Preferred Programs - Hamilton College last updated: Nov. 21, 2014 Country Host City Program Host Institution and Web Address Year Fall Spring Telephone Argentina Buenos IFSA - Butler Argentine Universities Program Y Y Y 800-858-0229 Aires www.ifsa-butler.org Argentina Buenos SIT Social Movements & Human Rights Y Y 888-272-7881 Aires www.sit.edu/ARR NOT APPROVED FOR HSPST CREDIT Australia Adelaide IFSA - Butler University of Adelaide Y Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Australia Melbourne Arcadia Univ. University of Melbourne Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Australia Melbourne IFSA - Butler University of Melbourne Y Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Australia Melbourne Arcadia Univ. Victorian College of the Arts Y Y Y 8669272234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Australia Perth Arcadia Univ. University of Western Australia Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Australia Perth IFSA - Butler University of Western Australia Y Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Australia Sydney Arcadia Univ. University of Sydney Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Australia Sydney IFSA - Butler University of Sydney Y Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Brazil Salvador SIT Public Health, Race, and Human Rights Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/BRH Cameroon Yaounde SIT Social Pluralism and Development Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/CMR Chile Arica SIT Public Health, Traditional Medicine, and Community Empowerment Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/CIH NOT APPROVED FOR HSPST CREDIT Chile Santiago SIT Comparative Education and Social Change Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/CIK *NOT APPROVED FOR HSPST CREDIT* Chile Valparaiso SIT Cultural Identity, Soc Justice & Commun Developmnt Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/CIR NOT APPROVED FOR HSPST CREDIT China Beijing Hamilton College Associated Colleges in China Prog Y Y Y 3158594326 http://www.hamilton.edu/academics/eal/Abroad_Link. Costa Rica Various in School for Field Studies SFS Center for Sustainable Development Studies Y Y 8009894418 Costa Rica NOT APPROVED FOR HSPST CREDIT Czech Republic Prague CIEE CIEE – Film Studies Y Y 80040STUDY www.ciee.org Czech Republic Prague SIT Arts and Social Change Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/CZR Denmark Copenhagen DIS University of Copenhagen Y Y 8002473477 www.dis.dk Ecuador Quito SIT Comparative Ecology and Conservation Y Y 8022583212 NOT APPROVED FOR HSPST CREDIT http://www.hamilton.edu/offcampusstudy Page 1 of 5 Preferred Programs - Hamilton College last updated: Nov. 21, 2014 Country Host City Program Host Institution and Web Address Year Fall Spring Telephone France Paris Columbia University "Columbia Univ., Avery & Reid Halls" Y Y 212-854-3510 www.arch.columbia.edu/Degrees/NYparis/nyp.html France Paris Hamilton College Sorbonne, IEP, Paris VI, others Y 315-859-4201 www.hamilton.edu/academic/programs_abroad/france.html SEMESTER for science majors or others studying abroad elsewhere for one semester; see department for details France Paris Vassar-Wesleyan "Reid Hall, Univs. de Paris VII, XII" Y Y 860-685-6852 www.wesleyan.edu/ois/paris.html Germany Dortmund University of Dortmund University of Dortmund Y Y 0231-755-1 www.uni-dortmund.de/top/ Germany Freiburg Colgate Univ. Albert-Ludwigs Univ. Y 315-228-7216 http://offices.colgate.edu/ocstudy Germany Munich Wayne State Ludwig-Maximilians Univ. Y 011-49-89/52 http://www.worldbridge.wayne.edu/jym/livingingermany.html 3026 38 Germany T bingen Tufts University Eberhard-Karls-Univ. Y Y 617-627-2000 www.ase.tufts.edu/studyabroad Greece Athens American School of Athens Y 609 683-0800 Classical Studies www.ascsa.org Greece Athens Arcadia Univ. Athens Y Y Y 30-210-72-36- www.arcadia.edu/abroad 313 Hungary Budapest API Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration Y Y Y 800-844-4124 www.academicintl.com India Jaipur SIT Sustainable Development and Social Change Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/IND India New Delhi SIT Health and Human Rights Y Y 888-272-7881 www.sit.edu/INH India Several NY State Ind. College "Bard, Hamilton, Hartwick, Hobart, St. Lawrence, Skidmore" Y 315-859-4022 Consortium www.hamilton.edu Ireland Cork Arcadia Univ. Univ. College Cork Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Ireland Cork IFSA - Butler Univ. College Cork Y Y Y 800 828-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Ireland Dublin IFSA - Butler University College Dublin Y Y Y 800 828-0229 www.ifs-abutler.org Ireland Dublin Arcadia Univ. Trinity College Dublin Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Ireland Dublin IFSA - Butler Trinity College Dublin Y 800-828-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Ireland Dublin Arcadia Univ. University College Dublin Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Ireland Galway IFSA-Butler Nat'l Univ of Ireland Galway Y Y Y 8008280229 www.ifsa-butler.org Italy Florence NYU La Pietra Y Y Y 212-998-4433 www.nyu.edu/studyabroad/undergraduate/florence/index.html Italy Florence Sarah Lawrence Sarah Lawrence Center Florence Y Y Y 8008734752 http://www.slc.edu/international-exchange/italy/fl Italy Milan IES "Univ. Inst. Of Modern Langs, Milan" www.iesabroad.org Y Y Y 800-995-2300 http://www.hamilton.edu/offcampusstudy Page 2 of 5 Preferred Programs - Hamilton College last updated: Nov. 21, 2014 Country Host City Program Host Institution and Web Address Year Fall Spring Telephone Italy Padova Boston Univ. www.bu.edu/abroad Y Y Y 617-353-9888 Italy Perugia Arcadia Univ. The Umbra Institute Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Italy Rome Duke Univ. (ICCS) Rome Y Y 919-684-2695 Italy Rome Temple Univ. Rome Y Y Y 215-204-0720 www.temple.edu/studyabroad Italy Rome Trinity Univ. Rome Y Y 860-297-2005 www.trincoll.edu/depts/rome/ Japan Hikone JCMU Japan Center for Michigan Universities Y 517-355-4654 http://www.isp.msu.edu/jcmu/ Japan Kyoto Columbia University Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies Y N Y 650-725-0233 www.cw.columbia.edu/op Japan Nagoya IES Nanzan University Y Y Y 800.995.2300 https://www.iesabroad.org/IES/home.html Japan Tokyo CIEE CIEE Study Center at Sophia University Y N Y 800-40 STUDY www.ciee.org/isp Jordan Amman CIEE Language and Culture Y Y 80040 STUDY http://www.ciee.org/study-abroad/jordan/amman/lang Jordan Amman SIT Modernization and Social Change Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/JOR Kenya Nairobi SIT Health and Community Development Y Y 888-272-7881 www.sit.edu/KER Kenya Nairobi St. Lawrence Kenya Semester Program Y Y 315-229-5991 www.stlawu.edu/ciis/html/off_campus/kenya/index.html Kenya Several SIT Coastal Studies Y Y 888-272-7881 www.sit.edu Kenya Several The School for Field Wildlife Management Studies Y Y 900-989-4418 Studies www.fieldstudies.org Madagascar Antananarivo SIT National Identity and Social Change Y Y 888-272-7881 www.sit.edu Mexico Puebla Program in Mexican Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla Y Y Y 413-585-3651 Culture and Society in http://www.smith.edu/spp/pmcsp.html Puebla Mongolia Ulaanbaatar SIT Geopolitics and Environment Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/MFR Nepal Kathmandu SIT Development and Social Y Y 888-272-7881 Change www.sit.edu Netherlands Amsterdam SIT International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/NLR New Zealand Auckland Arcadia Univ. University of Auckland Y Y Y 866-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abraod http://www.hamilton.edu/offcampusstudy Page 3 of 5 Preferred Programs - Hamilton College last updated: Nov. 21, 2014 Country Host City Program Host Institution and Web Address Year Fall Spring Telephone New Zealand Dunedin IFSA-Butler University of Otago Y Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org New Zealand Dunedin Arcadia Univ. University of Otago Y Y Y 800-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad New Zealand Wellington Arcadia Univ. Victoria University of Wellington Y Y Y 800-927-2234 www.arcadia.edu/abroad Niger Niamey Boston Univ. The Niamey Language and Liberal Arts Program Y Y Y 617-353-9888 www.bu.edu/abroad Peru Lima IFSA - Butler Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org Russian Federation Irkutsk, Middlebury College Various Y Y Y 8204435745 Yaroslavl, Moscow Russian Federation Multiple ACTR Multiple Options Y Y Y 202-833-7522 Locations www.acrussiaabroad.org/ Russian Federation St. Bard-Smolny Study Smolny Institute Y Y 845-758-7081 Petersburg Abroad Program http://www.smolny.org/bard-smolny/studyabroad/ South Africa Cape Town SIT Multiculturalism and Human Rights Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/SFP South Africa Capetown CIEE Study Center at the University of Cape Town Y Y Y 800-40 STUDY "www.ciee,org/isp" South Africa Durban SIT Community Health and Social Policy Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/SFH Spain Madrid Hamilton College Instituto Internacional en España Y Y Y 315-859-4201 www.hamilton.edu/academics/programs_abroad/spain.html Sweden Stockholm Swedish Program Stockholm School of Economics Y Y Y 315-737-0123 www.swedishprogram.org Tanzania Several SIT Wildlife Conservation and Political Ecology Y Y 888-272-7881 www.sit.edu Tanzania Stone Town SIT Zanzibar - Wildlife Conservation and Political Ecology Y Y 8882727881 www.sit.edu/TZZ United Kingdom Bangor, Arcadia Univ. Bangor University Y Y 8669272253 Wales www.arcadia.edu/abroad/Bangor United Kingdom Cambridge IFSA - Butler University of Cambridge Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org United Kingdom Canterbury IFSA - Butler University of Kent Y Y 800-858-0229 www.ifsa-butler.org United Kingdom Edinburgh, IFSA - Butler University of Edinburgh Y Y Y (44 131) 650 Scotland www.ifsa-butler.org 4301 United Kingdom Edinburgh, Arcadia Univ.
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