Index A Apple Software License Agreement (SLA), 319, 327 Acceptance Delay slider, Universal Access preference Apple Support Downloads, 142–143 pane, 266 Apple TV, 109, 123 Account name text fi eld, Accounts preference pane, 78, Apple web site, 44–45 80 AppleScript, 239 Account Name text fi eld, Network preference pane, Application Windows mode, Exposé, 69–70 149 Application Windows option, Activate Screen Corners Account pane, MobileMe preference pane, 249 menus, 230 Account Type drop-down menu, Incoming Mail Server applications window, 270 active, 26 accounts. See user accounts compatibility with Snow Leopard, 317 Accounts preference pane, 257–258 drag-and-drop, installing, 331–332 Accounts Preferences, Mail, 271–272 installing with installer, 332–334 Activate Screen Corners section, Exposé & Spaces Applications folder, 11–12 preference pane, 230 arrow buttons, toolbar, 14 active applications, 26 Assist me button, Network preference pane, 252 Active Screen Corners section, Exposé & Spaces attachments, Mail, 274 preference pane, 71 audio chat, iChat, 286–287 Add a printer dialog, 191 audio recording, 104 Add Folder of Pictures option, Desktop & Screen Saver Automatic Login, disabling, 87–88 preference pane, 45, 226 Automatic login drop-down menu, Accounts Add MobileMe Gallery option, Desktop & Screen preference pane, 88 Saver preference pane, 45, 226 automatic updates, 142 Add Printer window, 203 Add RSS Feed option, Desktop & Screen Saver preference pane, 45, 226 B Address bar, Safari, 155–156 Back to My Mac pane, MobileMe preference pane, 251 Address Book application background, of desktop, 40–43 contacts, creating, 278 backslashes in commands, 305 e-mail, sending from, 279 Backup application, 134–137 groups, creating, 279 Backup plan templates, 135 printing, 280 backups Smart Groups, creating, 280 to external hard disk with Disk Utility, 138–139 Address Book Card section, Accounts preference pane, with MobileMe Backup 258 running, 137 Adjust Color window, 293 scheduling, 136–137 Administration tab, CUPS, 217 selecting items, 136 Administrator accounts, 77, 78, 94, 95 selecting type, 135 Adobe Flash Player, viewing video tutorials with, 4 with Time Machine Adobe Reader deleting, 133 installing, 332–334 restoring, 131–133 viewing PDF fi les, 214 setting up, 128–129 Advanced button, Network preference pane, 149 Snow Leopard installation from, 329 AirPort, 151–154, 174 bash shell, 299 Alert volume slider, Sound preference pane, 247 Bedtime section, Parental Controls preference pane, 85 aliases, 62–64, 126–127 BigBuckBunny movie, 101 All Windows mode, Exposé, 71 Bluetooth preference pane, 253–254 All Windows option, Activate Screen Corners menus, Bluetooth Setup Assistant, 254 230 Bluetooth Sharing service, 256 Allow access for section, Sharing preference pane, 184 Bonjour, 169–170, 172, 173 Allow access to only these websitesCOPYRIGHTED option, Parental book series, 8MATERIAL Controls preference pane, 83 bookmarks Allow unrestricted access to websites option, Parental folders, 159 Controls preference pane, 83 Preview, 293 Allowed accounts section, Parental Controls preference Safari, 157–159 pane, 84 Brightness slider, Displays preference pane, 240 Anyone may request permission to control screen broadband Internet access, 146, 149–154 option, Sharing preference pane, 185 Browse Screen Savers option, Desktop & Screen Saver Apache web server, 193 preference pane, 45, 227 Appearance drop-down menu, Appearance preference Buddy List window, iChat, 285 pane, 223 built-in video recording, 102 Appearance options, 223–224 Burn button, Finder window, 33 Apple menu, 40, 47–48 Burn Disc dialog box, 33 Apple Remote, 120–123 Index 337 SSnowLeopard.indbnowLeopard.indb 337337 99/9/2009/9/2009 33:59:57:59:57 PPMM burning CDs and DVDs copying lesson fi les to your hard drive, 2–3 preparing fi les for, 32–33 costs steps for, 126–127 printers, 200 upgrades, 316 wireless network, 173 Cover Flow button, iTunes, 119 C Cover Flow view, Finder window, 16 Cable Internet access, 146 cp command, 307–308 cal command, 301–302 Create Printer Pool button, Print & Fax preference Calculator Widget, 66 pane, 215 Calendar drop-down menu, Formats pane, 234 CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System), 216–218 calendars Currency drop-down menu, Formats pane, 234 creating, 282–283 Currency Widget, 67 publishing, 282–283 Cursor Size slider, Universal Access preference pane, subscribing to, 283–284 266 Calendars column, iCal, 281 Customize Toolbar pane, 59–61 Calibrate button Color pane, 241 Speech preference pane, 261 cameras, web, 102 D Cat5 cable, 168–169 Dashboard, 66–68 cd command, 304 Dashboard option, Activate Screen Corners menus, 230 CDs Dashboard section, Exposé & Spaces preference pane, burning 230 preparing fi les for, 32–33 Date & Time preference pane, 259–260 steps for, 126–127 date command, 300 options, 238–239 Default paper size drop-down menu, Print & Fax sharing, 256 preference pane, 205 CDs & DVDs preference pane, 238–239 Default printer drop-down menu, Print & Fax Change Key button, Speech preference pane, 261 preference pane, 204 Change Password button, Accounts preference pane, Delay Until Repeat slider, Keyboard preference pane, 257 243 Change picture option, Desktop & Screen Saver Delete Printer button, Print Queue window, 207 preference pane, 43 Delete the Home folder option, Accounts preference chat. See iChat application pane, 96 Classes tab, CUPS, 217 desktop Click in the scroll bar to option, Appearance preference background, 40–43 pane, 224 options, 26–28 Clock pane, Date & Time preference pane, 260 screen saver, 43–47 Close button, Finder window, 12–13 Desktop & Screen Saver preference pane color laser printers, 200 changing user backgrounds, 88 Color pane, Displays preference pane, 241 main discussion, 224–227 color-coding, folder/fi le, 64–65 setting desktop background, 40–43 colors, setting, 223 setting screensaver, 43–47 Column view button, Finder window, 11 Desktop folder, 26–28 Combo drive, 126 Desktop option, Activate Screen Corners menus, 230 commands, 300–301 Desktop section, Desktop & Screen Saver preference Commands section, Speech preference pane, 262 pane, 225 Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS), 216–218 destination options, Personal Data & Settings window, compact discs. See CDs 136–137 compatibility of applications, 317 Detect Displays button, Displays preference pane, 240 Computer movie format, 109 Devices category, Finder Preferences window, 57 Computer Name fi eld, Sharing preference pane, 176, Devices section, Finder window sidebar, 24 255 DHCP (Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol), 169, Computer Settings button, Sharing preference pane, 172 185 Dial-up Internet access, 146, 148–149 Computer Sleep slider, Energy Saver preference pane, Dictionary application, 35 242 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Internet access, 146, 149 conferences, 8 digital video discs. See DVDs Confi guration drop-down menu, Network preference directories pane, 148 changing, 304–305 Confi gure IPv4 drop-down menu, Network preference copying, 307–308 pane, 252 creating, 305 contacts, Address Book, creating new, 278 deleting, 308 Content Parental Controls, 83 Disable Screen Saver option, Activate Screen Corners Copies fi eld, Print dialog, 209 menus, 230 338 Mac OS X Snow Leopard Digital Classroom SSnowLeopard.indbnowLeopard.indb 338338 99/9/2009/9/2009 33:59:57:59:57 PPMM Disk Utility application Energy Saver preference pane, 241–242 backing up to external hard disk, 138–139 Enhance contrast slider, Universal Access preference and Erase and Install feature, 325–326 pane, 265 restoring backup disk image to internal disk, Erase and Install process, 323–328 139–140 Erase pane, Disk Utility application, 326 Display as options, stack menu, 55 Ethernet cable, 168–169 Display login window as section, Accounts preference Ethernet connection, 150–151 pane, 88 Ethernet port, 168 Display profi le section, Color pane, 241 events, scheduling, 281–282 Display Sleep slider, Energy Saver preference pane, 242 Export Progress window, 112–115 Displays preference pane, 240–241 Exposé Do You Already Own a Mac window, 328 All Windows mode, 71 Dock Application Windows mode, 69–70 adding contents to, 50–52 customizing, 71 adding Spaces icon to, 72 options, 229–231 appearance of, 48–50 Show Desktop mode, 71 hiding, 47–48 Exposé & Spaces preference pane, 71–72, 229–231 options, 228–229 Exposé section, Exposé & Spaces preference pane, positioning, 47 229–230 removing contents from, 56 external hard drive, backups on, 128–129 stacks, 53–55 External Modem icon, Network preference pane, 148 Dock Exposé feature, 70 Dock preference pane, 48–50 Documents folder, 28 Don’t change the Home folder option, Accounts F preference pane, 96 Fan view, stack, 53, 55 Double-click a window’s title bar to minimize option, Fast Forward button, QuickTime X Player, 101–102 Appearance preference pane, 224 Fast User Switching mode, 89–90 Double-Click slider, Mouse preference pane, 245 Fax category, Add Printer window, 203 Download button, Adobe Web site, 333 File Sharing service downloading Apple screensavers, 44–45 clean up, 184 Downloads folder, 28 overview, 176–179, 256 drag and drop process permissions, changing, 181–183 adding folders to Dock, 52 testing, 180–184 adding icons to Dock, 50–51 File Sharing Setup button, Bluetooth preference pane, adding Spaces icon to Dock, 72 254 copying fi les, 18, 20 fi les copying folders, 91, 92 changing display, 15–16 customizing toolbars, 60–61 copying, 17–19, 307–308 dragging folders to Finder sidebar, 58–59 deleting, 308 drag-and-drop applications, installing,
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