ÑContra MundumÑ Volume VI, Issue 7 February 2004 The Congregation of St. Athanasius A Congregation of the Pastoral Provision of Pope John Paul II for the Anglican Usage of the Roman Rite http://www.locutor.net February 2nd. NOTES THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE, or FROM THE THE PURIFICATION of CHAPLAIN SAINT MARY THE VIRGIN COMMONLY CALLED CANDLEMAS DAY PHIPHANY means manifesta- Blessing of Candles, Procession, Etion, and the three great mani- and Solemn Mass 7:30pm festations or first revealings of Christ The feast falls on a Monday this are those to the Wise Men, at the year. The Mass begins with the tradi- tional blessing of candles in the pavilion, Baptism of Jesus, and at the first and procession into the main church. miracle at the Cana wedding feast. You may bring unused household But all during the Epiphany season candles for blessing. Be sure they are we have at Mass revealings of Who wrapped and have your name on them. Christ is, and in one of those inci- The parking lot is well-lit, kept clear dences the manifestation came as an of snow, and the pavilion is handicap accessible, as is the church. outcome of the healing of a leper. It says that great crowds followed Je- finished the work which Thou gavest places will be but a single character- sus and that He withdrew to a lonely Me to do.” Christ’s prayer was the istic of our life lived for God. place to pray. fellowship of His commissioned life FATHER BRADFORD Here is a manifestation of Christ: with and from the Father. in prayer. The daily life of Our Lord There is a union of work and was overcrowded. Can you imagine prayer in Christ’s life. The two are SHORT NOTES being His appointments’ secretary? not rivals. Each is fellowship with The disciples could hardly keep up the Father. Jesus passed from one There was an Anglican Use Mass with their Master. We get that im- to the other and back again, easily. celebrated in Whitestone, N.Y. with pression in many places reading the Work prayed out, and prayer lived, the permission of the Bishop of gospels. But Jesus, Whose life was seamlessly. So Christ’s prayer was Brooklyn, on January 4th. Father a commission from the Father, must the manifestation of the will of God Joseph Wilson was celebrant and have time for prayer. His prayer is to One Whose life had been given preacher. Another will be celebrated His appreciation of His Incarnate to God to do His will in everything. on March 21st at 3pm in the Spring- Life as doing the Father’s will. Seeing the life of Christ manifested field, Mass., cathedral chapel by Fr. this way in prayer, let us resolve to At the beginning of that life Jesus George Greenway. Father Bradford follow Jesus and bring our prayer once said “wist ye not that I must be will preach. in My Father’s House?” And at the life more to bear upon daily life, so near end of that life He said “I have that our time in solitude and in public Page 46 Contra Mundum $2875 has been collected as our F.M.S., Wilfred Veldkamp, Bob and contribution towards the publishing Gloria Molloy, Rita Strow, Philip cost of The Book of Divine Worship. Crotty, and Deacon Michael Con- The book is now available for pur- nolly. chase, at $25.00 plus postage and There will be a memorial Mass handling. The book is a hardback edi- for Stephen Molloy on Saturday, tion of 1000 pages. You may obtain February 7th in the convent chapel. a copy by sending a check payable to “Our Lady’s Dowry” in the amount of $30.00 ($25.00 plus $5.00 packing and shipping) to: Ash Wednesday is the First SAINT OF THE Our Lady of the Atonement Day of Lent. Roman Catholic Church MONTH 15415 Red Robin Road, This year it falls on February San Antonio, Texas 78255 25th. Brenda Bubeck is home now All Catholics will want to be convalescing from year-end sur- in Church on this day as part gery. Cards would be welcomed. of their Lenten observance. Brenda and Don Bubeck live at 54 You may attend any Catholic Haverhill Street, Apt 3F, Brockton, service. the Anglican Use MA 02301. Mass will be in the Convetnt Father Bradford will say Mass chapel at 7:30pm. for and then speak to the Holy Name Sodality on February 23rd. You may Jones’ interesting conversion story obtain details from Marie Fox at 617- reprinted in the January/February 323-3558. 2004 edition of The Catholic An- Many thanks to Fr. James swer. Fr. Jones had kindly written it O’Driscoll and Deacon Michael Con- out for our parish paper’s Septem- nolly for assisting Father Bradford at ber, 2003 edition. Our readers will the Solemn Mass on the Feast of know The Catholic Answer as a fine the Epiphany, and to Msgr. William magazine. Helmick for use of the St. Theresa of CYRIL (826-869) In our February, 2000 parish Ávila Chapel that evening. Marcia AND METHODIUS (815-885) paper it was noted that the New Rand provided us with a lovely cake Feast 14 February Year’s Day Mass had been well at- and reception afterwards. tended. That was true in 2004 as HESE two brothers, sons of Save the date: June 13th, Corpus well. Something brings our people Ta distinguished Greek family, Christi, for Fr. James O’Driscoll’s out on New Year’s Day morning, and both became monks and were sent celebration of his 25th ordination we’re glad of it! as missionaries into Moravia (now anniversary. We’ll be invited. He Czechoslovakia) in 863. Hence they Future dates for Evensong & is parochial vicar of St. Clement’s came to be known as the Apostles of Benediction: April 18 and June 6, Church, Somerville, and a long-time the Slavs. in the St. Theresa of Ávila Chapel, friend of ours. Sundays at 5:00pm. The brothers had gone to Bring palms for burning, Febru- Constantinople shortly after This year’s readers at Christmas ary 15-22, for use on Ash Wednes- becoming priests, and the younger Lessons and Carols were David Burt, day. was a librarian at the great religious Marcia Rand, Bro. Jerry Dowsky, We were glad to see Fr. Carleton foundation of Santa Sofia. The Contra Mundum Page 47 Emperor sent them into Moravia Pope John Paul II nominated Cyril see no mere man was fighting, it was at the request of the local ruler, and Methodius as joint patrons of God fighting in man.” Rostislav, who was dissatisfied with Europe together with St. Benedict. Reprinted from Magnificat, Feb. 2003, Vol. 4, No. the missionaries currently at work 13, Page 177 With permission of Magnificat® USA, LLC, Dunwoodie - 201 Seminary Avenue, there. These were Germans, and THE BRITISH MARTYRS Yonkers, New York 10704 or Web site: www. were not teaching in the vernacular. magnificat.net. All rights reserved. In preparation for their work Cyril VER the years 200 men and BLESSEDS WILLIAM SPENS- invented an alphabet and, with the Owomen have been beatified for ER AND ROBERT HARDESTY help of Methodius, translated the their heroic witness to the Catholic Martyrs († 1589) Gospels and the necessary liturgical Faith in the British Isles during and after the Protestant Reformation. While studying at Oxford Univer- books into Slavonic. Once arrived, sity, William Spenser, of Yorkshire, impact was immediate and great. Here we continue brief mention of some of these individual martyrs. England, was not yet a Catholic Rivalry with the Germans already himself, but he was already trying there was inevitable; the German to persuade other students to enter bishops refused to recognize their BLESSED JOHN NUTTER the Church. William subsequently followers, so they were forced back Priest and Martyr (†1584) embraced the Catholic faith while toward Byzantium. An Oxford student, John Nut- residing in Rheims, France. After When they arrived in Venice ter, of Reedley Hallows, England, being ordained to the priesthood, on the way home they found journeyed to Reims, France, to study he returned to England. Coming to themselves enmired in the Photian for the priesthood with his brother, his parents disguised as a laborer, schism. The pope sent for them and (Blessed) Robert Nutter. Ordained he succeeded in converting them they brought with them to Rome in 1582, Father John Nutter and two also to the Catholic faith. He would the relics of St. Clement, one of the other priests boarded a ship headed regularly visit the Catholic prisoners early popes. Arriving in Rome they for northern England. However, the at York Castle to instruct them and were received with great honor. vessel ran aground near the more administer to them the sacraments. Cyril became a monk, but died southern English port of Dunwich. He was captured by the Elizabethan soon afterwards. He is buried in the The discovery of Catholic books authorities and sentenced to death Church of Saint Clement where an and Mass supplies hidden in bales for being a priest. Arrested together ancient fresco depicts his funeral. on the ship led to the arrest of the with Father Spenser was a young Bereaved and alone, the older three priests by the Elizabethan man named Robert Hardesty. He brother Methodius was consecrated authorities. During his imprison- was condemned to death for help- an Archbishop and sent back to ment, Father Nutter exercised his ing Father Spenser and the Catholic Moravia. There again the Germans priesthood in bringing a number of prisoners in York Castle.
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