OCTOBER 1958 Paris Opera House October, 1858 PHILlDOR'S 100 YEARS Paul Morphy Duke of Brunswick AGO and Count Isouard THIS MONTH White Black 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 N-KB3 P-Q3 10 NxP PxN 3 P-Q4 B-N5 1 1 BxNPch QN-Q2 4 PxP BxN 12 0-0-0 R-Q1 5 QxB PxP 13 RxN RxR 6 B-QB4 N-KB3 14 R-Q1 Q-K3 7 Q-QN3 Q-K2 15 BxRch NxB 8 N-B3 P-B3 16 Q-N8ch NxQ 9 B-KN5 P-N4 17 R-Q8 mate 50 CENTS S .. o:loscription Rate ONE YEAR $5.50 1 WhIte to move and win 2 White to move and win F l'om what we lmow of It, Presumably, Blacl, here has "SOME SPEAK OF ALEXANDER" the rlrst man o n the moon pUt ti l) a s tout fight, taken wo n't have any trouble lak· his ton like Leonidas at The great heroes or antiquity did not play chess, and we'll Ing tha t "wor ld "' o\'er pro· Ther mopyla.e. But his K lnS never know how great they could have been at It. But Joe \'Ided he has the equipment is in JUSt as tight a pa ss Patzel' can riva l Hector. and John Q. i\tcDurter, Lysander, with w h ieh to land on it . and about to ~e cut off. It ea ch by h l!~ conquests of his own little world of t he chess­ H is A leXlindrian qualities Is up to you to see how 10 boat'd. Here lue ten snch worlds for you to ta ke. Score 10 : wilL consist mO$tly in a billty do It. It takes one .sharp " More worlds to conquer! " - score 8: YOIl held Troy fo r to a lTlve and disembark maneuver to seal t he [HI es 10 yean - score 6: you crushed the A thenians, For answers, sllfely. rO\1 have that equip· and exterminate Black. Ca n see page 319. ment here. Land ou Black! you pull a Xet'xes? 3 White to move and win <I White to move and win 5 Blaek to move and win 6 Black to move and wi n H ere your foreea out-posi­ H ere WhIte Is temporarBy Tho\lgh we!! lIdn\nced h ere, Hel'e Black faces impos ing tlon those of 'lliack, but at least a piece ahead, for a the Dlaek rorc{'$ al)[)ea r to odds and can hardly resort hardl y more than the Greeks Pawn. And a piece up makes be too llealtered to be er· to fl ight. B ut then so dId d id the Trojan$. And, In ap­ even MoDtlffel' a H ercn les o ( fectl\·e. T he d lSOI'ga nized ar· Edward the Black P ri nce o n pearance a t least. Black's t h~ ch essboard. Still and all, ray Is re m Iniscent of that of the mom of t he baule o f defenses seem as strong as H ercules hlmseU had to de­ Willia m t he Conqueror when Po lliers. Yet, by das h and t he walls ot T roy. Can YOII vise by brain powt'r how to s im ulatIng flight aftel' o l i n· d e\'el' plannIng, he routed emulate U lysses anti find a l1t ill~e h is bru te power e[· Iy preSSi ng t he Saxon shield· [he F rench and act ually r ll se by w hich to fo rce open tec t!v el~' In order to clean wall at ~ i<\8t!ngs. Can YOlI ('U Il[Ul" Nl the F rencl} King the gale ? Even though you out the A\lgean stables. l! pot the CO\I\l lhat ,-rac ks J ohn : Yon hal'e t.he chance have no "hol'se" ? What is yoU!' de vice here? the "' pur ~ l1ln g " ,"Vhite force? for as ('hi\'alri [" a v idol·Y. i' White t o move and win C White to move and win 9 Wh ite to move and win 10 Black to move and Win In chess, thel'e are no truly It took something like the If Nnpoleon I:ould thlnll: out Bu t. or ~ ll the rest, t here Pynhlc \'lctorles. H umani· ac me both of precision tim· the complexities or the c am­ is ne nE' that can compare, tariHIl no r l'ealisUc consid· Ing a nd o f coolne!;!; undel' paigns of A Us ter lil2; a nd or .~ o t he song goe.s. wit h the e rations mlli LA te aga inst tire ( Of CushIng to torpedo Wagra n) and t" llow up with " tun ly s el r·sacrificp a nd 'em. It Is s u rflclent to have t he Albemarle. as well a,; the s mas h ing tactics of l he firm ly discIplined "(jmH'e of reduced the Homans to long and well·thoug ht -out ac t na l cllrD actic baules, you [hE' Ur itis h Grena lii('r. Emu· night today; and t he mor e prepa l·atlons. The latter has have some t bl ng comparable la te h im now and ~Iage one Pynhlc l he more deliric ! been done for you. Now, In here on the chess board. finAl Waterloo. for a 10 So h ere you can (you guess­ the mouth of Black's eight­ Wag yom' ram and unmes!! I'oln( .~core . TakE' :1 away. ed it:) stage your Asculum inch gun. can you trigger the denouement on('" hero: It'.s all your;:. And - if you knoll' how, that is. the Intl'leale torpedo? agaIn, If you can see ho\\': you can reason \\" il y. JUSt Il"Y. CHESS REVIEW riff ,.,nll.' eMUS MAOAZIH' ' V o ~ume 26 Number 10 EDI T E.D &. PUBLISH E D B Y I. A. H orow itz WHAT T HE HECK ! "ieh. the arc h hypermodern. "An Ingenl· )Iay I submil a relluesl? How abom Oil S Example o f .My System." p, 10·1. TABLE OF CONTENTS an artic le of eXI)lanat ion about the Hy· AI))·il. 195 1. o n. we ha"e discussed the perUlode r ns? All the chess books men· s ubject with SOIU ..., illuminati ng (we FEA T U RES tlon "Hypermoderns hated dull rou tine," thought) comments, includi ng mention· Fancy F light s in t he T wo Knights 306 or "Richard Ret! was it hype rlllodern."· ing t he bac kward Queen P;\wn of Na} Happeni ngs a t Port o roz ___ __ ______ 314 That jusl abont s ums liP my knowledge: dorf a nd BOleSli\"sk y Defenses as extra· How t o Win in the End.game ______ 302 ['m s ure thal Ill y ignorance is s hared by polatlons by "ultra·hypermode rns." Sec· oml. though Hell's ")Iasters of the Che ss Lad from Ne w Orleans __________ __ 296 many o ther r eadel·s. )[ ay J s uggest a Simple Ch ess ___ . ___ ____ ______ ____ 304 lion· tec hnical artic le on the subject to Board" is often but lempor<lt'ily ou l of include the following: print. we thought all contellll)orary ("hess· W anted : Chess Volunteers __ _____ _ 290 a) History of t he mo,'ement and per· playe rs knew the It! n et~ to ,I T. H no t, sonalities concerned: see ")laste rs ."· pe rhaps the beSl book DEPART MENTS b) Dasic theot·les. ideas and c hanges for unlierstanding the development of C hess Caviar • __ • ___ ______ __ __ 295, 319 from the old ideas: c hess. <Ind. of courtie. Nilllzo\'ich's Cas Chess C lub Direct o ry ___ _ _____ ___ __ 294 c) A n annotated "classic" game I n Ca pit al o f l he school. ".\Iy SyS1em " and Ga m es from Recent Events __ '__ __ _ 308 which the hypermodern tackles one of his "'Chess Praxis," lHustnlti,'e examples Misce ll a nea __ ____ __ ____ _ • 298, 307, 316 "tbe old schoo]"'.- of His S ystem. P ast Ma s t e rp ieces ____ ___ __ ___ ___ __ 299 d ) Present status of hypermoderns. W e'd say for now that what was good Postal Ch ess __ _________ • _____ __ ___ 316 Is the UlO"ement passee? O r' al'e we a ll in "hypermoliernism"' has been absorbed. Problemart __ _____________________ 290 hYilermodel"llS'? Or what the heck? The ~!J'. Nether'la nd ~ m ay be using it Solitai re Chess __ __ _____ __ __ _____ _ 307 R. M . Nether la nd without knowing so. 13ut. espec la!ly when P e ns acola, F lorida Spotlight on Ope nings ____ ________ 300 ouU"ight hooting ,It Nilllzodch subsided, • T he only game 1 hal'e seen doesn't the hYI)el"!lloilenrists with no one to ("Olll' T ournamen t Calendar _____ __ ______ 29 5 fit the bill. I refer to I ~m . Lasker- Reti bal soon ceased to be dislint\"llishabie as W orld of Chess __ ____ ___________ __ 291 of 192·1. wherein the former 1i (" ked the a "school." It may now be. howeve r. a s hypermodern pants off the latter in a il cel"lainly will be some lime. worth­ tired o ld Prench Defe nse.
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