E690 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 29, 2007 their perfect family. She and the volunteers and corruption, has led to periodic episodes of HONORING SGT MICHAEL A. and staff who work with her give the dogs that unrest in Conakry. However, the union-led MARZANO come to their home, medical care, food and strikes of December 2006 through February shelter, and, most importantly, love and com- 2007 took on a new dimension. For the first HON. JASON ALTMIRE fort. They seek out the right family for each time since the country obtained independence OF PENNSYLVANIA pet, and help new pet-owners adjust to their in 1958, Guineans across the nation have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES new lives with their pets. In fact, they are a taken to the streets en mass, demanding one-stop clearinghouse of information for new change and refusing to accept half measures. Thursday, March 29, 2007 and seasoned pet-owners alike, with answers Through solidarity, the unions, opposition Mr. JASON ALTMIRE. Madam Speaker, I to frequently asked questions about pet care, parties and civil society gained strength, and rise today to pay tribute to an American hero, recommendations for veterinarians and groom- in the end, they succeeded in exacting critical Marine SGT Michael A. Marzano. Last Tues- ing, and more. concessions from the government. But while day, March 20, I joined my colleague, Con- The testimonials on her website, this symbolizes a significant victory, the hard- gressman Phil English, in introducing H.R. www.auntmarysdoghouse.com demonstrate est part is yet to come. 1594, legislation to name the Department of her unparalleled talent to match families with While the naming of the new consensus Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Hermit- pets that meet their needs and schedules and prime minister, Lansana Kouyate´ on February age, Pennsylvania in Sergeant Marzano’s familial temperament. For instance, from a 27th is a significant step forward, the office of honor. rescued dog named Dina: ‘‘Thank you Mary the Prime Minster is not constitutionally pro- In December 2004, Sergeant Marzano vol- for my rescue and letting me get adopted by tected and Conte´ has a record of breaking unteered for a tour of duty in Iraq and joined Sandy. For a large breed black dog with an agreements. In addition, substantial resources Ohio’s 3rd Battalion, 25th Regiment of the 4th unknown past I know I’m a very lucky girl that are urgently needed for economic and social Marine Division. He served honorably as a there are people like Sandy to love and care programs that will address the root causes of member of a Mobile Assault Platoon. On May for me.’’ social unrest and shore-up popular support for 8, 2005, Sergeant Marzano was killed by a Earlier this month, Mary’s extraordinary pub- the Prime Minster. History has shown that suicide bomber while taking part in an offen- lic service was recognized by the American Conte´ is unlikely to share power in a meaning- sive against insurgents in the city of Haditha, Red Cross of Northwest New Jersey with the ful way, and the longer he keeps his hand on Al-Anbar Province, Iraq. Red Cross Medal for Bravery. And, it is my the tiller in his authoritarian style, the more Sergeant Marzano was the first soldier from honor to commend her spirit of service to my likely a renewed and destructive political crisis Mercer County to die in either Operation En- colleagues here in Congress. will emerge. during Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom. f That said, it is widely speculated that—one He exemplified the core values of honor, cour- way or another—Conte´ will not finish his term age and commitment to a grateful nation and PROSPECTS FOR PEACE IN in office. His health is extremely poor and his community. This designation will honor his GUINEA power appears to be waning. Even the African memory and recognize his bravery and sac- Union and the Economic Community of West rifice. He is representative of all of Mercer HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH African States, which typically shy away from County’s veterans who have worn the uniform OF NEW JERSEY criticizing one of their own in public, have con- proudly, upheld the military’s traditions of cour- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES demned Conte´’s violent response to protests age and faithful service, and stood ready, if and have suggested that this may be the ap- Thursday, March 29, 2007 duty required it, to make the ultimate sacrifice. propriate time for him to step down. Experts f Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, are no longer talking about IF Conte´ will leave with so many important and often vexing chal- office, but WHEN and under what conditions HONORING TIBOR HOLLO lenges competing for our attention throughout he will leave. the world, it seems that the tendency in Con- Still, Conte´ has not designated a successor HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN gress is to focus our attention on a crisis only and, in fact, has sidelined a number of individ- OF FLORIDA after it has evolved into an unmitigated dis- uals who appeared poised to succeed him. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aster. Fortunately, that was not the case last The President of the National Assembly, who Thursday, March 29, 2007 week, when the Subcommittee on Africa and would be the successor to the President under Global Health held a hearing on prospects for the terms of the Constitution, is widely un- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speaker, it peace in Guinea. popular. It has been widely suggested that a gives me great pleasure to recognize some- This hearing presented us with an oppor- military takeover may be the only option for a one who has contributed significantly to the tunity to discuss not only our strategic, human- ‘‘soft landing’’ should Conte´ die in office or re- growth of Miami for more than 30 years. Tibor itarian, human rights, and economic interests tire to his farm. Hollo is a wonderful man whose impact on in Guinea—particularly as speculation about However, I would strongly contend that a South Florida can be seen from its skyline. President Lansana Conte´’s political future and military takeover in Guinea, no matter how Over the years, Florida East Coast Realty, the potential for even greater conflict ‘‘temporary’’ it is intended to be, should NOT which Mr. Hollo founded in 1952, has become mounts—but also to consider how the United be considered an appealing option. The mili- an integral part of South Florida’s develop- States Government has positioned itself to re- tary is divided along generational and ethnic ment. spond to threats and mitigate crises before lines. Neither Guineans nor the international Today’s skyline surrounding Brickell Avenue they have spun out of control. community should assume that the military is and Miami’s financial district can be attributed The stakes are high. Western Africa histori- a cohesive group capable or willing to deliver to Mr. Hollo’s vision. In 1972, he constructed cally has been beset by political instability and a smooth transition to a democratic, civilian- Brickell Avenue’s first high-rise building, which violence, where conflict in one country spills led government. today is surrounded by countless others. In across borders and threatens the region as a While the responsibility for fostering an envi- the years since, downtown Miami has whole. This has led to massive displacements, ronment of peace and security in Guinea rests changed drastically, many of its improvements refugee flows, the proliferation of small arms with Guineans, the United States is in a a result of Mr. Hollo’s entrepreneurship. It and light weapons, and the perpetration of unique position to help facilitate a non-violent, came as no surprise when Mr. Hollo received some of the most heinous human rights atroc- democratic resolution to this crisis. Guineans the Miami Visionary Award; he took chances, ities known to man. If we fail to capitalize on remember the fact that it was the United seized opportunity, and was rewarded for his the opportunity to address transformative, sta- States who came to their aid when Guinea determination. bilization and reconstruction needs in support was attacked by the Revolutionary United Today, Mr. Hollo continues to be involved of a democratic transition in Guinea today, I Front rebels from Sierra Leone, with the sup- with many projects in South Florida. His com- fear that we may be headed for a much wider port of former Liberian President Charles Tay- pany, Florida East Coast Realty, is celebrating regional crisis down the road. lor. We also have invested heavily in peace in its 55th Anniversary and continues to play a Experts have been warning for years that Liberia, and have credibility in the region. major role in South Florida’s real estate mar- the ‘‘ground was quaking’’ in Guinea. Wide- Guinea is a predominantly Muslim country ket. Included among many noteworthy projects spread dissatisfaction with the autocratic rule which is favorably disposed to the United over the years has been the construction of of an aged and ailing Conte´, coupled with eco- States. The time to help is now . before two United States Treasury buildings and a nomic decline, high inflation, political cronyism the crisis spirals out of control. United States Justice building. It was fitting VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:28 Mar 30, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29MR8.004 E29MRPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC60 with REMARKS March 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E691 that he constructed the first high-rise apart- John Smith and the Jamestown settlers sailed Because of the project’s prominence, the ment building of this millennium, opening the into a Chesapeake Bay that was healthy, bal- AIA will be presenting the Junior League one Bay Parc Plaza in January of 2000.
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