
58 REIGN AND COINAGE OF CARAUSIUS. TABLE OF MINT-MARKS. 1. MARKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO COLCHESTER.. Varietyor types noted. Marki. Suggested lnterretatlona.p Carauslna. Allectus. N JR IE N IE Cl· 6 3 The mark of Ce.mulodunum.1 • � I Ditto ·I· 2(?) 93 Ditto 3 Ditto, blundered. :1..:G :1..: 3 Ditto, retrograde. ·I· I Stukeley, Pl. uix. 2, probably OLA misread. ·I· 12 Camulodunum. One 21st part CXXI of a denarius. ·I· 26 Moneta Camulodunensis. MC ·I· I MC incomplete. 1 Moueta Camuloduuensis, &o. MCXXI_._,_. ·I· 5 1 Mone� . eignata Camulodu- MSC nene1s. __:.l_:__ 3 Moneta signata Ooloniae Ca- MSCC muloduneneie. I· 1 Moneta signata Ooloniae. MSCL ·I· I MCXXI blundered. MSXXI ·I· 1 1 Probably QC blundered. PC ·I· I(?; S8 Quinariue Camuloduneneis.11 cQ • 10 The city mark is sometimes found in the field on the coinage of Diocletian. 11 Cf. Num. Ohron., 1906, p. 132. MINT-MARKS. 59 MABKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO COLCHESTER-continued. Variety of types noted. Jl!arks. Suggested Interpretation•. Carauslus. Allectus. N IR IE. A/ IE. ·I· I Signata Camuloduni. SC ·I· 1 Signata. moneta Camulodu- SMC nensis. •I· I Signo.ta moneta Caruulodu- SMC nensis, with series mark. ·I· 7 4 Signata prima (offlcina) Ca- SPC mulodnnens�. ·I· 2 The 21st part of a donarius. XXIC Camulodunum. BIE I Secundae (offlcinac) emissa, CXXI &c. ·IC I Tortfo (offlcina) Camulodu- nensis. FIO I(?' Faciunda offlcina Camulodu- � nensis . IP 1 Prima offlcina Camulo,lu- � nensis. s I. 1 1 Incomplete. SIA 1 Signata prima (offlcina) Camu- lodunensis. SIA I Signata prima (officina) Co- CL loniae. SIA l Signata prima (offlcina) moueta MC Camulodunensis. SIC 21 Signata tertia (offlcina) Camu- lodunensis. SIC 1 (?) -s- S6 C blundered. SIC 1 (?) Signata tertia (offlcina) signata. SC Camuloduni. SIE 1 Secnndae officinae emissa, mo- MC neta Camulodunensis. SIF 3 Secunda (officina) faciunda Ca- mulodunensis. SIF 1 Secunda (offlcina) faciunda Ca- mulodunensis. C retrograde. SIP 60 Signata prima offlcina Camu- CJ 84 lodunensis. 60 REIGN AND COINAGE OF CARAUSIUS, MARKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO COLCHESTER-continued. Variety or typee noted. Mark& Suggestedlnt.erprdatlo111. Carauslus. Allectus. N JR le. A/ SIP 8 Signata prima offl.oina CL Colonia.e. SIP 4 Signata a offl.oina � MC moneta ulodunenais. SIP I Signata prim& offl.oina. MC blundered. 2. MARKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO LONDON. LI· 3 The mark of London. LIO Londinenais offl.oina. LI* I Londinium with series mark. ·I· 2 3 Londinium. T ·I· 2 IML incomplete. ·I· I I Prima (oftloina), moneta IML Londinensia. ·I· 2 ML incomplete. ·I· 2 4 63 12 4 Moneta Londinensis. ML .!...l.: Base silver I Monet& Londinensia with ML series mark. ·I· 2 Monet& Londinensis with t\feL series mark. ·I· 2 Monet& Londinenais. One MLXXI 21st part of a denarius. ·I· I ML retrograde. JM ·I· I Monet& signata Lon- dincnsis. MSL MINT-MARKS. 61 MARKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO LONDON-continued. Variety of types noted. Mana. Suggested interpretations. Carausios. Allectos. - A/ /R IE A/ IE 1 L inverted, &c. rxx,·I· ·I· 1 Prima (offlcina), monete. Lon- PML dinensis. ·I· 30 Qninarius Londinensie.12 QL ·I· 1 MLXX blundered. mxx . I. I ML ,. llT I 1 ML " fNi I I ML ,IVI ·I· 1 SML " sm _·_I· I Secunda (offloina),moneta Lon SML dinen sis. BI· I Secunda (offlcina), &c. MLXXI BIB I B · E blundered, &c. MLXXI BIE I Secundae (officinae) emies LXXI Londineneis, &o. BIE 3 Secnndae ( offlcinae) emissa -ML moneta Londinensis. Secundae (officinae) emissa BIE I MLX moneta Londinensis, &c. One . X.wanting. Secnndae ( offlcinae) . emissa BIE 4 MLXX moneta Londinensis. On e 20th part of a denarius. 19 Secundae ( officinae) emissa BIE monete. Londinensis. On€ MLXXI 21st part of a denarius. B•IE 1 The like with series mark. MLXXi BIF 1 Se'}unda(officina) faoiunda, &c ML I 12 Cf. Num. Chron., 1!)06, p. 132. 62 REIGN AND COINAGE OF CARAUSIUS. MARKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO LONDON--oontinved. V nrlety of typesnoted. Marks. Snggested Interpretations. Caraus I us. .A.llectus. N JR IE N IE BIF l Secunda (officina) faciunda,&c. MLXX &c. BIF 4 " " " MLXXI l Secunda (officina), Londinensi� BIJ 7v1 moneta. L retrograde. 2 imperfect. BIL B.E. MLXXI Tertia (officina) signata, &c. 01 l MLs l Quarta " " &c. DI·ML Emissa officinae, &o. EIO l ML l Faciunda secnnda (officina), &c. FIB MLXXI l " officina. ML in- FI--wO complete. Faciunda officina, moneta Lon- FIO 17 ML din ens is. 2 Faciunda secunda (officina), &c. FIS ML 5 A duplication of the mint-letter. LI· ML l l\foneta officinae, &c. MIO ML l s- I P.mcomp l e t e. ·IMLP ML l B blundered. RI·ML 1 Incomplete. sML I· 1 " MLXXs I· 2 I " MsLXXI · SIA 1 Signata prima (offlcina.J. ML 111 blundered. 1 SIA Signnta prima ( officina,. ML Ml incomplete. MINT-MARKS. 63 MARKS ATTRIBUTABLE TO LONDON-continued. Varlety of types noted. Marks. Suggested interpretatlollll. C&ralllllUS. .A.llectus. Al IR IE N Ii;. SJA I 88 Signata. prima (offloina), &o. ML 16 moneta SIA signata" Londinensis,,, " MSL I Signata secunda (offlcina), mo- SIB neta Londinensis. ML sic 3 I Signata tertia (offlcina), &c. ML I " L in- SICMr verted. " " Signata tertia ( offlcina), &c. SIC 3 MLXXI Secundae (offlcinae) emissa, &c. SIE I MLXXI Secunda (offlcina) faciunda, &c. SIF I I ML SIF 3 " .. " &c. MLXXI Of doubtful authenticity. SIM 1 ML s10 I Signata offlcina, &c. ML I ,, prima ( officina), &c. SJP ML incomplete. MIXXI 11 SIP 24 " " " &c. ML SIP 2 I .. " " &o. MLXX SJP 1(?) 25 " " " &c. MLXXI SIP 1 ,. " " &c. MSL I Quinta (ofticina). ML retro- VJ· grade. u JM pi�ece&r p o- bably attri- 4 u I 1 butableaato this mint l u Very numerous. 64 REIGN AND COINAGE OF CARAUSIUS. 3. OTHER BRITISH MINT-MARKS. Varietyortypes noted. Marica. SuggelltedInterpretations. Carauslue, Allectue. N m IE N IE 1 A series mark. 14 •I· a " .. !.L 1 Secunda (oflicina). BIE 5 Secundae (offlcinae) emiesa. DX 1 Found iu the middle of the field of one coin LEG. VII , CLA only. Perhaps not a mint- mark. D 1 Quarta (offl.cina) wUh series I• mark.14 �L.2 1 Emissa offl.cinae.14 F� 5 Ft\Ciunda offl.cina." ��. 1 " secunda ( ofllcina).14 � 2 Incomplete. s10 55 Signe.ta tertia (offioina).,. SIP 35 Signe.ta prima (officina). � 1 Quinta offl.cina.•• 2 " ,, with eerie 8 VI* mark. 1 BIE Probnbly JLI ; incomplete. XXI X I :.l: 1 A cresoi,nt, not the letter C « Perhaps a series mark. _l_* 1 Perhaps a series mark. 1 1 Probably of London. u Probably of Colchester. l\llNT-MARKS, 65 OTHER BRITISH l\HNT-MARKS-continued. Variety of types noted. Marks, Soggeoted Interpretations. CaraW!ios. Allectus. Al JR /Sc. Al /Sc. ·I· 1 Perhaps a aeries mark. §0000 ·I· 1 (?) The existence of this mark is T very doubtful. ·I· I ML bluudered. -,-, I· I " ·I· 1 Prima (offlcina). ·I· 2 Barbarous. vvv • l • I Blundered. MX ·I· 2 Denarius. lf ·I· I I Barbarous. xx ·I· 1 ,, XX> ·I· 1 2 " XXX 4. MARK RSR AND ITS VARIATIONS. ·I· 1 R.S.R. blundered. RCR ·I· I ,, ,, RSF ·I· 68 See p. 49. RSR ·I· I R.S.R. blundered. �SR ·I· I fHR ·I· I ,, RXR F 66 REIGN AND COINAGE OF CARAUSIUS. MARK RSR AND ITS V ARIATIONS-Cl>ntinued. • Varlety of typesnoted. Marks. Sogge&� Interpretations. Caranslus. Allectua. N JR IE Al ·I· 1 An imitation of a Roman mark R**A common on coins of Probus, &c. ·I· 1 Incomplete. SR - I - 1 Blundered. SRS 5. MARXS ON COINS OF ROUEN MINT. � I A series mark. ·I· I Barbarous. ·I· I Blundered legend continued in fiE exergue. ·I· 2 Doubtful.1 • IOI ·I· 2 OPR blundered. OP/\ ·I· 2 Offlcina prima Rotomagensis. OPR ·I· 2 Rotomagus. ·I· 2 I Copied from British pieces, RSR ·I· 1 Legend continued in exergue. J\l. ·I· I VG ·I· 3 VM ·I· I One 20th of a denari113. xx 11 This mark is only found on the TVTELA type; confer TVTELA DIVI AVG. MINT-MARKS. 67 :MARKS ON COINS OF ROUEN MINT-continued. Variety ohypes noted. Marke. SuggestedInterpretations. C&raualue. Allectua. A/ JR IE. A/ IE. ·I· 1 One 21st or a dene.rius. XXI Unmarked } varieties of this mint 88 There are between three and four hundred varieties of the bronze coinage of Carausius which are of British fabric and have no mint-mark. Some of these are of' barbarous execution, and may have been early issues of London or the product of unauthorized mints, some appear by their style to be from Colchester, but the­ majority of the pieces of good or fair workmanship may be safely attributed to London. The following additional exergual marks are given to Carausius by Cohen, but have not been recently noted,. viz. CXX, exx. GSM, and MK. It has been objected to some of the above suggestions that the true meaning of the word Moneta is mint, not money, and it may be admitted that in the early days of coinage this was so. There are, however, abundant authorities for the use of the word in the latter sense during the Imperial period, the earliest of which is per­ haps to be found in Ovid,17 who says, "Victaque concedit prisca moneta novae," certainly referring to the money. and not to the mint which produced it. Other passages of similar import occur in various authors. The point 17 Fa8t., bk. i. 222. 68 REIGN AND COINAGE OF CARAUSIUS. is not perhaps of great importance; the writer errs, if at all, in company with many eminent authors.
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