HOLY FAMILY CHURCH TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, August 30, 2015 WHAT’SWHAT’S INSIDEINSIDE CONTACTCONTACT NUMBERS.............2NUMBERS.............2 Holy Family Bible Study ADMINISTRATION.................2ADMINISTRATION.................2 WORSHIP ................................3 Fall 2015 WORSHIP ................................3 “YOUR WORD IS LAMP FOR MY FEET, EDUCATION/FORMATION...5EDUCATION/FORMATION...5 A LIGHT FOR MY PATH” COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY LIFELIFE .................7 .................7 PSALM 119 OUTREACHOUTREACH ............................9 ............................9 Fall Bible Study: ADVERTISINGADVERTISING .......................16 .......................16 The Minor Prophets: LITURGYLITURGY MINISTERS’MINISTERS’ SCHEDULESCHEDULE .19 .19 PARISH CALENDAR...............19 Amos, Hosea, and Micah PARISH CALENDAR...............19 Keynote: Dr. William Shaules DISCIPLE’SDISCIPLE’S REFLECTIONREFLECTION ......BC ......BC September 9, 7pm Weekly Sessions:on Wednesdays: Sept 16, 23, 30 Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, and 18 WelcomeWelcome toto HolyHoly FamilyFamily ChurchChurch IfIf youyou areare visiting,visiting, oror newnew inin ourour com-com- Scriptures of Advent: munity,munity, wewe areare blessedblessed thatthat youyou areare Weekly sessions: Dec 2, 9, 16 herehere toto worshipworship withwith us.us. OurOur ParishParish LifeLife Director,Director, priests,priests, andand allall Dr. William J. Shaules is ar part part time time Professor Professor in in the the Theological Theological Studies Studies ourour parishparish familyfamily extendextend toto youyou thethe Dept. Loyola Marymount University. hospitalityhospitality ofof JesusJesus Christ.Christ. IfIf youyou wouldwould likelike moremore informationinformation aboutabout ourour parishparish oror wishwish toto joinjoin ourour faithfaith community,community, please visit the Welcome Center on please visit the Welcome Center on SundaySunday morningsmornings oror contactcontact thethe All weekly sessions begin at 7pm and conclude by 8:30pm in the PastoralPastoral Center.Center. Galilee Room in the Pastoral Center. HolyHoly FamilyFamily MissionMission StatementStatement Any questions please call Frank Ponnet at (626)403-6116 Holy Family Church is a welcoming or Tim O’Brien at [email protected] Holy Family Church is a welcoming Holy Family Catholic Church 1527 Fremont Ave South Pasadena, CA 91030 CatholicCatholic EucharisticEucharistic communitycommunity ofof www.holyfamily.org disciplesdisciples connectingof Jesus Christ faith connect-with life anding faithreaching with outlife toand those reaching in need. out to those in need. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 1501 FREMONT AVENUE SOUTH PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91030 Cambria Tortorelli, Parish Life Director Fr. Bob Folbrecht, Priest Minister Fr. Fulgencio Legaspi Monsignor Clement J. Connolly, Spiritual Director Reverend Anthony Scannell, Capuchin, Weekend Presider PASTORAL CENTER (Parish Offices) 1527 Fremont Avenue South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: 626.799.8908 Fax: 626.799.0423 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon. – Thurs, 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Sun. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m. Sundays – 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 12:45 p.m., & 5:30 p.m. Weekdays – 6:20 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Saturdays – 8:00 a.m. only SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturdays – 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m., or by appointment, please call the Pastoral Center. VOCATION OFFICE Fr. Rick Viveros Phone: 626.330.2269 Assisted listening headsets are available at weekend Masses, please see an usher. Visit our website at www.holyfamily.org. CONTACT NUMBERS ADMINISTRATION BOOKSTORE SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN & VULNERABLE ADULTS Parish Hall, lower level....626.403.6133 VIRTUS® Training Sessions CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS & VIRTUS® “Protecting God’s Children” is a three-hour training for REMEMBERING CHURCH adults which teaches the five basic steps of child sexual abuse prevention. This program is mandated for all adults who work with Dawn Ponnet .............626.403.6128 or around children or youth on a regular basis. Please pre-regis- ter on-line www.virtus.org and click on “Registration.” If you need EDEN CENTER – 1520 Fremont Ave. assistance with registration, contact the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908.This Youth Ministry & certificate is VALID for four years. Youth Confirmation: Upcoming sessions at Holy Family: Dawn Ponnet .............626.403.6128 August 31, 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. EDUCATION CENTER – 1301 Rollin St. September 13, 2:00-5:00 p.m. School: VIRTUS® Keeping the Promise Alive ™ Refresher Program Dr. Frank Montejano ......626.799.4354 Four-years from the date of completing “Protecting God’s Children” you must Religious Education: attend “Keeping the Promise Alive” which provides ongoing awareness for the pre- Colette Villegas ...........626.403.6118 vention of child sexual abuse. A list of locations can be found on www.virtus.org. Call the Pastoral Center at 626.799.8908 for more information. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Upcoming sessions at Holy Family: Call the Pastoral Center at September 27, 3:30-5:00 p.m. 626.799.8908. Assistance with funeral, Live Scan Fingerprinting music, liturgy and other needs is avail- View the complete fingerprinting schedule at the Welcome Center or at able. Funerals are scheduled from http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/fingerprinting.aspx. Call the location Tuesday through Friday mornings. to schedule an appointment. LITURGY AND ADULT FORMATION Upcoming sessions: Frank Ponnet..............626.403.6116 Wednesday, September 1, Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, 626.403.6106 Wednesday, September 23, St. Therese, Alhambra, 626.284.0020 MUSIC Thursday, September 24, St. Bernard, Los Angeles, 323.259.6242 Director of Music If you have any questions regarding our Safeguard the Children program please contact Kelly and 11:15 a.m. Choir: Watson at [email protected]. Andrew Reed .............626.403.6124 Did you know? Review safety rules with your kids before traveling 9:30 a.m. Choir ...........626.799.8908 If your family goes on a trip this summer, chances are your children will be spending a lot of Sunday 5:30 p.m. time on the road. It’s important to keep safety a priority even as you take a break from your Youth Choir: everyday lives! Remind your children to stay buckled in the car, and to always be alert when Ben Coria .................323.491.8951 taking bathroom and food breaks. Use the buddy system, or break into small groups, to PASTORAL CARE keep everyone safe while you’re traveling. For more information and tips, visit: http://www.ots.ca.gov/OTS_and_Traffic_Safety/Traffic_Safety_Tips/summer_driving_tips.asp (Ministry to the Elderly & Sick) Mary Ternan...............626.403.6115 CELEBRATING GRACE, GRATITUDE, AND GENEROSITY IN 2015 PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Continued thanks to you, our generous parishioners and friends, for your support Parents are asked to inquire at the of Holy Family Church, her ministries and community efforts. The generous giving Pastoral Center prior to the child’s birth. of your valuable time, your unique talents, and your personal resources are truly making a difference for our parish. “Giving” happens all year long at Holy Family, ST. JOSEPH CENTER – 1524 Fremont Ave. and is graciously received in many different ways. Whether it’s an hour at the Giving Bank, visiting the sick and homebound, or delivering the Word at Mass, Giving Bank...............626.403.6140 we value your time. We value your gifts and talents and appreciate your precious Community Services: resources, and thank you for making Holy Family an important part of your phil- Carrie-Ann Lue Sue.......626.403.6140 anthropic giving. Should you have questions about giving at Holy Family, whether immediate or for the long-term, please contact Mary Hatton, Director of Parish VIDEO MINISTRY.........626.403.6128 Stewardship, at 626.403.6138 or at [email protected]. VOLUNTEERING FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! Mary Schimmoller.........626.403.6113 We'd love for you to follow our parish happenings and WEDDINGS the Good Word @HolyFamilysp. And if you feel so One party must be a registered parish- inclined to take your own IG pics of Holy Family and its happenings, please tag us or use the geo-tag Holy ioner for one year before booking a Family Church South Pasadena. Contact Karen wedding. Call the Pastoral Center at Whitney at [email protected] or 626.403.6108 with questions. Thanks! 626.799.8908 at least 6 months prior to proposed date of marriage. MASTER CALENDAR Attention all Parish Ministries! All events to be entered on the Parish Master Calendar for July 2015-June 2016 may be turned into the Pastoral Center to the attention of Camille Guido. Please submit your event dates and times on the Booking Master Calendar form as 2 soon as possible to ensure that you get the date you want. You will be notified of any con- flicts. Thank you! WORSHIP THE TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 30, 2015 “You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” -John 6:60-69 If you are interested in bringing up our gifts of bread & wine, please see an usher before Mass begins. SCRIPTURE READINGS MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, AUGUST 31 PRAYER GROUPS 6:20 a.m. – Joe Nally † Blessed Mother Prayer Group meets on THIS SUNDAY: Dt 4: 1-2, 6-8 the 1st Saturday of the month, 1:00 p.m., PPs 15:2-5 Jas 1: 17-18, 21b-22, 27 8:00 a.m. – Donna & Dave Gibson Eremos Chapel, in the Pastoral Center. Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Intentions Contact: Margie Jaramillo, 323.257.1935 MONDAY: 1 Thes 4:13-18 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 FCA Block Rosary & Divine Mercy Prayer Ps 96: 1, 3-5, 11-13 Lk 4:16-30 6:20 a.m. – Thanksgiving for Reina Group meets on the 2nd & last Sundays TUESDAY: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11 8:00 a.m. – Susan Marie T. De Jesus of the month. Ps 27: 1, 4, 13-14 Lk 4:31-37 Contact: Ramon Lacson, 323.257.1017 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 WEDNESDAY: Col 1:1-8 Prayers for Children no meetings, just Ps 52: 10-11 Lk 4:38-44 6:20 a.m.
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