April 27, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3699 There are a growing number of reports the Nazis’ systematic state-sponsored Ranger Program, the National Park from North Korea refugees that any persecution and murder of 6 million Service is fostering a new constituency unauthorized religious activity inside Jews. In 1945, the U.S. Third Army’s of park stewards. Today the Junior North Korea is met with arrest, impris- 6th Armored Division liberated the Bu- Ranger Program exists in more than onment, torture, and sometimes execu- chenwald concentration camp and the 286 parks, striving to help connect tion by North Korean officials.’’ U.S. Seventh Army’s 45th Infantry Di- youth to national parks and the Na- Furthermore, the U.S. Department of vision liberated Dachau in Germany. tional Park System and helping them State’s 2005 Country Report on Human We reflect in order to remember— gain an understanding of the important Rights Practices sums up North Ko- honoring the dead, pledging never to role of the environment in our lives. rea’s actions by listing documented or forget atrocities of the past, and fight- The Junior Ranger Program encour- alleged human rights abuses over the ing to stop them today. In 2004, then- ages whole families to get involved in years. Such instances include: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell learning about, exploring and pro- abridgement of the right to change the told the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations tecting our Nation’s most important government; extrajudicial killings, dis- Committee that genocide has been scenic, historical, and cultural places. appearances, and arbitrary detention, committed in the Sudanese region of Children have great enthusiasm for the including many political prisoners; Darfur. A consistent, widespread, and Junior Ranger Program because it harsh and life-threatening prison con- terrible pattern of atrocities and burn- helps connect them to something big ditions; torture; forced abortions and ing of villages continues as the situa- our country and our shared heritage as infanticide in prisons; lack of an inde- tion in Darfur remains grim. I believe Americans. Additionally, online pendent judiciary and fair trials; denial the U.S. must lead urgent inter- through WebRangers, kids can ‘‘vir- of freedom of speech, press, assembly, national efforts to stop the killing in tually’’ visit the parks at their own and association; government attempts Darfur. We must act immediately, pace in their spare time and when they to control all information; denial of working with the United Nations, are not in the parks. In fact, one of the freedom of religion, freedom of move- NATO, and the African Union to stop events that will take place this year ment, and worker rights; and severe the ongoing violence. We must remain during National Park Week is a vir- punishment of some repatriated refu- focused and never waver in our fight to tual, shared visit to Carlsbad Caverns gees. bring an end to the genocide. National Park, which could involve more than 28 million students. I also want to note President Bush’s f appointment last August of Ambas- Of course, our visits to parks are en- sador Jay Lefkowitz to the position of 2006 NATIONAL PARK WEEK hanced through the interaction we re- Special Envoy for Human Rights in Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I think ceive from the people who work in North Korea. The Special Envoy post each of us enjoy walking on a trail, them. During this week, we should also was established under the North Korea learning a little more about our Na- thank the thousands of National Park Human Rights Act, and with this ap- tion’s history, or perhaps paddling a Service personnel, concession and con- tract employees, volunteers of all ages, pointment, signaled the administra- canoe on a lake, river, or stream. Often and others who help to make our sys- tion’s intensified attention to human we take part in these activities in our tem of national parks the envy of and rights in North Korea. I am confident national parks. This week, April 22 to example for the rest of the world. that Ambassador Lefkowitz will con- April 30, is National Park Week, a time when we can recognize all of the 390 As the chair of the National Parks tinue to take steps toward ending Subcommittee, I will continue to see units of the National Park System. North Korea’s suppression of freedoms. that our system of parks retains its As we in the Senate continue to ad- There will be special events going on at high standards. I would encourage each parks throughout the system, and I en- dress the persecution and the fears of you to spend some time in a national courage everyone to seek them out and that North Koreans face, it is my hope park unit, this week and throughout take part in them. that we will do all we can in order to the year. improve the conditions in this com- As I have mentioned before, I have a munist state and to spread the free- special attachment to Yellowstone Na- f doms that we all enjoy. tional Park, the world’s first national SECURING AMERICA’S ENERGY f park, located in Wyoming, my home INDEPENDENCE ACT State. But Yellowstone, Grand Teton DARFUR Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise National Park, the other National today to introduce the Securing Amer- Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, Elie Park System units in Wyoming, and ica’s Energy Independence Act of 2006. Wiesel once told us that ‘‘a destruc- those across the Nation, extending This bill is designed to extend the in- tion, an annihilation that only man from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Is- vestment tax credits for fuel cells and can provoke, only man can prevent.’’ lands to Guam and American Samoa, solar energy systems in the 2005 En- Our American heritage calls upon each all remind us of ourselves, where we ergy Policy Act through 2015. of us to stand up, to speak out, and to have been, and perhaps where we will Having reliable, clean energy is fun- act when we witness human rights go in the future. They have been called damental to economic prosperity, our abuses. As a global leader, the United by others the best idea we ever had. national security, and protecting the States has a special and solemn obliga- America’s national parks provide environment. The Energy Policy Act of tion. We must live up to this responsi- people of all ages with a wide range of 2005 encourages homeowners and busi- bility. opportunities to learn more about our nesses to invest in solar energy and This week marked both Armenian country’s natural environment and cul- fuel cell technologies through invest- Remembrance Day and Holocaust Re- tural heritage. The National Park ment tax credits. That law established membrance Day. In the final years of Service provides a variety of programs a tax credit of 30 percent for invest- the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and and activities for children, teachers, ments in fuel cells, capped at $1,000, 1923, the world witnessed the mass kill- and communities designed to foster an and a tax credit of 30 percent for in- ing of as many as 1.5 million Armenian interest in the natural environment vestments in solar systems, capped at men, women, and children. Five-hun- and history and to cultivate a future $2,000. dred thousand survivors were expelled generation of park stewards. However, these credits will expire from their homes. Our U.S. Ambas- The theme for National Park Week after 2 years, and therefore are too sador to the Ottoman Empire Henry 2006 is ‘‘Connecting Our Children to short lived to encourage significant Morgenthau organized and led protests America’s National Parks.’’ This market penetration or to stimulate ex- by foreign officials against one of the theme was chosen because of the vital pansion of manufacturing for solar en- most horrible tragedies of the 20th cen- role children play in the future con- ergy or fuel cell technologies. Installa- tury. servation and preservation of our na- tions of solar energy or fuel cell sys- Sadly and almost unimaginably, tional parks. tems require lead times of a year or more human devastation followed. Through the creation of innovative more, and manufacturing expansion re- Later years witnessed the Holocaust— education programs such as the Junior quires a development schedule of 3 to 4 VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:03 Feb 06, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S27AP6.REC S27AP6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S3700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 27, 2006 years, similar to conventional power- turning to entertainers like Joan Les- H.R. 5020. An act to authorize appropria- plants. Financing of new projects is lie for reassurance about the goodness tions for fiscal year 2007 for intelligence and also more complex than for conven- and strength of our country amid the intelligence-related activities of the United tional powerplants because the lending tremendous stresses and burdens of States Government, the Community Man- agement Account, and the Central Intel- industry is less familiar with these war. Tens of thousands of American ligence Agency Retirement and Disability technologies. servicemen clung to Joan Leslie’s pic- System, and for other purposes. Accordingly, I have proposed to ex- ture as a reminder of the values they The message also announced that the tend the tax credits for an additional 8 were fighting for and the loved ones House has agreed to the following con- years. My legislation also would alter they left behind.
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