Support for New Hope mining It saddens me to hear the constant negativ- If the Stage 3 proposal is rejected, I will be ity and ill-support of the New Hope Group out of a job and, undoubtedly, forced to sell Acland coal mine operation on the Darling our livestock and the family farm. No doubt Downs. we will also move from this district entirely. It is a little known fact how much support As a conscientious member of and parent New Hope Coal lends to the community in the Maclagan/Quinalow region I have seen within which it operates. Having earned a first hand the increase in the population in living as a fourth generation dairy farmer at this district as a direct result of the employ- Maclagan - our family has farmed the land ment opportunities New Hope Group of- since the Crown allotted it to my ancestors fers. some 100 years ago - I feel very passionate New families have purchased long vacant about this region and the welfare of the land. properties and as a result numbers in the local Growing up in primary industry, I was Maclagan kindergarten, Quinalow school and sceptical of mining before experiencing first swimming club are rising with every year. We hand the environmental care, land manage- are repeatedly informed of a decrease in popu- ment practices and rejuvenation commitment lation at Acland but rarely is the population of the New Hope Group. Now, I would rec- increase associated with the mine to nearby ommend purchase of, and certainly consider and similarly small towns such as Quinalow, purchasing myself, any land which New Hope Maclagan, Evergreen and Peranga acknowl- may offer for sale in the years to come for edged. specific use as prime farming land. The New Hope Group plays an invaluable Industry changes and constant climate bat- role in supporting vital services and events tles forced us to seek employment outside that make this a great place to live and raise a the dairy industry two years ago and I was family. In recent times, the New Hope Group fortunate to obtain immediate employment have made substantial monetary donations with New Hope Group Acland operation. to the Quinalow State School senior Canberra This enabled us to continue living in the trip (without which many families would not district we love and keep our family farm. have been able to afford such an excursion), New Hope has provided us with consistent the Maclagan Windermere Kindergarten (to- employment and a substantial wage allowing wards erecting a new child-safe fence to meet our family to thrive in a district where pri- governmental standards) and the Peranga cen- mary industry is sadly no longer able to pro- tenary celebration. vide a reliable income. I have no doubt that continued support by I still run a modest beef cattle enterprise regional and State Government for the New and income sustained from my job at Acland Hope Group Acland Stage 3 mining opera- supports my family in carrying our stock at a tion is fundamental to the prosperity, growth terrible loss due to the prolonged dry being and longevity of this region. - Dale Collins, felt by many Queensland farmers. Maclagan. Water is the go at junior sport A call to ban sugary drinks at sports clubs working with more than 126 sporting clubs shines a welcome spotlight on how we as a and associations in Queensland to help them community can make sure our clubs pro- provide healthy food and drinks, as well as mote good health. manage alcohol responsibly and provide Alcohol, tobacco and obesity together are smoke-free grounds. the three main contributors to disability and By providing unhealthy food and drink in death in Australia. our sports clubs we are sending mixed mes- Children deserve a healthy environment sages. to play sport and that includes making sure It’s time we thought more carefully about healthy food and drink options are the norm. the kinds of food and drink we sell in our Water should be the go-to-drink at games, clubs and make sure that our children are get- not fizzy drinks. ting healthier when they’re out playing sport. The Australian Drug Foundation’s Good - Daniel Egan, Queensland Good Sports Sports Healthy Eating program is already manager, Australian Drug Foundation. Organ donation This is DonateLife Week - Australia’s na- The majority of Australians are willing to tional awareness week to promote organ and become organ and tissue donors, but the fami- tissue donation. The week encourages Aus- ly’s support and agreement are needed. Al- tralians to talk about the possibility of be- though three in four Australians have dis- coming an organ donor so that even more cussed donation with their family, only 53 Australians can have a healthier future. per cent of people know what the definite We’re asking people in rural and remote decision on organ and tissue is for their loved areas to lead the way on this. Becoming an ones. organ donor is simple and quick to do. Such DonateLife Week encourages every Aus- generosity can save a life, or more than one tralian family to discuss and confirm their life, and transform the lives of recipients and loved ones’ donation decisions. One of the their families. inspiring stories on the DonateLife stories of You can register your decision to become hope page is about Judy and Ian Batty tragi- an organ and tissue donor at any Medicare cally losing their son in a car accident and the branch or phone 1800 777 203 or register lives he saved through his organ donations. online at the Australian Organ Donor Regis- Later on that year Judy herself needed a kid- ter website: www.humanservices.gov.au/ ney transplant and received a donation that organdonor. she described as having changed her life com- In Australia in 2012, 354 organ donors gave pletely. 1053 Australians a new chance in life. Hav- Australia is a world leader in successful ing the chat with your family will help you transplant outcomes. However, there are still be prepared, should you ever be asked to around 1600 people on the organ and tissue confirm a loved one’s donation decision. It’s donation waiting list. A resource kit relating a chat that could one day save lives. to the special week is available at http:// One donor can transform the lives of up www.donatelife.gov.au/resources/donatelife- to 10 people and significantly improve the week-2014/donatelife-week-tool-kit .- Tim lives of many more. Kelly, chairperson. Free stress management workshop A free stress management and holistic There will be advice in choosing the best health workshop will be held on Sunday, sugars, fats, salt, super-foods and miner- April 13, 9am to 2.30pm in Toowoomba als; as well as being aware of foods to avoid for residents of Toowoomba’s outer dis- which exacerbate common complaints. tricts. You will have a brief understanding of This is a free community service spon- how common ailments are related to emo- sored by the Foundation of Rural and Re- tional issues, how to overcome environ- gional Renewal and Toowoomba Interna- mental stresses such as electro-magnetic tional Multicultural Society. radiation from computers or mobiles, and In this workshop you will learn to iden- simple practical techniques to help relief tify various stresses - why we need to eat physical stresses. alkaline foods in order to manage stresses, build our immune system, and keep our For bookings call Daphne Fung 4635 energy levels up. 9669 or 0411 549 337. MAILBOX-TO-MAILBOX DELIVERY Pool praise Thumbs-up and congratulations on a job over the years and have found Crows Nest THE HERALD REACHES MORE LOCAL CUSTOMERS well done to Danni and Lara who maintain pool to be one of the cleanest and best looked THAN ANY OTHER MEDIA - Phone 4615 4416 the Crows Nest swimming pool. As an avid after. Keep up the good work girls. - Jeni swimmer, I have swum in many public pools Wilson, Crows Nest. More letters page 3 2 - HIGH COUNTRY HERALD - MARCH 4, 2014 NORTHPOINT OPENING Suicide - who’s to blame? Stress, violence. child abuse, murders, robberies, massive New shopping centre based debt, bankruptcies, job losses, and suicides on the increase. Some people ask, “What can governments do to stop this tragic loss of life; particularly of young people and farmers”. Well, that’s a silly question, because it is governments that on population growth create much of the stress due to massive debt and other insane policies. The so-called Christian churches and sects should also By MILES NOLLER shoulder some of the blame for the sad state of mind of so many people. At the last census, five million people indi- The growth of the Toowoomba region was the basis cated that they had no religious affiliation. And is it any of the construction of the Northpoint shopping centre wonder? Christianity is a confused mess of false dogma and that opened for business last Wednesday. ridiculous ritual. Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts said People need to accept the teachings of Jesus and believe new facilities would follow in areas where there was His positive promise of everlasting life. If people lived in good population growth. peace, love, hope, joy, and faith; there would be few or no He said it would provide convenience for the people suicides. - Jay Nauss, Glen Aplin. of the north side of Toowoomba and he hoped it would help lift Harlax-ton as a suburb, and also have a posi- SMS 0409 890 081 tive effect on the nearby Harlaxton State School.
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