41kii_:BAR ,Tif.itBASE OF NGO ACTiVITIIK S f (.4th Edition) Volume I:Location-Province /District AGENCY COORDINATING BODY FOR AFGHAN RELIEF 2 REHMAN BA,13A ROAD U.P.O. BOX 1084 UNIVERSITY TOWN PESHAWAR, NWFP PAKISTAN TEL. 0521-44392/40839/45316 FAX: 092- 521 -840471 EM.ATL: director @acbar.psh.brain.net.pk , EBRI.IARY1997 INTRODUCTION The 1996 Database is the ninth annual publication of the ACBAR Database; a key source of project information on NGO activities both inAfghanistan and with the refugee communities in Pakistan. This year's edition comprises four separate volumes: I Location - Province /District II Sector III Agency IV 'Summary of the database and covers activities that were either ongoing through 1996, started in 1996 or new programmes established since then. All volumes contain a separate section for programmes in Afghanistan and forRefugees in Pakistan. They provide a compilation of the activities of some 220 Non -Governmental organizations (NGOs) working for Afghanistan. Whilst most agencies are Peshawar -based, activities are also reported for agencies located in Islamabad, Quetta and regional centres inside Afghanistan. The time and effort to produce this annual publication has been enormous. WhilstACBAR is not in a position to confirm the information provided,I am confident that this publication provides an excellent picture of the work being undertaken by the NGO community for Afghans. I would also like to thank the agencies for providing the data; Mohammad Zakir, the main person in ACBAR behind all the work and other membersof the Programme Department. They have all worked extremely hard to ensure this publication comes up to the usual high standards. We again hope that the users, the agencies themselves, the Afghan authorities as well as the Pakistan authorities and all others will find the details provided useful and informative. Finally,I am pleased to note that this is the first ACBAR publication to be printed by the ACBAR printing press. This press was taken over from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in mid -December 1996. We are grateful for IRC's support in this and hope that this will be the first of many documents to be printed by ACBAR. Charles A MacFadden Executive Director February 1997 Will be published separately. INDEX 1 PartI: NGO Activitiesby Geographical Location for Afghanistan PROVINCE DISTRICT PAGE BADAKHSHAN Badakhshan 1 Baharak 1 Darwaz 2 Eshkashem 2 Faizabad 2 Jurm 4 Keran Monjan Keshem 5 Khwahan Ragh 6 Shar Bozurg 6 Sheghnan 7 Wakhan 7 Zebak 8 BADGHIS Ghormach Jawand Kushk Kohna 8 Morghab 8 Qades 8 Qala Nau 8 BAGHLAN Anderab 8 Baghlan 9 Burka 9 Dahna Ghori 10 Doshi 10 Khenjan 11 Khost Fring 11 Nahrein 11 Puli Khumri 12 Tala Parfak PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE BALKH Balkh Char Bolak 13 Char Kant 13 Chemtal 13 Dehdadi - 13 Dowlatabad 13 Keshende 13 Mazar Sharif Nahr Shahi 14 Sholgera 16 Shortepa 16 16 BAMYAN Bamyan Kahmard 16 Panjab 16 Saighan 17 Shibar 17 Waras 17 Yakowlang 17 17 FARAH Anar Dara Bakwa 18 Bala Balouk 18 Farah 18 Farsi 18 Gulistan 19 Khak Safid 19 Lash Jaween 20 Purchaman 20 Qala Kah 20 Shindand 20 20 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE FARYAB Almar Andkhoy 20 Belcheragh Darzab Dowlatabad Khan Charbag 21 Kohistan 21 Maymana 21 Pashtoon Kot Qaramqul 21 Qarghan 21 Qaysawr Shirin Tagab . 21 GHAZNI Ab Band 21 Andar 22 Deh Yak 24 Gelan 25 Ghazni 25 Giro 29 Jaghatu 29 Jaghori 30 Khwaja Omri 32 Malestan 33 Moqor 34 Nawa 35 Nawor 35 Qarabagh 36 Zena Khan 38 GHOR Chaghcharan 38 Lal Surjangal 39 Pasaband 39 Saghar 39 Shahrak 39 Taywara II Toulak 39 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE HELMAND Baghran 39 Bust 39 Deshu Garmser 40 Helmand 40 Kajaki 40 Musa Qala 41 Nad-Ali 41 Nahr Saraj 41 Nauzad 42 Nawae Barakzai 42 Reg 43 Sarban Qala 43 Washare 43 HERAT Adreskan 43 Chesht Sharif 43 Enjeel 43 Ghoryan 44 Gozarah 44 Gulran 45 Herat 45 Karokh 48 Kohsan 48 Kushk 48 Obey 49 Pashtun Zarghoon 49 Zendajan 49 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE JAWZJAN Agcha 50 Balkhab Faizabad 50 Khamyab Khanagah Kohistanat Mardyan Mengajek 50 Qargin Sang Charak 50 Sari Pul 50 Sheberghan 51 KABUL Bagrami 51 Charasyab 52 Chardehi 53 Deh Sabz 54 Istalef 55 Kabul 55 Kalakan 64 Khake Jabar 64 Mir Bachakot 64 Paghman 65 Qara Bagh b7 Sarobi 68 Shakar Dara 72 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE KANDAHARArghandab 73 Arghistan Daman 74 74 Dand Ghorak 75 Kandahar 76 ?6 Khakraiz 78 Maruf 79 Maywand 79 Nesh 80 Panjwai Reg 80 Shahwali Kot 80 Shega 81 Shorabak 81 Spin Boldak 82 KAPISA Alasay 82 Kapisa 82 Kohband 84 Kohistan 84 Nejrab 84 Panjshare 85 Panj share l 86 Panjshare2 86 Tagab 86 KUNARPROVINCEChaghasaraiBargBarDISTRICT Kunar Mat al PAGE8887 KamdeshDongomChawkiChapa Dara 92919088 NourNarayKunarNarangKhas GulKunar 9493 KUNDUZ AliabadPechSirkanay 9895 KhanabadHazratCharArchi Dara Imam 99100 LAGHMANAlingarKunduzQala Zal 102101 DawlatshaAlishing - 105103 NooristanMehterlamQarghaieLaghman 111110106 PROVINCE DISTRICT PAGE LOGAR Azra 113 Baraki 113 Charkh 115 Khoshi 116 Logar 117 Mohd Agha 117 Pull Alam 119 NANGARHAR Achin 121 Bati Kot 121 Behsud 122 Chaparhar 123 Darae Noor 124 Deh Bala 125 Dorbaba 125 Goshta 125 Hesarak 125 Jalalabad 126 Kama 135 Khogiani 136 Kouz Konar 138 Lalpur 139 Mohmand Dara 139 Naziyan 140 Pachier/Agam 140 Rodat 141 Sherzad 142 Shinwar 143 Surkh Rod 143 Unspecified 146 NIMROZ Chakhansur 146 Char Borjak Kang/Kurki Khosh Rod 146 Nimroz 146 Zaranj 147 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE ORUZGAN DehDaiChorahAjrestan Kundi Raud 147 KajranShahristanOruzganGezab 148147 PAKTEKA DilaBarmalTirin 248149148 KatawazJaniGomalGayan Khel 149 OmnaNekaMataSarobiSarhawza Khel 150 Sharan . 151 Wol-MamayWazakhwaUrgounSultan Khan 153151151 PAKTIA BakZelokYusuf Khel 153153 GardaizDaraDandChamkani DarangPatan 155154 JadianHasanGurbuz Khel 1 160159 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE PAKTIA JaniJaji MaidanKhel 164162161 MandoziMusaLajmangalKhost Khel 173172171165 PaktiaSabanQalandarNader Shah 176175174 SperahShawakShama!Sayed Karam 178177 ZormatWolmaTrayzaiTani 181180178 PARWAN JabulGhorbandCharikarBagram Saraj 188187184182 ParwanKoheShekhSalang Safi Ali 189 SAMANGAN DaraHazratSurkhShinwari Souf Parsa Sultan 190 RoySamanganKhulmKaldar Doab 190 PROVINCEDISTRICT PAGE TAKHAR Bangi 191 Chah Ab 191 Chal 191 Darqad 192 Eshkamesh 192 Farkhar . 192 Kalafgan 193 Khwaj aghar 193 Rustaq 193 Takhar 194 Talogan 194 Warsaj 195 Yangi Qala 195 WARDAK Chak 196 Day Mirdad 197 Gardandewal 197 Jaghatu 198 Jalrez 199 Markaz Besud 200 Maydan Shar 201 Nerkh 202 Syed Abad 202 Wardak 205 ZABUL Arghandab 205 Atghar Dai Chopan 205 Jaldak 205 Mizan 205 Qalat 205 Shah Joy 206 Shemalzai 206 Shinkai 207 Zabul 207 Part II : NGO Activities- byINDEX Geographical Location for Refugees in Pakistan PAK-BALUCHISTAN-PROVINCE PishinQuettaDISTRICT PAGE208 PAK-NWFP BannuBajaurAbbottabad 210209208 HazaraDirD.I.ChitralCharsada Khan 210 MalakandKurramKohistanKohat 213212211 OrakzaiNorthNawsheraMardanMansehra Wazir 215214213 PAK -PUNJAB IslamabadSouthPeshawar Wazir 227226215 Part I: NGO Activities-by Geographical Location for Afghanistan 1 ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION AGENCY - - - - - -- SECTOR VILLAGE ----STATUS- . Begin End -< ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION > Badakhshan Badakhshan A-AID AGRIC: Vet Ongoing UK -ODA 6 195 --0 /0 Improvement of livestock health & production. Through establishing veterinary mobile clinics. NAC CONST: Pub.Building Various Ongoing NAC/\WFP 8 / 96 --0 /0 School improvement in various districts (8 schools). NAC C'ONST: Sanitation Various Ongoing SAFE 9 / 96 --0 /0 School latrines in various districts (4 school). Badakhshan Baharak A -AID AGRIO: Crop Product Ongoing UK -ODA 7 / 95 --0 I0 Improvement of agricultural production & increased crop yield. A -AID AGRIO: Fruit Trees Completed UK -ODA 10 195 --0 / 96 Setting up of demonstration fruit nurseries, replacing the local species by improved ones & horticulture training program for local farmers. A -AID AGRIC: Fruit Trees Baharak Completed UNDCP S / 95 --0 196 'free trials A -AID AGRIC: Vet Ongoing UK -ODA 0 196 --0 I 0 Improvement of livestock health & production through establishing of veterinary mobile clinics. A -AID AGRIC: Livestock Completed ODA/DCP 4 / 95 --4 / 96 Extension & propagation of apiculture. A -AID AGRIC': Research Baharak Ongoing UNDCP 5 193 --0 /0 Wheat variety & fertilizer trials. A -AID AGRIC: Other Baharak Completed UK -ODA 10 / 95 --10 196 To increase yield & introduce new varieties of vegetables / enhancing the agricultural knowledge of the local farmers through setting up demonstration plots, the demonstration include seed bed preparation, seedling & using new agricultural techniques. A -AID WATER: Structure Awdaw Completed UK -ODA 8 / 96 --9 / 96 Construction of Awdaw wash, using RCC & stone masonry. A -AII) WATER: FloodControl Shakhi Safid Completed UK -ODA 81 96 --11 196 Construction of Shakhi Safid flood protection, (stone masonry). A -AID WATER: FloodControl Kurak Sang Completed UK-ODA 9 196 --11 / 96 Construction of Kurak Sang flood protection (stone masonry). PRB AGRIC: Vet Center Ongoing FAO 7 1 94 --0 I0 VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary ser-ices to the whole district. PRB AGRIC: Vet Center Ongoing FAO 8 / 94 -0 /0 VFU with 2 paravets providing veterinary services to the whole district. RAFA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Dashti Farhad Ongoing FAO/WFP 1 196 --12 / 96 One hectare fruit & nonfruit nursery. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Various Ongoing SCA O 193 -0 /0 3 schools 125 teachers 1934 students. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shash Tipa Ongoing EU 1 195 --0 /0 2 mid- level HWs / 1 BHW / 1 health educator. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Haji Pahlawan Ongoing EU 1 / 95 --0 /0 3 BHWs / 1 lab technician. SCA HEALTH: Basic Post Chap Chiyardar Discontinued EU 1 / 95
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