![Shutt E Remains Flown to Dover for Examinatiori](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Akira Kurosawa films Dela\lare lose<; to G:\IU. featured at Prince Theater, 71-63, Bl B8 • on-Protit Org. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 L'S. p.._1..,tage Patd Tuesday & Friday . e\\ ~u·k. 0[ Pennit n. 2t1 FREE Volume 129, Issue 29;?'·:·- · ,: :· - .: . '~~ -.: . ,:Yww.review.udel.edu · . · Friday, February 7, 2003 -.-~ -..;--~ £~- ~ .... _ . Shutt e remains flown to Dover for examinatiori B\ \SHLE\ 01 '-;1· :\ n:cen mg r.:matns for months ·· an identification proces'>. anJ then are ··we in Delaware join "ith the rest of "We are tnvestigattng cver)thing \\e Gt:ttle satd the base has p.:rsonnel prrparcd to be released to the next of k.in. the counlr) and the world 111 grieving this can think of,'' Thomp'>on sard "We arc Rem.<tns fn>m the -.e'en a-.tronauts '' ork.tng in the mortuary 24 hours per day. "We treat the remains with the honor loss and pra]ing for the victims and their U'>tng reports from people who have found k.dkd "hen the sp.t~e -.huttle Cnlumbta s.:,·en day' per week. and dignity they deserve:· he \<lid. .. 0 u r families. l\1en and women who reach for debns on thetr property." dtstntegratcd ,lturda) \\l!t\' n:c.:ned D) the Dtl\er·, ~ite. he said. ts the on ly people at the mortuat'} are specially trained the stars as they dtd capture our She '>atd Investigators ha\ e founq Chatle-. C Car,lln Ct'nter for .\lortuary fac!Iit\ in the continental Cmted States for thts type of event. They arc very imagtnation. and to lose them tears at our remams as far we't as Califorma. ,\ffatrs 111 Dtner \\ ednesd.t) '' tth tite ability to examine and identi~·y professional." hearts." Minner satd in regard to the loss of "A lot ha, been found tn fore-.t and B,he uffiual-. could not d1sclose ~tn) the'e types of rcmatns. Gettle satd. speaking for the base. tho.: space shuttle Columbia and ih !>even­ range areas:· Thompson atd. mformatit>n Ct>ncerntn~ th'-' r.:matns thn Gettle satd the l\lonuary Center has everyone· s heart and soul goe' out to the person crew. She said Ron Dittem01e, space -.hutlle ha\e r.:<:el\eJ t.nltl die) h a \l~ all bee~ h.Jndled the rematns from man) mass fami lies of the victims. 1\ASA spokeswoman Eh ia Thompson program manager. said the) rna) never tdenttfted casualties in the past. tncludtng the Sept. After ordenng all flags 1n Delaware to said it ts gotng to be a while before know exact!) what occurred that morning. Tee S~t \lltch G.:ttk sa1d ollK1ab are II. 200 I attack.-. and the L'SS Cole. be lowered to half-mast on Saturda> to an) th tng concrete can be announced but NAS \ \\til conttnue to look for the unsur.: hm\ mu..:h ot the r.:m .. 1n-. ''!II be He -.atd the rcmatns from the Columbia remember the seven astronauts who -lost regardtng the cause of the crash. mtssing link.. found and deli' ered to Dll\ .:r·s nwnuar) \\ere brought onto the bas.: in a hearse thetr lives. Gov. R uth Ann Minner They are trying to recreate what "I hope we do find it." Thompson '>aid, ··Th.:re 1. no 'el ture Iimtt.'' he 'atd \\ edne-.da\ from a dtl!ntficd transfer. compiled with President Bush's request and happened using the debrts that they "because then we can fix it and move ·· \fter the anacb on th.: Pent ~un. we were Once here, Gettl; satd. they go through rat sed them back to full staff yo.:o,terday. continue to gather, she said. forward with confidence ... Minner proposes I Librarians oppose cigarette price hike USA Patriot Act B\ \SHI 1.\ OI.SE:\ huy nu matter'' h.tt .. BY KATIE GRASSO go,·crnment needed a '>Ubpoena I Cn>pper ,,tid he belte\ cs -.ocial before it could inquire about ltbrar) In ht:r hudgct propn .tl for the 'n uker-. "til be the one' who "iII The Amertcan Librar) rt:cords. No\\. a judge·' order ts no 2004 tt~cal year. Gu\ Ruth \nn he tntluenced hy 1he tax. decrea,mg Assoctallon released a resolution to longer necessary. :\ltnner propo,ed " 21'> cent L.tx the fr<:ljuene) of their ctgarette the LSA Patrtol Act. whtch Susan Brynteson. director of incre.t'e on packages t>f cigan:tte-.. purchases. defends the publtc·s nght to use 1\lorri., Ltbrar). said the untver-.it) "Be-,ide-, bringtng 111 more Ltnda Ash\\ orth. manager of libraries wtthout the government·' has a confidentialit) policy that revenue:· i\!tnnct -.atd. "an incrca-.c Del a" .trc CigaretLe .tnd Tobacco tn un limited acce.,s to librar) records. will not reveal the names of people of thts qzc 'hould .t],o bnng about Don~r. ,,11J :\1tnner's propo,al is a last week. who take out book.s. ask. lJUc,tJOn'> ... ome reductton 111 moktng. contradt.:tton armed to hurt her Julie Bre\\er. associate or brow-,e databases . e'pectall~ among our ) <>un g hthtne-.s librarian for the universit) and Although the CS \ Patriot Act ALA council member. said the people I tncerd) ho p ~: :hat tt "She \\ants us 10 quit." sht: con flier.. \\ ith he un l\ ers 1 t) ·' \\til .. satJ "OK. tl'.:n \\here IS he _;!011)"' library communtl) trnmo.:dtately polic;. Br) nte-.nn 'atd the a conflict'' ith tht: ,\ct Gr e gor~ Pa tter o r. to get her mo te\ from r nmiced un.vctstt) \\til .tbtde h~ all state Cl>mmuntc.<tton' d tru.tor for \ In orth ~ ; ,td 'moker-; ,ne ThL ,\L.\ has a Iong,tallt.ltng and fede ral l.t \\ s ,\1inner. satd they expect to be1ng \ tL llmtLt:d. t:ffort to protect lthrary users. she ·'The act cau-.es problem-. for generate '>23 5 mtlltnn 1n re\ enuc 'hr't the\ are gotng to tell u-. said. based on the fact that lihranes our poltcy:· she s.1id. are in the hustness of protectmg the for the -.tat~: , t<> help e .t \ C a \\ hen and \\h. n: w"C ..:a-n '>mokc,'' The librar) ·, role. -.he 'atd. 1' projected 300 mtllion ,IJorttall. 'he 'atd. "And mm -.he 1' nMk.ing freedom to read and have open to support free thought. speech and He satd because the . tare·, t,J\ u' pa) more. l am reall) frustrated lllljUtry a-.soctation. remain' extr.:mel) In\\ u1mpared to at till-. point .. ·'The resolut10n reaffirms these "The student \\ ho \\ant' to 'urrounding ~tate-.. Del:t\\ .trc ''til Ertc Ltndblum. manager for values and principles:· '>he said. explore an: -.ubject. such a' he able to rai,t' re\enue \\ lule ,tJ!I poltcv re,cart:h for the campatgn Keilh Michael fie b. e\ecutn c homo-.exualtty or \t:getariantsm. generating ,:tJc,. fur tnhacco-free k.td,. ~aid the tax 1. director of the ALA. -.atd the shou Id not ha \ e to an \\\'l'r to "We k.no\\ that when y l>U slill very ]0\\ . resolution I\ c trculatlllg among anvonc:· 'he '>aid. tncrea'e t.tx. ) ou lo'e ,ome "Ddaware could certatnly he ALA members to raise awarenes' • fieh said the Act tmposes on bu-.tne ,_ .. Patter,un ,aid. "\\ e dotng nlllre:· he ·atd. among Congrc,s. the cunfidentialit) of ltbrary factor that into the c4uation Ltndhlom \aid in a national Fie!-. said under the USA patrons. "The go\ernment would be rank.ing of the .tmount of money Patriot Act. which was passed last ··It inhibits the \\ illtngne's of \'ef) happ) if e\ er~ one 4uit spent on lohacco preventton. Jul). the government can obtatn people to get the information they smok.ing But th, t'' not gPtng tu Del a\\ art: t> not among the top Iibrartes' records on computer need:· he satd. "It lea\C'> a ·chtlling happen ... group of -.t<tte,. usage and the transfer of lthrary effect' on people ... Karen ,\lurtha. ~lurth<t satd the ~tate still ha-. materiab among its patrons. "<ot only does the Act change eummuntcattons manager for room for tmprovement. Accordtng to the Actt people the process of obtaining ltbrar; Dela\\ ;.:re Tobacco Pre\ cntion According to the Center for could come U!lder susptcJOn tf the) records. hut tt also re-.tricts the Coalition. -..11d -.tattsttc' \IJO\\ Dtsease Control. she said. 23 tak.e out certatn library matenals lihrarv from rclea'>mg inf,lrmatwn increasing the pnce of ctgarenes percent of Delawareans are thar may be connected to terrori'>t about-a gmcrnme nt tnve,ugatH>n. preq:nts penple from smoktng. -;mok..:rs . activities. "E,en more trouhltng ts that "h>r e\ cr) I 0 pen:ent tncre.tse Lindholm -.atd in Delaware. Ficl' satd the Act infringes on !the Act] mak.es it a crinunal act if tn taxes ... '>he .. ttl . ''tThree to 5 smoktng kill-. more people than the fundamental nature of the ltbrary releases any tnfornt.tlton percent of adult' lJUll. and 7 percent alcohol. AIDS. car crashes. illegal American democracy. about an FBI in4uir) ... he said. of \UUth .. drugs. murder' and suicides THE RE\I IL\\/K.W. Ea't "The publtc needs acces' to Bf\ nreson said the Unt \ crsitv · Junwr Daw Cmpp~ r . 20, '<lid combmed. A proposed 26 cent tax increase on the price of cigarettes in Gov. information about how government protect~ confidentialit) by k.t:epmg he wtll cut back.
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