FULBRIG HT SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2002-2003 Visiting Scholar Directory Directory of Visiting Fulbright Scholars and Occasional Lecturers V i s i t i n g F u l b r i g h t S c h o l a r P r o g r a m S t a f f To obtain U.S. contact information fo r a scholar listed in this directory, pleaseC IE S speaks ta ff member with the responsible fo r the scholar s home country. A fr ic a (S ub -S aharan ) T he M id d le E ast, N orth A frica and S outh A sia Debra Egan,Assistant Director Tracy Morrison,Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.6230 [email protected] 202.686.4013 [email protected] M ichelle Grant,Senior Program Coordinator Amy Rustic,Program Associate 202.686.4029 [email protected] 202.686.4022 [email protected] W estern H emisphere E ast A sia and the P acific Carol Robles,Senior Program Officer Susan McPeek,Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.6238 [email protected] 202.686.4020 [email protected] U.S.-Korea International Education Administrators ProgramMichelle Grant,Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.4029 [email protected] Am elia Saunders,Senior Program Associate 202.686.6233 [email protected] S pecial P rograms E urope and the N ew I ndependent S tates Micaela S. Iovine,Senior Program Officer 202.686.6253 [email protected] Sone Loh,Senior Program Coordinator New Century Scholars Program 202.686.4011 [email protected] Dana Hamilton,Senior Program Associate Erika Schmierer,Program Associate 202.686.6252 [email protected] 202.686.6255 [email protected] New Century Scholars Program Austria Ireland Poland Bulgaria Italy Portugal Katie Tremper,Senior Program Officer Germany Kazakhstan Tajikistan 202.686.4004 [email protected] Greece Kyrgyzstan Turkmenistan European Union Scholar-in-Residence Program Hungary Netherlands Uzbekistan Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program Belgium/Luxembourg Senior Program Associate European Union (E.U.) Research Program 202.686.6235 [email protected] Kayt Erdahl,Senior Program Coordinator Occasional Lecturer Program 202.686.4016 [email protected] Richard Pettit,Senior Program Officer Rimma Karlin,Senior Program Associate 202.686.6240 [email protected] 202.686.8661 [email protected] U.S.-Germany International Education Administrators Program Albania Croatia Russia P rogram A dministration Armenia Georgia Slovenia Azerbaijan Moldova Ukraine Laura Perry,Assistant Manager Belarus Romania 202.686.4017 [email protected] Bosnia and Herzegovina Fulbright/APS A Congressional Fellowship Program Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Fulbright/NYU Center on International Cooperation Fellowships Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Military Academies Initiative Megan Kennedy,Senior Program Coordinator 202.686.6248 [email protected] Erika Schmierer,Program Associate 202.686.6255 [email protected] Czech Republic Iceland Slovak Republic Denmark Latvia Spain Estonia Lithuania Sweden Finland Malta Turkey France Norway United Kingdom Council for International Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street, NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC 20008-3009 Telephone: 202.686.8664 • Fax: [email protected] • E-mail: Web site:www.cies.org Cover photographs: (clockwise from left) Serigne Gueye (Senegal), Dalia Farouk M akhlouf (Egypt), Enrique Peruzzotti (Argentina) and Anne Moen (Norway). A ll photos by John Consoli. FULBRIGHT VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM 2002-2003 Directory of Visiting Scholars and Occasional Lecturers FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR PROGRAM Sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs CIES is a division o f the Institute o f International Education. “ Let me say that Dr. Juris Rozenvalds’ visit was a terrific success. He was a superb ambassador and a great addition to our community. We have developed a wide range o f follow-up plans that w ill keep Rutgers and the University o f Latvia in close contact.” Dr. Edward Rhodes, Director, Center fo r Global Security and Democracy and Assistant Professor, Department o f Political Science, Rutgers, State University — Newo f New Brunswick Jersey “ Dr. Okut and his family have been a delight and we have learned much from them. Clearly his collaboration with us at work has been an outstanding success, and the opportunity to interact with him on a more personal basis has lead to a greater appreciation o f just how similar we are, despite our cultural differences.” Dr. Terry E. Duncan, Senior Research Scientist, Oregon Research Institute “ Dr. Thienprasert showed a high level o f dedication and enthusiasm that in part came from her sense of responsibility towards the Fulbright Program and her desire to make every hour o f her experience here count. It is my impression that the Fulbright Program actively selects exceptionally bright and hard-working scholars who are open and appreciative to teaching and mentoring.” Dr. Joseph R. Hibbeln, Senior Clinical Investigator, and Dr. Norman Salem, Chief, Laboratory of Membrane Biophysics and Biochemistry, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes o f Health “ Yujin Yaguchi was an active and visible member of our scholarly community. He introduced many of us to American studies in the Japanese context. We learned much from him, and he very much enjoyed his stay here.” Christopher Connery and Gail Hershatter, Co-directors, Center fo r Cultural Studies, University of C a lifo rn - ia Santa Cruz “ The students in my group interacted w ith Dr. Rahman both professionally and socially during her stay in our department. I know that a number o f them learned a great deal about Malaysia, Islam, and Southeast Asia. Dr. Rahman, in turn, spent time in our community exploring the culture o f Indiana and Purdue University.” Mark Lipton, Associate Professor, Department o f Chemistry, Purdue University C o n t e n t s I ntroduction 5 Oc c a s io n a lL ec tu r er Pr o g r a m 5 Oc c a s io n a lL ec tu r er St o r ie s . 6 Ot h e r Vis it in g Sc h o l a r Sto r ies 7 Vis it in g Sc h o l a r s b y A c a d e m i c F i e l d . 11 A g r ic u l t u r e.................................................. 11 A m e r ic a n H is t o r y.................................... 13 A m e r ic a n L i t e r a t u r e........................... 14 A n t h r o p o l o g y a n d A r c h a e o l o g y . , 15 A rchitecture a n d U r b a n Pl a n n in g 15 A r e a St u d i e s.................. 17 A r t ......................................... 17 A r t H is t o r y....................... 18 Bio l o g ic a l Sc ien c es . 18 Bu siness A dministration 24 Ch e m is t r y........................... 25 Co mmunications a n d j o u r n a l is m . 28 Co m p u t e r Sc ie n c e . 30 Cr e a t iv eW r it in g . 31 Ec o n o m i c s....................... 32 Ed u c a t io n........................... 35 En g in e e r in g....................... 39 En vironmental Sc ie n c e s 43 Ge o g r a p h y. 46 Ge o lo g y .... 47 H is t o r y (n o n -U.S.) 47 L a n g u a g e a n d L it e r a t u r e (n o n -U.S.). 50 L a w........................... 52 L ib r a r y Sc ien c e . 56 L in g u is t ic s . 56 M a t h e m a t ic s. 59 M e d ic a lSciences 60 3 M U S IC . 65 PHILOSOPHY 66 P h y s ic s a n d A s t r o n o m y 68 P o l it ic a l S c ie n c e . 70 P s y c h o l o g y ....................... 74 P u b l ic A dministration . 76 Re l ig io u s S t u d ie s . 77 S o c io l o g y a n d S o c ia l W o r k 78 T E F L /A p p l ie dL in g u is t ic s . 80 T h e a t e ra n d D a n c e 81 S e m i n a r P r o g r a m s . 83 N e w C e n t u r y S c h o l a r s P r o g r a m 85 A lphabetical I n d e x . 87 H o s t S t a t e I n d e x . 99 H o m e G e o g r a p h ic A r e a i n d e x 117 S p e c i a lp r o g r a m s I n d e x 129 2001-2002 VISITING FULBRIGHT SCHOLARS 131 Geographical listings in this publication are a matter o f adm inistrative convenience and are not intended to im ply a U.S.
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