4 March 12, 2019 (1) ‘Germany Stands... He later moved to a second building ties have been prepared for the coun- skiers. The chances proved costly as Henom Esayas, whose sister’s hus- but soon afterwards the Pentagon try’s women and such opportunities Afghanistan added 76 runs with Mo- band was killed, told The Associ- reassuring Afghans “that we will con- constructed Forward Operating Base have let the people of Afghanistan in hammad Nabi (40) and added a fur- ated Press they were startled when a tinue to work for a peaceful resolu- Wolverine -- home to 1,000 US troops, particular women and international ther 65 runs with Rashid Khan, who stranger picked up their frantic calls tion to conflict and the economic de- and where American and British spe- community to take a step towards de- remained unbeaten on 35. to his phone, told them he had found velopment of the region,” he said in a cial forces were sometimes based -- velopment by supporting the elected Stirling and Porterfield featured in it in the debris and promptly switched prepared statement. close by. system. a solid opening stand of 57 runs be- it off. (Fox News) Improved rights situation He dared not move again, Dam says, In the ceremony, the message of Pres- fore the Ireland captain was bowled He said that negotiations with the (15) ‘Lucky Day’... rarely even going outside and often ident Mohammad Ashraf Ghani was by debutante left-arm spinner Zahir Taliban should not mean “a return to hiding in tunnels when US planes read out by advisor to the President Khan (2-55). Mavropoulos was not the only pas- a painful past.” flew over. Malalai Shinwari. Stirling hit seven boundaries and two senger who was thanking his lucky He hailed advances made by Afghan- Though he listened to the BBC’s eve- In his message, the country’s Presi- sixes in his 88-ball knock but was un- stars on Sunday. Ahmed Khalid also istan in the field of human rights and ning Pashto-language news broad- dent congratulated the International lucky to be given out lbw off Rashid in missed his flight to Nairobi, after his establishing the rule of law, giving casts, even when he learned about the Women Day to all the people of Af- the 31st over as the television replays connecting flight from Dubai to Addis special mention to the improvement death of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin ghanistan in particular Afghan wom- showed the ball could have missed Ababa was delayed. (RT) made in the lives of young women, Laden Omar rarely commented on the en.” the off stump. (16) UK Prime Minister... above all. “Afghanistan constitution that for- outside world, the book says. Balbirnie, who smashed a century British lawmakers’ opposition to This progress was to be retained, he bids discrimination among citizens The book goes on to claim that Omar in the third ODI, was clean bowled the deal centers on concerns over said, calling it a “prerequisite for our of the country has provided equal became ill in 2013, did not see a doctor by Mujeeb Ur Rehman with Ireland arrangements for the Irish border. future cooperation.” opportunities to man and woman in and refused to travel to Pakistan for needing only 10 runs for victory. Stu- May’s government has been seeking Germany’s mission social life and Afghan women have treatment, later dying in Zabul. art Poynter raised the victory with a changes, but the EU refuses to reopen There are discussions in Berlin on the positively made use of the opportu- “We strongly reject this delusional four off Nabi’s offspin. the 585-page agreement that it spent a future of the German mission, and nities despite of continued war,” the claim and we see it as an effort to The teams will next play in a one-off year-and-a-half negotiating. the Bundestag is debating whether to message added. create and build an identity for the test starting next Friday. (AP) European Commission spokesman extend the mandate for Afghanistan. In the ceremony, video message of Taliban and their foreign backers,” (10) Woman Arrested... Margaritis Schinas said Monday that The minister has argued for Germa- the country’s First Lady was played. President Ghani’s spokesman Haroon “no further meetings at political lev- ny’s engagement in Afghanistan to In the video, the country’s First Lady Commandment said, adding that the Chakhansuri said. “We have suffi- el are scheduled,” but that the EU is continue, while there are other voices said: “18 yeses back, Afghan women victim has been identified as Sham- cient evidence which shows he (Mul- “open and willing” to hold talks with calling for an exit strategy. were isolated due to political prob- suddin son of Fazaluddin. lah Omar) lived and died in Pakistan.” the U.K. at any time. The German mission is largely depen- lems, but today the Afghan women The main motive behind the murder (Tolo news) “It is now for the House of Commons dent on US infrastructure in Afghani- have lot of power and ability in social of the man by his husband has not (4) Deputy Interior... to take an important set of decisions stan. Washington has announced and political level.” been ascertained so far. (KP) this week,” Schinas said. plans to withdraw half of the US situation which he called as unaccept- Meanwhile, the message of the coun- (11) UN Environment... military’s 14,000 troops in Afghani- able. May’s spokesman, James Slack, said try’s chief executive Dr. Abdullah “Innovations are urgently needed to stan, and this would have an effect on “Current security situation of Kabul “talks are ongoing” at a technical lev- Abdullah was also read out in the cer- tackle pollution and adverse impacts the German mission. Retired General city is not acceptable. District chiefs el, and there is “a shared determina- emony. (BNA) of climate change on our planet,” he Harald Kujat told the media at the were unable to fulfil their duties pro- tion by both sides to find a solution.” said. time that a US withdrawal would ren- fessionally. I decided to changed 11 of (8) Govt Faces... The British leader has spoken by “We must also give priority to cleaner der Germany’s continued presence the Kabul district chiefs and appoint- said Zabi Sadat, deputy spokesman to phone to eight EU national leaders production and promote resource-use futile. ed new ones. If they don’t change the the IEC. since Friday, including French Presi- efficiency as a prerequisite to achieve However, Maas warned that every- status quo in 90 days, they will be This comes few days after govern- dent Emmanuel Macron and German sustainable development,” Tobiko thing that the German military had fired too,” Gen. Sadat said. ment vowed to inaugurate the new Chancellor Angela Merkel, without added. (Xinhua) achieved in the country “would very He did not provide further informa- parliament once the Independent any sign of a breakthrough. A ru- quickly collapse” if Berlin were to tion and it is yet not clear in which po- Election Commission announces the (12) Trump Open to... mored trip by May to meet EU lead- ers in Brussels on Monday has been withdraw its troops now. lice districts that changes have been final results of October 20 parlia- an imagery analysis from the Center shelved for now, though she spoke by Peace is possible incorporated. mentary polls which were marred by for Strategic and International Stud- phone to European Commission Pres- However, Maas has said he sees this This comes as efforts are underway widespread allegations of fraud and ies, a Washington-based think tank. ident Jean-Claude Juncker. as the “start of a new phase,” saying, to improve the security situation of major irregularities that finally led to “I would be very disappointed if that If Parliament throws out the deal “Peace is possible in Afghanistan.” capital Kabul and other key cities and the dismissal of the entire members of were happening. It’s a very early re- again, lawmakers will vote on wheth- He refers to elections as a sign of prog- provinces of the country. (KP) the election commissions. port ... We’ll take a look,” Trump told er to leave the EU without an agree- ress: “The landmark presidential elec- President Ghani’s deputy spokesman reporters on Wednesday regarding (5) No Compromise... ment — an idea likely to be rejected tions in Afghanistan are scheduled for Shahussain Murtazawi told TOLOne- the imagery analysis. Abdullah said there is no difference — or to ask the EU to delay Brexit be- July, and there has been movement in ws on Wednesday that the president Bolton earlier said it was premature to among Afghans on the principle of yond the scheduled March 29 depar- the quest for a peace process with the will inaugurate new parliament once make a judgment on the reports of the the republic system in the country. ture date. Taliban, also thanks to the US initia- the final result of parliamentary elec- activities of DPRK rocket launch site. He stressed the need for government May warned last week that any delay tive.” tions is announced. Speaking on condition of anonym- and political groups’ coordination in could mean “we may never leave the Maas considered his journey “right The Afghan parliament’s term expired ity, a senior State Department offi- the peace talks and said defending EU at all.” now as an important and necessary on 22 June 2015. But Ghani in a decree cial on Thursday told the press that the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hard-line Brexit supporters in May’s sign.” extended the parliament’s term which Tongchang-ri facility is “not a critical means defending the president and Conservative Party said she should After Afghanistan, Maas will visit faced questions by some Afghan law part” of DPRK’s nuclear infrastruc- the chief executive.
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