Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.27.4.194 on 1 December 1951. Downloaded from A CASE FOR DIAGNOSIS WITH A NOTE ON INFANTILE CORTICAL HYPEROSTOSIS (CAFFEY'S SYNDROME)* BY E. M. C. DUNLOP - From the Whitechapel Clinic, London copyright. 1@>v;iil'ill,',ll!X'. 1.~~~~~~~~~~~W http://sti.bmj.com/ :>1 , ' ..~~~~~~~A on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected I t.KAt} alli)\N 11t' |nt 1)I Ii II CI IK Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.27.4.194 on 1 December 1951. Downloaded from INFANTILE CORTICAL HYPEROSTOSIS 195 copyright. http://sti.bmj.com/ on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected ;- I FIG. 2.-,X-ray photograph of legs, September 12, 1949, showing periosteal reaction at 8 weeks. Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.27.4.194 on 1 December 1951. Downloaded from 196 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES SERUM BABY .EC)TS MOTHER N N 7 N D ) .-i -.-r.-.. T 7'77D3AY5- FPROCA NE PFeNE 6 6 mr5 4 B - 4 p t t O AN F: (t 4 !2 BSM TH C. 7>.ESS .... .. \MY k, Q4` r.) $ 7 A t 4 t. .... ... ..L . : .' 7 JAN MvX A I - . LJ .AAR.,. - 'i 4 '.' - e -) 11. copyright. FIG 3.-Treatment of mother and results of successive serum tests in mother and baby unmarried at the time of enquiry and 23 years of pregnant. She was given 600,000 units of procaine age. Between October, 1945, and May, 1947, she penicillin by intramuscular injection on January had been treated with five courses of '914' and 5; this injection was repeated each day (except bismuth in a corrective training institution. Precise January 11) until January 16-a total dosage of details of her treatment were not available. The 6,600,000 units. On January 18 she was given blood Wassermann reaction had been " strongly arsphenamine diglucoside 0-3 g. intravenously and http://sti.bmj.com/ positive" initially, but was negative by May, 1947. bismuth 0-2 g. intramuscularly. On January 24 She then attended another hospital where the blood and 31 she was given 0 45 g. arsphenamine diglu- Wassermann reaction was negative on October 8, coside and 0-2 g. bismuth. She then defaulted. 1947, and January 1, 1948. On March 4 the patient attended again and was On May 27, 1948, the blood Wassermann reaction given 0-45 g. arsphenamine diglucoside and 0-2 g. (WR) was positive. A further specimen tested at bismuth. the Medical Research Council Laboratory gave She then defaulted until April 20 when she was on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected the following result: started on a course of procaine penicillin, 600,000 Quantitative Wassermann reaction units daily for 8 days to a total of 4,800,000 units. Positive 1 in 20 dilution. The blood WR was negative on May 9 and on Price precipitation reaction (P.P.R.) .. 0 units. July 15 the patient gave birth to an apparently full- Kahn reaction .. .. .. .. Negative. term male child. The. WR of the cord blood was These suggested that the reaction might be a negative and that of the uterine blood was reported biological false positive. On July 22, the blood as " doubtful ". The Kahn test was negative in WR was negative and a further specimen, examined both specimens. at the Medical Research Council Laboratory, gave On July 25 the patient left hospital and subse- negative results with the WR, P.P.R., and Kahn test. quently refused any further tests or examination. On December 15 and 30, the blood WR was Information about her son, and interviews at this reported as " doubtful ". Examination on the and at another hospital, did nothing to change her latter date showed her to be about 2 months attitude. Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.27.4.194 on 1 December 1951. Downloaded from INFANTILE CORTICAL HYPEROSTOSIS 197 Discussion examination. The estimate that pregnancy was 2 It is clear that the periostitis could be a mani- months advanced at the end of December suggests festation of active syphilis, or a residuum of the that this was a 37-week pregnancy. There was no disease, or of non-specific origin. The treatment other clinical evidence of prematurity and the with penicillin late in pregnancy and the baby's birthweight was 6 lb. 6 oz. negative blood WR made an active lesion less In view of this evidence and of the considerable likely, as did the fact that there was no clinical and changes present on x-ray examination, prematurity no other radiological evidence suggesting syphilis. appeared a most unlikely cause. Between January 31 and April 20 the patient had It has been suggested that the diagnosis was one been living in a house of ill repute, and during this of infantile cortical hyperostosis. -time she had received only one injection of arsenic .and one of bismuth. Relapse during this period, Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (Caffey's Syn- or re-infection in the earlier part of it, could have drome).-Caffey and Silverman (1945) described a caused foetal periostitis. The penicillin in April clinical syndrome to which they gave the name could then have cured the maternal and foetal " infantile cortical hyperostosis ". Since that time syphilis, leaving the residual but healing periostitis the condition has been recognized in infants of to show on x-ray examination 5 months later. The many races. An analysis of 42 case reports which -time intervals are such as to make this an unlikely have appeared in the literature gives the following but possible explanation. The absence of osteo- picture. The disease is one of early infancy, 80 chondritis, which usually accompanies an actively per cent. of cases having been recognized within progressing syphilitic periostitis at this early stage, the first 4 months of life: Berkheiser (1949) has is a point in favour of a non-specific cause; spon- reported a case where the condition dated from -taneous regression may leave periostitis as a bone birth; Smyth, Potter, and Silverman (1946) report change in untreated syphilis but this is not common another where the onset occurred as late as 21 at the age of 8 weeks. months of age, but Caffey (1950) has expressed the There was no positive evidence to suggest that belief that the condition in older infants is a separate the periostitis was of non-specific origin. There entity resulting from excessive intake of vitamin A. copyright. -was a history of diarrhoea at the first attendance, Sex.-The condition has been found more often in but this had been transient, lasting less than a week ; males than females; study of the literature shows 28 the baby was well nourished and there was no case reports of male children to only fourteen females. *evidence to suggest vitamin C deficiency as a cause. " Periostitis " due to excessive intake of vitamin General Health.-The affected infants were in most A cases apparently healthy, although upper respiratory is unknown in a child of this age, for the over- tract infections had been associated in ten patients (24 dosage required is very great and must be prolonged per cent.). for at least 6 months (Caffey, 1950). Extensive callus formation, without evidence of Soft TissueSwelling.-In mostcases a swelling developed http://sti.bmj.com/ fracture, has been described in patients with osteo- suddenly over a bone, usually the lower jaw or a limb: mandibular swelling occurred in 25 cases (60 per cent.) genesis imperfecta; Brailsford (1943) ascribed such giving rise to a characteristic " heavy" facies, and limbs changes to coincident scurvy. Fairbank and were swollen in 26 (63 per cent.); in only one patient out Baker (1948) described seven similar cases but of the 42 reviewed was there no swelling at either of these considered that scurvy played no part in the sites. This patient was aged 19 months and was later condition. The clinical picture which they des- thought by Caffey (1950) to have suffered from a different cribed and the shadows of exuberant callus found syndrome due to an excessive intake of vitamin A. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected on x-ray examination of their patients appear Swellings occurred less often at other sites, one or both quite distinct from those of the patient under clavicles being affected in six patients and the scapula in review. two, while in single cases the ribs, pelvis, and parietal and occipital -bones were affected. The swellings were Hospital records show that the child was mildly usually tender, deep-seated, firm, and poorly outlined; jaundiced 3 days after birth, but the condition had they showed no increased warmth to the touch nor cleared by the tenth day of life. This was, in any redness of the overlying skin. Pain or irritability case, the mother's first pregnancy and the baby was occurred in 36 patients and was often severe; in only otherwise healthy. In retrospect, the jaundice four patients were the swellings found to be painless. would appear to have been physiological and X-Ray Appearances.-Examination showed external could not be correlated with the gross generalized thickening of the corticalis; this underlay the soft periosteal change discovered later. tissue swellings and, in nearly all cases, was found to The rapid growth of a premature infant may give affect clinically normal bones as well. There was rise to the appearance of " periostitis " on x-ray involvement of long bones of the extremities in 31 out of Br J Vener Dis: first published as 10.1136/sti.27.4.194 on 1 December 1951.
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