CHAPTER 6 DUCT SYSTEMS SECTION 601 ponent of an approved engineered smoke control GENERAL system. 601.1 Scope. Duct systems used for the movement of air in [B] 601.3 Exits. Equipment and ductwork for exit enclosure air-conditioning, heating, ventilating and exhaust systems ventilation shall comply with one of the following items: shall conform to the provisions of this chapter except as oth- 1. Such equipment and ductwork shall be located exterior erwise specified in Chapters 5 and 7. to the building and shall be directly connected to the Exception: Ducts discharging combustible material exit enclosure by ductwork enclosed in construction as directly into any combustion chamber shall conform to the required by the Building Code for shafts. requirements of NFPA 82. 2. Where such equipment and ductwork is located within [B] 601.2 Air movement in egress elements. Corridors shall the exit enclosure, the intake air shall be taken directly not serve as supply, return, exhaust, relief or ventilation air from the outdoors and the exhaust air shall be dis- ducts. charged directly to the outdoors, or such air shall be conveyed through ducts enclosed in construction as Exceptions: required by the Building Code for shafts. 1. Use of a corridor as a source of makeup air for 3. Where located within the building, such equipment and exhaust systems in rooms that open directly onto ductwork shall be separated from the remainder of the such corridors, including toilet rooms, bathrooms, building, including other mechanical equipment, with dressing rooms, smoking lounges and janitor clos- construction as required by the Building Code for ets, shall be permitted, provided that each such cor- shafts. ridor is directly supplied with outdoor air at a rate greater than the rate of makeup air taken from the In each case, openings into fire-resistance-rated construc- corridor. tion shall be limited to those needed for maintenance and operation and shall be protected by self-closing fire-resis- 2. Where located within a dwelling unit, the use of cor- tance-rated devices in accordance with the Building Code for ridors for conveying return air shall not be prohib- enclosure wall opening protectives. Exit enclosure ventilation ited. systems shall be independent of other building ventilation 3. Where located within tenant spaces of 1,000 square systems. feet (93 m2) or less in area, use of corridors for con- 601.4 Contamination prevention. Exhaust ducts under posi- veying return air is permitted. tive pressure, chimneys and vents shall not extend into or pass through ducts or plenums. 4. Incidental air movement from pressurized rooms within health care facilities, provided that the corri- Exceptions: dor is not the primary source of supply or return to 1. Exhaust systems located in ceiling return air ple- the room. nums over spaces that are permitted to have 10 per- [B] 601.2.1 Corridor ceiling. Use of the space between cent recirculation in accordance with Section the corridor ceiling and the floor or roof structure above as 403.2.1, Item 4. The exhaust duct joints, seams and a return air plenum is permitted for one or more of the fol- connections shall comply with Section 603.9. lowing conditions: 2. This section shall not apply to chimneys and vents 1. The corridor is not required to be of fire-resistance- that pass through plenums where such venting sys- rated construction; tems comply with one of the following require- ments: 2. The corridor is separated from the plenum by fire- resistance-rated construction; 2.1. The venting system shall be listed for posi- tive pressure applications and shall be 3. The air-handling system serving the corridor is shut sealed in accordance with the vent manu- down upon activation of the air-handling unit smoke facturer’s instructions. detectors required by this code; 2.2. The venting system shall be installed such 4. The air-handling system serving the corridor is shut that fittings and joints between sections are down upon detection of sprinkler waterflow where not installed in the above ceiling space. the building is equipped throughout with an auto- 2.3. The venting system shall be installed in a matic sprinkler system; or conduit or enclosure with sealed joints sep- 5. The space between the corridor ceiling and the floor arating the interior of the conduit or enclo- or roof structure above the corridor is used as a com- sure from the ceiling space. 2014 OREGON MECHANICAL SPECIALTY CODE 69 DUCT SYSTEMS SECTION 602 shall be listed as having a maximum peak optical den- PLENUMS sity of 0.5 or less, an average optical density of 0.15 or 602.1 General. Supply, return, exhaust, relief and ventilation less, and a maximum flame spread distance of 5 feet air plenums shall be limited to uninhabited crawl spaces, (1524 mm) or less when tested in accordance with areas above a ceiling or below the floor, attic spaces and ANSI/UL 2024. Only plenum-rated wires and cables mechanical equipment rooms. Plenums shall be limited to one shall be installed in plenum-rated raceways. Electrical fire area. Fuel-fired appliances shall not be installed within a wires and cables, optical fiber cables and raceways plenum. addressed in this section shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 70. 602.2 Construction. Plenum enclosures shall be constructed of materials permitted for the type of construction classifica- 602.2.1.2 Fire sprinkler piping. Plastic fire sprinkler tion of the building. piping exposed within a plenum shall be used only in wet pipe systems and shall have a peak optical density The use of gypsum boards to form plenums shall be lim- not greater than 0.50, an average optical density not ited to systems where the air temperatures do not exceed greater than 0.15, and a flame spread of not greater than 125ºF (52ºC) and the building and mechanical system design 5 feet (1524 mm) when tested in accordance with UL conditions are such that the gypsum board surface tempera- 1887. Piping shall be listed and labeled. ture will be maintained above the airstream dew-point tem- perature. Air plenums formed by gypsum boards shall not be 602.2.1.3 Pneumatic tubing. Combustible pneumatic incorporated in air-handling systems utilizing evaporative tubing exposed within a plenum shall have a peak opti- coolers. cal density not greater than 0.50, an average optical density not greater than 0.15, and a flame spread of not 602.2.1 Materials within plenums. Except as required by greater than 5 feet (1524 mm) when tested in accor- Sections 602.2.1.1 through 602.2.1.5, materials within ple- dance with UL 1820. Combustible pneumatic tubing nums shall be noncombustible or shall be listed and shall be listed and labeled. labeled as having a flame spread index of not more than 25 and a smoke-developed index of not more than 50 when 602.2.1.4 Electrical equipment in plenums. Electrical tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723. equipment exposed within a plenum shall comply with Exceptions: Sections 602. and 602. 1. Rigid and flexible ducts and connectors shall 602. Equipment in metallic enclosures. conform to Section 603. Electrical equipment with metallic enclosures exposed within a plenum shall be permitted. 2. Duct coverings, linings, tape and connectors shall conform to Sections 603 and 604. 602. Equipment in combustible enclosures. Electrical equipment with combustible enclosures 3. This section shall not apply to materials exposed exposed within a plenum shall be listed and labeled within plenums in one- and two-family dwell- for such use in accordance with UL 2043. ings. 602.2.1.5 Foam plastic insulation. 4. This section shall not apply to smoke detectors. Foam plastic insu- lation used as interior wall or ceiling finish, or as inte- 5. Combustible materials fully enclosed within one rior trim, in plenums shall exhibit a flame spread index of the following: of 75 or less and a smoke-developed index of 450 or 5.1. Continuous noncombustible raceways or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL enclosures. 723 and shall also comply with one or more of Sections 602., 602. and 602. 5.2. Approved gypsum board assemblies. 602. Separation required. The foam plastic 5.3. Materials listed and labeled for installa- insulation shall be separated from the plenum by a tion within a plenum. thermal barrier complying with Section 2603.4 of 6. Materials in Group H, Division 5 fabrication the Building Code and shall exhibit a flame spread areas and the areas above and below the fabrica- index of 75 or less and a smoke-developed index of tion area that share a common air recirculation 450 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E path with the fabrication area. 84 or UL 723 at the thickness and density intended for use. 602.2.1.1 Wiring. Combustible electrical wires and cables and optical fiber cables exposed within a plenum 602. Approval. The foam plastic insulation shall be listed as having a maximum peak optical den- shall exhibit a flame spread index of 25 or less and a sity of 0.50 or less, an average optical density of 0.15 or smoke-developed index of 50 or less when tested in less, and a maximum flame spread distance of 5 feet accordance with ASTM E 84 or UL 723 at the thick- (1524 mm) or less when tested in accordance with ness and density intended for use and shall meet the NFPA 262 or shall be installed in metal raceways or acceptance criteria of Section 803.1.2 of the Build- metal sheathed cable.
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