PREPARATION OF FISH SCALES AS BIOSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER SOURCE FROM R.S.MANGALAM AREA (Ramanathapuram Dt) Dissertation submitted inGovernment Arts college, Paramakudi Affiliated to Alagappa University, Karaikudi in partial fulfilment of the requirement MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY Submitted by: G.SARAVANAN Reg.No:1416316023 Under the guidance and supervision of Dr. K.R.T.ASHA M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., DEPARTMENT OF BIO CHEMISTRY GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE PARAMAKUDI - 623701. APRIL-2018 Dr. K.R.T.ASHA M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head of the Department, Department of Bio-Chemistry, Government Arts College, Paramakudi – 623701 Email: [email protected] CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this dissertation entitled “PREPARATION OF FISH SCALES AS BIOSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER SOURCE FROM R.S.MANGALAM AREA (Ramanathapuram Dt)’’ Submitted by G.SARAVANAN (Reg.no:1416316023)in partial fulfilment of the MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY carried out by his under my guidance and supervision in the Department of Biochemistry, Government Arts College, Paramakudi. During the period of his study in the academic year 2016-2018. It is further certified that this dissertation or any part there of has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree. Dr. K.R.T ASHA Dr. K.R.T.ASHA Head of the department Project Guide Principal Dr. K.R.T.ASHA M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head of the Department, Department of Bio-Chemistry, Government Arts College, Paramakudi – 623701 Email: [email protected] CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this dissertation entitled “PREPARATION OF FISH SCALES AS BIOSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER SOURCE FROM R.S.MANGALAM AREA (RamanathapuramDt)’’ Submitted by G.SARAVANAN (Reg.no:1416316023) in partial fulfilment of the MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY carried out by his under my guidance and supervision in the Department of Biochemistry, Government Arts College, Paramakudi. During the period of his study in the academic year 2016-2018. It is further certified that this dissertation or any part there of has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree. Signature of the Candidate Signature of the Guide Signature of Head of Department Signature of the External Examiner Principal DECLARATION I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge and belief the dissertation entitled “PREPARATION OF FISH SCALES AS BIOSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER SOURCE FROM R.S.MANGALAM AREA (Ramanathapuram Dt)” is the result of a study originally carried out by me under the guidance of theDr. K.R.T.ASHA M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry, Government Arts College, Paramakudi, Affiliated to Alagappa University , Karaikudi in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry. I further declare that this project or any part therefore has not been submitted in this University or elsewhere for any other degree or diploma. Place: Paramakudi (SARAVANAN.G) Date: Signature of the student . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With great fear & awe being filled and flown in my heart, soul, body, mind and spirit. I thank god – the creator of every being of the world for having showered his blessing and abundant grace upon me to complete the project successfully. “A Leader is the one who knows goes and shows of the way” Director of all efforts with proper counselling makes one to be successful. My sincere thanks to my guide Dr. K.R.T.ASHA M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head of the department, Department of Biochemistry, Government Arts College, Paramakudi, who is tireless in directing effort to set the objective in a novel away. I express my sincere thanks to Dr. M. MANIMARAN M.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Principal, students affairs, Government arts collage Paramakudi, for giving me this opportunity and encouragement. “A good teacher is a good learner” In sincerely thanks to Mrs. V. Velvizhi M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Mr. M. Muneeswaran M.Sc., M.Phil., Mrs. K.Kavitha M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., M.PorkodiM.sc., M.Phil., Ms.K.Santha M.Sc., B.Ed. Mr. T. ShanmugaSundaramM.Sc, Mr. M. NatarajaPrabhu M.Sc. Ms. S. Nivetha M.Sc. Mrs. S. Umadevi, M.Sc. lectures, and staffs, Department of Biochemistry, Government arts college, Paramakudi, for their support and encouragement. I have great pleasure in expressing my sincere and heart full thanks to Dr. K.R.T.ASHA M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head of the Department, Department of biochemistry, for this kind help and supports during my experimental study. “Parents are these blessing from god” Who has sacrificed their lives in all aspects to their maximum-sincere thanks to them.. I would like to record my sincere thanks to My Parents and Brothers, for their moral timely help and encouragement. “More over as friends stand behind the success of the man” I heart full thank my friend K.Ajeethkumar M.Sc. S. UmadeviM.sc.S.DhivyaBharathi, V.Manikandan, J. FathimaNancy Sahana, K. Lavanya and my classmates for having given me encouragement and rendered their service in completing the project Last but not the least I thank every one who encouraged and helped me to make this project a real success. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We heart fully thank, Thiru.T.Anbalagan, I.A.S.,Member-Secretary, Tamilnadu State council For Higher Education, Chennai.For selecting our project entitled “PREPARATION OF FISH SCALES AS BIOSORBENT FOR THE REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS IN WATER SOURCE FROM R.S.MANGALAM AREA (Ramanathapuram Dt)‟‟ under „„Student Mini Project‟‟ Scheme and for granting us the fund. Dr. K.R.T. Asha SARAVANAN.G Project Guide Candidate PRINCIPAL CONTENTS S.NO PARTICULARS PAGE.NO 1 ABSTRACT 1 2 INTRODUCTION 2 3 REVIEW OF LITRATURE 15 4 AIM AND OBJECTIVES 19 5 METERIALS AND METHODS 20 6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 30 54 7 CONCLUSION REFERANCE 55 8 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS EPA - Environmental Protection Agency CDA - Copper Development Association DWE - Drinking Water Inspectorate AAS - Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope EDAX - Energy Dispernsive X-ray Analysis FTIR - Fourier -Transform Infrared Spectroscopy WHO - World Health Organization Cu - Copper Pb - lead Zn - Zinc Hg - Mercury Ml - Millilitre Mg - Milligram Gm - Gram PPM - Parts Per Million PPB - Parts Per Billion L - litre ABSTRACT Biosorption is one of the biological treatments that hasemerged as a new technology for the removal and recovery of metal ions from aqueous solutionswhich is more environmental friendly. In this study biosorption using lenthrinus lentjan fish scales wereused with theintention to removeheavy metals such as copper, zinc, plumbum, and mercury ions from synthetic water.In the preliminary water analysis, the results indicated that several factors including Total Dissolved solids, (11,039mg/l) Electrical conductivity 15,770, Hardness (as CaCo3) (5200), Concentration of chlorite (10000mg/l)calcium (1300), shows higher value. After the treatment with biosorbent (fish scale powder) the value was found to be very less, the concentration of Total dissolved solids (9184mg/dl) Electrical conductivity (13120), Hardness (as CaCo3) (4000) Concentration of chlorite (9200) and calcium (1000) . The optimumadsorption capacities of fish scale was investigated under several condition namely, pH, biosorbentdosage, initial heavy metals concentration, and contact time while final concentration was obtainedby using the maximum percentage removals were observed at pH 5 and dosage 0.6g at biosorbent concentration,at 160 rpm agitation speed with maximum removal achieved at 3 hours.FTIR analysis shows the presenceN-H aliphatic primary amine, C-H Alkane, S-H Thiol, C=C Alkene, N-O Nitro compound, CH- alkane Methyl group, C-O Primary alcohol, C=C Alkene Vinylidenefunctional group in the fish scale surface (biosorbent). SEM,EDAX and AAS analysis shows thatpresence of the heavy metal absorption by fish scales, and in SEM analysis the micrograph clearly shows that the presence of new shiny bulky particles over thesurface of heavy metals loaded biosorbent which are absent in the native biosorbent. Theseresults confirm the binding of metal ions in fish scales through Biosorption process. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION One of the main problems of the society in this century is the environmental pollution. The main pollutants include toxic metal, the quantity of which permanently increases in the environment as the result of increased industrial activity. Once toxic metal ions are present in the environment they undergo cycles between its abiotic and biotic elements, posing toxicity in the latter group. Since it is impossible to degrade those pollutants by any means, the only way to remove them from environment is to exclude metal ions from cycling through concentration with a possible recovery and reuse (Volesky, 1997). This would also reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources (Chojnacka, 2010). The problem is of particular significance to human as the final consumer, since on each level of the trophic chain biomagnifications occurs. If toxic metals become bioaccumulated by an organism of human, several disadvantageous symptoms form eg. Neurological, gastrointestinal and immunological systems are observed. Among toxic heavy metals, cadmium is one of the most dangerous for human health (Mandjiny et al., 1998). The industrial uses of cadmium are increasing in plastics, paint pigments, mining, electroplating, batteries and alloy industries (Al-Asheh and Duvnjak, 1997). Cadmium is a highly toxic element and considered as a carcinogen. It can enter the human body by drinking water, eating food, breathing or smoking. Most of the cadmium that enters thebody goes to kidney and liver and can remain there for many years and can cause serious damage to kidney and bones (N. Burham, M.E. Aly., 2014) Metal biosorption is the removal of metal ions by inactive, nonliving biomass due to highly attractive forces present between the two (Volesky and Holan, 1995).
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