![Trieste Fate Hinges on Five-Nation Talks](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
4 V'A MONDAY, A m t r l QTttItts lim illi lOaa Roth Dowd. pcaaMaat .of the WSCS of tha South Mathodiatj Church, has annouaead that Mon­ State Ladies of Colnm loeM nad G oeslt F ive G its H it <smeo*y“4Mteiitsk, S8, of SS day avoning ia tha daadlina for| _ btUi Dr., wtxrtrwNT on a 17- tickata for tha mothar aiM j dpar Mavak will nport for <tuty daughUr banquet to ba hold Fri­ In One G*ash n S t . % at Fort 1^ N. J„ aa an day night at S:S0 at tha church. RAIiGE Any mambar daairlng tickata may tiMiiiw trii la U skatiy waapotu. Ha contact her. Seymour 8hirokl.*21, of RFD 3, TOL. LXXm,NO. 88 racaivad a battlafiud commiaalon RockvUls, who was involved.ia a 24 Hour Miyory So^lSif Advertialag aa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1953 ta Saptembar, 1W2, in Koraa, aftar (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE F ^ C i^ 17 yaan aa aa anlUrtad man. Pvt, Charlea W. Lathrop, aon of I 5-car accident Saturilay night, was Mr. and Mra Chorlaa Xathrop, 58 granted a nolle in town court this Cambara Of tho Mancheatar Beaton SL, haa arrivaa at tha Ord-| nance Roplacament Training Can­ morning on a charga of paaoing a N nr’Jersey Farmer Dumps Milk of mka ara raquaotad to rod light. MOmARTY BROTHERS at tha W. P. ()ulah Funaral ter, Aberdeen Proving Ground, UN to Hear I Home wnOROw niabt at 7:45 to Md.. where he will undergo eight Deputy Judge John J.'O’COnnorj 315 CENTER STREET TEL MI-S41SI pay loot R m d ta to Hobart F., weaka of baaie military traialng granted tha nolle on tha racom-1 \ Naumon, a m m tiar of tha before continuing hia Army educa­ tion in one of the technical achoola mandation of.Aosistant Proaacutor Red Delay Israel-Syria o f the Ordnance Corpa Richard Law, who said there was I Trieste Fate Hinges Tha Edfor Oraup of tha JBrath Ifathodiat Church wffl mart to­ not enough evidence to press fhe| morrow nifbt at 5 o'clpclt in Coo- Mancheatar lodge. No. 73, A. F. charge.. On Parley Grievances par Hall. A A. M, will hold a atated com­ munication at Maaonic Temple, Patrolman Emanuel M o t o I a, I Seaman Edward J. Kabaram, aon Tueaday at 7:30 p. ,m. Following who investigated the accident, aald Panmunjom. Oct. 27 (AV- United Nations, N. Y„ Oct of Mr, and Mra Samuel Haberem, the buaineaa meeting, the entered it occurred after Shlroki, who was y . S. AmbasMdor Arthur 27 (A>)~The U.N. Security •7 BiaoaU St., haa bean honorably apprenUce degree wUl be con­ headed west on Middle Turnpike, Dean warned today that un­ ferred and there will be a aocial (^uncil today aummonet diacharpcd from the U. S. Navy at passed through the signal light at less the Reds get down to repreMntatives of Israel am On Five-Nation Talks hour and refreahmento. Worahip- tha U. 8. Naval RacaivlnK Station, the Main St. intersection. ^sincss in inning the -..I Norfolk, Va. • ful Maater Graham L. Clark Shlrokl’s car, Motola said, was j Syria to a face to face meet­ wiahea to remind all thoae plan­ struck by one driven by Francis Korean peace talks they face ing at the Council table to air John V. Small, flrtman, USN, ning to attend Part Maatera’ Night the “onus of not haidng a on Oct. SI, that Lodge will open Miner, n , 18, of Coventry, who I their charges and counter Atlantic Hurls a W all of W ater aon of Mr. and Mra. Oeorge J. waa going south on Main Straat. political conference.” charges in the explosive Small, 115 School S t, waa re­ prompUy at 8 p. m„ when the fIrrt J The impact knocked Shiroki’s car After hia aacond atralghC day DiiUes cently awarded hia dolphin quali­ aection of the degree will be con- into one being driven east on the I of ataadoff preliminary uUu with Palestine question. fying Inaignia in a ceremony on fern^, Dinner will be aerved at turnpike by Henry Daughinais. 43, the Oammuniata, Dean told raport- Dr. Farid Zeineddins of Syria 7 oVIoek in thst KonAtimf k«ii — I New oiuccrsofficers wiof theui« State ^uioiicCatholic LMiesLadles orof v;oiumouColumbus,0* wtecvelected at tho S9th gtata eonvantlon took a seat at the extreme left of board tha Submarine Manta, baaed w tah m ?S ^ tteS d ’ a « Saturday, include....I..... front»— 4 row---- — (left - Winifredto right) Gagna,Mra. Winlfiecof Rockville, stata secretary; of Windsor. Shlroki's ear then era that if Um Rada “perstat la 1l at Key Wart, Fla. He entered the veered to the right to strike one their attitude" they must face the Uble and Abba Eban of Israel S S u S t ***''• *"• of Norwich, the aUJe chaplain:“ • Mn.** Richard Post, of ManCheater, state presi- at the extreme right with the en­ Navy in June, 1951, and received Itetherine^B.„ . ^ Pitcher, of Norwich, vice preai^nt;. Miaa1 Margaret McGowan of Danbury, parked at the curb, which was i U ■uch a I’capooaibUity. * ^ hia recruit training at the Naval tire 11-nation membership between treasurer. Rear, left to right, Mra. Arthur Smachetti; of Manchester, state editor; Mra John Drech- pushed into a car parked in front # In the 2-nour and n-mlnute aes- them, Training Center, Great Lakea, Hi. Th. Baltic, honorary state president; Mrs. Cain Mahoney, past aUte president and aUte councilor- of it. The parked'cars were being alon both aides clung stubbornly m Discussion Ha olao aerved on board tha battle- S c ^ ? l 2 ^ l ^ n Of East Hartford, state lecturer; Mlaa Anne B. Meaney, o f ^ l m w l ^ t driven by Weyant El (Sarrtaon, 39, i to opposing designs for the con­ Jeriaa Freject Halt Aeked ahip Miaaouri. altate president and a convention speaker. of 88 Irving St., and Mahlon R | ference and even how to plan it. Before either of the conteading „Wednesday at 7 p. m. at the I _________________________ Maynard. 50. of 302 Main St. Tbs Oommunlata again demand­ partite, each supported by flve I Wasliinffton, Oct. 27 (4V~ Keeney Street School. All Cubs T ferenqe and apathy toward Chris- Marcella Goldstone, 30, of New I ed that non-belligerent nationi be adviaors, could speak. Paklrtan’a {Secretary of State Dulles said and their parents are tu-ged to at­ Invited to the peace talks and that foreign minister Mohammed Za tend. ITie theme of Indians and tlanity, and on organisation such Haven, a passenger in Shirokl’a ■I- I today there could well be a 6- os the Ladles of Columbus can car, suffered a head injury in the the queatloB be settled before any­ fruUah Khan naked the Council Indian lore will be followed Mrs. Richard Post Renamed play a prominent part in removing accident and was treated at Mon- [ thing elae—Uma or place—is dls-. to order Israel to atop work tem­ nation conference to settle PRESORimONS ^roughout'the evening with fheio** ^ W ^ n aa Chester Memorial Hospital, cuased. porarily on iU project for har­ the future of Trieste before POABEFDIXT CXMfFOUNDBD that condition if they will put SSJ? ^iT"t§er^a^V^ti C. L. of C. President Christianity into their program Judgment Paatpoaed I Na Naataala AUawad X nessing Jordan River water. the United States and Britain at their den meetings. Several and Hve it day in and dly out In another matter this morning, | Dean instated that only those He wanted the stoppage to lost withdraw their occupation \M mt ”We need to restore Christ to nation* whooe troopo fought in while the Council deliberates the Oral Storti awards and prises will be present­ O’Connor, postponed for three oituatton. troops.- ed and announcement will be made Mrs. Richard Post, of Bento; rtate president, who gave an ac- his rightful place in famUy Ufe, in weeks Judgment in the non-support Korea make the peace and urged The sooner such a conferenc* to concerning a hike by Cubmaster St., was re-elected state presidenL ^ ' our country, in our bustneas and case of Walter Meyer, 37, of Glas­ the Reds to aettle on a alto and Sir Oladwyn Jebb of Britain held the better it will be for Wwt- count of her trip to Ireland the return to the old time American date for the confereaca. Dean aald such a temporary cease and Ambrose Diehl. of the Catholic Ladies of Colum­ past summer. An appetising lunch­ way «rf living," he said. tonbury, to permit an investiga­ warned: ern defenses against Communism bus, at its 39th annual state con­ eon was served at-noon at the tion of the background of tha cose deatat order, given without hear­ In South Europe, Dulles told a Manchester Assembly NcT 15, vention, Friday and Saturday in Community "Y,” on North Main Also Introduced waa James F. by Probation Officer James Duffy. I "If we invite heutral nations, ing the parties concerned first, news conference. Order of Rainbow for Girls, will St. James' Hall, with Gibbons As- St., by a volunteer committee of Looby, education editor of the admirable though they may he, we would be "highly unusual.’' Hartford Courant’s "Parade of However, O’Connor ordered may turn the pollUcrt conference To make way for these urgent Witfedrnwal Is Slow SERVICES hold a business meeting tonight at I sembly as host. the local Assembly. ■ v .v „ t ^ -- — Meyer to pay 835 a week to the The secretary ooid it would take 7:30 in the Maaonic Temple.
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