ittMSKafW^Hm^irm *4< '»fimmmmmf» am »i«inpH>P<iil i .j^ Thufday, Dacambtr 24, 1987 Pag* 2-B Th« E«gl> L«k*. T»K«t. H>«dllghl Chriilw Edition Thursday, Dtc«mb*r 24, 1987 Pag* »'B Dear Santa, you to bring nie a doll and some Dear Santa, From you frind Happy Christmas Santa Cluas. I Billy Ferguson skates. I would like tor you to bring I want a play gun, a car, a drum, a / will want a doll for Cnstmas. I will my little sister a dog. teddy bear, a guitar, a mo-control | like to see your deer. Please come to Dear Santa, Unto you is born... a Savior.. Christ the Lord. Love, Natalie Tillman Joy to the World truck, a thundeaat, a motorcycle. I ^ see mc in scool. I love you because I would like a porsche a blue jean By Rev. Charles C. Miller Jr., gested that even Santa needs a Savior. 'B«stVU1ies Dear Santa, want these things because I have been you are nice to children. And you jacket and OP shirt and panLs. A sega him Sinter Klaas; and when the Dutch By Rev. J. Melburn Sibley Jr., good. , pastor of First The angels' message to those Bethle­ 1 have been good this year. Please bring us lots of presents. master system and my own TV and came to America, their Sinter Klaas Vic & Dorothy hi^ek wish pastor of First Baptist Church Presbyterian Church hem shepherds recorded by Luke, is bring me some new toys. I would like Love, Sylvestre Have a Happy Cristmas, Santa VCR wald be gcxxi to have. became our Santa Claus. What is the most important thing in life to you? is it a desire for As Christmastime has heated up - for Santa as well: "Unto you (Sanu) is The Saint's love of giving came It'l tka MMMI }y'Ou a Merr^ & Blessed to have a sccx)ter Please bring ttiy Dear Santa, Cluas. Your frend happiness? Without question, G(xi wants you to be happy, tnily happy. often as early now as Halloween - I o<xn a Savior, Chnst the Lord." from his acquaintarKe with Christ grandmother ba^k trom Florida. 1 I want a cabbage patch kind. I want Nicole Joshua v^' Christmas... For some, happiness is conditioned on circumstances. In the Chris­ have watched Santa Claus proliferate. Ron and Lyn Klug, in a new I'm sure that when Santa's constant want a doll for my sister, Andrea. a Barbie doll. I want some stickers. I i Dear Santa, tian faith we leam that happiness can be present even when there are Dear Santa, Santa personifies giving, stimulates Lhristmas Family Christmas giving depletes him, even now, he is and sa^ Thank You for Love, Daniel Navia was so gocxi at shool. I made a 100.1 Santa Claus I want a dall for circumstances of adversity. How are you with your elfs, giving, often does the giving. His fig­ Book (Augsburg '87) give a shon reminded of his need for a Savior, In was so nice. } Christmas The kind of dall 1 want is Royal Your Patronage Dear Santa, Thai first Chnstmas the angels announced, "Behold I bring you Christmas is a good time, 1 like the ure is in every store, in ccxintless and charming history of Santa Claus. that love, Santa's love of giving is Jem. Bring toys toall the boys andgirl. How are you.' I love you. Please good tiding of great joy, which shall be to all people." Lk. 2:10b Love Latashia ,< toys and the candy. I want a rabbit for conmiercials, on nearly every door­ They trace Sanu's origin to a Church rekindled. Cleaners .Vic's TV & Radio bring me a Baby Heather and a pogo in many ways Gtxl brings us happiness. Dear Santa, Christmas Christma is around the And bring me present. step, in every child's imagination. Bishop in the 3rd century in Turkey, If Santa needs a Savior, so do we Clara Vanessa. hall. 1 wiKild like tor Mom to have a Happiness requires a sense of well-being. God's love shows us how I want a gotcha game, and a start word. I am eight years old. Santa becomes almost god-like! near Nicholas. From there St. Nicho­ Let Christ rekindle your love this Tiny, Inez & Laura Nada Grocery & vase. Plea.se bring Sonya a Cabbage impi'rtani we are to Him. Nothing builds our self-esteem like having button and a mo-control airplane. I Your friend Dear Santa, 1 was, therefore, struck the other las' fame spread into a number of Christmas and make your giving both Patch Kid. someone else love us. Ethel Waters used to say, "Gixl didn't make no want these things because I like toys. Gabriel (iutierre/ my name is Frances Mrkwa and 1 day to run across something that sug- countries. Children in Holland called loving and joyful! Market Love, Tarrena Fields factory seconds." Love, Dale Eagle Lake Texas 77434 would like a pair of skates for Christ­ Vic & Dorothy Hyek & Family Happiness comes by forgiveness of sin. The pain of guilt can give Dear Santa, Dear Santa, < Dear Santa, mas. And I would like you to give all way to the joy of forgiveness and a new life in Christ. the children a present. And how are 1 have been a gixxl boy this year. I would like a Cabbage Patch. I I want have two kinds of remot Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Happiness comes as our hearts are filled with love. We leam love your raindeer and elves doing? And How are you doing down ther Vb'>'*^*.>«>«>**'.«^'<^««^«',-,'W&1 Please bnng my sister a new ring. I would like a Barbie. I would like a ' control cars. And I will try real hard to I am trying to be good. Please bring I like you very much. At home 1 from Cnxi. "For Gixi so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten how are you doing Santa. Sant? Are Santa? How are the reindeer doing? 1 would like tor my grandma to have a Organ. I would like a radio. I would '' be a good boy. and hope you can give me a doll. Thank you. have been gcxxi. I wish you a merry Son. that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have you ready for Christmas? and is have been very gcxxi. 1 went a Nien­ new car. My grandfather needs a new like a Computer, I would like a tele- ' me my toys that I want. Your friend, Christmas. 1 can't wait until Christ­ everlasting life," John 3:16. Love must push out ill-will if there is to be Rudolph ready for Chrisunas? tendo a carviclges like kingFu, duck fence. Bring a big big robot to help me phone. I want these things because I love you, Jennifer Navarro mas. I wish I had a tasty bake oven and happiness. Love Frances Mrkwa Hunt, pro wrestling. Match Raider, with .my homework. Santa, please been good. my name is, Fulton a Teddy Ruxpin. liappiness comes as G(xl calls us to service and we experience the Hogan's Alley, Pac Man watch. Dear Santa, bring me a new daddy to play with me. Dear Santa, Love, joy o'i serv ing. We are happy when our lives are on target with the will Love, Tiffany Dear Santa, How are you doing 1 am u-ying be good. Please bring Merry Christmas I I love you. 1 hop your raindeers are ok. Be your friend Danielle of God. The more sacrificially we give and serve, the deeper our lives Dear Santa, at the North pole. In Eagle Lake 1 am Clint me a bike. Love, Michael Arthur cureful through the snow. I wish I had and greater our joy. God lets us be humanity's helpers in the name of doing find. I want a doll that talks to Your friend, I want candy Land I want a radio. "' a go cart. Do you realy have rudolph (Continued on Next Page) Dear Santa, Jesus. me Santa, and a Barbie. I will be a Dear Santa Claus, Lupe I want a bike. I want a Barbie ice ' the red nose Raindee. ' mm How are you? Please bring me a good girl and not cry at all Santa. 1 am trying to be good. Please bring Yes, God wants us to be happy. Happiness is found in knowing ^ W( hop* your cream set. I want these things because . Dear Santa Claus, pogo ball. I love you. Please bring Santa are you coming to town, yes or Patrick Pennington me a dinosaur. 1 Love you - 4\ « I Chrittmai ii liUtd Christ as Savior and by submitting to Him as lx)rd. "Joy to the world, 1 like them. I am trying to be good. Plea.se bring Mom some new clothes. My dad Your friend, the Uird has comel" Love, Natalie Noska > no Santa will you give me a play doll. Dear Mr. Santa, me a Misfits. I Love you. * ^ Wl^> **'*** '"**' warmth would like to have new boots for Thomas Marsalia '^'-^k IT' and happinaii. Kbur Love, Amy I want a gocart. I aslo want a bike. Your best friend, w\xk. Mrs. Lamkin's Class I want all the pcxjr children to have a Dear Santa Claus, 4C %m^r^ JET continuing patron- me a red bike and a dog. want to forget you. Please bring me a Dear Santa, -^ Dear Santa, Aracely Montiel ^*' ^ ag* hai mada this Love, Joseph Rodriguez Merry Merry Christmas.
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