Case Name: In the Matter of Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools Docket No.: 16-44-0 Filing Party: Respondent, Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools Exhibit No.: B-0-4 RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION VISIT REPORT BRIGHTWOOD COLLEGE 7833 Indianapolis Boulevard Hammond , IN 46324 ACICS ID Code: 00010363 Mr. Christopher A. Artim, Campu s Director ([email protected]) ([email protected]) LEARNING SITES Kaplan Profe ssional Schools Bloomington, MN 55425 ACICS ID Code: 00240581 Kaplan Professional Schools Saint Paul, MN 55108 ACICS ID Code: 00240612 September 21-22, 2106 Dr. Darlene Chair, Facilitie s Minore Educational Strateg ies, LLC, Bainbridg e Ann Minore Former Director of Compliance at Island, WA Bainbridge Gradua te Institute Ms. Alison Student-Relations Specia list Charter College Campus Care, Director Phoenix , AZ Roope of Complianc e Ms. Maria Educationa l Activities Liberty University & Richmond , VA MacMeekin Stratford University, Professor and Instructional Mentor Dr. Louise Distance Education Former Campus President for America n Niantic, CT Wilcox Institute College of Health Professions Dr. Thomas Data Integrity Review , Applied St. Petersburg College, Professor of Largo, FL Evans Business Fundamentals Business Specialis t Ms. Martha Pharmacy Techni cian, Medical Gadsden Business College, Nurse Gadsden, AL Loveman Billing and Coding, Medical Educator and Medical Assista nt Assistant Specia list Instructor, Retired 7'50 First Street, NE. Suite 980 • Washington. DC 20002 - 4223 •t - 202.336.6780 • f - 202 .842.2593 • www .acics.org ACCREDITING COUNCIL FOR INDEPENDENT COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS VER . September 1, 2016 ACICS INITIAL GRANT OR RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION REPORT Page 2 of 71 Ms. Victoria Clinical Massage Therapy Everest University, Instructor of Tampa, FL Drago Specialist Massage Therapy Dr. Claudia Dental Assistant Specialist Doctor of Dental Science in Private El Paso, TX Verdin Practice, Former Dental Assistant Program Director at Sanford Brown College Ms. Katie Staff Representative ACICS Washington, Mon-ison DC (b)(6) Page 05 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 06 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 07 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION VISIT REPORT RIDLEY-LOWELL BUSINESS & TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 116 Front Street Binghamton, New York 13905 ACICS ID Code: 00011332 Ms. Rebecca Scale s, Campus Director (bgdirec [email protected]) (bingaa@rid ley.edu) October 1 - 2, 2015 Ms. Dianna Murphy Chair Morehead State University Morehead, KY Dr. Kelly Moore Student-Relations Specia list Westwood Colle ge Chicago, IL Dr. Vicki Wise Network & Technica l Support National Attica, OH Specialist University/Retired Ms. Ebony Medical Administrative Speciali st ECPI University Lakeland, FL Lawrenc e Ms. Rita Kendall Cosmetology Specialis t Mill er-Motte College Clarksville, TN Ms. Karly Zeigler Staff Representative ACICS Washington, DC ?SO First Street. NE, Suite 980 e washington , DC 20002-4223 • • - 202.336 .6780 • t - 202.842.2593 ewww .acics.org ACCREDITING COUNCIL FOR INDEPENDENT COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS N D (b)(6) -OS -=- =~ ~ .........(!!S ~ "'O N RENEWAL OF ACCREDIT ATION VISIT REPORT CAMPUS CALIFORNIA UNIVERS ITY OF MANAGEMENT AND SCIENCES 721 N. Euclid Street Anaheim, CA 92801 ACICS ID Code: 00021311 Dr. David Park, President (dpark@ca lums.edu) ([email protected] u) January 18-19, 2017 Ms . Pame la Chair Former Director of Coppe ll, TX K. Bennett Camp us Comp liance Mr. Edgar Student-Re lations Specia list Former Owner Kriss ler Newburgh, Kriss ler Business Institute NY Dr. William Business Admin/B usiness Management/ Professo r, Ebe rly Manasqua n, McPhe rson International Business/Eco nomics /Educat iona l College of Bus iness NJ Activities Specialist Information Techno logy Mr. David Computer Information Systems Specialist Former Instructor St. Peter, Hoehn Brown College MN Mr. Dav id Hea lthcare Spec ialist Columbia South St. Lou is, Becker University MO Dr. Charles Sports Management Specia list Mikha il Educat ion Sacramento, Ware Corporation CA Ms. Joyce Staff Representative ACICS Washington, Strout DC 7'50 First Street, NE, Suite 980 • Washington. DC 20002 - 4223 • t - 202.336.6780 • f - 202.842.2593 • www .acics.org ACCREDITING COUNCIL FOR INDEPENDENT COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS CHARLESM. WARE, D.H.Ed., M.S., CHES b)(6) CHARLESM . WARE, D.H.Ed., M.S., CHES b)(6) Page 13 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act VER. January 1, 2015 ACICS INITIAL, RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION, OR BRANCH INCLUSION REPORT Page 3 of 93 RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION Virginia International University 11200 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 ACICS ID Code: 00023099 Mr. Isa Sarac , PhD , President, (isarac@v iu.edu) ([email protected]) LEARNING SITE 4401 Village Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 ACICS ID Code: 00250026 February 9-11, 2015 Ms. Micaela Chair Campu s President (ret), Everest Charle ston, SC Sieracki College Portland Ms. Constance Student Relation s Specialis t Vice President of Compliance & Cincinnati, OH Adelman Accred itation, Brown Mackie College Dr. David Teneyuca Educational Activities/ Lecturer, Universi ty of Texas San San Antonio, TX Computer Science Specialist Antonio Mr. Thoma s Inform ation Technology Adjunct Instructor , University of Tinton Falls, NJ Phillip s Speciali st Phoenix Dr. Victoria Wise Business/ Bu siness Chair (ret), Nationa l Attica, OH Accounting /Project University Management Specia list Dr. Amy Gray Education Care er Education Corporation Schaumb urg, IL Speciali st/Distance Education Expert Ms. Rachelle Butts International Business Director of Graduate Admissio ns, Bay City, MI Specia list Northwood University Mr. lmran ESL/f .E.S.0.L Specialist Sr. Systems Engineer, Coronet Plymouth Mehmood Systems Meeting, PA Ms. Ruth T. Public Administration Adjunct Instructor, Everest College Las Vegas, NV Hudson Specialist Dr. Siyi Teny Donn Softw are Engineering IT Consultant Saratoga, CA Spec ialist Dr. Kwawi si Applied Linguistics Profe ssor of International Languages Wilberforce , OH VER. January 1, 2015 ACICS INITIAL, RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION, OR BRANCH INCLUSION REPORT Page 4 of 93 Tekpetey Specialist & Literature, Central State University Ms. Shameka Erby Staff Representative ACICS Washington, DC RUTH T. HUDSON b)(6) ------------ Pagel Page 17 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act RENEWAL OF ACCREDITATION VISIT REPORT CAMPUS ART INSTITUTE OF INDIANAPOLIS 3500 Depauw Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46268 ACICS ID Code: 00032160 Ms. Wendy Butler, Presiden t (wlbutl [email protected] du) ([email protected]) MAIN CAMP US ART INSTITUT E OF PHOENIX Phoenix, AZ 85201 ACICS ID Code: 00016228 February 7-9, 2017 February 27, 2017 Ms. Lynn R. John son Chair Associa te Dean Edgewa ter, MD School of Education (retired) Trinit y Wa shington University Dr. Bob Palmatier Relations with Students President (retired) Frederikst ed, VI Virginia College of Bi1mingham Ms. Moema C. Educational Activities/Interior Own er Lone Tree, CO Shortridge Design Architecture by Design Ms. Carol Kizer Baking and Pastry/Hospitality Chair Emeri tus, Hospitality Columbu s, OH Food and Beverage Management Department Management Columbi a State Communit y College Mr. Kevin Miles Culinary Arts and Culinary Campu s Preside nt Miramar , FL Mitchell Management Career Education Corporation 7'50 First Street, NE, Suite 980 • Washington. DC 20002 - 4223 • t - 202.336.6780 • f - 202.842.2593 • www .acics.org ACCREDITING COUNCIL FOR INDEPENDENT COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS VER. Janua ry 1, 2017 AC ICS INITIAL GRA NT OR RENEWAL OF ACCREDITAT ION REPORT Page 2 of 90 Mr. Ban-y Phillips Digita l Photography/Media Art Director /Designer Burleson, TX Arts and Animatio n Ms. Jeanne Joh ns Fas hion and Retai l Realtor St. Augustine, FL Management Endless Summer Realty Mr. Sean Glasgow Graphic Design/ President Newark, NJ Graphic and Web Desig n/Web D&G Systems Tech nologies Des ign and Interact ive Media Cons ulting Inc. Ms. Michelle Taylor Fashion Design Lecturer, Howard University Bowie , MD Ms. Cathy Ko uko Accreditat ion Coord inator ACICS Was hington, DC MOEMA CUNHA SHORTRIDGE (b)(6) Page 21 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 22 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 23 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act SEAN GLASGOW Microsoft Certi fied (b)(6) Page 25 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 26 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 27 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 28 ithheld pursuant to exemption (b)(6) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act RENEWAL OF ACC REDIT ATION VISIT REPORT RIDLEY-LOWELL BUSINESS & TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 44 Shelter Rock Road Danbury, CT 06877 ACICS ID Code : 00033448 Ms. Lauren Kuzara, Campus Director ([email protected]) ( dbdirector@rid ley.edu) MAIN CAMPUS Ridley-Lowell Business & Technical Institute New London, CT ACICS ID Code: 0001130 3 October 5-6, 2016 Ms. Kim Peck Chair Senior VP of Operations and Madison Compliance, Dorsey Schools Heights, MI Dr. Richard Student-Relations Specialist Professor, Boise State Torri ngton, Murphree University
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