*v . PAGE TWENTY lEufttitto l|walb FAMOUS TOMORROW SPRING BRANDS IS THE AND FABULOUS LAST DAY! SAVINGS! Raider Planes Bomb Two Cuban Airfields, SPECIAL PURCHASE- SALE FAMOUS "LAWN - /MSTER" PROPORTIONED MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SAMPLES! Two B26s, One Damaged, Land in Florida POWER LENGTHS LAWN MOWERS U. S. Prods Is Trial Legal? State News Air Force Vaf^o * lifetime guaranteed steel deck SUP and PETTICOAT • full I year warranty on engine parts and labor R ussia on Judges Study Israeli Roundup we can't tell you the name but it’s the most famous Q uarters safety baffle plates, hand controls and new impulse starters. in men's sport clothes. Laos Truce Bights on Eichmann 'Rotarians Drop marry one-of-a-kind bargains . SO HURRY! CHARGE .. ,^CASH OR SPECIAL A lso H it SPORTCOATS & SUITS .... 15.30 to 26.63 Washington, April 15 (JP)— Minstrel Show 2.99 The Unit^ States is pressing By RKLMAN MORIN <<his challenge on these grounds: Miami, Fla., April 15 (JF)— ' . 90 DAY PLAN rpK. 22.95 to 39,95, Russia for a yes or no answer Jerusalem, April 15 (JP)— 1. That Eichmann was kidnaped, Middletown, April 15 (JP)— Two Cuban B26 bombers, ona * tailored nylon tricot The trial of Adolf Eichmann ir. Argentina in 1660 and brought no carry charge, take up to 10 months to pay. on a proposal for a cease-fire to Israel. It will be a variety show with damaged by ground fire, 36 SUMMER SLACKS ..... 3.97 to 10.67 in Laos. is nearing its first critical 2. That he signed a statement, clowns rather than a minstrel landed in South Florida today The State Department diaclosed point—the decision of the under duress, saying he came to show that the local Rotary after attacking airports in rejf. 0-95 to 15.95. * shadow panel yesterday that it had Instructed three judges on the legality Israel of his own free will. Club will stage this year. Havana and Santiago. U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn of trying him in Israel under 3. That the crimes with which James Weir, incoming Rotary One of the 2-engine World Thompson to make it clear to the a law enacted by the Israeli he is charged were not committed president, said yesterday the or­ 37 SPRING JACKETS ........ 5.30 to 13.33 Russians that they should respond on Israeli soil. ganization was revamping its War II bombers landed at Mi­ MODEL * narrow, sheath l^emlir ■ quickly. parliament in 1960. 4. That the law under which he schedule April 22 show because of ami International airport reff. 7.95 to 19.95. High U. S. authorities are grow­ Supreme Court Justice Moshe is being tried is ex-po.st facto— objections raised by the National with a defecting Cuban ^fi- ing increasingly concerned over Landau, president of the special enacted and made retroactive after Association for the Advancement 3-man tribunal hearing the case, cer at the controls. ^ * short, average and tall the prolonged delay in the Soviet the events. of Colored People (NAACP). A sister ship landed at Bo­ 54 WALKING SHORTS ... 3.33 to 6.67 59.99 reply, officials said here. announced that the judgment Attorney General Gideon Haus- The show in its revamped for­ Earlier in the day, U. S. officials would be handed down Monday ner, chief of the prosecution, took mat. he said, will not "he offensive ca Chica Naval Air Station at rep. 5.00 to 9.95. • 22" rolarj- 3 h.p. Briggs A . 32 to 44 . s. m. I. said there was some evidence that morning. The trial is in recess un­ up most of the first five sessions— to anyone." The Rotary has put Key West. A Navy spokes­ Stratton engine Moacow may give its answer to an til then. Tuesday, Wedneadiiy and Friday— on minstrel shows for the past sev­ man said the plane was not • Impulse starter American-backed British proposal Eichmann, a lieutenant colonel to answer these allegations. Sum­ eral years in fund-raising drives damaged. Two Cubans were 300 SPORT SHIRTS........ .. 2.67 to 8.63 • Bolt type, wheel height for a cease-fire within three days. in tije .Nazi Gestapo and chief of ming up hi., lengthy arguments, for community projects. adjustment But even then, U. S. officials were its Jewish Affairs Section, is on Hausner said: In the new "Variety Show" for­ aboard that plane. rep. 4.00 to 12.95. not concealing their concern at the trial in Jerusalem on charges of .‘T ask the court to reject the mat, clowns will replace the tra­ Immigration officials took prolonged Soviet silence. "crimes against the Jewish peo­ contention by the defense—to de­ ditional minstrel endmen. the Cubans into custody. Officials disclosed that Soviet ple and crimes against humanity." cide that the court has jurisdiction The NAAC7P has objected to The pilot of the bomber 125 SWIM TRUNKS & TOPPERS 2.67 to 10.63 Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko Israel accuses him of respon­ to try the accused and to demand blackface minstrel shows on U.S. Customs officials look over the bullet-riddled Cuban Air Force B26 which landed in Miami, Fla., which landed at Miami asked PLAYTEX "Fashion - Magic" and Soviet Ambassador Mikhail sibility in the annihilation of mil­ that he reply to the indictment. grounds they tend to ridicule the today after taking part in air attacks on airpiorts at Havana and Santiago, Cuba. The pilot, who rep. 4.00 to 15,95. Menshikov had told President lions of Jews during World War "The privilege and the right to Negro race. flew the plane alone, asked the U.S. Immigratlbn Service for political asylum. He landed the plane immigration officials to with­ Kennedy nearly three weeks ago II, as well as torture, enslavement bring to justice Nazi criminals . with one eng(ine knocked out by.ground fire. (AP Photofax). hold his name because of his and starvation of prisoners. family in Cuba. MEN'S IMPORTED BRA that the Russians would reply in is the universal right of all civilized Teen-ager Killed three days.. The three days passed Dr. Robert Servatius, West Ger­ nations. The State of Israel has the Stafford, April 15 i/Pi—A New­ His bullet - riddled ship HAGUE SUEDE JACKETS without an answer. man attorney who is defending privilege to try smd sit in Judg- ington teen-ager was injured fatal­ Kennedy said last Wednesday capie in with one engine Eichmann. disputes the entire le­ ly yesterday when his car failed feathered. The bomb racks reg. 12.99 reg. 2.50 2 for 3.99 that he expected an answer from gality of the proceedings. He based (Continued on Page Three) to negotiate a curve and smashed Russian Spaceman Dodges • knitted collar, the Russians this week. into a concrete abutment. State Po­ were empty. The plane was Don't forget the .laycec cuffa. waist save 1.01 Charity Ball. State Arm- Britain has asked Russia to lice said Lee Hubbell, about 17, of armed with eight 50 mm • Kipper closing 8.90 sizes 32 to 40, A, B and C. help halt the fighting in Laos. The 185 Day St., was. alone in the car, guns. orj". April 15th. Tickets • olive, gold, copper • 36 to 44 D cup. reg. 3.50—2 for 5.99. Soviet response to the British note If IFs WiUing to Pay when the mishap occurred on Coop­ Questions About Orbit Hop at Town Clerk’s Office. waa vague on the timing of a er Lame. By HAROLD K. MILKS MODEL I -104 cease-fire. The United States has Havana, April 15 (JF)— said it will not agree to attend any By STANLEY JOHNSON i^lumped them together and gavc(i apparatus aboard so hone cart l>e international conference on the fu­ Granby Pilot Hurt Raider planes made low-level Elgin Air Force Base, Fla., April Moscow, April 15 i/Pi—Maj. Yuri this answer: published," he said. SPECIAL PURCHASE ture of the Southeast Asian king­ U.S. May Still Beat A. Gagarin held his first news con^ "Many techniques fqr landing Gagarin waq] introduced At the bomb and rocket attacks at 16 (#)—William Gronwoldt, Gran­ ProportionecL Lengths dom until the fighting has been ference" today end dodged the )iave been developed in our coun­ news conference by Alexander N. dawn today on airports in Ha­ 69.99 stopped. by, Conn., a test pilot for Kaman questions of the world press almost try. One is the parachute tech­ Nesmeyanov, president of the So­ U. S. olBciala said Thompson Helicopter Co., Windsor Locks, vana and Santiago and on Cu­ • 22" rotary 3 h.p. Briggs A Conn., escaped with head cuts yes­ as artfully as he orbited the Earth. nique. On this flight we employed viet Academy of Sciences. Nes­ MEN'S ALL WEATHER was not trfd to deliver any threat Russians to Moon Nothing he said helped to clear up meyanov reiterated earlier Soviet ban Air Force headquarters Stratton engine terday when a Navy helicopter un­ the following: The pilot was in the or ultimatum. Put he was expect- questions which have arisen about cabin, the landing proceeded suc­ assertions that the Russians had at San Antonio-de los Banos. • Impulse starter dergoing climatic testing in a lab­ The government radio, warning • easy, no tool wheel SEAMLESS NYLONS oratory disintegrated. his space flight Wednesday. cessfully and demonstrated the made no trial runs for the space (OonUnned on Page Nine) ■ Washington, April 15 {/Pi — The<^day before the House Science and Hundreds of reporters and pho­ success of all systems developed flight ’'and Ifuri Gagarin wa.s the the attacks may be the "prelude .
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