164 ROYSTON. HERTFORDSHIRE. (KELLY's Smith Rivers R. agricultural seed & wine & spirit manding ; Sergt. .Alfred Clarke, drill instructor), .Ar­ · merchant, Market hill • moury, Melbourn street Soundy & Powell, drapers, Market hill Walker Robert, chemist & druggist, High street Spink Edward William, beer retailer, Baldock street, & W.:m·l & Oo. ironmongers, Kneesworth street florist, Kneesworth street Ward J ames Lloyd, beer retailer, Market hill Stamford James, cab proprietor & agent for Great Ward William, ta.ilor, Market hill ~·Jrthern Railway C:o. Knee.>worth street Warren Brothers, printers, publishers, book & music Stamford William, bill poster & town crier, 6 Sun hill sellers, stationers, bookbinders, engravers, news agents, Stevenson Charles, boarding school, Victoria house, stamp distributors, & circulating library, High street Kneesworth road Whltaker & Co. drapers & tailors, The Cross St~mpson Richard, Prudential superintendent, Gower rd Whitehead Brothers, stone, marble, granite & monu­ Stockbridge & Sons, corn & seed mers. Melbourn street mental masons & general contractors ; established 184o, Stockbridge William, hair dresser, Market hill The Warren Stone Edgar William, draper, High street Wiffen John, beer retailer, Kneesw!Yrl·h street Stone N. F. (Miss), organist & teacher of music, Knees- Wilkerson Samuel & Son, corn, cake & seed merchants, worth street Kneesworth street Streather Geo. Edwin,stone ·&marble mason, Cambridge rd Williamson Edward, shoe maker, Market hill Thair Ernest, hair dresser, High street Wilson Charles Cook, blacksmith, Kneesworth street Thurley Richard, beer retailer & builder, Gas House rd Wilson Luther, wheelwright, Barkway road Thurnall Harry Joseph, a.rtist, Baldock street Wilson Robert, tailor, Kneesworth street Thnrnall John Edward, land surveyor & valuer, & agent Wilson William, carriage builder, Kneesworth street to County Fire Office, High street Woods Edward, greengrocer, Market hill Titchmarsh Edward, draper & grocer, & agent for W. Woodward Henry N. sanitary inspector, school attend- & .A. Gilbey, Lim. wine & spirit merchants, High st ance & vaccination officer, Royston un:on, Ba.rkway road Tuck Cambridge, market g.ardener, Rock road W oollard John George, grocer, Kneesworth street Turton Eliel, carpenter, Back street W oollard M. A. (Mrs.), baby linen wareho. Melbourn st Varty N. & s, hydraulic, mechan~cal & brewers' Wortham & Dalton Nash, solicitors,· High street engineers, iron founders & manufacturers of trefoil & Wortham Hale (firm, Wortham & Dalton Nash), solici- clover seed mill machinery & of Cooper's patent com­ tor & commissioner for taking oaths, & clerk to pressed brick cutting table & patent Northern furnace magistrates for Odsey & Arrington & Melbourn divisions bar, & cycle agents, Royston iron works & clerk of the peace & count.y council for Cambridge, Victoria Temperance Hotel & Restaurant (D.B.Dellar,mgr) High street Volunteer Battalion 1st (Hertfordshire) Bedfordshire Young Men's Church Association; Rev. J. Harrison Regiment (E company) (Capt. Geo. Cautherley, corn- M.A. president; Rev. ,M. H. Pimm & A. Wilkerson, secs R USHDEN is a village and parish, 5 miles south-east [ 138 being free. The register dates from the year 1607. from Baldock station on the Hitchin and Cambridge The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £165, including branch of the Great Northern railway and the same 27 acres of glebe·, with residence, in the gift of the Dean distance from Buntingford terminal station on the Great aud Chapter of Lincoln, and held s:nce 1858 by the Rev. Eastern railway, and 7i south-west from Royston, in the James Bolomey Motthews M.A. of Trinity College, Cam­ Northern division of the county, Odsey hundred, Bunt- bridge. Adjoining the village is Julians, situated in a ingford union and petty sessional division, Royston park of about 300 acres, and now the property and resi­ county court district and in the rural deanery of Bal- dence of Mrs. Metcalfe, widow of the late Frederick More­ dock and archdeaconry and diocese of St. Albans. The house Metcalfe esq. of Inglethorpe Hall, Wisbech, who .is church of St. Mary is a small and ancient edifice of brick lady of the manor and principalland•owner; the house was and stucco in the Perpendicular and Decorated styles, built by William Stone about 1610. The soil is generally probably erected during the latter half of the 14th cen- heavy; subsoil, clay and chalk. The chief crops are tury, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and wheat, barley, beans &c. The area is 1,5o8 acres; the embattled western tower containing 5 bells, all dated rateable value, £1,308; the population in 1891 was 235. 1787: in the church is a monument to Sir Adolphus Shaw Green, r mile north-west; Southend Green, half Meetkerke kt. removed hither in 1754 from the church mile east; Mill End and Offiey Green, 1 mile east and of St. Botolph, Aldersgate, London; he was born at Cumberlow Green, 2 miles south-east, are places in this Bruges in 1528 and attained a prominent position among parish. the legislators of his country, becoming president of the High Court of Flanders and afterwards Ambassador to Sexton, George Chapman. Queen Elizabeth; while engaged in England in the Post Office.-Thomas Stow, sub-postmaster. Letters service of his country he died in London, 4th November, through Buntingford. Walkern, 4! miles distant, is I59I; he was the author of many learned books and the neare·st money order & telegraph office treatises, some of which are now very rare: at the north- east angle of the nave is a painted canopy, supposed to Parish School (mixed), built about 1852, & enlarged in have covered a statue of the Virgin Mary, to whom the 18g1, for 70 children; average attendance·, 36; it has a church is dedicated: the communion plate dates from yearly sum of £7, arising from a bequest of William the reign of Queen Anne: there are about 200 sittings, Love, of Rushden, in 1815; Miss Ellen Harper, mistress Me.tthews Rev. James Bolomey M.A. Cannon Benj. farmer, Southend green Stow Thomas, shopkeeper, Church end Vicarage, Southend green Dudley Edwin, frmr. Cumberlow grn Wright Julius, Moon & Stars P.H.; Metcalfe Mrs. Julians l"ielrl Georg-e, blacksmith, Mill end & carpenter cOMMERCIAL. Kitchiner Thomas, frmr. Church end Wright Waiter, farmer, Wood 111rm Barnes James, beer ret. Church end Sale George, carpenter, Southend grn Wright Wm. jun. shpkpr. Church end SACOM:QE is a scattered v]1age and parish, 4 miles ton, ob. 1537, and to her husband, ob. 1544: the church north-west from Ware station on the Great Eastern rail- plate includes a chalice of 1628 and a flagon of 1637: way, 4 north from Hertford stations on the Great there are about roo sittings, all being free. The regis­ Eastern and Great Northern railways, in the Northern ter dates only from the year 1726, and is in a very poor division of the county, Broadwater hundred, Stevenage condition. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £rg8. petty sessional division, Hertford union and county court w~th 8 acres of glebe, and residence, in the gift district and in the rural deanery of Welwyn and arch- of the trustees of the late Abel Smith i!sq. M.P. deaconry and diocese of St. .Albans. The church of St. and held since 1889 by the Rev. Henry Matthe11' Catherine, entirely restored in r855-6, at the cost of Abel West M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The great tithes Smith esq. of Woodhall Park, is a small edifice of flint were commuted at £335· The pa.rish clerk of Sacomb& with stone dressings, in the Decorated style, and consists for the time being is possessed of 3r. 26p. of land, pro­ of chancel, nave, south porch, above which is an organ ducing an annual rent of ss. There is a charity of £7 loft, and an embattled tower at the south-west angle yearly value, arising from a rent-charge on sa. 3r. 3op. containing 3 bells, dated respectively 1722, 1578 and land in the village, purchased with a bequest of £xoo, 1683: in the chancel are two sedilia and a piscina: on left in r669 by the Rev. John Mer1ton, a former rector, the north side of the chancel is a marhle monument by which sums are applied tu apprenticing poor boys and Michael Rysbrack, adorned with military trophies, to girls born in the parish. Sacombe Park, the residence of Thomas Rolt esq. of Sacomb Park, capt. in the Guards, Samuel George Smith esq. is the property of the trustees who fell in action near St. Cas, in Brittany, II Sept. of the late Abel Smith esq. M.P. of Woodall Park (d. 1758: in the vestry, iormerly a chapPl. is a memorial to r8g8), who ftl'e lords of the manor and sole landowners; Sir Thomas Rolt kt. and Mary his wife, 1710-16: there the park is about 150 acres in extent. The soil is of a ·are brass inscriptions to Eleanor, wife of John Dodyng- mixei description and produces good crops of wheat, oats .
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