmas party pounded h i. phUosophles.-hUled of Umiited duration. But other was not disclosed. t«>m the American aircraft car- Thursday, D ec. 10, at the Army- against society and rebutted . sources* speculated they may Associated Press Corresp<md- rier Hancock, which steamed Navy Club. Dinner wlll'^ be porttois of the state case ***5 against him Friday’s vote. The delegates continue for a few days. ent William Barton reported the Into the Tonkin Gulf off the served at 6 p.m. The event is Am .h . .1 v o t « i *1 to 49 to Seat P eU ng and ITlie raids were as deep as 186 heaviest activity at the air base coast of North Vietnam early to- open to all paid up members. Chinese NaUMiallsts. miles inside North Vietnam, at Da Nang In several months, day with 76 waritones aboard ^ Those planning to attend are Twenty-five members of Tliere was no Immediate assess- with scores of F4 Phantom ond doubled the 7th Fleet’s reminded to bring a grab bag fenduts. You don t have to the 127-natlonivr.nailnn bodyKmlv abstainedaKotolna,. -ment of results. - fighter-bombers armed with atrlklng ability In the area. gift with their name enclosed. testify now.” And the women- R was the first time In the 20 The North Vietnamese delega- rockets and bombs taking off Prior to the 42,000-t<»i vessel's who prevlouMy had been de­ years of voting on the China tlon to the Paris peace talks, de- despite bad weather under ep- arrival from its home base In Manchester Barracks, World scribed by their attorneys as ea­ guestiem that Peking backeis nouncing the raids, said a U.S. Alameda, Calif., the only U.S. War I Veterans, and its Auxil­ ger to take the stand and con- had won a majority. But under prisoner of war esunp was hit carrier In the gulf had been the iary will install officers Sunday fess to save Manson—later with- the U.S.-backed reTOluUon de "and a number of the captive Oriskany,. which has been E YARN at 2 p.m. at the VFW Home. launching strikes over a 200- drew their requests to testify. daring Chinese representatlMi American pilots were victims of BMdZffH M ■ M M hurry Laird Calls Thus the defense formally an important question, a two- the ra id .” mlle stretch of the Ho Chi Minh B E s m 2 1 A I F The Zion Evangelical Luth­ rested Its case without calling a thirds majority was needed for E yew itnesses a t D a Nang, 100 trail. — eran Church Council will meet witness. The Judge recessed.the approval. Hie reason for sending the .- t “V miles south of the demllltarlxed Air Attacks tonight at 7:46 and the Grade 23-week-old trial until Nov.'SO to The United States, In state- zone In the northern part of Hancock into the area was not excdlent savings on yarn 7 Youth Instruction class will allow both sides time to prepare ments Issued in Washington and South Vietnam , said n early 60 Immediately announced, but ™ goods - for the handy meet tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. ESA final arguments for the four New York, conceded that a new U.S. Air Force warplanes ‘Protective^ sources said before Hanoi made HOUSE charged with the seven murders situation had arisen which armed with bombs and rockets Its charges that most of the 160 gumaiu homemaker who enjoys Emanuel Lutheran Church In August 1969. might fo^ce a change In its op- planes aboard the two carriers had taken off from the Ameri­ By FRED 8. HOFFMAN MBwwgi making her own wardrobq will host the second visit of the Ends Monday Mansem’s narrative was heard position to seating Peking. The were flying with 200 Air Force can base there throughout the AP Military Writer Encounter Team tonight at 7 :30 without the Jury present so any statements stressed, however, day.
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