Issues 1 – 71 Spring 2004 – Autumn 2021 NB the Number in Square Brackets Indicates the Andrews, Michael: the Life That Lives on Bailey, E

Issues 1 – 71 Spring 2004 – Autumn 2021 NB the Number in Square Brackets Indicates the Andrews, Michael: the Life That Lives on Bailey, E

An Index to issues 1 – 71 spring 2004 – autumn 2021 NB The number in square brackets indicates the Andrews, Michael: The Life that Lives on Bailey, E. McDonald: If It’s Speed You’re After, Baum, L. Frank: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, issue number of Slightly Foxed. Man, [14] 11 [62] 79 [39] 71 Angus, James Stout: A Glossary of the Shetland Bainbridge, Beryl: the novels of, [43] 26 Baynes, Jenny: article by, [1] 46 Dialect, [49] 36 Baker, J. A.: The Peregrine, [45] 31 Baynes, Pauline: illustrations of, [41] 44 Animals in fiction: Justin Cartwright on, Baker, Nicholson: The Everlasting Story of BB: see Watkins-Pitchford, Denys [1] 38 Nory, [35] 80; The Mezzanine, [69] 87 Beanland, David: article by, [53] 68 A Annan, Noel: Our Age, [63] 44 Bakewell, Sarah: article by, [49] 46 Beasant, Pamela: article by, [53] 76 Abbey, Edward: Desert Solitaire, [30] 82 Annesley, Horace: article by, [56] 75 Balchin, Nigel: The Small Back Room, Beauman, Nicola: The Other Elizabeth Taylor, Achebe, Chinua: Things Fall Apart, [22] 37 Anon.: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, [24] 60; Mine Own Executioner [51] 58 [58] 46 Acknowledgements: Oliver Pritchett on, [60] 34 Baldwin, James: Giovanni’s Room, [6] 42 Becoming a writer: Tim Mackintosh-Smith [28] 90 Ardizzone, Edward: The Young Ardizzone, Banffy, Miklos: The Writing on the Wall: The on, [63] 89 Adam, Ruth: A House in the Country, [57] 46 [28] 14, [41] 6; & Gorham, Maurice: The Transylvanian Trilogy, [5] 54 Bede, Cuthbert: The Adventures of Mr Verdant Adams, Matthew: articles by, [44] 33; [47] 39; Local; Back to the Local, [28] 32 Bankes, Ariane: articles by, [3] 7; [5] 26; Green, [55] 7 [49] 51 Arlen, Michael: The Green Hat, [7] 27 [12] 62; [15] 36; [20] 18; [28] 64; [33] 77; Bedford, Sybille: A Legacy, [38] 45; A Visit to Adams, Richard: Watership Down, [54] 30 Arseniev, V. K.: Dersu the Trapper, [31] 68 [34] 89; [41] 34; [57] 13; [58] 85 Don Otavio, [69] 74 Adler, Ruth: Beginning Again, [64] 66 Ashford, Daisy: The Young Visiters, [28] 7 Banks, Marjorie A. & Thomas, Howard Beerbohm, Max: Seven Men and Two Others, Agate, James: Ego, [40] 64 Asprey, Nicholas: article by, [56] 25 (eds.): Brighter Blackout Book, [36] 78 [12] 81; Zuleika Dobson, [42] 59 Aickman, Robert: Dark Entries; Cold Hand in Asquith, H. H.: Letters to Venetia Stanley, Barber, Michael: articles by, [16] 80; [24] 17; Beeton, Isabella: Household Management, Mine; The Unsettled Dust; The Wine-Dark [59] 68 [29] 62, [41] 84; [46] 63; [51] 14; [56] 41; [25] 92 Sea, [47] 7 Asquith, Raymond: Life and Letters, [59] 68 [59] 74; [63] 44; [71] 43 Beevor, Antony & Vinogradova, Luba Aiken, Joan: The Wolves of Willoughby Chase Astley, Neil (ed.): Staying Alive; Being Alive, Baring, Maurice: Have You Anything to (ed. and trans.): A Writer at War: Vasily series of children’s books, [64] 81 [31] 7 Declare? [28] 26 Grossman with the Red Army, 1941–1945 Akroyd, Carry: cover illustration by, [37] Athill, Diana: article by, [28] 61; After a Baring, Rose: article by, [67] 24 [16] 58 Al-Tahtawi, Rifa‘a Rafı‘: An Imam in Paris, Funeral, [2] 57 Baring-Gould, Sabine: Cheap Jack Zita, Bell, Adrian: Corduroy, [22] 16; Silver Ley, [3] 48 Atkinson, Alex & Searle, Ronald: The Big [3] 30; Iceland, Its Scenes and Sagas, [11] 71 [46] 13; The Cherry Tree, [54] 14 Alain-Fournier, Le Grand Meaulnes, [46] 67 City, [68] 82 Barker, A. L.: Innocents; The Joy-Ride and Bell, Seren: cover illustration by, [64] Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Lord: War Diaries, Atkinson, Robert: Island Going, [50] 30 After; The Middling; Life Stories, [56] 30 Belloc, Hilaire: Cautionary Tales for Children, [63] 69 Atterbury, Paul: articles by, [19] 70; [38] 26; Barnard, Josie: articles by, [15] 90; [19] 40; [48] 19 Alcott, Louisa May: the novels of, [32] 57 [46] 25 [27] 28 Bemelmans, Ludwig: Hotel Bemelmans, Alexander, Gus: articles by, [40] 58; [44] 86 Aubrey, John: Brief Lives, [28] 83 Barnes, David: article by, [33] 54 [18] 26 Alexievich, Svetlana: the works of, [60] 56 Auchincloss, Louis: A Writer’s Capital, [46] 63 Barnes, Simon: article by, [44] 14 Bennett, Alan: The Uncommon Reader, Allingham, Margery: The Oaken Heart, Audiobooks: Jonathan James Moore on, Bartholomew, James: article by, [27] 74 [60] 25 [40] 79; the Albert Campion books, [52] 7 [5] 70 Bashford, Sir Henry Howarth: Augustus Carp Bennett, Donald: Pathfinder, [32] 30 Allwood, Lomax: article by, [41] 44 Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice, [24] 78; Esq., By Himself, [39] 46 Benson, E. F.: the Mapp and Lucia novels, Altenberg, Karin: articles by, [51] 20; [61] 66 Sense and Sensibility, [62] 89 Basho, Matsuo: The Narrow Road to the Deep [54] 76 Altick, Richard: The Scholar Adventurers, Ayres, Jack (ed.): Paupers and Pig Killers: North, [57] 73 Bensusan, S. L.: Village Idylls; A Marshland [71] 24 The Diary of William Holland, A Somerset Bason, Fred: Diaries, [31] 58 Omnibus, [41] 63 Ambler, Eric: the novels of, [24] 17 Parson, 1799‒1818, [47] 68 Bassani, Giorgio: The Garden of the Finzi Bentley, E. C.: the clerihews of, [16] 50 American chain bookstores: Jeff Haltiner on, Continis, [12] 69 Benuzzi, Felice: No Picnic on Mount Kenya, [2] 92 Bates, Brian: The Way of the Actor, [53] 35 [70] 70 Amis, Kingsley: The Green Man, [20] 57; Bates, H. E.: The Darling Buds of May, Beowulf: John Harrison on, [13] 67 Everyday Drinking, [68] 86 [36] 24; Through the Woods, [62] 68 Berger, John: A Fortunate Man, [67] 24 Anderson, Sarah: article by, [6] 7 B Bates, H. W.: The Naturalist on the River Berkmann, Marcus: article by, [12] 32 Andrew, Nigel: articles by, [60] 62; [69] 63 Bagnall, Nicholas: articles by, [2] 44; [6] 76 Amazons, [10] 38 Berridge, Kate: articles by, [12] 7; [29] 7 Berry, Wendell: Jayber Crow, [14] 35, 40 Pritchett on, [35] 41 Bradbury, Ray: the short stories of, [68] 49 Brookner, Anita: Hotel du Lac, [71] 65 Best, Nicholas: Tennis and the Masai, [34] 84 Book of Common Prayer (1662): Anthony Bradford, Ernle: Ulysses Found, [18] 81 Broster, D. K.: the novels of, [22] 61 Beston, Henry: The Outermost House, [65] 74 Wells on, [36] 57 Bradley, Alan: articles by, [60] 19; [65] 34 Brothers, Thomas (ed.): Louis Armstrong, in Betjeman, John: Summoned by Bells, Book forgery and theft: Charles Elliott on, Bradley, Alan: the Flavia de Luce mysteries, His Own Words, [7] 61 [28] 54; Collected Poems, [44] 54 [22] 87 [55] 65 Brown, Craig (ed.): A John Verney Collection, Betts, P. Y.: People Who Say Goodbye, [7] 12; Book signing, the etiquette of: Oliver Brahms, Caryl & Simon, S. J.: Don’t, Mr [12] 62 [29] 14 Pritchett on, [31] 54 Disraeli! & No Bed for Bacon, [64] 23 Brown, Eric: articles by, [27] 32; [29] 28 Bey, Ahmed Hassanein: The Lost Oases, Book titles: Frances Wood on, [20] 90; Sarah Branch, Pamela: the novels of, [36] 73 Brown, George Mackay: the essays of, [4] 32; [34] 19 Crowden on, [32] 92 Brandwood, Geoff: article by, [28] 32 An Orkney Tapestry, [53] 76 Bickford-Smith, Coralie: cover illustration Booker, Christopher: The Seven Basic Plots, Brassley, Paul: articles by, [39] 81; [65] 78 Brown, Pamela: The Swish of the Curtain, by, [68] [44] 43 Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean and the [36] 42 Bielenberg, Christobel: The Past Is Myself, Bookmarks: Paul Robinson on, [39] 90 Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Brown, Susan: cover illustration by, [20] [39] 13 Bookplates: by Simon Brett, [1] 70, [3] 33, [34] 79 Brown, Tom: article by, [29] 86 Biography, the writing of: Michael Holroyd [5] 25 Brautigan, Richard: Trout Fishing in America, Brownlie, Andrew: article by, [32] 49 on, [56] 91 Bookshops and bookselling: [2] 5; [6] 5; [10] 53 Bruce, Robert: article by, [21] 33 Birch, Dinah (ed.): John Ruskin: Selected [13] 6; [18] 6; Mike Petty on, [8] 88; John Brazil, Angela: the girls’ school stories of, Buchan, John: The Complete Richard Hannay, Writings, [3] 74 Saumarez Smith on, [2] 63, [4] 40, [10] 59, [44] 26 [2] 84; Greenmantle; John Macnab, Bird, Chris: articles by, [3] 12; [18] 31; [12] 53, [16] 40; Frances Wood on, Brearley, Mike: The Art of Captaincy, [39] 55 [26] 36; Mr Standfast, [44] 7; Montrose; [39] 76 [26] 91; C. J. Wright on, [13] 89 Breasted, Mary: I Shouldn’t Be Telling You Witch Wood, [51] 47 Blackburn, Julia: The Emperor’s Last Island, Borden, Mary: The Forbidden Zone, [47] 44 This, [45] 42 Buchan, Ursula: articles by, [2] 68; [5] 74; [1] 28; article by, [48] 28 Borrow, George: Lavengro, [2] 44 Breem, Wallace: the novels of, [27] 55 [11] 32; [22] 61; [33] 38; [40] 84; [44] 7; Blake, Quentin: cover illustration by, [24] Bosman, Herman Charles: Cold Stone Jug, Breese, Sophie: articles by, [42] 19; [46] 89; [51] 47; [53] 86; [55] 14; [62] 31; [66] 68; Blake, Robin: articles by, [17] 19; [21] 54; [50] 79 [52] 80; [59] 79 [69] 92 [34] 29; [40] 27; [42] 41; [48] 22; [50] 19; Boston, Anne: articles by, [1] 32; [3] 34; Brennan, Maeve: The Long-winded Lady, Buckeridge, Anthony: the Jennings books, [53] 55; [58] 70; [67] 29; [70] 25 [8] 40; [12] 69; [19] 18; [28] 43; [41] 78; [59] 7 [17] 19 Blanch, Lesley: the works of, [3] 34; Round [45] 42; [60] 41 Brent-Dyer, Elinor M.: the Chalet School Bulgakov, Mikhail: A Country Doctor’s the World in Eighty Dishes, [50] 8 Botting, Douglas: The Saga of Ring of Bright books, [56] 80 Notebook, [3] 12 Blanchard, Tim: article by, [48] 63 Water, [3] 7 Brett, Simon: bookplates by, [1] 57, 70; Bunt, Gary: cover illustration by, [23] Blench, Cecily: article by, [54] 88 Bouvier, Nicolas: The Way of the World, [2] 56; [3] 33; [4] 54; [5] 25; [9] 41; Burchfield, Robert: The Spoken Word: A BBC Blythe, Ronald: Akenfield, [11] 7; article by, [18] 49; The Scorpion-Fish, [54] 59 [32] 18 Guide, [61] 39

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